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Being back at the ocean makes me reminiscent. It's been almost a year since our trip to Tennessee and pilgrimage to the waters off the coast of Savannah... and much has indeed shifted. 🌻 . . I'm remembering all the little coincidences we noticed-- small confirmations that it was the right road. Pumpkins, perfect beach-accessible lodging out of the blue, symbols of Mother, and ancestral 9's in abundance. 🌻 . . Going to these waters was the fulfillment of a dream vision, consecrating a murti of the cow-horned goddess. All that I do is to fulfill one vision or another. It's like walking along cobblestones that place themselves. Requires a lot of trust... and patience. 🌻 . . I just wanted to take a moment to say to you-- give it time. We sometimes expect everything to happen overnight. Remember to enjoy the happening. Just enjoy yourself, as much as possible, as you walk according to your own devotion. That's where the bliss is. 🌻 . . Hugs to @jewelinggrace What amazing memories. Next road trip, I'm driving lol and bringing a squad of sisters 😏 . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽✨🌻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Byps4ltnVQC/?igshid=xtbbcti6h84c
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You're like a geode. Go inside. 💎✨ . . Even just sitting down to do nothing aka meditate can feel impossible. "I cannot stop or control my thoughts," people say. . . It's like this: Think of the Bindu symbol. You are the center point. All of your experiences, the people, the goals, the happenings-- all that stuff is the larger circle swirling around you. You close your eyes and that stuff ceases to exist for a moment. But your thoughts, those ephemeral tethers, cross the chasm between you the dot and your experiences which swirl around you binding you to those things. The thoughts don't exist, however. They are not you and they are not the tangible experiences. No wonder you can't control them, you can't get your hands on them. 💎✨ . . Think of it this way: your thoughts are words. Try thinking without words. Impossible. So mystics do a bait and switch, busying the mind with sacred words of power which affect the reality, the experiences, and the dot itself. 💎✨ . . So on one level a mantra is a way to occupy the mind, to keep it busy with the aim of meditation rather than lost in runaway thoughts. But, NAME… name is much more than that. 💎 Some mantras are actual names of God. Primordial. Timeless. The actual name of God. What happens when you call someone's name? They come... . . You go on chanting the Name and the Name resides in you. You become the one you spoke of. You are that. Then, your thought, the word, is tethering you to your own new creation. The things and experiences aren't haunting you, reaching across the chasm as runaway thoughts anymore… instead the word, the Name, is creating. What kind of experiences would God have here, in your skin? 💎✨ . . 🙏🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/BySnPRtHqkw/?igshid=1sevr588jsxak
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We have a tendency to idolize or fear spiritual archetypes. In the case of Anima Sola, people are often strongly cautioned against "working with her." Your enemies could be destroyed in ways beyond your comfort level, they say. But there is no Anima Sola to seek… . . You don't need to go trying to work with the "lonely soul" on fire. No, you BE her. You are her. 🔥🕊️ . . Many of us may be feeling extreme energy at this time. Go with it. It's an opportunity. You could (should) right now at this very moment recognize the hellish separation you've endured from your own divine source so much so that you feel engulfed by flames. All it takes is one moment of realization. 🔥🕊️ . . The agony of this fall to earth… this fall to physicality and pain and transient joy. What a burning. Yet looking up, always looking up. Though still burning--still here in this place--chains broken, entirely aware of the Divine Presence. This is the root of transcendental peace. 🔥🕊️ . . You don't sit down to meditate… not at this stage. Even meditating would be too much… too much distraction, too much doing. This state is a doing of nothing. A being. Your whole body is burning, your thoughts are burning… from exhaustion with this world of illusion & perceived separation. That's your meditation-less meditation. Too many are seeking methods and procedures. Just let it burn.🔥🕊️ . . Nothing more to try to figure out. Mind completely spent. Body reeling. Heart broken. Done. But, full of hope... knowing the Divine Presence is a reality because you've had direct glimpses. Full of readiness to have your own full blown mystic experience.🔥🕊️ . . You don't need to wait for some situation. Your birth is your situation. . . Dream: "After falling to earth, there is no more pain. How can there be any pain more than this?" It's the source of all other pain... . The devotional path is about burning to know god/truth/bliss for yourself. This path is not for the faint of heart. 🔥🕊️ (Too much for IG? Eh… maybe.) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOWDV5HV3p/?igshid=10hlv4v52w6i6
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Sometimes we get tired-- We expect everything to happen instantaneously. But think of it like this… You've basically only laid 1 brick, and you're tired. It took all you had just to clear the ground and lay foundation… and now laying that one brick has you worn out, convinced you'll never make it. "Suck it up. It can't all be rainbows." This my Mother, Iansa, has told me many times. 🌪️✨ . . We carry a lot of mess in our subconscious. Debris of old memories and hopes, family garbage, regret, past life and present life trauma. To face those shadows sometimes we have to fight inside our own minds and hearts. You have to take sharp blades to tenacious roots and dead stumps. 🌪️✨ . . Cry if you have to; You'll eventually come to a place that can't produce tears. Won't produce tears. Thicker skin... Without external recourse, awareness finally turned within... Ripping useless thought forms to shreds. Applying it all to real life and fighting "that" fight... Ready for the next round after spitting out teeth and wiping away blood. 🌪️✨ . . All those wrathful and peaceful deities are within you. Dig deep, pull one up and keep going. People need you to get it done, whatever "it" is. 🌪️✨ . . No time for runaway emotions and victimization. No woe is me and no rage. Remember, when you hate something too much, you can't deal with it-- You lose the ability to think objectively. Take a minute, grab some crystals, and get yourself together... . . It's going to get ugly.🌪️⚡ . . Control your own mind; your thoughts are everything. You are the epicenter... the eye at the center of the storm. . . Maferefun Iansa 🌪️🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJ4o_unwW-/?igshid=7mewrncppme1
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Thank you sisters for another successful Meetup meditation session. I'm always honored to be in the presence of such sharp-minded, intuitionally astute women. 🙏🏽 . . Yesterday I shared the story of how I came to care for a chameleon. I told my sisters of a dream I had years ago in which I saw a chameleon in a screened cage. He pushed and pushed on the cage but couldn't get free. So, I reached down and opened it for him. 🕊️✨ . . The chameleon walked out then flew in the air like a bird, all the way across the room, until he landed on an opened book which sat on a shelf. The page turned and I saw a word there, written across both pages very large. I've been chanting that word, that name, ever since and shared it with the women who joined me Sunday for meditation. 🕊️✨ . . The path of the divine feminine is a much easier walk with other women by your side. We share our stories, our intuitions, and marvel at the way our paths converge. 🕊️✨ . . Be a sister, a healer, a supporter to other women every chance you get... This is a powerfully pregnant time. 🕊️✨ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-oSgunGjQ/?igshid=9rld4w8rzgjh
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Good morning 💛✨ . . Destiny and highest purpose and bliss are sitting right beside us -- right in us -- but somehow we insist on fighting and efforting and doubting. 🌻 . . Chasing the future will get you nowhere; there's a block at every turn. Dwelling on the past produces similar walls, with emotional obscurity covering everything. Clear perception happens in the present. So does joy. 🌻🕊️ . . It's not about how other people accomplished this or that, you cannot compare. We can allow ourselves to be inspired but it's a fine line. The only sure way is to look within, constantly. Oblivious to the noise, rooted in personal devotion.🌻🕊️✨ . . Just breathe, go inside, and let it happen. The "it" is even greater than you think. ✨ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx4myH9HAWq/?igshid=1fyecx1z5hs39
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In your blood you carry the memories and knowings of the women who came before you. You carry all the hope and possibility they had for the future. All of that plus your own unique genius, your unique magic. You yourself are precious cargo. 🌹✨ . . While out getting lunch today a man approached me to ask about the meaning of my snake ring. Striking up conversation. It was of a spiritual nature so I allowed it-- I love a good spiritual discourse. Anyway, after purported interest in "salvation," crystals, and Ginen the man asks for my number because I "seem like someone worth speaking more to." After being directed to exaltedmysticunion.com several times, he senses the end of our conversation then goes in for a hug. A hug. Unacceptable. ✋🏽🛑🚫 . . My reply: "Hugs aren't allowed." "Why," he asks. "Because you aren't my daka... yet." . . Sisters, there's too much at stake for you to pretend. I want for you to feel so valuable, so firm in your highest purpose that it's as if you have the word exalted written in fancy gold lettering accross your forehead. 🌹✨ . . In the old world, I don't care what culture you come from, a man would never approach a female. Rather he would approach her family for permission. Now, it's just open season. You have to insist upon your own worth. 🌹✨ . . The spirits and guides and ancestors and whatever else you have with you... They're all expecting more from you... . . At this time, the divine feminine needs healing, respect and adoration. Anything less is unacceptable.🌹✨ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqYlrhHDfj/?igshid=1ffajpdfofuox
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Sometimes it feels like chaos. I know. You're piecing things together… taking this concept from over here and reasoning it, aligning it with that symbol over there. Knowing the truth for yourself is like chaos magic… you keep what works and discard the rest. . Seeing repeating numbers such as 1111 is a reminder that it isn't chaos at all, there is a divine order and you are a part of the play... . Some time ago, I dreamt of a large wasp who wanted to attack me. A couple of months later while sitting on our balcony, a wasp suddenly stung me. It burned, hot. Before I knew what was happening my body had swollen in places and it felt really really bad. Long story short, my partner rushed me to a nearby clinic and their response? Basically, "Why are you still standing? Don't you feel... dizzy?" They seemed to think I should have fallen out long before arrival and insisted I get to the hospital. So I'm in the examination room, waiting on the ambulance, and I look down at the magazines and see two of my foremost spiritual guides glaring up at me from the cover of National Geographic. Black Panther and White Owl. . When the ambulance arrives, the paramedic has 1111111111 written all over her. The strap across her chest, the case she carries, anywhere that bears writing shows 1111111111. In the ambulance thru numb lips I ask her name, she says "I'm Rosa." There had been debate over which ambulance could get to me quicker. Rosa was the fastest and she got me to the hospital where they fixed me up. . My mother' name was/is Rosetta. I know as sure as I'm sitting here now that I would've died that day if not for the intercession of my mother and other guides. After the wasp dream, I had also dreamt of my death. It was in view. . When I got home from the hospital and looked at the paperwork, the hospital's phone number? 111-1111. My guides are NOT subtle lol. . Today is ekadasi… the 11th day of the lunar cycle during which fasting is prescribed. I've observed it for years, after receiving dream guidance to do so before I had any clue of what it was. So, today I fast to honor my guides, to honor and make room for the Divine Presence of many names. . Continued below ⤵️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxcr2WFn97u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bbrqlhsfq5tg
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Mother's Day Worth-ship 🌹✨ . . In this life, you can only be mistreated in relationships if you choose to accept it. One of the foremost effects of walking a spiritual/mystic path is a strengthened sense of discernment. The higher you rise in frequency-- in self love and in love with creation-- the less accepting you become of filth. The food you eat, the company you keep, and the treatment you tolerate... all of these rise as you rise. 🌹✨ . . The crystal people (shamanic talk for "the consciousness known as crystals") made me aware that they prefer to be kept on glass. Not on wood. Not on the floor. Elevated. How do you prefer to be treated? How much brighter would you shine if you were worshiped and adored like the living Goddess you are? 🌹✨ . . Consider asking for spiritual veneration this Mother's Day... Tantric style with prayer and mantras. Have your feet bathed, your hair washed, your body rubbed with scented oils. Take on the role and direct your play as pleases you best. 🌹✨ . . Dakas, male devotees of the Divine Feminine, it's a beautiful gift to offer the Mothers/women in your life... Treat them like fine crystal. Elevate them and see what happens ✨🕊️ . . Have a beautiful weekend 🙏🏽 . . 💎New pieces added on Etsy & Mother's Day sale extended thru the entire month of May 💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVVyk1nzOS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c7j9aoqgtkro
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A Meditation ✨ . . Picture yourself sitting on the bare ground in a circle. Really see it, in rich detail... To your left, half of the perimeter is filled with beautiful flowers with the sweetest scents. On your right, on the perimeter, there is nothing but empty space… no flowers, nothing. See that this empty space also exists on your left, the flowers are simply filling much of the space with their beauty. Nothingness is the foundation of somethingness. Namelessness and formlessness form the foundation of our every creation. Desirelessness is the basis of desire. ✨ . . There is no separation… between nothing and something. There is no separation between you and the reality you create. Like a dot at the center see creation swirling all around you, and form it from that place of stillness. 🌱✨ . . This is the union of feminine and masculine… creation and destruction, birth and death. Don't be afraid of silence and absence, they're fertile ground. 🌱🌻✨ . . Try this visualization meditation after breathwork and chanting. I would love to hear about your experience. ✨ . . P.S. When weeds take over, don't be afraid to raze them to the ground… especially the ones in your own mind. ✨ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽 . . . Artists: Unknown https://www.instagram.com/p/BxP1pIHHvnG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12dk2nq9d0vjg
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Another successful meditation Meetup 🙏🏽 Thank you to all who attended, physically or via live stream. . . One of the attendees recently told me she was overwhelmed with all of the spiritual content coming through to her... Feeling unsure of where to start or what to do. Considering she was engaging in nonstop research to learn more about what she's seeing and experiencing I can entirely empathize. It can be a lot. 🕊️✨ . . The main piece of advice I can give is twofold: 1) stay clean, with a high frequency and 2) trust your spiritual guides to do their job of guiding you. 🕊️✨ . . So many of our world religions speak of "the word." Just like the logos or mantra can be heard directly, internally... So can direct spiritual guidance be perceived without needing a mediator. Just ask and listen 🕊️✨ . . Trust the process. Eventually lower cravings and compulsions will fall away. You become more a "truth" and then lower frequency people and experiences fall away making you no good for anyone but your soul family. Together you'll bring big light to this world. Keep going. 🕊️✨ . . And have a beautiful day 🙏🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGFjwgHrcA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nqua6eek7mqo
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⚜️ The Dog, the Fox, and the Fountain ⚜️ . . Dreamtime/Storytime . . Once I saw myself trapped in a house, a gnarling and ferocious dog blocking my path to the door. Fear, stagnation, rage and violence. Beyond him, stepping across the threshold, I saw a fox who seemed to grin. Orange and full of wit. Leaning on a wall outside the house, not so obviously trapped now. False appearances, ulterior motives, cunning. But beyond the fox stood a huge magnificent fountain-- water glistening with life. There was no thing beyond the fountain... 🕊️ . . As women on a spiritual path we have to learn to discern between viable partners and gnarling dogs. Between foxes and fountains. These were men in my own life, one full of rage and violence, the other cunning with his own intentions. But spirit doesn't lie. 🕊️ . . I can see them coming a mile away... and so can you. The trick is to know how to respond to them-- how to avoid falling into energy-draining cycles. To know how to resist temptation and stay awake. That's what all of this is about, staying awake. 🕊️ . . Our dreams and intuitions give us priceless nudges. Pay close attention and don't go back to sleep-- not even for an instant. 🕊️ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw64rcznjsE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hsw535tfdost
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When you get thirsty, seek a deeper well ⛲✨ . . Namaskar sisters, and dakas and all 🙏🏽 If you're following this feed you probably know what it means to get spiritually thirsty. It's the moment when you realize you've reached the end of your own ability, the end of your own efforts-- needing a reset. I found myself falling quiet, quoting one of my own poems out loud to myself, "All I want is God... No other longing... No other longing." ⛲✨ . . I followed that up with an intensified practice of mantra japa. Being of Mami Wata, I have a lot of spiritual tools in my box, but by far mantra is the most powerful-- it's THE tool. ⛲✨ . . So somehow I stumbled on an ad for Inner Engineering; Sadhguru would be there and all I had to do was click the button and get to Philadelphia. It was a moment where I didn't have to think about it, remembering Sadhguru from a dream I'd had some time ago. He was wearing his regalia and walking towards a giant black shivalingam. Of course I researched and learned Sadhguru had established a huge consecrated shivalingam and had also erected a giant statue of Adi Yogi. I thought okay, I'm being made aware of what that guru is doing way over there in India lol Filed it away. ⛲✨ . . Later I dreamt of Mt. Kailash-- a place where Sadhguru leads powerful pilgrimages. Considering I'm being called to lead women to waterfalls, lakes, and oceans this rang very true and relevant for me. So a future trip indeed. But now, Sadhguru in the flesh in Philadelphia. ⛲✨ . . For a mystic, seeing a guru speak is akin to seeing a rock star. There are no words to describe the intoxication. I'll speak more on it soon. For now I'll say that being initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya by Sadhguru has been humbling and life-changing. I feel renewed and ready to work with those I serve. ⛲✨ . . Don't hesitate to seek the company of wise ones. For the work you're here to do, the help you'll give, and the strength you'll need... seek deeper wells. Chances are, profound shifts and deep magic will begin to happen. Stay awake. 💜 . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw4UMcaHdmQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fl4a02vhih47
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Nothing in this world compares to an exalted state of mystical ecstasy. Hearing divine sounds, seeing divine visions, radiating divine bliss… it's easy to get distracted from the goal but our spiritual work is the most important thing. 🕯️✨ . . You cannot know this state by hearing about it from someone else, from reading books, or just thinking about it. In cultures around the world mystics and shamans show us the way in… whether drum beat, or dance, or song it all comes back to the word, or vibration. 🕯️✨ . . Some use entheogens, mind altering herbs, to quiet the world's noise. Some use pain and torture to escape that noise. But all you need is one divine name. One. 🕯️✨ . . Chanting that name/word with pure devotion, it doesn't matter what suffering happens to the body. You're attached to higher frequency states. The ego is not involved. Ultimately when your heart resides in that place permanently, what can this world do to you? Through the name, reality itself shifts.🕯️✨ An exalted mystic state is artful, beautiful… none of the ugliness of this place-- of lower frequency experience. Feed your spirit with divine sounds and the company of wise one… and we'll get through this. 🌹✨ . . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwew0IgnMH3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16ouh9331nkw4
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New Shamanic Induction ✨ . . The same guided visioning process I use for live sessions, now available online as a full 44 minute meditation. 🌻 . . When we do these in person, participants often describe seeing or hearing the same things even after my voice has gone quiet. We all experience a deep calm and a definite rise in frequency. It's palpable... and it is an ancient technique. 🌻 . . This one needed to be titled "4444." When you listen, you'll see why. . . ❇️ Link in bio . . Have a beautiful night with powerful dreams 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwYRu4Zn9Gq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9iojknwre8tm
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✨ As women, we continually fight to prove our worthiness-- to hold equatable positions in the workplace; to have both a family and a career; to have the right to choose NOT to have a family; to decide what we will do with our own bodies; to live our highest vision for ourselves even when society imposes its various limitations, and so on. The obstacles sometime seem all pervasive. We can end up feeling burnt out, and not very spiritual at all. . . To receive a mantra, mystically, is a direct affirmation from creation itself-- that yes, you are right to want all of those things. You are worthy of love and bliss and enlightenment. Not only that, you are worthy of liberation. . . Discover just what a mantra is and how you can receive one... . . 🔻Read more at exaltedmysticunion.com/blog . . Have a beautiful evening 🙏🏽✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSrk-hnX7b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=102v9ddjymp4s
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In a society--a world-- which doesn't always respect or value women, let alone divine femininity, a woman faces a two fold spiritual challenge… . 1) To value herself so that she can then value her own direct perceptions. Building up the ego, the self esteem, and also 2) tearing it down... maintaining the humility of a mouse before the great divine. Before the whole, and before the mission. And it's a lot of work. 🌹✨ . . The trick is to have direct mystic experiences for ourselves. To know God, to know truth for ourselves. To not doubt our intuition and to pay attention to our dreams. To believe in magic and spirit and nature even when everyone else is hollering "progress." 🌹✨ . . Remember to go inside yourself. That's where all the answers are. 🕯️✨ . . Have a beautiful day 🙏🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwM_8yqnncp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5i5td582dm74
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