Dear God of this shithole, This life has been designed like a French film being played backwards with the sound turned off. No one really knows why the fuck you did it that way, but they all probably want you to stop so the little persons in the TV screen can do whatever the fuck else ever. Shouldn’t you be masturbating into an empty shoe box or something equally strange or crying instead.
There was something vague and important I had planned, but I forgot what that was. Anyway, my plans have turned to bigger and better things; for instance, making sure I have five toes on each foot.
The dog chasing the rabbit with all the violence in its heart found it had simply caught its own tail. A matter most confusing. Eventually the matter of consumption becomes evident. That rabbit became a part of that dog and integrated into even its tail, but neither learned one damn thing from it except that atoms have more respect for ions than the design of this world has for life and true growth. The hunt destroyed both the dog and rabbit eventually.
Dogodamn it, don't get it backwards; one suggests growing beyond base instinct and bonding. Until you understand what one means properly, it's just too much ego in the way and back to dogs chasing rabbits instead of what it should be.
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I have to believe it is something more than predators and pre(a)y out there. That there is someone and some someones more wanting for something more than the wanted wanton's tired lot. If filled with the wrong intentions, I am the fire, you are the lamb, and that ain't love. Stay the Hell away from me. Not here to support a moth's wings.
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existentialexitwounds · 2 months
No worse slave in existence than those who suffer the impulse to enslave others.
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existentialexitwounds · 2 months
All these talks of dreams have left me thinking. Imagine being born, growing up, at some point sensing you are of a different sort than others, and then understanding that almost the whole world had been set against you from birth. And then you were told you had made a choice that you could never recall. That's what this is about. Some of you may not have to imagine.
The Same and the Unsound
The world tried to turn us into less than animals but we wouldn't let it.
To take our humanity and our dreams and make us forget it.
Turn us to instinct -- a drive with no life.
What's a heart for for animals like you and me?
What's the part for fools with dreams that can not be?
So we turn to sleep and impulse and weep.
The world tried to turn us into less than animals but we wouldn't let it.
To take our humanity and our dreams and make us forget it.
What's a heart for animals like you and me?
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existentialexitwounds · 2 months
Still, I like to be early to revelations instead of late --not a Bible joke --That was a lie.
Have you accepted the fact that you're a sim in someone's game of the sims, and you're just lucky they haven't forced you into thinking stacking up chairs next to a fireplace is a good idea as your personal lord and savior?
Working on my door to door game for existentialism. How am I doing? I think I overshot existentialism and went somewhere else entirely.
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existentialexitwounds · 2 months
I dunno why I talk to myself, but everyone probably thinks I am a weirdo, a real nautical astronaut, a plumber who lost all his tools, a hamster on hard drugs. A real freak. You know, normal.
Other weird thinks of the day.
Politics goes a little something like this: I’m staring at something that looks like an ideological mirror image of myself, should I check myself or wreck myself? Human beans: fight it. Often times, not saying persons shouldn't take an interest in politics, just sometimes it's difficult; we fail to see we are adverse to thinking that is sometimes present in ourselves or just an inversion of it.
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existentialexitwounds · 4 months
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existentialexitwounds · 4 months
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existentialexitwounds · 4 months
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existentialexitwounds · 4 months
Either there is a red and blue disco party outside my window or somebody just had a very bad day.
Going through some of these messages I've got. Negativity is not a healthy way to express interest in other people. May I suggest therapy? A smooth, cold glass of chill the ef out. Anything really. But not messaging other people on the internet. Because we've got this one life to live, and you're giving everyone a headache.
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existentialexitwounds · 4 months
Props to anyone who would wander over to another person's Facebook and leave oddly arbitrary and non specific negative comments. That makes about as much sense as walking into a person's house uninvited and leaving negative remarks regarding what they're making for dinner. It's kind of endearing and terrifying all at once.
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
Bad Jokes 2
My cat knows the importance of playing fetch, this is very canine of him. If your boots do not have zippers while having a million straps, I will stare at you like you've lost your gordamn mind.
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
Bad Jokes
At this point in time, I'm going to go run the water, lie down in the bathtub, and fall asleep while breathing through my gills. Like normal people do.
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
A lot of people are in love with the things gone wrong in this world. They remain forever stuck in shallow water. Concerned with looks, how much money is in another person's pocket, in need of another person to validate their convictions, or overly concerned with matters of sex. There is a space between all that where the water runs deeper. Everyone too busy drowning in the shallows to notice they are drowning. I'll keep working, such sadness in the drowning when it is not even my own.
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
This damned life, it is beneath everyone, slaves to the dirt under our feet and then we die, --a detestable state of things.
A love eternal is worth believing in and fighting for. Good to die fighting with someone you love if you are so lucky, even luckier still if you do your best by everyone in love and concern.
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
RISING UP - This Rage-Fueled Beat 'Em Up Escalates VERY Quickly!
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existentialexitwounds · 5 months
sub downloader video to audio converter
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