Some people get therapy others drown themselves fanfiction about pretty girls kissing. I believe everyone should try the latter but that's just me.
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For Honor, Home, and Love
Here's something I wrote on fanfictionnet for Victorious ages ago and was surprised by how much I still kinda like it. Of course there are things I would word differently or alter now, but meh.
Tuesday holds a special place on the weekly page, though at first glance and to most it is merely an insignificant day nestled between the dreaded Monday and the hope giving Wednesday. But it is far more than just another day. Tuesday is without question the most surprising day of the week. One might argue that this title would be held by Saturday or Friday, where crazy shit was bound to go down… however that's just it, you expect those two days to provide the unexpected, making it in effect less unexpected. Thursday is just pre-Friday, and Sunday the day of regret for the previous two. No, Tuesday is the day that no one sees coming, despite it always being there. On Tuesday you can go from perfectly normal to up to your ass in leeches and never have seen it coming. Because it is the unexpected that you can never expect, even if you've been down the rabbit-hole before it seems to have the magical ability to erase your memory and make you it's mystery bitch all over again.
Now what does this have to do with the lean brunette young woman in a bedroom not her own, sitting upon a comfy jet black swivel chair waiting for the room's owner to return so that they might be rid of each other's presence? Well, the fact that it's Tuesday and the room belongs to… "Jade, what's this?" The aforementioned young woman asks not a millisecond after she hears the other girl's boots announce her return on the Japanese maple hardwood flooring.
Mentally and physically groaning at what was likely another inane remark about her room or request that would never be fulfilled, Jade draws her eyes sharply toward her 'guest', soon after barking, "Private. So get away from my laptop, Vega!" Swiftly crossing the expanse of the relatively large room to snatch her gorgeous black beauty adorned with a skull crossed with twin scythes from the other girl's mitts. Noticing that it's unlocked and to her dread displaying a short tale she couldn't really identify Jade takes a moment to prioritize her thoughts before asking, "How did you even get in?" Growling at her soon to be formerly living classmate.
What would normally send most anyone without any power over her running in terror only brought a thin smile to Tori's lips, "Your password was written on that sticky note." She points to the desk and a lovely pink post-it inked with black. In a flash Jade grabs the note and crumples it with her non-laptop carrying hand.
Tori merely smiles as she reads the memorized contents aloud, "Sc1ss0rV3ga2D3th…" Jade freezes in place, unable to even form the most basic syllables let alone words, so she can't stop the other girl from continuing to speak, "…which itself raises plenty of awkward and terrifying questions that I really don't want to ask."
As the last word falls silent the room is engulfed in an emptiness of nothing except the two beings currently inhabiting it…and an old wind-up clock sitting on Jade's nightstand ticking away. There was a very interesting story behind the handcrafted brass antique marred with a few dings and scratches…but that's not really the focus of this particular Tuesday now is it?
Given that Tori not only had her….questionable password already carved into brain, but had had access to everything on her laptop… Jade's mind was in free fall without a parachute insight. Then the other girl spoke, "Riiigght, so my family knows I'm here… and I'm not really into being violently sexually assaulted so…" Tori had already risen from the chair and was making her way toward the door when she finished speaking. Not really intent on departing, because there was no way she was going to pass up the opportunity presented her by her snooping. She just needed to motivate the fleshy statue to speak, and this was not a situation where Jade could just let Tori go, the pass alone was enough ammo.
And right on cue the other girl stated, "I'm not going to assault you." Though she might strangle her for this invasion of privacy, and that is the fuel she uses to bypass the fear…rage. The one emotion Jade West knew inside and out how to express from its deepest depths was Anger. No one could quite do pissed like she could, no, she was the crowned queen of fury and spite, wrath and revenge. And now she had that wellspring to call upon…
Tori half turns, "Yeah, says your password." Casting her eyes at Jade's hand, still holding the piece of tiny paper bearing a horrible blade soaked in social poison.
Not letting the words phase her Jade fires back, "The idea of a password is that it shouldn't be something that you'd think of." Not letting a breath fall between them, she continues, "Now …don't we have work to do?" Hoping they can drop this with a logical segue from uncomfortable territory.
Completing her turn with her back now to the door Tori offer with a shrug, "Sure…" Then lets a smirk play upon her lips, "…after you fill me in…not literally…" That insinuation earned her a toxic glare, but she resumed anyway, "…on that weird little story synopsis you have there." Pointing at the laptop lazily.
Jade couldn't freakout, she couldn't, that would be bad for so many reasons. The one topping the list is her accidentally revealing far more than she ever wants to without even knowing which story the infuriating girl was talking about…., 'It might be nothing, it might just be one of the play ideas, nothing to worry about in that case,' With her thoughts reigning her in she offers a blanket response, "I am a writer…a good one thank you very much. So I do tend to write things."
Eyebrow raised Tori inquires, "And the lesbian lovers sounding eerie like you and me?"
As the words were fired from lethal lips Jade could feel them leaving blistering trails of pain as they penetrated her heart. But she couldn't be stalled, she had to impede, "What are you talking about?"
Leveling a look of determination Tori strides forward, putting Jade on high alert as she herself takes a step back about to ask what she thought she was doing…. while in the depths of her being she was screaming for the girl to do something, unexpected. To both her dismay and delight all Tori does is reacquire the laptop, then opens it to reveal a tiny poorly thought out almost non-existent scrap of something Jade had typed up in boredom last Tuesday.
A wave of relief washes over her as she recognizes the 'story'. Fighting back the urge to smile with glee Jade offers matter-of-factly, "They're all fictional characters set during a modified ancient Greece. You aren't in it." Adding a dash of venom at the end.
"Bullshit." Is the last word spoken before the laptop was tossed on the bed in the same motion as Tori steps forward, invading Jade's personal space once again… but this time not stopping until she was sharing the same air. Mere inches away deep chocolate eyes revealing twin mirrors, reflecting nothing, yet revealing too many truths to be properly comprehended in one day. Tori had obviously read more than just that silly little piece of scrap, she had to have accessed the Jori files…stupidly named, nevertheless unrelentingly accurate. There the accursed writings of a madwoman besot with malice and pain forged tales of love and life that could easily open so many doors… but the content, the inspiration would never be revealed, for there written for none to ever see was her greatest fear…
…and love,
Tori Vega.
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Getting an age appropriate quasi kigo vibe off Fred x Lauren. Or is that just me? ...probably just me. still their fighting was cool.
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not sorry, but no thanks. I’ll just keep skipping them. You and all who enjoy them are welcome to them, but can we at least discuss not shoehorning them in just for shock value. Like make it a natural thing that makes sense and adds to the characters’, story, or world in some way. Then I might care to actual watch them...maybe. Probably not.
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Yeah we should do this for action scenes too. Have Aragorn draw his sword and fade to black and the fellowship have killed all the Uruk Hai.
This is the weird wave of purity culture that I mentioned a day or two ago. If you really are *an adult* then you can decide whether or not to watch films and tv shows with sex scenes.
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This sounds like crazy fun.
rip to you guys but i love assembling ikea furniture its so fun its like legos
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btw this does have a bit of bias obv as in lots of these i personally love but i DID try and make sure theyre all icons. real country girlies only please i dont wanna see jolene at 70% bc u guys havent listened to anythin else
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when getting into new media, i like to go in without knowing as much as possible :0 (i like being surprised and experiencing it with a very fresh view!)
so literally anything is marked as a spoiler in my head for that reason no matter how tiny
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It's too brown to be orange, so it must be neon. I guess neon brown is one color that can't be bright.
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I realize the competition is fierce but I don’t think turtles/tortoises get enough consideration as contenders for the cutest babies in the animal kingdom
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ok since apparently i may be an outlier?
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if you rb, put your answer in the tags as well as whether or not you're a writer yourself
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Art Car with singing fish and lobster
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Never ever be normal about fictional characters but please GOD be normal about the people who play them, I am begging you
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i love how this website decided the ides of march is a week long thing this year
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