“I wish Ma had gotten a song to herself. There was so much potential for a great song about Ma's identity crisis, and she just... didn't get one.” - Anon
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I thought evillious was spelled evilis
recheck the title or smth!!
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“Honestly don’t get why people generally consider Venomania to be the worst sinner. He’s definitely one of the worst but Nemesis literally became a fascist and ended the world. Don’t really think you can top that one. ” - Anon
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”I honestly hate how most of the characters in the series are named? Like sateriisis???? How do you spell that????? Riliane/rilliane/Rilane, and then there's Allen. Hello Allen. How are you today” - Anon
Mod's note : Get good anon
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I wanna cosplay kayo, she’s my favorite sinner. The envy arc is my favorite
someone should make an evillious random thoughts account for these type of asks
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“Not much of a confession more like a genuine question but have most of you not read the novels yet?? I just joined the fandom, people here kept telling newcomers to read the novels etc etc so I did and wow the amount of misinformation in the wiki and general fandom, it's staggering. I know there's a lot to remember but at least try to be accurate when you're trying to summarize something from Evillious.” - Anon
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“I hate hate hate HATE it when people baby Cherubim. I don't CARE if he's a "child" and got bullied his whole life. He's a terrible person. No sinners are good people, why would you infantilize a full serial r4pist knowing damn well he did something wrong?? He's not a "precious baby", he's a full on monster. And it amuses me how the people who say this never talk about Lolan Eve.” - Anon
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“I remember when i first joined ec I thought elluka was a minor character .” - Anon
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please keep in mind this is a confession blog, not a send me anything you want me to copy and paste to put it in a post blog, i thought this is obvious?
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I named an oc after Rilaline, the ocs name is Rinalyne
this does not count as a confession.
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“Aaaaah i wish mothy would stop referring to Hansel as stupid. like. Wow geez this guy is(as Pollo) at least decently emotionally intelligent lol” - Anon
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ghost rb?
“I know it won’t happen but I love the idea of gallerian living with both his daughters happily. I think he’d treat nemesis like he treated Michelle if he knew she existed” - Anon
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“I know it won’t happen but I love the idea of gallerian living with both his daughters happily. I think he’d treat nemesis like he treated Michelle if he knew she existed” - Anon
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“I am still salty that Bruno know who Nemesis is but never told Gallerian.” - Anon
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“I wish Mothy makes a Gammon Octo song. ” - Anon
Mods note :
SAME ANON... i love my scrinb he needs one asap
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“I would literally die for Bruno Zero. I’ve never loved a real person as much as I love that man. It kills me that we never saw him happy- Gallerian could have made him happy, but Gallerian was well… Gallerian.” - Anon
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“I honestly don't understand why a lot of people are either like "x character did nothing wrong" or "x character did everything wrong" especially with the sinners.
I mean, yeah, the sinners sinned! Of course they did something wrong! All of them killed people, so saying that they did nothing wrong is... Well, wrong.
But saying that they did everything wrong is also false, before their contracts the sinners were actually pretty good folks (with trauma)
This also goes for others characters.
Allen killed people but he stays a good person even though he has done bad things.
Clarith has tried to kill someone and who knows what would have happened if Allen hadn't stepped in as a ghost? Maybe she would have done it? She's a good character who hasn't only done good things.
I think the EC fandom should more on how most, if not all, characters are morally grey. Some are good but did bad things, some are bad but did good things, some are neither good nor bad and did both bad and good things. That's what the story focuses on after all, how everyone, no matter how good they are, have a part of evil in them.” - Anon
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