ex247seungri-blog · 7 years
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// seungri the model // vid cr. anitawang__
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ex247seungri-blog · 7 years
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Just read the last paragraph.
I guess it’s quite apparent that this was coming...
I’m not good at saying goodbyes... but I’ll try.
As sad as I am to do this, my schedule does not permit having active closed rp accounts. Instead of being selfish, holding on to two characters which I know I won’t be able to commit to, I’m letting them go [ both Lisa and Ri ] and whoever plays them next, I’m quite positive they’ll bring a refreshing take on them... maybe do them more justice than I ever did. Heh. 
Let’s start off by thanking the admins @247krp for doing a great job at coming up with this directory. The idea of GG was splendid. If anything, that was one of the reasons that attracted me most of the directory. Thank you for all the hard work put in to maintain the directory and also, thank you for patiently answering my questions, entertaining my ENDLESS hiatus requests. You guys are awesome.  
Thank you @seunghyun247 for bringing me here. But TOO BAD YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME FOR LIFE so no goodbyes for you. u_u [ I will miss our tabiri/tabisa/kaisa/kairi a lot tho T^T ]
@247jiyong Don’t forget to eat fries before the year ends and thank you for being patient with me even when I take 70000 years to reply. 
@247sumin Thank you for accepting my proposal AHAHAH
@kookie247 Thank you for being patient with my replies and I will miss the angst on Lisa!!!
I’m not close to anyone else here but to the rest of the directory @247nana, @natalie247, @247joohyun, @247jaebum, @247jinwoon, @247namjoon, @247dean, @247yoongi,  @sehun247,  @247sooyoung, @jinah247, @247minho, @247yang [ newbies whom I’ve yet to greet or otherwise ], I sincerely hope you will enjoy the upcoming events and have fun developing your characters in this awesome place! There will be plenty of opportunities, I’m sure.
To end, thank you for having me here. I’m not sure if I’ll be coming back to 24/7 or even closed rp... probably not... SO HERE COMES THE NAGGING: Everyone please stay safe and live your life to the fullest. Follow your dreams, even if reality sets in, don’t settle, go for more. Don’t forget your vitamins (fish oil, vitamin c, probiotics, multivitamins), hydrate and wear sunscreen (at least a quarter teaspoon) daily. Look left, right, left again while crossing the roads. Don’t doubt yourself, no matter what anyone says... and if you do find yourself thinking twice about your significance in this world, just remember that you have a purpose for being here, you may never find out what it is but the world absolutely needs you here. I think I should stop right now haha! Don’t forget I love you all! ❤️
Much love, Hani
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
AFTER 100+++ APPLICATIONS, I F I N A L L Y GOT A JOB!!! and I start tomorrow. 
So, I’ll be taking a week off to settle into the new schedule. I’ll miss roleplaying but I want to focus on this job. Thank you for being patient with me~
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
I’m sorry about the lack of activity, it’s been... quite a busy week and I have a job interview tomorrow (which I desperately need to nail or else...) so replies to plotting messages and threads will come only after that!
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
god. this is so annoying. so annoying, annoying, annoying, why does he think that she called him here to have a replica of that night she regrets so much? why is he making it even harder than it already is for her? god, she just wants to– it’s fine. it’s not his fault. it’s not his fault that she got pregnant, not entirely, at least. they were both in the wrong for not being careful. it’s also not his fault that he has no idea. why would he know? she should stop being angry at anyone but herself. 
right. she hates herself enough already, so that will be easy.
“that’s so nice of you,” hyojung says, but this time, no smile accompanies her words. she gestures him to follow her into the living room and if he does follow, she waits for him to sit down on the couch or anywhere he prefers to, while not taking a seat herself. she feels like they would be way too close if she just sat right next to him; she needs this distance right now otherwise she will surely faint.
his words make her want to throw up. in love? glowing? her ass. but she does a good job hiding her true reaction and instead lets out a sheepish, but still awkward chuckle, just slightly shaking her head and glad that his tone felt joking. right, he can only joke about this. even though she would prefer if he just wasn’t so giddy giddy all over right now. 
“of course not. but i’m glad i look like that to you,” because i sure as hell don’t feel like that, but she doesn’t say that out loud. fidgeting with the hem of her shirt and purposefully avoiding his gaze, hyojung quietly murmurs, “you’re probably wondering why i invited you here… right?”
Her reply sounded like music to his ears. This could actually turn out great. She had no boyfriend, he had no girlfriend, neither of them would be cheating if they chose to have some fun. Seungri could not help but smile thinking about it. Flopping onto the couch, a wide triumphant grin on his lips, he shifted a little to make space for her. Only to find her still standing at a distance. She appeared apprehensive. Could Hyojung be nervous about this? Maybe they could have a few drinks to loosen up, get tipsy, just like their previous time together. 
Or maybe she has other plans, he thought to himself. 
He blinked rapidly upon noticing her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt. By now, his imagination turned wild, wilder than before. Visions of Hyojung doing a strip tease here in her living room flooded his brain. Her soft voice and lowered gaze fuelled these inappropriate thoughts. He had no qualms of doing it sober, screw the drinks. 
Clearing his throat, he tried to come up with a response that would not come across as desperate. He might have certain mindset about this meeting but she did not need to know that, unless she had the same mindset too. “I... do hope it’s because you missed seeing my face. It’s been a while since we last met,” Seungri joked, giving out a chuckle to sound as though he was not expecting anything at all. 
“I’m joking. I don’t know why you asked me to come over actually. Please enlighten me.”
☆ congratulations: you’re a dad!
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Bang bang bang! 🎤🎧 Fuente: instagram seungriteru
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Seunghyun has zero experience with confessions. He’d never confessed his feelings for anyone in high school whom he’d had a crush on, even Hoseok, who was probably his longest Cheongnam ideal. Even before that, in elementary school- not a single confession ever left his lips. As he grew older, he figured out that confessions were overrated anyway, and usually people just got together by asking the other out, and that’s how he’s gotten girlfriends or boyfriends.
Never has he actually confessed to someone before even a first date, or said anything remotely close to “I love you” without some sort of guarantee that it would be returned. After the hurt and pain he’s been through in his life, he’s not one to put himself on the line like this, step this far out of his comfort zone. Up until just today, when he’d left that voice mail message, he didn’t think he ever would, but something had to give. Something had to happen.
The last thing he expects though, is for Seungri to deny it. Just flat out say no, he didn’t believe? What sort of nonsense would this be– why would Seunghyun destroy everything around himself for a lie? He could see Seungri refusing his feelings, not feeling the same way, and rejecting him, but not even accepting that they’re real? That’s just… what the hell? “What? What do you mean, you-….”
He’s stunned for a moment before Seungri starts laying out some accusations against him, brings up the awkwardness between them, brings up Namjoon– and Seunghyun wants to disappear. “How else am I supposed to say it? You’re not jumping to invite me over, are you? You didn’t want to see me either, you know you didn’t.” Right, this is a fucking fantastic way to start. Seungri doesn’t even know about any of the other people Seunghyun has slept with in the last few months, but it’s all been in an attempt to forgot about him. It’s been in an attempt to get his mind away from someone he should consider only just a friend. How can he explain himself? “Things feel awkward, and I just-… I don’t-…”
If that’s how you love, then I don’t want it.
Something important inside Seunghyun leaves when he hears that. His blood feels cold suddenly and everything is inhumanly still, except for the stinging, burning sensation of his wrists, as though the blood there wants to get out. The phone is heavy, his eyes are steady, he can’t move or speak for a long moment. He’s never confessed to anyone before, never felt this strongly for anyone before, never loved anyone for so long before. But now everything is empty and dark and quiet– so, so fucking quiet. But he can’t hear his heart beating or his lungs breathing.
“Okay, sorry for bothering you, forget I said anything, I’ll see you later.” He hangs up and drops the phone.
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Seunghyun felt his heart flutter like a fucking fangirl when Seungri accepts the challenge, lifting a finger up and winking at him. Did he have to do that? Did he have to flirt like that, make Seunghyun shy like that, be charismatic and silly like that? Didn’t he know the things he was doing to Seunghyun’s insides, how he was messing him all up, just from that small action, that small acceptance. And they were standing up on stage, they were in front of everyone here, everybody was looking. A few of them were even wooting.
A moment later though, Seunghyun was all smiles and laughter, cracking up at Seungri’s dancing, even when he was seriously popping. It was impressive, but there was this giddy, stupid feeling bubbling in his chest and he couldn’t help himself. He nodded appreciatively, laughing more when he sees his own moves incorporated, which makes him immediately point it out. “Ah! Ah! See! You did teach me that, I told you! You’re even better at it than I am!”
But still, he had to counter the dance attack, and by now a large percentage of the crowd was watching and laughing at them. Seunghyun didn’t care, as long as Seungri was having fun. He did a small mockery of Seungri’s moves, getting all of it wrong because he doesn’t know how to pop or lock, before venturing off into his version of moon-walking and arm wiggling. He finally stops because he’s too embarrassed, his whole face red, but it’s Seungri’s turn. “Beat that, punk!”
The increasing number of onlookers did not affect him. In fact, he liked it a lot since he thrived on attention. Watching Seunghyun attempting to mimic his moves made him laugh heartily. The older male always put on a silly face whenever he tried to dance and the weird way he execute his movements never failed to tickle Seungri’s insides. It was part of Seunghyun’s charm, his ability to make Seungri laugh hard so easily. That was why the younger thoroughly enjoyed his company, something he had missed over the past few months. 
Seungri’s laughter got louder when the other proceeded to moon-walk across the stage. By this time, the second-hand embarrassment overwhelmed Seungri so much so that he had to cover his face after a failed attempt of asking him to stop. When Seunghyun challenged him again, he almost threw in the towel but the crowd obviously needed more entertainment. He spent a short moment to recover and regain his breath before returning to his competitive mode.
"Hyung please, that’s all you got?” Immediately after his taunt, Seungri served a proper moon-walk, a smug smile on his face upon completing it successfully. “Now that’s a moon-walk,” he announced, giving a bow to the crowd as they cheered and clapped for him. He then turned to the older, quirking his brows with a smirk on his lips, “So, admit defeat or one more round?”
keep smiling || seungri + tabi
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
[ Bold which is most applicable to your muse between the two options! ]
Book smarts OR Street smarts
Introverted OR Extroverted
Sensible OR Imaginative
Brave OR Foolhardy
Family OR Friends
Wrath OR Greed 
Sunrise OR Sunset
Indoors OR Outdoors
Night owl OR Early bird
Technology OR Old fashioned
Left-handed OR Right-handed
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
It was probably the most annoying time of the year, White Day. Don’t get her wrong, White Day is a cute day in her opinion, but it was always annoying to her because she did not want to be part of it. ‘Men just want to woo you and then use you. Sooner or later, they’ll throw you away.’ Her mother’s words would echo in her mind whenever she had thoughts about dating. Love wasn’t worth the pain. Strained eyes from staring at a computer screen was. That will get you a career, men would just be distracting to the main goal.
Rose kept herself away from all that and focused on the book for her next class while her classmates were rustling the paper from their gifts a little too much to try and find out what was inside. Of course Rose felt a bit left out and lonely, but it was better than feeling embarrassed of rejecting a gift. 
Class was finally dismissed and Rose gathered her things and neatly organized them in her bag while the girls stacked up their books and left the room. She walked out of the class, but before she stepped farther, she noticed Seungri next to her and she smiled. It was rare for her to have male friends because the guys would be interested in hooking up, but Seungri was different. It was clear to her that he had no intention of that. He was flirty, but it wasn’t only to her and it wasn’t obnoxious. He was funny and treated her with respect.
Rose’s gaze was first on his face, but his body position was off to her. “Seungri! What are you doing here?”
The shuffling of feet and chattering between the students marked the end of the lesson. Seungri inhaled one last deep breath, exhaling it through his mouth and was now ready to make his move. The bouquet hidden behind his back, he waited by the door, eyes scanning through the mass of teenagers exiting the classroom. Upon seeing her leaving, Seungri’s heart leaped and a shy grin graced his face. It was time to make his move. 
He had wanted to call out for her, but his voice got stuck in his throat for some reason. The breathing exercises he did earlier did not seem to be effective enough to rid him of his nerves at all. The senior approached her instead, walking right next to her in silence until she noticed his presence. Their eyes met and Seungri gave out a nervous chuckle instead of greeting her right away. Standing in front of Rose, the usual chatterbox was rendered speechless. His cheeks began warming up, he was sure that they were tinged with pink. There was nothing suave or charming about him right now. In fact, he seemed like a high school girl attempting to have some small talk with her crush. 
“Hi,” Seungri offered a friendly smile, relieved that his voice sounded normal to his ears. For a short moment, he was stumped as to what to say next. He did not have some speech memorized for this nor did he have any fixed plans. Being spontaneous and flexible would be more genuine, in his opinion. The only thing that mattered to him was expressing his true feelings to her. Part of him regretted not organizing this thoroughly. If he had, there would be no awkward silences to deal with. 
He averted his gaze to the floor, biting his bottom lip, secretly wishing she would give him a positive reply to his next question. “Are you busy right now? I need to talk to you, if that is okay.”
Confession. [ past ]
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
halloween or christmas building snowmen or snowball fights cotton candy or popcorn balloons or glitter ghosts or aliens space or the ocean penguins or flamingos
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Indeed, they weren’t working in a project that would only end with a bad grade if they hadn’t accomplished it before the stated deadline. And it also wasn’t like Jiyong didn’t know the obvious difference between high school and actual job which made affording his lifestyle and expensive taste easier. Yet for him if felt as though he had to prove how the seemingly impossible challenge might be doable by all means.
Seeing the lack of Seungri’s enthusiasm didn’t stop his own from growing in power, along with his broadening grin of mischievousness. Putting hand over his heart, Jiyong faked a gasp and pulled his eyebrows together in a slight frown upon hearing the other’s words. Although he agreed with him completely, there were no chances of him admitting it. At such rare moment, he couldn’t eventually give in and gift his co-worker with pure satisfaction. “I had no clue that you’d matured so much over the years, Ri!” Using his nickname wasn’t too likely to sooth Seungri’s vexation. “Hear me out, I like my job, too. That why I’d rather work my ass off last minute and create something worthy enough instead of achieving the plain average.”
Cooperating harmoniously they could’ve done in maybe less than an hour, with a modicum of luck. Pointless quarrels would make them stuck in one another’s company for even longer, and so far the second scenario was closer to the reality. Leaning back in his seat, Jiyong crossed his legs and laced his fingers together as he watched Seungri probably writing down the song from the destroyed set list. “Go ahead.” He snorted sarcastically as the other’s particular wish reached his ears. “What’s stopping you? Morals or the fact that you will be left with this task alone?”
The mocking tone in Jiyong’s voice was hard to miss. Seungri could only glare in return, left quite speechless for someone known as a chatterbox during his teenage years. Although beneath his silence, the rage still ongoing and not expected to calm down so soon. At least, not until they get the job done. 
“Do you think last minute work would churn out the best results?” His nostrils flared slightly as he exhaled, still finding his excuse invalid. He hated last minute work, but that seemed to be what he had to settle for now that Jiyong had scrapped away all their past efforts. “Not usually. So, we would need a miracle on this. If anything bad happens, I’m putting all the blame on you,” he warned, voice stern and serious. 
With a huff, he continued working on the set list but the anger boiling inside him was affecting his memory. Nothing was coming out. As Jiyong taunted him further, all his motions stop and he lifted his gaze to stare at the other. Mentally, Seungri was lashing out and strangling him already. That was all he could afford to do, unfortunately - killing Jiyong in his mind. 
“Morals,” he replied matter-of-factly after a moment of silence. Gaze lowered, he focused his attention onto the glaring blank screen. Despite being terribly annoyed in this situation they were stuck in, Seungri had the intention to finish this task. They were both assigned to this and he was not planning on giving up half way like a sore loser. His ego did not allow him to. It was time to prove to Jiyong that he was indeed a mature adult.  
“We’ll redo it then,” with a nod of his head, he accepted the challenge, “Since you’re the one who threw out our ideas, why not you tell me what you have in mind?”
Are you fucking insane?!
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
Confession. [ past ]
🐼 Flirtin’ with… @247rose!
Holding onto a single stalk bouquet, Seungri wandered down the hallways of Cheongnam with a smug grin plastered to his face. No one found it odd, for it was March 14th and seeing males carrying white coloured gifts around was expected. To commemorate White Day this year, Seungri only had one person in mind. He had a white rose for a female junior, coincidentally named Rose as well. He had been waiting for this day for a while. Ever since they became acquaintances, in fact. Since day one he laid his eyes on her, Seungri had an inkling she was special and indeed, she lived up to his assumptions. Not only was she beautiful, she was smart and hardworking as well. Needless to say, his feelings for Rose grew beyond platonic in a few months of knowing her. He wanted to be more than just friends. 
As he approached the classroom which she was in, his tummy churned a little. He was slightly apprehensive about his plan although in contrast, he was excited about it too. Doubtful but hopeful at the same time. The two distinct sets of feelings were battling each other and he could only pray that the positive side come out victorious in this situation. He needed to win. Not a competition, but a heart. To win Rose’s heart was the ultimate goal now. 
Peeking into the room, he could spot her from the first glance. His heart skipped a beat upon seeing her long, shiny hair and then it increased steadily. His nerves were kicking in. He only had about 10 minutes before the end of class to collect himself. Back rested against the wall, he waited outside, taking in deep breaths. “You can do this,” he mumbled, clenching the fist of his non-dominant hand. “You’re Lee Seunghyun. Seungri, hwaiting.”
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ex247seungri-blog · 8 years
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Dazed 2016
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