Communication: The way to understanding and building relations
Communication is significant for it is the way to express ideas, feelings, needs and wants. It is the key to explain the knowledge, opinion, beliefs, To relate with other people and form cordial relationship, to persuade others to believe in your ideas and claims, to entertain others with your wit and humor and to appreciate the present moment and experience.
Communication is a complex process. It is the only way to any global business and overall interaction of all living things both verbal and non-verbal way of expression. It is the language of leadership. Communication is either verbal or non-verbal, both are significant as long as both sender and receiver of the message can absorb it's message from any forms of channel used without getting into misunderstand and fight. The first thing that a person needs to understand is that words really cuts deeper than a knife, so the first thing we need to learn is the ability of knowing the meaning of what you say before you speak because being lack of good communication skill can ruin a good relation since failure to talk in a good manner is always the reason of nuemorous count of misunderstanding
Everyone must do and analyze the effective communication skill because it is the only way to advocate one's self because people often lead to confusion thinking that communication is all just about making conversation and that is where argument starts since communication is all about understanding your partner's point of view, offering support and the willingness to place your foot into their shoe to make a strong bond and good relation to avoid going into fight.
Communication is used in different channels and any other forms of media so we must be careful and knowledgeable about the information presented to us because there's still a lot of people that uses other forms of channel just to confuse the mind of the readers and listeners about the information. Some of them tries to give false information just to gain popularity and selfish desires so, we better have a critical thinking skills to analyze the truth, to avoid confusions, misunderstandings and to avoid getting into arguments and fight due to wrong judgements.
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Pope Francis: The way to a new and joyful life embracing God's love
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He is Jorge Mario Bergoglio first Jesuit pope, he was born on December 17 1936 and he is the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He was elected on 13 March 2013. He chose the name Francis to honor St. Francis of Assisi.
Everyone is devoted to him, Everyone honors and listens to him, He is the father of the catholic church. We, Catholics, highly respect him for his extensive diplomatic, cultural and spiritual influence. He plays a significant role in every one's spiritual life and his main vision is to turn our hearts back to God enable to build a strong foundation of relationship between him and to humanity, He's raising an advocacy to continue the charitable works, defense the human rights, mold every one of us to be moral and nost importantly is to convince our hearts and minds to fully accept God and neglect our wrongdoings.
I've always seen him at television, and I always heard something about him at the magazines and social medias specifically about his preachings about the goodness of our God. He is the best influencer for me, His words breaks my heart for I realized how important God is into my life, How God helps me in different ways, He save me from sins, for every breakdowns, he's always there carrying me up and gives me several lessons and guidance to face life's obstacles one more time with stronger faith and hope. Every words that Pope Francis was telling to every one us is a voice of God, asking us to turn our hearts in him, to serve him, to love him sincerely and whole-heartedly, and to love one another as brothers and sisters, not just to impress him but to do his will by building and creating humanity. Pope Francis keep us united, He is the one who strongly holds our faith together.
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