expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
You know what I think is interesting? As a decently buff woman, the attitude of men towards me in a gym vs in a martial arts academy is VERY different.
Usually men in a gym will look at me That Way™ when I walk into the weight section and do 2 hours of upper body weight training. A lot are judgemental af, trying to dissect my form even tho I've gone through several personal trainers and my form is usually better than theirs. Just overall bad energy.
The men in my martial arts academy?
Something else entirely.
The guys from muay thai and bjj, especially the ones from wrestling, are always hyping me up and encouraging me. Of course there's some exceptions, but most of these dudes have already been humbled by enough women that they're eons less judgemental.
They respect me enough to not go easy on me but they don't try to genuinely injure me (bad sportsmanship no matter the gender). If something about my form in a technique is off, they will give me constructive criticism instead of being demeaning or just staying silent about it to try to guarantee a win.
A guy last week was like "you really be brawling, you picked me up and rolled my on the ground like an alligator", and another dude today was like "you're getting so strong so fast it's ridiculous." AND I'M LIKE THANK YOU FOR THE GOOD ENERGY, WORKING OUT IS 80% OF MY PERSONALITY SO IM HOPING TO BE GOOD IN AT LEAST THAT😭😭😭💕💕
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
Jiang Yuhuan 😍
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
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Have always wanted to talk about this. Martial arts gyms are awash in creeps, which isn’t really unique I guess.
If you follow MMA closely, you might have noticed a lot of women (especially young women) are dating their coaches who tend to be like 15+ years older than them. The really creepy part is a lot of them have known their coaches since like middle school. The most famous case is Pat Barry and Rose Namajunas, who allegedly started dating when Rose like like 14 and Barry was like 30ish. But there are others - Jim West and Aspen Ladd, whatever the Shevchenkos and Paul Fedetov, and way more. It’s creepy. And you can read all types of stories about other gyms.
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And these weren’t even the ones I was looking for. They just popped up on Google. Point being, we should look out for one another. There are way too many people who are comfortable in the martial arts community being predators. Look at Lloyd Irvin.
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
Start of a new work week here in Oz. Hopefully the burnout eases soon.
As a gift for all your love and support, I give you: a kid.
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
theres a popular brand in canada called no name brand and it manufactures everything you can imagine in a grocery store and it kind of makes me feel like im in a world no one bothered to do much world building for
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but:
It’s not your fault. Don’t think that there was anything you could have done different- awful things happened, and it doesn’t make you any less of a human being. Whatever happened was terrible, and while it’s natural to feel a sort of guilt, just remember that it’s not your fault.
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
hey um this is double-plus ungood
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
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LGBT activists have been vocal about intersex issues for several decades, because establishing the legal right to bodily autonomy for intersex persons is basically inseparable from establishing the right of trans persons to that same legal autonomy over their own bodies. many intersex persons prefer not to be grouped together with LGBT causes; however, the vast majority of LGBT activists would agree that performing "corrective" surgery on intersex infants - to force them to adhere to a largely fictional gender binary - is pretty fucking evil.
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
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Share this picture if you are openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual, pansexual, or if you really love cats.
Have fun figuring out which one.
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
i think i said this one before but i remember we used to go to church and one day on the way i just out of the blue asked the car "how do we know god is real? what if people just made him up" and the adults all got super mad at me and gave me generic answers like "we just know" and stuff and my ass was fucking CURIOUS so when church started i asked the Sunday School teacher and she was like "well the bible was written about him" or something like that and i was like "but someone wrote Curious George and hes not real, what if someone made him up too" and she was like irritated but was like "he's a talking monkey of course hes not real, children just like fun stories" or something like that and i don't remember exactly what i said but it was something very close to "but adults like stories too! how do you know he's not made up so because adults want to believe in something too?" and she got SUPER mad and i had to apologize in front of the church but i saw an opportunity so i was like "but no one answered me so i still dont know and i guess you guys don't either" and [everyone] got super mad and none of us could go to that church anymore
the adults were okay to go to church again but me and my siblings had sundays off from that point on and that was kind of a catalyst for the way my brother and sister perceived religion
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expensive-rainbows · 15 hours
i’m in hawaii rn where do i find that really tall single drop waterfall
U wanna go to the north east side of the main Hawaii island where there are steep cliffs - they do helicopter tours of these massive waterfalls and it’s supposed to be otherworldly! But u must make sure they offer rides - i am not sure how often they do and I know the region itself is not accessible to tourists! Good luck if u take the tour send me images
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expensive-rainbows · 16 hours
If you tell someone directly "that behavior makes me uncomfortable, please stop doing that to/around me" and the person keeps doing it and anyone tries to excuse it with "they're autistic, they can't help that they're bad at social clues", know that it's bullshit. Once you have verbally articulated a boundary directly to someone's face it is no longer a complex social clue, it's a direct request. And you don't get to ignore direct communication of boundaries because you're autistic.
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expensive-rainbows · 16 hours
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Pride Month is upon us again and so it is time to repost my little guy, Hue! I’m wishing everyone a safe, supportive, positive, and enlightening Pride, whether you’re all the way “out” or not!
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expensive-rainbows · 16 hours
that makes sense lmao!
I love your pfp
thank you! i didnt make it lmao! whos the character on your pfp?
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expensive-rainbows · 16 hours
How many raccoon memes do you have
27 and counting
+ 1 Opossum meme.
so besically 28
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