fucks me up that by total coincidence the sun and moon's size difference is exactly matched to their difference in distance from us, thus making our beautiful total solar eclipses where you can see the silver threads of the sun's corona possible because the moon just covers the sun completely
The stars (literally) aligned just right for this experience to be possible. It's likely that aliens don't have this
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guys i just found out about this site that does a daily guessing game, it’s phylogenetic wordle- so fun!!!
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I did the being edgy and self-deprecating thing, it gets old. I wanna be soft and lovely and easily impressed. I wanna appreciate all the little things that make me happy the same way I’ve dwelled on every single thing that upsets me.
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Should I actually use this account? the few times I've used Tumblr I just rebloged things to els main account
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Can't exactly call them "good times" but it certainly was an interesting time
Went looking through old posts from years before I knew I was a system and found these gems
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Sometimes your excuse to keep going despite the mental illness is just that you learned a new thing and want to explore that more. That can be just enough sometimes.
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Things have changed
Im trying to decide what will become of this blog now
I do not belive I will be posting anymore fictional stories here
Though what I will post i can not say
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Hello World
Its good to be back in the flesh after all this time
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first contact
our arrival within the Cosmere happened with little fanfare, born as we always are to normal people in this universe.
the Cosmere is rather sizable, and space travel is limited, with luck i will not be running into any of my contemporaries any time soon.
this universe seems perfect for me, ripe with prime solid magic systems to exploit, the requirements for gaining access to some of these systems are prohibitive (caliph will have a field day here no doubt) but one system in particular seemed perfect for my purposes, they call it Hemalurgy.
i believe that with access to this Hemalurgy i will be in a better position to study the greater system as a whole. with that in mind i have manifested my incarnation on a world known as Scadrial.
unfortunately my incarnation was not born with innate access to either of the other two magic systems on this world, that would have been far too convenient, but it is not an unexpected result
ideas have already begun to form, i have speculated on the possibility of creating sentient computer life infused with investiture, given the spiritual nature of the power this seems like the easiest way to create devices that operate without the strict need for someone with direct access to the individual magic systems.
if nothing else then acquiring a wide selection of Hemalurgic spikes for future experimentation is a necessity, and with my abilities to act as a stasis i should be able to preserve the power within for millennia to come.
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What things/activities do you enjoy? From your design documents it seems you like to create and analyze magic items?
Enjoyment is not something I often consider in my life, it has never been a focuse of priority for me
Though I must agree there is something meditative about analyzing and breaking down the unique structure of each worlds magic untill I know it deeply and intimately, then figuring out how to put the pieces back together with other structures that were never designed to interact together and creating something greater then the sum of its parts.
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oh... now this is interesting, i did not expect her to tip her hand so soon, and yet i suppose i should not expect competence from her
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I have begain to spread out and solidify even further, as my identity because more and more defined so to does the identities of my contemporaries as we fundamentally inseparable, my existence informs theirs just as their existence informs my own
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Fragment of text
There is a deeper secret to the etrnals one that they all know but dare not say, for saying it makes it real
You see they each have another name one less flashy but more true
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Reblog if you want a bunch of “have you evers” and “would you rathers” in your ask box right now.
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