eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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I love a good red herring, but what I love even more about this chapter is how Ishida played it. Touka could have given up here.
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Could’ve said that all hope is lost, that she’ll never find Kaneki now.
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But she doesn’t. Because it’s not a ring that binds them together alone. She’s not going to find him because of a ring or bite mark, but because she loves him in earnest. That’s what fuels Touka’s determination to find her beloved Ken. That’s why she’ll never give up on him, no matter what.
The ring, the bite mark, they’re symbols that came to be because of the pure love she shares with Ken.
It completely ties back to what Touka’s said long before now.
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And her devotion is always shown to be so beautiful and raw and true.
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
Judging by the spoilers, it looks like the chapter should have been called “Saiko, and Mutsuki” instead...what a massive disappointment...
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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touken week; day 1; beginnings
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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touken week; day 2; change | day 3; lost
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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Search search, husband is waiting for you 💍
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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My BBs in Hoodies 🖤💛💙💜💚
friendly reminder that commissions will be open all January :3c
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
How are you gonna feel if mutsurie does not become canon? For me as long as they are happy and its done good i wouldnt mind.Im afraid uries crush is always gonna be one sided realistically i mean mu is not gonna straight fall for him after this...
As long as something is written well, has a satisfying payoff and makes sense, I’ll be fine even if my ship doesn’t become canon. I’ll be really salty for sure, but that’s just me being a biased shipper. Mutsurie is an exception among all my ships however, because I think it’s going to be badly written if they don’t become canon to be honest. One reason why I see it that way is, because Mutsuki and Urie’s characters are heavily tied to them both wanting a family. If their characters are going to develop to a positive direction, I expect there to be some kind of payoff. There has to be something that addresses this in the future if their stories won’t end in tragedy. That technically can be handled with just having the platonic Qs squad take the part of the family (which I think will be essential, I’m not leaving Saiko out of this), but there’s all the romantic build to take into account as well. Urie’s crush on Mutsuki has been a very important part of his character development so far and there has been several jokes and hints about romance related to Urie in the past, take Matsuri asking Urie when he will marry or how salty he got when Takeomi got married for example. Mutsuki’s character lately has been all about them desperately wanting to be loved despite not understanding love so I think there is simply no way to give them a complete satisfying character arc without this issue being fixed. I think Mutsuki is the kind of character that has to get into a healthy romantic relationship at some point in the story to fix this character flaw, how else will they figure out what true love is? At this point it would be ridiculous too to have them get together with anyone but Urie and Kaneki for sure is never going to return their feelings. I don’t want to keep ranting for million years, but there’s a reason why I love mutsurie as much as I do. It has ridiculous amount of build up and great potential for the future. I’m not the kind of shipper that ships regardless of what canon says, I’m the kind of shipper that gets satisfaction almost exclusively from canon. When I say I love mutsurie, I say I love everything that is already in the story, not just my headcanons and other people’s fanfictions. That I think proves how much mutsurie there is in TG. I just think it’s such a waste of time to build everything up for it to not go anywhere. It’s like Ishida suddenly changed his mind and decided to scrap all the stuff he already wrote in the past, which is pretty bad writing. I really don’t see how this can get a satisfying conclusion without mutsurie eventually becoming canon. Why would it not become canon? What is the better alternative? I can’t figure it out no matter how hard I try so I don’t think there even is one. All I can think of is all the amazing character development you could give to Urie and Mutsuki by developing their relationship. Ishida is a good author and always finds a way to surpass my expectations so maybe he could come up with something, but in this case I’m rather doubtful. Who knows, I’m not an author myself, but still. I think the only logical way for mutsurie to not become canon is if one of them dies and I doubt that’s going to happen anytime soon. It’s definitely true that Mutsuki is not going to return Urie’s feelings immediately though, them just suddenly falling for him next chapter would be pretty ridiculous. If Mutsuki lets go of Sasaki though, there’s nothing really stopping them from falling for Urie eventually. Urie’s love for them is very sweet and these two have great chemistry, I think it would be stranger if Mutsuki didn’t fall for him.
TL;DR There is so much build up for Urie and Mutsuki’s romantic relationship and it is so heavily tied to their characters that I think there is no way this ship will not become canon if their stories are not tragedies.
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
Im still waiting on a flashback chapter of urie drawing a portrait of mutsuki nng.
i wonder if Mutsuki ever knew that Urie drew him (probably many times) 😂
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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Kuki is my favorite character in TG:re he’s got that lone wolf vibe that i like :3 
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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It’s painful… Being alone…  -  I won’t lose anyone anymore…
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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💜 🔪 💚
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
What are your favorite mutsurie moments?
I got this ask a bit earlier, but now is the perfect time to answer it, isn’t it? I’ve never thought about this before actually, because I love all mutsurie moments and putting them in order was extremely difficult. I did a top 5 though so that I wouldn’t list every single time Urie and Mutsuki have ever interacted or thought about each other, because trust me, I would put them all here if I could.
This scene must be mentioned no matter what so I’ll put it here.
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Look at them arguing about shopping like they’re an old married couple, this is beautiful. Why aren’t they married yet? Oh well, at least this proves that they’re meant for each other and also foreshadows them getting married.
Okay, so fourth place is a very small and almost irrelevant scene, but it is still very important to me, because it’s one of those few moments where we see things from Mutsuki’s POV. This scene is actually from the re:quest novel:
The type of art that Mutsuki was most familiar with was paintings for sure. Though one of the biggest reasons for that was because Urie painted on a daily basis.
The smell of oil paint would ooze from Urie’s room and even from Urie himself, and Shirazu and Saiko would often call him stinky without a moment’s hesitation. But to Mutsuki, it felt like that familiar scent exuded Urie, exuded his coldness and prickliness. Was he thinking that way because he had experienced Urie’s solitude during the Auction Operation?
A bit earlier in this chapter too Mutsuki noticed that Urie found something amusing despite his face looking the same as ever. I love this so much, because it shows that Mutsuki understands Urie well and knows how similar the two actually are. This is just one of those small things that prove how well they work together, just marry each other already. And also, Mutsuki thinks Urie smells good? Why are we not talking about this more? Saiko and Shirazu think he stinks, but Mutsuki still likes it, this is true love.
Rushima arc had so many good mutsurie moments so it’s hard to pick one. There’s Urie being really stressed, because he wants to save Mutsuki, then there’s him saving Mutsuki and being ridiculously concerned about their wellbeing (this man filled an entire panel with his thoughts of him just asking if Mutsuki’s okay, that’s so cute) and then there’s also the moment where he wants to take Mutsuki home and imagines them smiling. These are all good, but there’s one very underrated scene nobody talks about and that is the moment Urie finds the cave where Torso kept Mutsuki.
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He is so scared about something bad happening to Mutsuki! You can just feel yourself how scared he is from the way the panels are drawn and the way he messes up his words, I love it. I seriously think this is the best mutsurie moment from Rushima arc, fight me.
Number two has to be the scene everyone who ships mutsurie always thinks about and that is the hug in the Auction arc of course.
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I can’t even properly summarize why this scene is so great, because it just is so great. Urie figured out Mutsuki’s secret, but respected it and Mutsuki saw Urie when he was most vulnerable and comforted him despite him previously hurting them. This scene also showed how lonely and similar they both are. (seriously, just marry each other already) It was what made Urie start developing feelings for Mutsuki and made him open up to others more, starting his great character development arc. There’s so much and this scene has the potential to become even greater if we get a parallel to this soon. It’s pretty much a perfect scene, but it’s not actually my favorite mutsurie moment.
That spot has to go the V7 shiritori omake due to it being what made me start shipping mutsurie. It is very important to me, because of this and it’s going to be hard to beat this scene. Before this I didn’t think about mutsurie at all actually and didn’t really understand why some people liked it so much, but this scene immediately changed everything like I was run over by a truck. It honestly felt like I was hit by a truck, because after I read this scene, I felt like was enlightened and understood why mutsurie is fucking amazing. It didn’t take long for me to descend into the lower depths of shipping hell after this.
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Urie is so in love with Mutsuki, like holy hell, this boy cares so much. He notices Mutsuki has lost weight and wants to feed them chocolate, sandwiches and sausages. He’s been thinking about doing something nice to Mutsuki for a long time and is so worried about Mutsuki’s health that he accidentally says his worries out loud despite being the master of inner monologues. Reading this for the first time was such a shock, because I thought my son was made of pure salt. He is the best boyfriend ever basically, what are you waiting for Mutsuki??? (seriously, marry him or I will) His love is so pure and I think it’s really beautiful, because the person he loves is Mutsuki of all people. Mutsuki who has gone through terrible traumatic events, because of twisted love and doesn’t even understand love themselves, because of it. Mutsuki deserves to be loved like this so much, thank you Urie. Just say all your thoughts out loud next time.
Oh wait, I didn’t even mention the wedding and I already have an entire top 5… well, that entire scene can be an honorable mention I guess, because it’s incredibly angsty and it hurts just right. They also talked in a wedding ceremony of all places, I swear it is written in the stars that these two are destined to marry each other. Another honorable mention goes to this scene:
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Just because this scene shows that Urie keeps track of what Mutsuki wears and admires their beauty on a daily basis. You can’t look at this scene and claim that Urie isn’t in love with Mutsuki, because he totally is.
Anyway, I’ll end this post here before I give honorable mentions to every single interaction between Urie and Mutsuki ever. I had fun with this, thanks for the ask!
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
I just realized we’re going to see this scene of Urie and Mutsuki acting like a married couple animated with voice acting and I’m so hyped. (this is foreshadowing, isn’t it? ishida is so sneaky)
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
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—forgot to post this one here.. toukacchan’s  🍑✨ appreciation ft. kanek ((please click for a better size resolution))
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
I know everybody is like emo about this chapter but urie & mutsuki looked so grumpy fighting each other it kinda made me laugh also mutsuki yelling god dammit with urie jumping aside lol like an old married couple.
Lmao but actually.
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Urieeeeee WHY YOU DO THIS BAD COOKIE why not just say “I don’t wanna fight?”
But to add to the hilarity, here is what my friend said on twitter and I’m still laughing about it:
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eyepatch-usagi · 7 years
The best thing about touken is that both were each others' first kiss. And looke here she's pregnant and married.
i really like that too. I think it makes it more special than already is, they were their firsts in almost everything, not only physical stuff. Touka fell in love with him first and she kept those feelings until he came back, that scene in Jail with Rio, when he confessed to her and she rejected him.. it kinda gives me this feeling that she never fell in love with anyone else because she was still thinking of Kaneki. And after Rize, Kaneki never had anything for anyone until Haise saw her (and she was a STANGER to his eyes, oh god…) and actually felt it.
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