exilivm-blog · 8 years
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Knight of Friendship: Silas
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
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          ❝It baffles me that you’d even come to me in the first place, Silas.❞
One would presume in the way he presents himself that the butler is hardly one for casual conversations, much less provocation of discussions regarding matters beyond his realm of control; war is monitored by those who hold power, leaders who march their soldiers through the SULFURIC pits of TARTARUS itself–he is but one of many tools to reach a certain end. He holds no place in questioning the motives of those superior nor does he care to question it. Callous mien bears little sympathy for his interlocutor’s affairs, resisting the urge to scoff at how one could possibly survive war, much less withstand the conquistador mindset of Nohr as a whole. He continues his dialogue without missing a beat, stature stalwart as a mountain.
          ❝I’ve been trained to fight & defend Lady Kamui with my life. If you’re too scared of getting a little blood on your clothes then you might as well leave & never show your face here again.❞
War is not a playground for the faint of heart: it is a beast that ENDURES the test of time, feeding its insatiable hunger with corpses of man, woman, & child alike; it is indiscriminate, irreconcilable, & the only way to quell the tempest is to become a beast. Hesitation only provides the opposition room to STRIKE & thinking about how many liters of blood the body holds, or how deafening broken bones sound when shattered against steel edges will only lead to one’s own demise.
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It was always the hard way with Joker. Sure, it was nice to be able to talk to someone who never bothered to sugarcoat their words, as everyone else seemed to do. Joker never hesitated to say what was on his mind without filter, and sometimes those were the kinds of things that Silas needed to hear. No matter how much he tried to convince himself as such, however, he couldn’t deny that Joker would more often than not strike a cord with him. 
❛ I-- What are you trying to say? ❜ his eyes turned to daggers at the other.  ❛ If you’re questioning my loyalty to Lady Kamui, you’re pointing fingers at the wrong person. I swore the day that I had been exiled and those by her side like yourself purged me from her memory that I would see her again. If you think blood on my hands would deter me from serving her then you’re dead wrong, my friend. I’ve laid my life down for too many years to give up on her now, and I--more than anyone--would be willing to give the rest of it for her. ❜
The tirade was rather brief, but no less passionate despite that. He had a conscience, that much couldn’t be mistaken, though in the end he knew where his loyalties were. As a Nohrian soldier, he’d been in countless battles while rising through the ranks, and to think that a war would deter him from his goal when it was right in front of him was absurd to say the least. 
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
Miss Nyx.
exilivm ♡‘d for a starter
                 “ Silas— ”
     Even if she called for him, with a voice louder than she has ever used. She couldn’t help cutting herself off. As much as she’s thought and thought about this— she can’t help but feel a little uncertain about it. She usually needn’t ask for things from people, possibly due to the fact she never could since those she asked cringed in fear (yet that was before she came to Nohr). But she wanted to change that, starting now by trying again in asking the cavalier a favor, in which she desperately needed.
    Nyx closed her eyes and took a breath in as she started again. A little louder this time so he could hear her if need be. She need his help in training, but physically. She could keep the enemy pretty distant, but when they came close she was pretty much done for. Her defense being an absolute mess in comparison of her Magic ability and Speed.
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         “ Er, Silas,                  I need to ask of your service—                  —If possible…  of course… ”
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Having been going about his day as normal, the cavalier’s attention was caught by the sound of his name being called out. However, with how suddenly the sound had ceased, he could be forgiven with assuming that he had merely been hearing things, or perhaps it had been a mistake on the part of the caller. Still, brows furrowed, he looks around to check for a potential source for the sound, only for his name to hit his ears again, allowing him to pinpoint the source as being the dark haired woman.
❛ Miss Nyx?❜he addressed her in return as if to confirm that she had indeed been speaking to him. Her words rang in his ears and he gave her a rather surprised look, albeit unintentionally. He hadn’t spoken to the fortune-teller much ever since she had joined up with the Nohr forces, as she had always seemed to keep to herself, at least around him. However, the sudden request wouldn’t fall upon deaf ears.
❛ My service? Of course! What good would I be as a knight of Nohr if I couldn’t give my service to the people? ❜ he all but agreed before even hearing what she would have him do, though worded it in a strangely roundabout manner, ❛ How may I be of service to you, Miss Nyx? ❜
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
Miss Felicia.
exilivm ;
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           ❛ SILAS ! ! you’re just the man                i wanted to see on this fine,               monday afternoon ! have you                gotten this week’s agenda from                master kamui yet ? joker told me                that him and i have a list of errands                for wednesday. ❜ 
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❛ Oh, Miss Felicia!❜the cavalier immediately responded to the young maid’s voice, ❛ Yes, of course. Lady Kamui never fails to provide us with our weekly tasks, no? It always seems to be something. ❜ he mused. ❛ Is that why you came to me? Cain and I would be more than willing to help you out with carrying stuff back if that’s what you need. ❜
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
=^● ⋏ ●^= one silas please
Send me =^● ⋏ ●^= and a character i will draw a chibi version of them NOT ACCEPTING
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that cowlick tho
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
=^● ⋏ ●^= silas??
send me =^● ⋏ ●^= and a character i will draw a chibi version of them.
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[ luv dat childhood bff ]
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
                                        ♞  send me a crystal
                                       tsavorite: if my muse believes in destiny or fate
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While certainly not being the mostdevout person among his peers, Silas definitely believes in Naga.She has a plan for him and willguide him accordingly in order tofulfill his purpose.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
{[ amazonite && bloodstone.
                                         ♞  send me a crystal
                    amazonite: what kind of situations call for my muse to be dishonest                   bloodstone: how my muse sees themself as part of the world at large
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UN. In the Birthright storyline,in which Silas abandons hisposition as a soldier for Nohr in favor of joining up with Kamui with the Hoshido,he would have a rather hardtime explaining to Sophie what exactly he did.He would just let her assumethat he’s always been a Hoshidian soldier until he’squestioned about it for onereason or another.
DEUX. Silas is fully awareof his role as a small pieceof a much larger puzzle/conflict.He would like to believe thathe’s fighting for the right sideof the conflict that he’s lockedin, and will follow ordersaccordingly in order to helphis side win.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
moss agate
                                      ♞  send me a crystal
                              moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themself
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Being a rather high ranking knight inNohr’s army, ( at least to the point of taking orders from Marx/Xander directly in the Conquest storyline )he has a rather high opinion of himself.Having worked hard enough to get tothe point where he is now and actuallyaccomplishing his goal of meeting withhis best friend again, he’s proud.However, he’s very aware of just wherehis place is in the power hierarchy, andthus acts accordingly.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
                                       ♞  send me a crystal
                                               fluorite: what my muse’s room looks like
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For the longest time he’d stuck to the standardissue barracks assigned to him by his Nohr superiors without many alterations at all.However, upon his promotion to being Kamui’sretainer he’d been able to at least get himselfa few more privileges for his living space, having a bedroom near that of his Lord/Lady in case that he would be needed on a moment’snotice. Still not many alterations to it from howhe’d gotten it though.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
lapis lazuli, pyrite, carnelite, & biotite.
                                     ♞  send me a crystal
                                             lapis lazuli: where ‘home’ is to my muse                                                 pyrite: a physical health headcanon                                            celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety                           biotite: the biggest problems my muse is currently dealing with
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UN. With Kamui Honestly though, it’snot so much of a question of where heconsiders to be his home as much as it is where his loyalties lie.( which I suppose explains why he is initially sided with Nohr, that beingtheir whole thing with Kamui and all )He’s more than willing to abandon Nohrfor the Hoshido if Kamui requests that he do so, as ultimately his loyalty iswith Kamui and no one else.
DEUX. Being a renowned knight ofNohr comes with rigorous sessions ofphysical training. While he’s obviouslynot quite as strong as Effie, who is justmonstrous, he’s more or less in topphysical condition and would still beable to go long distances without hishorse.
TROIS. Being the needlessly selflessperson he is, he often finds that the anxieties of his comrades are taken offof their shoulders and placed onto hisown instead. He’s learned to cope by going out on walks with Cain, his horse,early in the morning while the world isseemingly more quiet and uncomplicatedthan it actually is.
QUATRE. Finding out that Kamui hadall but forgotten about him has got to beone of the biggest blows to him after moreor less dedicating his life to being a knightjust to see them again. He’s working onrebuilding their relationship and perhapsreminding Kamui of the good ol’ days onestep at a time.( in the Birthright storyline he experiencesinternal conflict over abandoning Nohrin order to fight for Kamui as well. )
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
charoite, coral, ulexite
                                      ♞  send me a crystal
                                                  charoite: who my muse looks up to                                            coral: how my muse views the natural world                        ulexite: how empathetic/sympathetic/compassionate my muse is
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UN. When he was young, Silas usedto read about the exploits of knights such as Sain of Cailin and looked upto such knights as heroes. They werenever the heroes of their stories, yetthey were always there when they were needed most, and that’s the kindof person Silas wanted to grow up to be. 
DEUX. While he tries to be the optimistof the group at all times, Silas is fullyaware of just how much of a messed up,unfair place the world really is.The conflict that Kamui gets dragged intoagainst their will being a particularexample of terrible things happeningto someone simply out of circumstance.
TROIS. I believe that referring you backto the previous questions I answered wouldbe enough to answer this one, no?
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
                                       ♞  send me a crystal
                                       apatite: a headcanon about my muse’s intuition
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Adding on to the last question answered,Silas has a very good intuition when it comes to others needing help. He canread body language, detect the presenceor absence of certain verbal ticks or readthe way people are talking very easily.Combined with how he can’t keep himselffrom going out of his way to help otherswhile they’re in need, it gets very trouble-some to his conscience to see a comradestruggling with something without him atleast trying to help them out in some shape or form.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
                                        ♞  send me a crystal
                               mica: what my muse views as their worst personality trait
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As pointed out by Joker in their supports,Silas is an altruist, meaning that he’s selfless to a fault. He’s almost always putting the needs of others before his own,and as a result jeopardizes his well-beinga lot of the time.Whether it be out on the battlefield protectinghis subordinates to the best of his abilityregardless of whether or not he has to orjust him helping out his comrades with their personal issue and depressinghimself in the process, he’s always thereto be a shoulder to lean on, even when he himself doesn’t have one.
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
                                         ♞ send me a crystal
                                                          ruby: a happiness headcanon
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Regardless of whether he finds Kamuion the side of the Nohr or the Hoshido, Silas is always overjoyed upon meetingback up with his best friend after all ofhis years spent apart from them. After all, the whole reason that he’d joined the army in the first place was sothat he would be able to see Kamui, so how else would he feel upon finallyaccomplishing his goal?
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
Lady Kamui.
DESPITE WHATEVER BONDS they had shared in the past, their relationship was to be nothing more than that of MISTRESS and RETAINER, professional at best. At least, that was what the official records would mark down. No matter her own doubt as to who the cavalier was in their fated meeting, years after their first, Silas would forever be etched upon her mind as her BEST FRIEND.
GIVEN SUCH, HIS own formalities only drew a giggle from her seated self, focus buried into the magical tome she securely held. ❛ You could start by calling me just by my name, Silas. At least when we’re in private, you can do away with titles like those. ❜
THE QUESTION OF his is not ignored, rather, a moment passes as she flips the ancient tome, the face of its pages now lain against the desk. A single bare finger rises, coming to the middle of her bottom lip in thought, tapping soft skin twice before her gaze flicks over to her comrade. Whilst Joker was available to take care of more domestic duties, what good would a warrior do her in the home?
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❛ I… ACTUALLY DO have a request, yes. It may require the rest of your day’s time, if that’s all right. ❜
After all this time it was a bit disheartening to find out that he’d been all but purged from the young woman’s memories. She seemed to have a faint idea of their relationship hidden in the back of her mind, and he had decided upon becoming her knight that he would do whatever he could to try and rebuild what the two of them had once had. 
He feels heat rushing to his face as his rather nervous way of speaking causes her to a giggle, a sound that he’s not at all unused to even all of this time after he’d last heard her do so, ❛ My Lady, I don’t believe that’s right of me to do... but if you insist on doing so, then I have no choice but to follow your orders... Kamui, ❜he addressed her as he’d been told to do, trying to hide the smile that spreads across his features upon doing so.
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Her words caught him by surprise. The rest of his day’s time? Quite the task at hand, for sure. ❛ I may have other responsibilities but my services, first and foremost, are for you, Kamui. ❜his hands clasp behind his back once again, ❛ What would you have me do? ❜
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exilivm-blog · 9 years
=^● ⋏ ●^= for silas?
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{ Btw, Silas has to be my favorite Fates unit (Well, tied with Nyx) }
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