“I just want to know what it feels like to be held tonight. To be loved for who I am. Be able to share my thoughts in my overthinking brain. Connect with another pair of beautiful eyes and drown in them. Honestly, I just want to feel the real kind of love tonight”
- 3am overthinker
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My elephant weighs 1000 tons right now.
#Change #Emotions
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My Bestfriend and Marriage
Me and my best friend met in 2002. We've known each other for 17 years and I witnessed how she and her ex-husband met.
5 days ago, I had to put a written statement of how things went between her and her ex-husband as a witness for her annulment case. It was draining. As I wrote everything that I know about how it all started and ended, I had a realization.
Complementing each other is necessary to a lasting marriage. These two individuals have great personality. It's just unfortunate that they don't complement each other.
It's sad that a single woman on her mid-30s had to witness this annulment. I've been chasing love and companionship, now I had to step back a little. What ifs are creeping in and questions like should I give up or should I continue chasing it?
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