expicare-blog1 · 5 years
The Warning Signs of a Stroke
When someone suffers a stroke, it’s imperative that they are treated immediately. The American Heart Association utilizes its F.A.S.T. Program for identifying and noticing strokes. This acronym can be described thus: face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, time to call 9-1-1.
1. Face Drooping
One of the first delineators of a stroke is if the patient’s face is drooping or has gone numb. This symptom, known as facial paralysis, can be a signifier that something has been altered within the person’s brain. If you suspect a person has just had a stroke, ask them to smile. If they cannot fulfill this task, there is a high likelihood that they have just had a stroke.
2. Arm Weakness
The second signifier of a stroke is arm weakness. If damage has occurred within the brain, there may be nerve damage within muscle movement. Thus, the person’s control over these appendages can reveal the possibility of a stroke.
If you believe that someone has just had a stroke, you should perform a movement check on their arms. The American Health Organization recommends that you ask the person if they are experiencing any stiffness or numbness within that area.
Ask the person to lift their arms. If they are unable to do so, or one side is noticeably drifting downward, they may have just suffered a stroke. 
3. Speech Difficulty
Another signifier of a possible stroke is difficulty with common speech. This condition, known as dysarthria, reveals that neurological damage has occurred and needs to be remedied with expediency. Namely, the nerves controlling the muscles within the mouth are being operated by damaged brain cells.
Note the speech patterns of the suspected stroke victim. See if these patterns are slurred, difficult to understand, or simply nonexistent. You can also ask the person to repeat a sentence back to you. Keep the sentence as simple as something like “the earth is round.” Note how this sentence is repeated back, and look for the aforementioned symptoms of dysarthria. 
4.  Time to Call 9-1-1
If any of the previous symptoms are present within the person, it is time to call 9-1-1. Even if the symptoms go away, the person should still go to medical care immediately. With strokes, time is of the essence, and you need to act quickly to prevent further damage!
If you’re concerned about your elderly loved one's health or well being, nursing services in Delray Beach, FL can help. Call today.
Contact Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into in-home care and stroke warning signs.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
Keeping the Mind Sharp Throughout Aging
When it comes to aging, maintaining brain health is imperative. The brain controls breathing, oversees heart regulation, and ensures that all vital systems stay online.
Yet, it’s easy to forget about maintaining brain health. This could be because it’s impossible to see this pivotal organ without the aid of expensive PET scans or MRIs!
Despite this phenomenon, the invisibility of the brain is not an excuse to avoid regular strengthening of the organ. This is especially pertinent with the progression of diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. According to the National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
Thus, as the elderly generation ages, it’s tantamount that brains are strengthened through sharpening techniques and that you consider home health care in Boynton Beach, FL. The following will explore just a few methods for maintaining brain health while aging!
Engage in Activities that Stimulate the Brain
Just like the external body requires exercise to stay in shape, the brain requires mental stimulation to keep itself sharp. This includes activity that requires concentration, skill recollection, and creative problem solving. This could entail a steady job, an active social life, or the learning of a new skill.
This emphasis of learning a new skill is especially important in maintaining a sharp mind. In a New York Times article of 2018, a Professor of Psychology named Lisa Feldman Barrett championed the idea of continual learning. She stated that, to extend brain health, one must truly challenge themselves. She believes that learning is not something that is casually undergone. There must be a heightened “level of exertion [that] is associated with increases in the ease of communication within the brain.”
Thus, through challenging the brain in complex new ways, senior citizens can strengthen and prolong their own mental capabilities.
Avoid Excessive Smoking and Drinking
To promote healthy brain health, it’s important to avoid harmful radicals caused by tobacco, alcohol, and other mentally-altering substances. These substances can deprive the brain of much needed nutrients and sabotage prolonged longevity.
For example, drinking large quantities of alcohol correlates directly with sabotaged brain function. This is because drinking copious libations can cause thiamine deficiency. Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, helps the brain regulate energy, enforce memory, and promote mental recognition. Yet, after multiple instances of excessive drinking, the cognitive supply of B1 is deprived. This, in turn, inhibits all aforementioned mental processes and sabotages brain health. 
Thanks to Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into in home nursing care and keeping the mind sharp while aging.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
The Benefits of Art Therapy for Seniors
For elderly individuals, art therapy is proving an act that keeps on giving. With the ability to provide healing, healthfulness, and an overall sense of wellness, art therapy has proven itself a timeless endeavor that lasts through the ages.
The AATA (American Art Therapy Association) defines this form as “a mental health profession that uses the creative process of art making to improve and enhance...physical, mental, and emotional well-being.”
For those new to this concept, here are 3 main benefits of using art therapy for senior citizens.
1. Art Therapy Increases Joy
One of the main benefits of art therapy is its ability to spark joy and decrease stress levels. At first glance, this connection seems to be more hearsay than fact. Yet, this connection can actually be explained scientifically.
It has been proven that the act of creation sparks a positive chemical reaction in the human brain. In a 2014 article on the subject, behavioral neuroscientist Dahlia W. Zaidel explores the connection between the artistic process and neural reactions. One of her findings was that art released dopamine, also known as “the feel-good hormone.” This is why people glean joy from art: they are chemically altering themselves to feel happy.
Thus, through participating in art therapy, senior citizens are actively working on the joyful spark of creation!
2.  It Can Increase Motor and Cognitive Function
Another benefit of art therapy is its ability to improve cognitive and motor function. Neurologically speaking, when one makes art, they are strengthening and forging new mental pathways. This is because, when someone learns and practices a new skill, they create new neural connections. These are ways in which the brain comprehends, problem solves, and adapts in challenging situations.
Thus, through art therapy, senior citizens are given the tools to increase their mental capabilities. This form of therapy is especially great for elderly citizens living with degenerative mental diseases such as Alzheimer's.
3. Enabled Communication and Self Expression
A huge benefit of art therapy is its ability to encourage communication. As senior citizens grow older, it is normal for feelings of isolation and loneliness to set in. Major shifts in routine and life can create feelings of ennui.
Yet, through practicing creativity, elderly patients are given an entire new medium to express themselves. They can paint their emotions, give form to feeling through clay, explore raw emotion through song, etc. Thus through art therapy, the elderly are empowered to diversify their own communication.
In Conclusion
Art therapy is paramount in its ability to improve brain function, increase joy, and empower day-to-day life. Regardless of the patient, the ability to create and make art are truly ageless. In-home care in South Palm Beach, FL can also be very beneficial for the elderly to improve mobility, mood, and health.
Contact Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into in-home nursing care and art therapy for seniors.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
Maintaining Heart Health Through Aging
In a person's existence, the heart is the organ which best ensures longevity. Thus, maintaining heart health is tantamount in ensuring a healthy retirement and many prosperous golden years! This can be accomplished through healthy practices such as maintaining a well-balanced diet, refraining from smoking, and keeping an active lifestyle.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
A great way to ensure heart health is to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. This should emphasize fresh vegetables, legumes, and other nutrient-rich options. It should avoid foods that are heavily processed, high in sugar content, and excessive in sodium.
This emphasis on lowered sodium is especially important. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends older adults consume "no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day." In layman's terms, this accounts for about 3/4 a teaspoon.
This emphasis is because, as people age, they become more and more sensitive to highly salted foods. This salt increases blood pressure and the possibility of heart conditions. It can also cause other health issues, such as swelling of the extremities or dehydration. 
Refrain from Smoking
In the fight for heart healthiness, smoking is a huge deterrent. In fact, according to the CDC, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. The prolonged ingestion of tobacco can do irreparable damage to younger bodies, and can do deadly damage to the elderly.
This is because the inhalation adds excessive damage to already compromised artery walls. Thus, in the quest for heart health, the best defense is to put down the cigarette!
Keep an Active Lifestyle
One of the best ways to keep a heart healthy is to keep it fit through exercise! There's a reason that exercise instructors are constantly trying to "get that blood pumping."
In older age, arteries are more prone to stiffness and arteriosclerosis - the hardening of the arteries. This phenomenon promotes plaque build-up and the likelihood of a stroke. Yet this can be avoided through adopting regular exercise.
It is recommended for senior citizens to aim for 150 minutes of weekly physical activity. It should be noted that this does not need to be high intensity. It can be accomplished by a brisk walk around the park, a day spent in the garden, or an evening bowling.
In Conclusion
In the journey towards elderly wellness, heart health is paramount. Through adopting these healthy measures and considering home health care in Boynton Beach, FL, seniors can set themselves up for a successful, long, and healthy life.
Contact Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into in-home nursing care and maintaining heart health.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
Fall Prevention 101
When it comes to senior healthcare, there is nothing more imperative than preventing falls. According to the U.S centers for disease control, falling constitutes “the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of trauma-related hospital admissions” among adults over 65.
Falling and Seniors                                                                                         
Senior citizens are more likely to suffer a fall due to a myriad of health reasons.
Those who live with osteoporosis, which causes a weakening of bone density, are physically compromised when navigating movement.
If someone is dealing with visual deficiencies, such as cataracts, they are more likely to misjudge their terrain.
A person dealing with the tremors of Parkinson's disease would have difficulty maintaining coordination and balance.
Anyone who has recently had a reconstructive surgery or replacement is at risk for falling.
The overall causation is this: when one form of the body is slightly impaired, the entirety of self can be vulnerable to damage. Thus, it is imperative that preventative measures are taken to remove the likelihood of a future fall.
 How to Prevent Falls
To avoid future slips, it's important to adopt a proactive game plan. This includes a regular exercise schedule, the avoidance of any dangerous obstacles or tasks, and the possible purchase of a medical alert device.
Adopt a Regular Exercise Plan
A great way to prevent a possible fall is through low-intensity exercise. This involves the senior citizen preparing themselves and their body from future imbalances.
Through activities like yoga, light cycling, or swimming laps, seniors can strengthen and lengthen their muscles. This improves coordination and increases flexibility, while also improving cardiovascular health. With increased motor function, the person is able to better navigate difficult terrain and possible threatening situations. 
Remove Possible Trip Hazards
Another way to prevent future falls is to ensure that the personal environment has any possible obstacles removed. These include an unleveled floor, errant electrical cords, and other possible hazards. Make certain these obstacles are placed out of paths, that furniture is secured, and that all rugs are non slip. The goal is to create clear and easily navigable pathways to each living space.
Consider Purchasing a Medical Alert Device
Contrary to popular belief, a medical alert device is not simply for those who live alone. All individuals who are prone to falling, can benefit from the aid of a medical alert device and in home health care in Boynton Beach, FL.
If a fall occurs, and no one is around to immediately provide help, the device can be activated with ease. Thus, the fallen person receives a response at the moment of the fall, instead of when the cohabitant or caregiver finds them. This is crucial because time is imperative in treating any traumatic bone or head injuries.
Contact Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into in-home nursing care and fall prevention.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
How do you know when it’s time to bring in additional help for an aging loved one?  Some people choose to wait until there is a catastrophe or an emergency situation before they make the decision to hire an experienced professional caregiver.  When they finally choose to hire additional help, they often realize they could have used that aide long ago.  You should not wait for an emergency to happen to in order to ask for help.  Here are some helpful indications that let you know it might be time to hire an experienced, professional caregiver.
Schedule and Routine:  You may begin to notice that your aging loved one has trouble doing certain tasks for themselves.  Maybe they are beginning to forget appointments, or are starting to lose the motivation to take care of certain responsibilities in the home.  If that is the case, hiring an experienced professional caregiver is a great way to help maintain a schedule and routine for your aging loved one.  A professional caregiver can drive to appointments and errands, buy groceries and prepare meals, take care of light housekeeping personal needs – which can help your aging loved one maintain their lifestyle and daily routine.
Security:  When your loved one suffers from cognitive or mobility issues it can make it difficult for them to be alone.  An experienced professional caregiver can can provide an attentive eye and helping hand to assure they do not get injured and help prevent accidents from happening.   
Isolation:  Long stretches of time without social interaction can often lead to depression.  Often times, aging seniors spend more time alone than they do socializing with other people.  When you hire an experienced professional caregiver to work with your aging loved one, it will give your aging loved one the opportunity to develop a new friendship.  The relationship between your aging loved one and a professional caregiver will bring a new dynamic to an otherwise isolated routine.  As the relationship develops your aging senior will feel happiness and a renewed energy through the friendship they share with their caregiver.
It can be very difficult to accept that an aging loved one can no longer manage some of their daily activities on their own.  It is important to look for the indicators that might show it is time to consider hiring experienced nursing services Delray Beach, FL offers to help.  You will be surprised by how easy the transition to in home care is, and you might even wonder what took you so long to ask for help.
Thanks to Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into home care and when it’s time to ask for help.
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expicare-blog1 · 5 years
Have you ever heard the expression “laughter is the best medicine”?  Well research shows the expression might actually be true – and even truer for aging seniors.  So why is laughter so important?  
Laughing can definitely brighten your day.  Laughter makes us feel good!  But did you know it can actually do a lot more than that?  There are many health benefits to laughter and seniors.  Take a look at some of the health benefits that come when we share a good laugh:
Increased Endorphin Levels:  When we laugh, we increase the body’s natural pain reducers.  You might notice that any pain you are dealing with may somewhat reduce after sharing a laugh with a friend.
Decreased Depression:  Everyone deals with depression from time to time, but did you know that when we suffer from depression it can lead to more serious ailments?  When you have a good laugh, you increase the dopamine levels in your body, which is the natural way of lifting your overall mood and decreasing depression.
Strengthened Muscles:  When you laugh, your abdominal muscles and your diaphragm are engaged. These muscles are important for everyone to exercise, but they are an especially significant muscle group to strengthen for aging seniors.
Boosted Immune System: Laughter improves your immune system.  Laughing can actually boost the immune system in older adults by helping to increase immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which greatly improves your body’s resistance to colds and other illnesses.
Lowered Blood Pressure and Cholesterol:  Laughter can reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure by releasing more oxygen into your bloodstream.  The release of oxygen into the bloodstream has a positive effect on your circulation.
Improved Communication:  Laughter can help seniors talk about uncomfortable or embarrassing health issues by defusing the pressure or awkwardness with a joke.  When we laugh with others it strengthens our bonds with those we laugh with.  Laughing can also help diffuse uncomfortable situations and help improve our communication skills.
So, there you have it.  A little laughter will go a long way.  Laughter can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, strengthen muscles, boost the immune system, increase endorphin levels, decrease depression, and improve communication.  It feels great to laugh, but it also feels good when we can make others laugh too.  Sharing a laugh with a friend will help bring a sunny disposition to any aging senior and can introduce new health benefits as well.  Laughter can strengthen relationships which in turn will provide support and wellbeing to seniors.  Knock, knock… What are you waiting for?  Start laughing with the help of a home care nurse Delray Beach, FL turns to!
Thanks to Expicare Nursing Agency for their insight into home care and the health benefits of laughter.
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expicare-blog1 · 6 years
Caring for a Loved One After a Stroke
When a loved one suffers a stroke, friends and family often feel shock, sadness, and a sense of helplessness. Coming to terms with these emotions may be painful; becoming a caregiver to your loved one may be even more stressful and exhausting. If you are caring for a loved one who has suffered a stroke, we urge you to review these important recommendations post-stroke.
Create a Team
Your loved one may require evaluation and treatment from a number of different medical providers (i.e.: primary care provider, neurologist, cardiologist, psychologist) as well as rehabilitation care specialists (i.e.: case worker, social worker, occupational and physical therapists.) Along with other key family members (i.e.: caregiver, family members, friends), you can create a team with the health care professionals to proactively communicate all developments related to your loved one. If possible, schedule regular status call updates. Most importantly, ensure that all team members are connected so they can provide the right care required by your loved one.
Evaluate What Level of Care is Needed
If your loved one can’t return to a previous lifestyle after a stroke, what type of care will he or she need? What activities will your loved one need help with? Will your loved one move in with a family member or will he or she require assisted living?
Together, the medical and rehabilitation specialists along with the hospital social worker or insurance case manager can work with your family to assess the level of care that your loved one currently needs as well as what he or she may need in the short-term. Key facts in this decision include how much the individual can do on their own (i.e.: getting dressed, eating, showering, using the bathroom, talking, writing.)
If the assessment concludes with you or another family member becoming a caregiver, be sure to create a plan that includes help from family members, neighbors, friends and nurse aides.
Becoming a caregiver can be rewarding yet demanding. As a caregiver, you need to take proper care of yourself. So, in addition to the medical and therapy appointments you arrange for your loved one, you must schedule some personal time every day to take a walk, do yoga, listen to music, or just relax with a good book or a movie. Many caregivers use affordable in-home help or adult daycare programs.
In-Home Nursing Assistance
In-Home Help
Nursing aides help with meal preparation, bathing, grooming, toileting, medication management, checking vital signs, as well as household cleaning, laundry, and transportation.
Adult Daycare
Facilities that offer exercise, art, music and therapy.
If more care is needed, then evaluating specialized care facilities is the next step. These facilities range in price; higher levels of care are generally associated with higher costs.
Post-Stroke Care in a Facility
Private apartments; aides can help with meals, laundry, cleaning, medication management and personal grooming.
Residential Care
Similar to assisted-living but typically with communal meals.
Nursing Homes
24/7 skilled nursing care including toilet use.
Continuing Care
Facility providing all levels of care.
Adapted from digital guide from the National Stroke Association. https://www.stroke.org/we-can-help/caregivers-and-family/careliving-guide
Whichever living arrangements are selected, ensuring that your loved one starts a rehabilitation program and home health aide Delray Beach, FL chooses as soon as possible is crucial for recovery. Much stroke-related recovery occurs within the first 6 weeks although slower recovery continues over the next few months.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Expicare Nursing Agency, Inc. for their insight into caring for a loved one after a stroke.
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