exposedtruth · 6 months
Anon who has photographic of evidence of Elriel toxicity again. Go to your account page, tap the cog in the top right, scroll down and toggle on “allow asks with media”
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Did an elriel really threaten to kidnap
Sarah’s kid?
No… there is a screenshot of a post asking about a school location. The screenshot itself has no context, but the person who originally made that post stated something yesterday under the screenshot I shared, giving context to the post itself. I had shared this screenshot when it was sent to me yesterday, and took it down when the OP came forward on it.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
I just want to say to the all amazing Elriel artists to not be frightened by the flock of sheep trying to bring you down! You are wolves. Don’t let these nobodies bring you down. Elriel month will be flourished with amazing creations. Ignore the sheep, my friends.
peace&love ✌🏻
As anon said:
DO NOT BE FRIGHTENED. I hope everyone can enjoy their time in celebration of their ship.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
I'm blocking your account because I don't want to see more hate on my feed.
That’s fine
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Would you let freyjas-musings know that posting her public username on other platforms isn’t doxxing. Her going on her social media to continuously play victim is embarrassing. She has shared her first and last name, her photo, her house, and her occupation online to thousands of her followers. Whining about being “doxxed” rings hollow when she’s shared a weird amount of personal info online.
also, please let her know that if she wants to say Elriels are terrible people, try to refrain from calling us “dogs,” “filth,” “useless poisonous plants,” “stupid,” etc, and wondering when karma is coming for us? She’s the biggest bully in the fandom and it’s clear she projects her unhappiness and self-hatred on to others. I feel sorry for her.
She blocked this account so I unfortunately can’t, BUT, I’m sure the people that are following this account will eventually let her know.
Someone posted to their account a message to all Gwynriel’s and Elucien’s saying to block and report my account. Pretty sure she was one of the first people along with gwynrieldefenseatty to block my account after I made my first original post on here calling them and others out for things that they said and did.
It’s always funny to me how the moment someone gets called out, they block and try to hide evidence before playing victim.
It’s also funny that a few Gwynriel’s and Elucien’s that I’ve seen online (mainly the first few I originally posted about) will claim that they’ve been doxxed when their public usernames are shared (and they’ll also defend each other on this), but as soon as they do it to someone else, it’s suddenly not doxxing. Pictures blocked out, last names blocked out, only public usernames remaining clear.
The hypocrisy is crazy.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
I have photographic evidence of Elriel threats I’d like to send you. Please turn on sending images via anon as for obvious reasons I don’t want my identity associated with exposing these individuals
So I’m new(ish) to tumblr. I have anon asks open, but I can’t figure out how to accept anon photo submissions. Is there any way you can link it? Or send it to me differently?
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Elriel shippers being toxic (I have a list for Gwynriels too)
- https://www.tumblr.com/alex-catlady/741560149233254400/well-good-morning-to-you-too-i-guess-tw-grape?source=share
- https://www.tumblr.com/v-anserra/654084395237507072/what-the-actual-fuck?source=share
- https://www.tumblr.com/daevastanner/669208773608538112/ive-hit-the-big-time-twitter-eriels-are-mocking?source=share
- https://www.tumblr.com/lidiasdanaan/656153051589165056/and-to-think-that-both-of-these-people-that-run?source=share
SA is such a sensitive topic. What the actual hell is wrong with people???!?!!! How in the world did the fandom get this bad? I have never seen such evil.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Gwynriels being toxic (only two links because there's a ton of screenshots in both posts showing the nasty behavior)
- https://www.tumblr.com/comfortfiction/683268458495066112/most-gwynriels-are-a-very-nasty-fandommaking-rpe?source=share
- https://www.tumblr.com/comfortfiction/683268458495066112/most-gwynriels-are-a-very-nasty-fandommaking-rpe?source=share
This is so disgusting… why do people resort to this?!
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Evidence of some Gwynriels having a group to doxx Elriels : (I think the original post was deleted but I found some posts about it)
- https://www.tumblr.com/nikethestatue/672675279444049920/have-you-heard-the-drama-on-twitter-about?source=share
- https://twitter.com/DawnoftheWitch_/status/1479116640058949636?t=x0pzgh-D9QREsJVJQ26onA&s=19
Toxic Elriels on Twitter:
- https://www.tumblr.com/amandapearls/683810620679815168/in-honor-of-all-the-elriels-who-keep-posting-about?source=share
- https://www.tumblr.com/amandapearls/683612864748109824/alright-elriels-must-be-really-on-a-roll-this?source=share
Thank you for these ❤️ Proof that BOTH sides are equally toxic. Not just one or the other.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Staying anonymous because honestly this fandom is terrifying and I’m so scared of backlash
While I do necessarily agree with format you’ve chosen I do agree heavily that that this conversation needs to happen.
I’m a very long standing SJM fan. The community was not like this until ACOSF came out.
While the people performing these actions are completely horrible and need to held accountable for their actions I do think a bigger conversation needs to happen over how the publisher and author are actively profiting of the harm of their fandom. There are a lot of us outside the ship war who are seriously considering leaving SJM stuff behind entirely and I know a lot who have because of all this toxicity.
Don’t worry about being anon! No judgement here, that’s why the option is there.
I do think it needs to be a bigger conversation. One that Bloomsbury and Sarah are a part of. I’ve truly never been a part of or seen a fandom this bad before. It’s scary. I feel like the only thing it can be compared to is the k-pop fandom (the amount and extremity of doxxing is INSANE).
I’ve debated leaving the fandom a few times because of it too, plenty of artists have already left it because of the toxicity and bullying that they’ve had to deal with. I really hope that Bloomsbury can address this at some point, but considering how much money it’s bringing them, I highly doubt that they’ll do it. HOFAS bonus chapters were strictly for marketing. She’s never done that many bonus chapters for a book before. And with the crossover, she knew that sales would skyrocket because of what happened after ACOSF.
I honestly just think it’s going to get worse. It doesn’t matter who the next book is about. Because there’s always going to be people who don’t like this character, or that character, etc. not EVERYONE is going to be happy. I wish Bloomsbury would address things before they worsen.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
I see what you’re doing and honestly I think if it doesn’t give everyone a fat ass reality check then I feel sorry for them. This animosity between ships is just so stupid! How did we get so fucking bad? We aren’t like this in real life so why is there so much hostility in this fandom? Ship whoever rocks you good and let it be done. Let artists draw whoever the fuck they want. If they’re open to commission others don’t be that fucking asshole and say, “I don’t ship them.” Just move the fuck on and find another artist. It’s not that hard to scroll on by. Also, watch wtf you say online, regardless if it’s your username/name. Just watch it. The internet recycles your dirty laundry. Just be fucking nice to each other. We learned this shit in kindergarten.
“If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
THANK YOU 😤 I couldn’t have said this better myself. Chef’s kiss to you, you worded this beautifully.
This fandom has become atrocious. I’ve never seen anything like it and I honestly don’t expect it to get better at this point. No matter what Bloomsbury or Sarah does, it’s just going to get worse and it’s been like that since ACOSF.
It’s so easy to take a screenshot and save it. Something can be posted for just 1 minute. And it only takes ONE PERSON to blow it up.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
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Another day, another screenshot of Elriel’s being sent multiple death threats from the other sides. Why has this become the norm? This is disgusting. I hope that these people are ashamed of themselves. What the hell is wrong with you?
This is just as bad as the creator who posted about wanting to doxx people the other day.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
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These are all things Elriel’s have done. This is, again, cruel as hell. None of these things should be being said, no one should be enduring bullying like this. I am SO sorry that people have had to go through this. The toxicity within the fandom needs to end.
It is not just one side of the fandom, it is all.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
I was told to not post screenshots and I’m going to respect that. But this artist posted that there is a debate going on about why they took this art piece down, and she also said this was a Gwynriel piece and has made more Gwynriel art since then. So this is something Elriel’s have either misunderstood, don’t know about, or just haven’t posted about.
Annnd here’s more. Again, of one side of the fandom. You all go back and forth with this war against each other. It’s cruel. Artists have left the fandom, refusing to draw Elriel art because of the hate they get for their ship and what they draw.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Here's proof of two Gwynriels making fun of SJM being assaulted in college. In the podcast they are quote retweeting SJM talks about how in college someone assaulted her by throwing a full water bottle at her, and how Josh came to her rescue and handled the guy.
imgur . com / a / URAKlos
This is CRAZY. This is the first time I’m even hearing of this and it’s so disturbing.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
it seems your intention with this space is to show how toxic and problematic the fandom is, but these posts you are sharing are just loading every ship's tags with toxic fodder and screenshots.... which is really just not detoxifying anything at all. It honestly just makes it harder for ppl to find decent, unproblematic content and adds to the negativity FYI.
My intention with this space is exactly that. All sides in the fandom claim innocence (Elriel’s, Elucien’s, Gwynriel’s) but no one accepts that it’s all sides that are the problem. And even with the tags I’m using, people are still solely defending the people of their ship instead of calling their ships out as well. I will say that a couple of anons who have said they are Elriel’s (I’ve posted these anon asks) admitted to all ships in the fandom being toxic, including their own. I haven’t seen that from the other sides though.
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exposedtruth · 6 months
Reblogging just in case people can’t open the link
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Hello, here is the proof of people being weird under Josh's instagram https://twitter.com/bookdragon_z/status/1772379566083879120?t=Vmfor0SgJVUFFnxaTmj83g&s=19
Thank you for sharing this!
These are the things people need to see. Proof that ALL sides of the fandom are toxic.
I won’t allow myself to say that things have happened unless I have proof. I’m honestly happy to have seen this, and I’m seriously disappointed in the people that stooped to this level. I hope that Josh was able to mourn in peace at the end, but seeing that people did this is pretty disturbing.
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