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“youre old enough to make appointments yourself now”
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The World’s Cutest Adventurers (by mr.pokee.)
“It all started with a hedgehog named Mr.Pokee who taught us how to be happy and smile.” Ongoing series featuring best friends on various adventures. Enjoy!
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Take care of your mental health
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Don't forget that the blanket sufficates you, but you are too tired and complacent to leave.
Too depressed to be awake? Not depressed enough for a Depression Nap™? Welcome to Existential Crisis Wrapped in Blanket!
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So are we assuming they will be fine handling the cows and the horses then? Or are we just dealing with these problems two animals at a time like tiny ant Noahs?
How can ants have farms? They’re too small to control the chickens and the pigs
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I read this as someone going to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get a toaster and I was quite confused. Selling toasters next to items you use in water doesn't seem very safe.
imagine like. getting married and then moving into your home together. going to bed bath and beyond. getting a nice toaster. ah, love. one day…..
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So beautiful
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This pub is my dream home
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“But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”
— William Butler Yeats, The Cloths of Heaven
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Walk Away
I don't hate you at all, but I wish I did.
I'm sure part of me still loves you,
But the horrible things you said,
That you did,
They stand out like a red blotch on a black canvas.
You betrayed me.
You lied to me.
You left me for dead.
The world is dark and cold but you tried to take the warm lights I had left.
Walk away, and don't come back.
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Movies: The Bye Bye Man
Can we just start this review with the name of the monster? The Bye Bye Man? Really? Did it take the people behind that name more than a minute to come up with it? Were they just really hungry and wanted to get to lunch? What were the other names? The Goodbye Boy? The See You Later Dude? I mean seriously, the name is so damn stupid that it's mind-boggling that any studio with any sense would pick up a horror movie with the name of "The Bye Bye Man." Hell, I could do better. How about Gossip, since it can only terrorize people if they know of its existence? Another thought is...just don't name it. It's okay for your horror movie monster to not have a name, to keep it in the shadows, and it is sure as hell better than giving it a name like the fucking Bye Bye Man.
Anyway, enough harping on the name, let's get to the actual movie. To be completely honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it was bad, but I was expecting it to be much worse. The acting is horrid, I don't think that there was a single piece of dialogue that didn't sound like a child being forced to read a story out-loud that they didn't like. The characters lacked any real character arcs and didn't even have the inkling of growth or development. If this was just a slasher movie, I could forgive that some, but even the worst of movie franchises like Friday the 13th or Halloween had better character development and growth, and even when they didn't, those movies at least gave their characters personality. The only personality given to any of the characters in The Bye Bye Man is that of a piece of wood: lifeless and stiff. The acting is really what killed it for me, but there were other problems as well.
The surprising part of this movie though, is that the plot was actual decent. The characters, although one dimensional, reacted realistically. The monster (I refuse to call it the Bye Bye Man from here on out) and it's powers made sense, targeting realistic fears among the 3 main characters in order to hurt them and force them to go mad. For example, Elliot and Sasha (two of the three main characters) are a couple. They live with their friend John, who is really close to both of them. After discovering the monster's (fucking stupid) name, Elliot starts to become paranoid that Sasha is cheating on him with John. The monster goes so far as to give Elliot hallucinations of Sasha and John having sex. To add to this, since both Sasha and John already know about the monster, they also have hallucinations of the other person coming on to them. It's poorly executed sure, but it is actually a well-thought out way of manipulating the three. It's your basic horror movie plot, and it ends with a twist that I won't give away in case you, dear reader, wish to watch it. The biggest problem with the plot though is that, due to the poor acting and execution, it's completely forgettable. I had to go to the Wikipedia page just to jog my memory of anything past the basic plot-line. Not to mention the monster was designed in a completely boring and forgettable manner. It was basically a ghoul with a hooded cloak.
The Movie That Shall Not Be Named could have been good. It needed better actors, better direction, better execution, and a better fucking name (both for the monster and the movie in general). I can't say this was disappointing as I expected absolutely nothing from it, but it really is a waste of your time to watch. The only way I could recommend it would be to invite friends over and give it a good riffing, and I could honestly give you better movies for that too. The chance of anyone remembering this movie in a year is small, and that's probably for the best.
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Review: Let's Talk About Diversity in Marvel Comics.
The fact that I'm a lower, middle-class white male makes me perfectly suited to talk about diversity in comics. Wait, it doesn't? Well, my ego says otherwise, and I actually feel as though I have something useful to say on this. Diversity has been at the forefront of comics for a few years now. Captain America is now black, Ms.Marvel now has Middle-Eastern roots and her family are devoutly Hindu, Spider-Man is Hispanic now, and the new Hulk is Asian. Giving a new character am old moniker is nothing new in comics, both in DC and in Marvel. Hank Pym is the original Ant-Man, but he is neither the most beloved version nor the most well-known. Hell, if you just started reading comics, the only Captain Marvel you probably know a lot about is Carol Danvers, even though Captain Marvel was male for the longest time. I don't even remember his name without looking it up. The main reason I focus on Marvel is because they are the only ones that are diversifying their characters to a large degree. DC has done some diversifying, but only really in the movies, which is, at least in my mind, a completely different subject.
The main issue that has been brought up is the idea of "forced diversity." Marvel has been accused of forcing diversity in their comics, which to me is completely unfounded. Now, I'm not going to deny that this is a PR move, because it is. But that's not what is brought to the forefront, what's brought to the forefront is the idea of "forced diversity." The question is, is it really forced? Let's take a look at 3 of the new characters.
Let's start with one I consider more simple than the others, Ms.Marvel. Kamala Khan was an average high school student from a pretty strict Hindu family before she was caught up in the Terrigen Mist that have been threatening mutant life and transforming normal humans into Inhumans. It's long and convoluted and I won't get into it here, but that's basically how the Terrigen Mist works. Through this, she gained the ability to grow and shrink her body, as well as stretch it out. Unlike Ant-Man however, she can grow specific parts of her body (i.e make a fist she plans on punching someone with grow to the size of, say, a basketball). She adopted the moniker of Ms.Marvel as her hero, Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers, was the former Ms.Marvel. The role was left vacant by Carol, and was perfectly freed to be taken up by someone else, and it was Kamala who took the role. I don't get how you can look at that and call it forced. The role was vacant, there was no reason someone else shouldn't take up the mantle. Her strict religious family gives conflict to the story, as between that, school, dating, and being a super-hero, she has a lot to manage. She has well-written story lines and is an interesting character. The role was going to be taken up eventually by someone, and the fact that she isn't just a stereotypical white teenage girl is refreshing to me. Was it forced? Hell no. Saying otherwise is, quite frankly, ignorant.
Let's talk about Sam Wilson as Captain America. Yeah, just looking at that sentence gives me horrible flashbacks of Facebook comment sections. But in all honestly, if you are going to create a new Captain American, Sam Wilson is the best choice. Sam Wilson, better known beforehand as the Falcon, was created as a hero specifically targeted towards intercity minorities, even more specifically: Harlem. However, Sam has a storied history with Captain America, and doesn't come from a villain background like Bucky Barnes or U.S. Agent. Considering a lot of the missteps taken with Steven Rogers over the years, this was a chance to start fresh. I feel like the argument can honestly stop there. The fact that he is black only matters in the comics because the writers make it matter, and usually do a pretty good job of portraying it as something important. Let's be real here, most of the complaints were because he was black. Yeah, I know that paints me into a corner, but I stand by that statement. Steve Rogers is, and always will be, an icon. But the people wanted something different, and they gave it to them. I see no real issue with his character, if you don't like him, fine, but saying his character was forced diversity is, and this is my second time using this word now, ignorant.
I want to talk about one more character before I give my final thoughts. Can you take a guess which one? That's right, let's talk about the new(ish) Thor. What? Did you think I was going to talk about a certain new web-slinger? Well...sorry to disappoint, but no. Now, I know you can already guess how I feel right? Yeah, I think Jane Foster as Thor is awesome. Now I have seen some of the reactions, both good and bad. The problem is...no one is tackling the new Thor as a character. One of the most common reactions seems to be "Thor didn't need to be made a female." To those saying that, you are right, Thor didn't need to be female. However, that honestly doesn't matter, because Thor is now female. How is Thor as a character? She's tough, she takes no shit, but she is kind and lacks the arrogance of Odinson. She is a cancer patient who is only cured temporally while holding the hammer. The hammer decides who is worthy and who isn't, and due to events that happened before she picked up the hammer, the original Thor has now been judged unworthy. It gives a fresh start to a character that was honestly in desperate need of it, with the only thing really keeping him relevant being his spot on the Avengers and the movies he has been in. It fits in with the story, makes sense, and they have implemented her naturally as the new Thor, with the last story-line I read being about how Odin is trying to take her out because he only meant for his son to hold the hammer.
My entire argument boils down to one statement: accusing Marvel of forcing diversity is ignorant. To look at all the great story-lines and characters as nothing but PR is honestly laughable at best. I'm not kidding, when I see these accusations, I laugh. They are based in nothing but nostalgic or outright racist rhetoric because some people just can't stand their beloved fictional characters being messed with. I understand that feeling, but that doesn't make your opinion correct.
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“We got a lot of young letters… there were a lot of young people who felt very isolated, and to see two characters on a television show be accepted by a group of peers changed the game…”  
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The Party.
Tonight I threw a party, but it was only in my head.
I fell in love with a stranger, but only in my bed.
I woke up the next morning and wished that I was dead.
 I should have stayed with you, but I only fled.
I should have died, but I chose life instead.
I don't know what's to come, but I'm ready for what's ahead.
0 notes
Misery Loves Company
All in the drain again,
you tried and failed.
Will you ever succeed?
You worked so hard to keep them;
One ran away and the other got stuck in limbo.
Not sure what to do or who to be.
You fight to give them a name.
One found theirs and left.
The other is too confused and broken to keep.
Begging her would be pointless;
It would be mean.
She isn’t a bad person, you just try too hard.
 You are too tired to be heartbroken though;
But just wake enough to realize you are sad.
Every time it happens you die a little.
But it’s alright,
We all die a little sometimes.
Carry on friend, for it is all you can do.
You always have someone to hold you as,
Misery still loves your company.
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