exposure441-blog · 3 years
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I think heaven for dogs is when you escape getting raped by this ugly fuck every night and finally get some rest. 
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exposure441-blog · 3 years
Dear Lycan, do you sexually abuse your own children or do they get a pass? Also, what was the reason for your divorce again?
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exposure441-blog · 3 years
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seriously dude make up your fucking mind. Naia did not send super trooper soldiers to find this, I did you dumbfuck. Remember when you showed me the website and urged me to make an account? I do. 
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which is it lycan? Zoo pride or not?
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Here I am blaming myself for originally blowing the whistle on Lycan. It’s fucking insane how easily manipulated kids are, huh? I’m sure he’s well aware of that. Of course he’ll cry that these screenshots are photoshopped, same way he pretended the BeastForums achieves were fake before he switched over to “Zoo pride” once he realized the truth was unavoidable. Why wouldn’t a pedophile do everything in his power to protect himself? Why would an innocent man mock the victims and try to change the definitions of grooming? It would sure take alot of work to go through and photoshop every single one of these photos, as well as the achieve links, and everyone else’s evidence. I find it amusing that the entire TG staff watched him switch from “not a zoo” to “zoo pride” and yet, they believe every other lie he tells them. 
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exposure441-blog · 3 years
“Cunning was one of my very first friends here on TG.
As fate would have it, we met during the coldest winter I can remember here in PA. I was working night shift, cleaning an oil rig in sub zero temperatures and I was at the beginning of a long road to recovery from a lot.
Cunning, despite his own insurmountable struggles, found it in his heart to reach out and inspire me, to offer kindness, reassurance and friendship. He was the person who inspired me to start making music videos to images like the one Dust posted above.
As I got to know him better and as I began to find my own feet, I gave him all the encouragement and support I could offer to help him through his daily life. Often times, we'd spend until early morning messaging each other, just talking and spending time.
He struggled immensely with low self-esteem and would often say he felt like he didn't deserve to live. I'd make him promise me that he'd hold on until I could at least meet up with him some day and give him a hug.
As time went on, he began to trust me and started taking after me a little. He used to say "you look like my dad, I wish you were my dad"...
As he grew from a pup into an adult, we drifted a little. I expected it wss him going on to do his own thing as he'd check in with me now and then and he seemed okay.
I just...
I called him my pup and ya know, I would have killed, without question or hesitation, to keep that boy safe.
I'd trade places with him, now, just to give him one more chance...
Cunning, if you're looking down and reading this somehow.
I love you like you were my own son and when my time here is through, I'm gonna give you that hug I promised.
I know you suffered greatly through life, physically, emotionally and in all other aspects and I'm glad you aren't suffering now.
You were a good pup.
Lycan” Does anyone find it interesting that Lycan uses this same pup language that he used on his other victims? He loves developing this relationship of a “pup” and father, exploiting that feeling of protection Cunning wanted. Cunning killed himself after “ he grew from a pup into an adult, we drifted a little.” It seems like whenever you hit legal age he dumps you, guess its not as interesting anymore. Has https://therian-guide.tumblr.com/ looked into Lycans private messages with Cunning to ensure there wasnt an foul play? I seriously doubt it, despite their https://jarandhel.tumblr.com/post/182792685360/the-administrators-of-the-therian-guide-have backdoor. Does no one find it weird that Lycan surround himself with minors he calls his “pup”? To quote Lycan   “I love you like you were my own son..” That’s an interesting way to describe a relationship between a grown ass adult and a child. To quote Dust “...he is being wielded by someone out there as a weapon against TG” Listen here you worthless motherfucker, trauma doesn’t go away. You make an excuse every time you’re presented with evidence of Lycan’s actions, and yet I’m the one being manipulated? The fuck is wrong with you? 
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exposure441-blog · 5 years
#2. Definitive proof of zoophilia, and following a necrophile who fucks roadkill.
I got a big project in the making, so expect that soon lads but for now I have this little tidbit.
Before you read this post, note that the admins have removed the ability to link images here directly, youll have to click on the links. Theyve probably told you Im putting AIDS hack microphone bugging death rays in my links but I assure you, I havent. I use tinyimg.io due to imgurs frequent deleting of content and google drives odd sharing platform. thanks for understanding. Just copy paste the links into your browser.
Check lycantheory, our head admins, twitter following page.
Odd right? Why would he be following someone like this? And this isnt a recent bio change, lycan followed this zoophilic necrophile while his bio was the same. Check any internet archive, and if you think the screenshots are fake, check for yourself! Hurry quick, before he deletes it!
https://web.archive.org/save/https://twitter.com/truestboi/status/1138543160060239873 Zoophile defending fucking roadkill[/url] this was his top pinned tweet as of June 11th.
https://twitter.com/MountainWolf17/following Lycan, following said zoophile
https://twitter.com/truestboi the profile, where his bio states his zoophile and necro kinks
Also, heres a few archives of his still active account on a bestiality forum!
Remember, this is certainly not the first time Lycan has been accused of zoophilia, and acting on his urges. I might have been the first to be hurt by Lycan, but I certainly won't be the last.
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exposure441-blog · 5 years
#1. Proof of pedophilia, and zoophilia in response to a staff journal post
Hey Dust, Hey Lykke, really enjoying our chats here. Suuuuuper healthy and all. I just figured Id chime in about your recent post in the TG staff journal. Ill try to make a nice informative essay about everything you got wrong. Lets start with the first problem. You mention my "mental health issues" quite a lot in this very short post. I don't understand why really, unless youre trying to gaslight me into believing Im wrong, or scare other people into thinking Im a crazy person. I would like to say that by my own standards, Im better than a full grown adult who writes posts like this on his werewolf forum. Second, you say "He blames TG for what happened to him." This implies that Im wrongly accusing you of being the cause of the problem. I do believe you were the cause of the problem, maybe a little bit more investigating should have gone into greenlighting your "special memebers" but you clearly covered your ass with the multiple quotes you scatter everyone of your own staff saying Rew was a great guy. Good job bud. The very next sentence you say "He also blames TG staff for things that never happened." This is the most interesting one, as I have screenshots and can secure more proof of these things, but I feel like I cannot do this safely due to your head admins very violent, uncontrolled nature. I listened to him boast about his shooting capabilities and mass gun collection for years, but I honestly don't think he'll do anything seeing he blocked me when I tried to get him to face it :( So, the attached images are some screenshots of all I have left, since I deleted farther back history after freaking out about what Id fallen into. The third thing is your failure of basic math. It happened when I was 12, Im 17 now. 17-12=5, Dusty, you fucking retard. I guarantee you both proofread this journal entry so that makes it even worse. Next, you claim someone is leaking information to me, since you think Im too stupid to cook an account on my own. Go find them, I have 4 in total. Itll be like a cool little witchhunt. It's ok if you find them though, Ill just make more lol your site security is quite old. Next you talk about trying to help me move on, but say you cant reach me. Your head admin blocked me on hangouts, feel free to reach me there at anytime. You wrap up your post saying it will never happen again, which I think is a terrible way to pat your own back. I guarantee it will happen again with the site run by Lykke himself. Its certainly not fixable, Dust, but Ill be sure to make your life as miserable as mine was until I do fix it.
After I reported Rew, I was left with a pretty bad case of Stockholm syndrome. He'd groomed me into missing everything that happened, and due to home issues I wasn't very close to my dad at all. He'd filled this gap, temporarily, and very painfully, but it was filled. After he was reported, I got very close to Lycan as he was the one I'd reported him to originally. Hed talk to me when I felt hurt, and try to console me the best I could. This eventually led to us getting very close, and me asking if he could try to recreate what had happened between Rew and I. He accepted and we did some light sexting/roleplay. This soon spiraling into more frequent sexting, harsher kinks and discussion of bestiality.  At the time, I thought this was completely ok since my first introduction to sex had been with a 20 year old pedophile. However, I see now that this was not ok, and that Lycan should have used better judgment. Im ok with pushing the blame onto him in this manner because I was 13-14 at the time, and was fresh out of an abusive relationship. Like I said I dont have earlier chat records due to deleting them in a panic because Id believed my parents had found out, but I know things never truley disappear on the internet. The real chat logs can be brought up in court. The few images I have attached are what I could get from the chat logs that were left. You can see very casual discussion of sex and dead obvious mentions of bestiality.
bestiality 1
bestiality 2
bestiality 3
sexual discussions
If anyone believes these chat logs have been faked, please show me a better way to prove they are not.
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exposure441-blog · 5 years
I created this account specifically with the purpose to expose the head admin of therian guide, LycanTheory, for his pedophilic and Zoophilic actions. I apologize if some of these posts seem oddly formatted as I usually type them up in a document editor before posting. 
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