exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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✘ -------- independent roleplay blog, remake under same url ✘ -------- mainverse is Mockingjay timeline, post Capitol rescue ✘ -------- open to AUs and other timelines upon request ✘ -------- six years of roleplay experience, three on Tumblr ✘ -------- seeking mainverse partners, open to all interactions
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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seadarlingodair replied to your post:seadarlingodair replied to your post:a notice ;;...
but I'm just not satisfied with my portrayal quite yet, and I could just never get enough interactions going to shape her as I want. I'm hoping having a new blog will trigger a bit more notice, so I can finally get a hold of her as a muse
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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seadarlingodair replied to your post:a notice ;; in all likelihood, this blog will be...
the blog will probably be down for, like, an hour at the most and then I'll really try to get my Annie muse figured out and active again and hopefully it won't be a total flop this time again
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
a notice ;;
in all likelihood, this blog will be deleted and remade at some point within the week. it's easier to start fresh than it is to try and salvage something I'm not entirely satisfied with. if this does happen, prior notice will be given.
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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----- ❀ ⊱ independent roleplay blog for Primrose Everdeen ----- ❀ ⊱ semi-active, a non-priority roleplay blog ----- ❀ ⊱ comfortable with convo, para, and novella threads ----- ❀ ⊱ based upon films, as I slowly re-read the series ----- ❀ ⊱ open to all interactions, seeking mainverse partners ----- ❀ ⊱ six years of roleplay experience, three on Tumblr ----- ❀ ⊱ uses icons and visual formatting for replies
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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----- ❀ ⊱ independent roleplay blog for Primrose Everdeen ----- ❀ ⊱ semi-active, a non-priority roleplay blog ----- ❀ ⊱ comfortable with convo, para, and novella threads ----- ❀ ⊱ based upon films, as I slowly re-read the series ----- ❀ ⊱ open to all interactions, seeking mainverse partners ----- ❀ ⊱ six years of roleplay experience, three on Tumblr ----- ❀ ⊱ uses icons and visual formatting for replies
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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----- ❀ ⊱ independent roleplay blog for Primrose Everdeen ----- ❀ ⊱ semi-active, a non-priority roleplay blog ----- ❀ ⊱ comfortable with convo, para, and novella threads ----- ❀ ⊱ based upon films, as I slowly re-read the series ----- ❀ ⊱ open to all interactions, seeking mainverse partners ----- ❀ ⊱ six years of roleplay experience, three on Tumblr ----- ❀ ⊱ uses icons and visual formatting for replies
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
like 90% of me just sort of wants to create an entirely new Annie blog and see if things work out better the second time around 
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
"And we made him." It was a thrilling thought, this small child born with such innocence despite the hardships of their past, such perfection despite their own flaws. How truly remarkable that two such damaged people could create a thing so beautiful as a child with the full extent of their love. 
Her smile only increased, head dipping into a brief nod. Of course he'd want to meet his own son, and while she would much rather stay held tight within his arms indefinitely, she wasn't about to deny him this simple pleasure. Hand reaching to clasp his own, fingers intertwining, she disentangled herself from his arms, the seaside breeze suddenly too cold against her bare shoulders, without him pressed tight to her. 
Pressing a final kiss to his jawline, lips lingering against his skin, she pulled him gently towards the sea, where the small boy had paused in his play to peer curiously towards them. Poor child must have been terribly thrown by the sight of this stranger, in such intimate company with his mother. 
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Kneeling down before the boy, she tenderly brushed back his hair from his forehead, glancing towards Finnick with a dazed smile as she settled their son to rest upon her knee.
"Go ahead -- say hello." 
welcome home || seadarlingodair
Her touch was so gentle but reassuring and powerful, he couldn’t recall anyone else’s touch on his skin making him feel the same way neither he though anyone could ever compare with her. Finnick remembered the time when he thought getting involved with Annie was beyond unprofessional and a horrible idea, at that time he was still forced to please Capitol citizens in whichever way they desired, leaving him unable to engage in a committed relationship.
He was okay with that, though. At least he was now, because all that was now part of a past they wouldn’t ignore or forget but go on changing it. Now he belonged one hundred percent to Annie, and nothing nor anyone would ever change that.
He was quite surprised, though, he didn’t know Annie was pregnant when he left for the Capitol those months ago. Finnick suspected the date of conception was prior their wedding, long before actually.  Before the Quarter Quell, actually, for they knew he would be inevitably reaped being Finnick the only male victor alive from District Four and chances were he wouldn’t come back.
Oh, Finnick could remember their passionate and intimate farewell. Her warmth and smooth skin against his own, his heart raced only by thinking about it. And there it was, before him, the living proof of their love. Innocently splashing the water and the sand.  
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“He’s beautiful.” The words slipped from his mouth almost as a murmur as he smiled proudly. “Oh, Annie, he’s so perfect.” He repeated, this time a bit louder and that was as much as he could manage to say as he was in complete awe observing the infant while holding her tightly against him. He didn’t even ask further about naming him Finn, after Finnick himself. He knew it would be a problem to deal with, hearing ‘Finn’ and having both father and son turning around but that was a silly problem. One that he was glad to deal with it, wasn’t he lucky to be alive to deal with that? He smiled even brighter at the though.
“Can I…?” He looked at her and then look at the baby again. “I want to meet him.”
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
                                        But there’s something missing.                                      There’s something lost in my head                                            Could you help me fix it?                                   Could you please come stitch me up?
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
Annie raised a hand to cup his jaw, thumb tracing down his cheek with a feather-light touch. She didn't need to hear anymore, didn't want to hear any more. No further explanation or details were necessary to achieve her understanding, not when the tale was bound to be gruesome. Now that peace had been achieved across the country, and her own happiness had returned, she wanted no more talk of the horror of the past.
Sea green eyes shifted to follow his gaze towards their son, head falling to rest upon Finnick's chest, the steady thrum of a heartbeat against her ear a beautiful sound.
"He's ours," she affirmed, a pleasant smile fixating itself on her lips as she watched the small boy --- poor thing must be terribly confused by the sight of his mother brought to tears in the arms of an unrecognizable man. "I named him Finn, after you. And oh, he's already just like you."
Arms slipped upwards to encircle his neck, weight shifting to rest fully against him. "He's a proper hassle, you know. Always leaving me to chase after him, always up when the sun is down. Oh, but he's perfect, Finnick. Our little boy --- not even a year old. Even still he's growing quickly."
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Husband and son --- her two boys. Those who had captured and held tight to her heart so completely. How remarkable to think they would be a proper family, how blissful to have, for once, not a single worry for the future. 
" --- He's shy, though. Don't worry, he'll warm up to you quickly."
welcome home || seadarlingodair
              Of course he was. He couldn’t be a product of his lover’s distressed mind and hold her like this even though he did consider himself part of her, just like she was part of him. Finnick was very much convinced his will to live was strong enough to keep him going through recovery thanks to Annie. Without her, he would have been lost long ago when President Snow forced him to push his family away and sell his body. He could remember the cold and self disgust that invaded him every time he had to touch —and please— some wealthy Capitol citizen.
     Annie had changed all that and she changed it for better.
     She took all that anguish and distress and hatred and turn it into understanding and love and friendship. She was his best friend in every way, she was his life partner. So they weren’t really supposed to go on without each other, right?
“I know, I know what Katniss saw but I’m here.” He had rehearsed this moment many times before, longing for the moment in which he finally reunited with his beloved Annie, he knew he would have to explain what happened and how was it possible for him to be there when everyone had thought him dead. However, the words didn’t seem to come to him with ease now that it was the time to say said explication. He had to kiss her again, his arms holding her firmly, his body letting her know he couldn’t let her go ever again. 
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“It was long ago and I was unconscious, I can’t remember exactly what happened…But some peacekeepers found me and they tried to interrogate me so they needed me alive. But then the Capitol fell and—" Everything else was obvious, irrelevant even. He had run away despite being wounded and it took him quite some time to find his way back. 
      Then his eyes dared to move away from her beautiful features to look at the small infant a few metres from them."He’s beautiful." Finnick didn’t need any reassurance, partly because he didn’t want to think of anyone else having impregnated Annie but he tried to as anyway.  ”Is he…?”
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
She clung tight to him, having craved his touch for so very long, his warmth, strong arms holding her close. Dizzy with emotions running on high, Annie wept openly, relief sounding with every gasping breath. After so long thinking he was dead, taken from her forever, it was an impossibility to fully wrap her head around the reality of the situation.
"They told me you were dead. Katniss saw it happen, and -- "
Unable to finish her sentence, Annie swallowed thickly, settling instead to stare misty-eyed up towards him. He was there. He was real, and he was holding her, and nothing could separate her from him, never again.
His lips pressed against her own, she melted in his arms, at ease for the first time in a year. Her husband --- oh, the bittersweet taste had lifted from her tongue at the thought, now that she could no longer consider herself a widow. A grin found it's way to her features, curling her lips easily upwards, a breathless whisper escaping as she finally broke the kiss.
"I've missed you too."
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It was all she could manage to say, a million thoughts and exclamations racing through her mind at once, rendering her tongue-tied. There was so much to say, so much to tell him, but nothing pieced together in her mind as a comprehensive sentence. Instead, she opted for the wordless, catching his lips once more, the taste of his mouth sweet and familiar.
" --- You're alive."
welcome home || seadarlingodair
     There was no disappointment at her disbelief. Finnick very well for a fact Annie was most likely to have believed for months he was dead yet here he was, coming back to her as it should be. He couldn’t really imagine what it would be like the other way around. He was simply not able to imagine the pain and sadness, how was she even able to cope with it? He couldn’t help but smile, though. It wasn’t like he realised just now how strong Annie actually was but it was one of those moments in which truth sank in and warmed up his chest, making him feel safe and grounded. That reminded him that it was real and that he was still alive.
       So he waited for her to sink into the fact, too.
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       His name slipped from her lips twice. Once as a surprised and confused whisper and then again as a blissful exclaim. There was something else in Annie’s voice. Was it relief? Hope? He surrounded her small frame and drawn her closely against him as he whispered, “Annie.— Oh, Annie! I’ve missed you so much, my love.”
He took a deep breath there, inhaling her sweet and familiar scent to comfort his body from months of recovering from the wounds that almost costed him his life. There were some injuries he was still recovering from even, but that didn’t stop him from squeezing her in his arms just in case she still had any doubt he was real. He wasn’t really planning on letting her go any time soon but he moved his head backwards slightly to look at her, his forehead resting on hers.
“I’ve missed you so bad.” He echoed himself, this time letting his words carry the hint of distress and sorrow he had suffered while being apart from her warmth. He reached for it, though, pressing his lips against hers and there, it felt like home.
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
That voice.
She tensed suddenly, breath hitching in the back of her throat. A delusion, wasn't it? Her longing and grief manifesting as a voice only she could hear, the tricks of a broken mind. That was all it was, she was sure of it -- after all, it couldn't be anything more, not when there was no Finnick to utter those two words ever again.
Her eyes still shifted, despite this assurance, the force of nervous habit causing her to glance past her shoulder. And there he stood, standing tall, every bit the same as she remembered him, the very sight knocking the breath straight from her lungs and causing her heart to stutter to a short pause.
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But he's not real -- it was bound to just be to product of hallucination, a false vision fed to her by her own deceitful mind. Rising to stand slowly, she kept her eyes locked firmly upon him, terrified to so much as blink, lest she shatter the illusion. Words failed to pass through parted lips, mind struggling to decide whether a hallucination was worth her words. 
It was instinctive, though, for his name to slip out as a breathless whisper -- "Finnick" --- wide eyes blurry from the fog of tears that threatened to spill. Tentatively, she stepped forward, approaching him with deliberate slowness, a hand finally outstretching to brush against her illusion's cheek.
He was solid.
Her heart swelled, disbelief etching it's way across her soft features. Impossible ; he was dead, torn to pieces, they had said, left in shreds. Oh, but here he stood before her, every bit as real as she herself was, and letting out a strangled sob, Annie was quick to throw her arms around his neck, pressing tight against him.
" -- Finnick!"
welcome home || seadarlingodair
   Finnick stood still for a moment while observing the house in the Victors’ Village that used to be his house. Everything was closed and there were no signs of anyone around at least for the moment. He didn’t freak out or worry quite yet. He knew things were different now in Panem so he didn’t have to worry about it, right? Of course the concern for the life of his beloved wife would always remain in the back of his head, but for now he needed to take a moment and let the fresh air fill his lungs as he recovered strength to continue walking.
     Things had gone crazy since he accidentally got separated from Katniss that night on the mission to Snow’s house.  Finnick’s memories about that night in particular were distant and blurry, most likely due to the severe injuries he got that later on were healed by the Capitol, although they weren’t just assisting a wounded person, of course they weren’t. They had simply kept him alive and got him stable enough to talk so as to interrogate him and hopefully retrieve information about the rebellion from him. He took too long to recover, anyway. Too long before the Capitol fell completely, Finnick being left in a lab for quite some time before he could leave the place. It had taken several months but he was finally back to Four, yet there was no sight of Annie so he had to look elsewhere.
      It was a long shot but he instinctively walked to the beach, which was incredibly near the Victors’ village so in a matter of seconds he could walk on the sand that he used to love and that had offered him comfort, the sand and a beach that once had meant home. And Finnick was determinate to get that back.
                 The fall of the Capitol marked the beginning of a new era, after all.
 It was then when he finally caught sight of a familiar tiny frame, long wavy and dark hair covering a feminine back. Oh, he could recall every freckle, curve, detail on the skin of that back. Finnick wasn’t quite certain how to approach her, at least not without disturbing her and causing her to freak out. He had little time to think, though.
     A split of a second later his eyes shifted forward to the shore where a small printed copy of his very own features mixed with Annie’s played around splashing on the water with glee. Finnick observed there, speechless and almost breathless, he needed no explication or confirmation.
    He knew. He knew that child was his child and he wanted—    No, he needed to come back to his wife. What was holding him back, anyway? Finnick broke those few metres that separated them, approaching her silently until he was close enough to call for her attention from behind her with soft voice.
                                                           ”My love…” A dimpled smile appeared in his face.
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
welcome home || seadarlingodair
Life after the war had slowed and steadied into the lull of routine, endless days ticking by without any differentiation from one to the next. She carried on mindlessly, silently, as time passed, operating with only half a mind present at a time, the rest held back by the tight grasp of nostalgia.
A year. Had it really been so long? Months since the news had been broken to her that he had died. For the good of the cause, they had told her, as if such words would have been enough to soften the blow. Finnick Odair had died a hero --- she didn't doubt that much. But heroism didn't bring back the dead, now, did it?
Her sense of loss had been lessened, but not quite filled, by the birth of new life only several months prior --- a son, a precious child, the closest thing that remained of her late husband. With very little left of value in her life, the small boy had become her entire world, a shred of pure light in her mourning.
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The boy had a natural talent for swimming, a true child of Four, and it had become habit for Annie to take him to the shore every afternoon, leaving the child to play in the shallows, kicking at the waves and collecting seashells in small arms as she kept a watchful eye from the shore, left to her own thoughts.
She didn't hear the approaching footsteps, muffled by the sand, or feel the looming presence that lingered towards her. Her consciousness had for a long time been the selective type, focusing solely on one matter at a time. Knees drawn up to her chest and chin resting on her kneecaps, she remained blind and oblivious, gaze remaining trained forward.
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
You are my hero <3 I'm gonna try out Emily in the meantime.
Now is perfect! I can totally write something quick up, if you want. Got any good scenarios in mind, or should I just wing something?
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
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         [ don't think about it, don't think about it, don't --- ]
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exdeliravit-blog · 11 years
Oh lord, if you did that for me, I would love you forever. But I don't want to put any pressure or hassle on you for the sake of icons. <3
You are brilliant and I might just tentatively switch placeholder FCs and give Emily Browning a shot oops.
also hello we should rp sometime again just saying
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