eynismarian · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Veronica Mars (TV), Veronica Mars (Movie 2014), Veronica Mars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars/Stosh "Piz" Piznarski Characters: Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls, Keith Mars, Wallace Fennel, Stosh "Piz" Piznarski, Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie Additional Tags: the nine years, mentions of abuse, Canon Series: Part 2 of Done by Only Me Summary:
Veronica Mars, the nine years, and a new normal.
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eynismarian · 3 years
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With a cry, Veronica hurls the text across the room. It strikes the wall with a loud smack and falls in a heap on the floor, spine broken, pages splayed.
bryrosea’s powerful A Quartz Contentment
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eynismarian · 3 years
Hi, I know you guys are on hiatus, but when you come back could you direct me to any really good canon Logan POV fics? I feel like I read one (or maybe a series?) a few years back that was Logan's POV on a couple of episodes. It filled in the blanks, but stayed completely canon and I really liked that. I feel like most of the Logan POV I can find is all AU. Thanks!
Thanks to disdainfullady who graciously donated her services to us fulfilling this fic-by-topic list. She has some great Logan canon POV fics for you all to enjoy!
“This was an interesting exercise as a number of fics that were within canon at the time they were written no longer qualify because of where the show or movie took things. What I gathered are not all missing scene fics, but they don’t necessarily violate canon either. In some cases you might have to squint a little.”Previously on VM Fic Recs: 
cartwheel_dizzy, “Tie the Rope,” R, S2.
Logan chronicles their epic tale, beginning with the pilot episode.
ghostcat3000, “A Trace of Meaning,” T, Pre-series.
13 year-old Logan Echolls and 14 year-old Veronica Mars wait at the Kane Estate for their held-up sleepover hosts to show up. Pre-series canon speculation.
kieyra, “Sometimes it Feels the Same,” M, S1.
Ten days after their first kiss, Logan still doesn’t know what’s going on.
leucocrystal, “R.E.M.,” R, S2.*
Start with the gunshot on the rooftop, and work your way to the next evening. Logan experiences some heavy dreams, chronicling his life and his relationship with Veronica.
oxoniensis, “The Smell of Blood Oranges,” PG, S1.
”She looked up and caught his stare. He refused to turn away, or act embarrassed at having been caught staring – he just mocked her with a lift of his eyebrows.”
New This Moment to VM Fic Recs:
Life or Something Like ItAuthor: sinaddictPairing: Logan/VeronicaRating: PG-13Genre: Drama/FriendshipSetting: Pre-seriesSpoilers: 1.04, “The Wrath of Con”Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 005Status: CompleteSummary: Logan, Veronica, and the art of living.Notes: Post Lilly’s death but before Veronica was ostracized. Logan and Veronica remember Lilly as she would have wished.
Past Present FutureAuthor: neversincePairing: Logan/Veronica, Logan/LillyRating: RGenre: Angst/FriendshipSetting: Summer after S1Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,302Status: CompleteSummary: You can never plan the future by the past.Notes: Set in the summer between seasons one and two, but pulling some preseries flashbacks in as well.
PeaceAuthor: tigsPairing: Logan/VeronicaRating: PG-13Genre: Angst/FriendshipSetting: Season oneSpoilers: 1.04, “The Wrath of Con”Chapters: 1 Word Count: 927Status: CompleteSummary: “I’ll call it… ‘Logan in Sand.’”Notes: Logan’s homecoming junior year.
Veronica MagicAuthor: truemythPairing: Logan/VeronicaRating: RGenre: Angst/DramaSetting: Season oneSpoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 470Status: CompleteSummary: Logan grapples with Veronica’s betrayal. Set between scenes during Leave it to Beaver.
Wrong AnswerAuthor: invidaPairing: Logan, VeronicaRating: PG-13Genre: Angst/FriendshipSetting: Season oneSpoilers: 1.16, “Betty and Veronica”Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 200Status: CompleteSummary: Where the game is made up and the points don’t matter. Notes: Ever wonder where Logan went after his pantsless episode at the eighties dance? He wasn’t in episode 1x16. This is why.
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eynismarian · 3 years
MTVS Epic Rewatch #137
VM 2x20 Look Who’s Stalking
Stray thoughts
1) The episode opens with Veronica at the doctor’s finding out she’s got chlamydia. We now know Veronica didn’t get it from Duncan, but…
VERONICA: We were, you know, safe and the guy…there’s no way he– DOCTOR: You think that but you never know.
A) I think it’s odd that Veronica refers to Duncan as “the guy” instead of “my boyfriend”. He was her steady boyfriend at the time, after all. But calling him “the guy” makes it sound as if they were only sexual partners and nothing more. B) I love the doctor’s blunt observation because he’s so right, and it nails exactly some of the problems Veronica had when it came to Duncan. She always thought she had him all figured out, he was the Nice Guy, he would never cheat on her. And yet there are a lot of things a truly nice guy would never do that Duncan had actually done and Veronica had always glossed over because he always pegged him as the righteous, decent boy in her life. Which he was not. 
2) And I love this line…
So my Grandma Reynolds was always saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I wish she was still alive because I’d really like to ask what she suggests for when life gives you chlamydia.
make chlamydade? 
3) Veronica wasn’t sorry at all about selling Mac out to Vincent, though. She was having way too much fun for her to feel sorry about it.
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and I love Mac’s reaction when Clemmons announces the Prom is cancelled…
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Why would Keith help Woody out, though? WHY? Why would Keith help him cover this up? I know Keith was probably concerned about the girl’s health, and he wanted to make sure she made it to the hospital. But this had shady written all over it, and there were other ways he could’ve made sure she was taken care of without getting himself involved in this and giving Woody an out. Why would you trust someone who had gotten himself into this kind of situation? You’re smarter than that, Keith. This had red flags all over it…
KENDALL: Your dad and I were just dealing with a little trouble. VERONICA: Like Trouble, with a capital T that rhymes with C that stands for… KEITH: Veronica! VERONICA: I was gonna say cute.
So we all agree that Veronica’s choice of word to describe Kendall had everything to do with the fact she had been sleeping with Logan, right? I mean, Veronica never believed Kendall had slept with Duncan, so what other hang-up could she have with Kendall if it wasn’t her relationship with Logan? 
GIA: Leonardo D'Amato? God, what kind of loser is that?
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THIS LOSER. (sorry I couldn’t help myself, I only see Schmidt every time Leo shows up…)
LOGAN: Ah, you have that “I’d rather be making out with a broken bottle” look. Which if history serves, means you’re about to say something awkward. VERONICA: This? This is my “I’d rather be spelunking” look. It’s like you don’t know me at all.
(she’d be rather making out with you, you idiot.)
8) Okay, this is gonna be long because I’ve gotten to the part where Logan is basicallly asking Veronica to the Prom and I’m going to do a play-by-play commentary on this scene because it’s too precious, yes? 
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eynismarian · 3 years
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vm rewatch � 2x17 Plan B (x)
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eynismarian · 3 years
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vm rewatch � 2x10 One Angry Veronica
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eynismarian · 3 years
A new month means a new Fic Of The Month Feature! In June, we are jumping into the fanfic archives for a wonderful story from 2011.
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Choices: How to Make a Life by TXQuill
Summary: Choices Veronica and Logan made kept them in angst through most of the show. This multi-chapter fic examines different outcomes from Veronica's choices during and after her internship. Can she make the life she truly wants?
Join us on the VM Fic Club Discord Channel all month to read along and discuss. Link in our bio.
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eynismarian · 3 years
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eynismarian · 3 years
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eynismarian · 3 years
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Like why bother with something not good just because it’s something? Especially when you know the difference. Which not many people do. I mean, do you?
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eynismarian · 3 years
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eynismarian · 3 years
You know what's one of the dumbest things about Season 4?
Veronica has a degree in psychology
What possible reason could there be for her to be so adamantly against therapy?? Not to mention actually mocking it!
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eynismarian · 3 years
Dear Rob Thomas...
A woman can be a hero,
A woman can be badass,
A woman can be strong,
A woman can be a detective if she wants,
A woman can succeed in everything she does,
AND a woman can have a boyfriend.
A woman can have everything and she can be everything she wants. 
Even if she is in a relationship.
The way you justify your decision is sexist.
I love Veronica Mars, but please stop now. It hurts me the show ended this way, but the lame excuse for what happened doesn’t make me want to watch more. You made a really bad bet by thinking we would be okay with that and we would “understand” a woman can’t have everything AND be a hero.
The message you send to your female audience is offensive.
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eynismarian · 3 years
There’s a lot of talk about Veronica’s trauma and how re-traumatising her actually undermines her character, which I agree with totally. But what about Logan’s trauma? 
He was abused by his father, his father slept with and then proceeded to murder his girlfriend. His mother commited suicide and her body was never found. He was accused of murdering Lilly. He was accused of murdering Felix. Busts in on Cassidy attempting to kill Veronica on the roof, watches Cassidy jump off the roof. His dad gets acquitted and then quickly murdered, as well. Tries to help his ex girlfriend through her addiction and self loathing, only to end up accused of her murder too. 
He grows up, he gets a job, he goes to therapy and works on becoming a better, healthier, kinder person. Gets back together with the love of his life only for her to treat him in some less than stellar ways because he dared to try and improve himself. To rid himself of his toxic anger and self loathing, the very things that contributed to the break down of their relationship in the first place. Only to be up and murdered in a cheap and contrived fashion during the final 10 minutes. Off screen, no less. How is that a fitting end? 
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eynismarian · 3 years
MTVS Epic Rewatch #127
VM 2x17 Plan B
Stray thoughts
1) I had forgotten just how good this episode actually is. The writing in this episode is VM at its best: funny, witty, swoony, shocking and heartbreaking. It’s a key episode for almost all the character arcs - Veronica, Logan, Weevil, Mac, Cassidy, Jackie, Wallace! And it’s the closure for the Felix/Weevil/Thumper arc (and what a closure!) There are little scenes that catch your attention but you’re still not sure how they will play out in the future (I’m thinking Cassidy, Jackie, Woody) - and of course it will all make sense in the finale. It’s comedy and UST and romance and kaboom all in one beautiful episode. And there’s Sway oh sweet Jebus there’s Sway. *swoons* 
2) In case you didn’t catch the reference…
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BTW, Rushmore is a great movie. 
And Logan isn’t even holding the magazine properly. He set it all up so that he could do this Max Fischer bit. He knew he was going to win the essay contest.
3) Veronica immediately knows something is up, and I don’t think she’s questioning Logan’s intelligence - she just knows he wouldn’t invest time and effort into doing extra work for school. And she’s right. And of course, she needs to reference how well she knows him and their past time together…
VERONICA: I’m quoting Easy Rider, which you may remember making me watch last summer. LOGAN: That’s funny, it sounds a lot like my essay.
It’s the “you made me watch it” bit that gets me. Because she’s obviously turning a fond memory of their time together (I can totally see Logan raving about the movie and telling Veronica that she must see it and then striking some kind of deal with her “you watch this for me, I’ll watch that for you.” and them making a big night out of the whole thing and having fun even as Veronica mocks one of his favorite movies - because isn’t that exactly the scenario referenced in Welcome Wagon “I really shouldn’t have pushed for the Clint Eastwood marathon. Now I’ve ruined you.”?) into a forced chore, something that she reluctantly did because he made her. You’re only lying to yourself, Veronica.
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eynismarian · 3 years
MTVS Epic Rewatch #58
VM 1x18 Weapons of Class Destruction
Stray thoughts
1) FINALLY! That episode!
2) It’s kind of weird that an episode which is memorable for a certain balcony scene opens with this…
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3) I like Leo, but this line is creepy considering he’s a police officer dating a high school student…
LEO: Any chance I’m ever gonna get to see the inside of your apartment?
VERONICA: And what, exactly, are you hoping to see? Our good china, the screening room?
LEO: Wanted to get a really good long look at your bedroom ceiling.
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4) Veronica’s and Wallace’s reactions to the news of their parents dating is the best.
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5) “ Dear Seventeen Magazine. How can I tell if the super cute boy in my class likes me?  No. Scratch that. Dear Seventeen. How can I tell if the super cute boy in my class killed his own sister?” There are other questions Veronica could’ve sent Seventeen about Duncan, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.
6) Look at these two idiots pining after each other…
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7) Oh how I wish we’d seen more of Corny. He’s one of my fave minor characters.
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8) I just love when Veronica impersonates someone over the phone. 
9) I also like how Veronica has a clear misconception regarding Ms. Stafford’s skills and judgement to run the newspaper, and time and again Ms Stafford proves her wrong. She earns Veronica’s respect and admiration through her actions. And she represents how people who are genuinely good and who are trying to do the right thing in a town like Neptune don’t stand a chance. More importantly, she’s yet another example of how this show deconstructs stereotypes to make a point: you can have a bubbly, cheerful personality and you can also be smart. Those things are not mutually exclusive. 
10) Yet again, Veronica is not exactly the most considerate friend a sweet boy like Wallace could have…
WALLACE: Do you think they’re serious? What does your dad say? VERONICA: That’s the good thing. We don’t have to worry. It won’t last long. It can’t. WALLACE: What does that mean? VERONICA: My mom’s in rehab. When she gets cleaned up, she’s coming home. WALLACE: And where does my mom fit into that plan? Veronica shrugs. WALLACE: So, I guess she’s just a placeholder then? Somebody to keep your dad from being lonely until the woman who dumped him decides she’s ready to come back?
11) “ I gotta say, Veronica. I’m getting a little tired of doing you favors.” I get you, Wallace.
12) It’s rather convenient how Veronica’s “small talk” with Meg supplied all the information Duncan needed to plan his escape. I know there needed to be a scene like this because obviously this dude…
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…doesn’t strike me as the kind of mastermind who would come up with such an elaborate plan, but it feels farfetched to have Veronica spitting out all that conveniently uself information in the exact same episode he runs away. Maybe if we’d gotten to see that scene in the previous episode, the pay-off  in terms of storyline would’ve worked better.
13) I really love how Norris stood up for Veronica when she was basically friendless, don’t you?
14) I know I’m usually pretty harsh on Duncan/Teddy, but I actually think he did some of his best work in the show in this episode. The confrontation with Veronica works pretty well. I mean, the way he goes off when he realizes Veronica thinks he might be Lilly’s killer is pretty unsettling. And it makes me wonder why she insisted on labeling him a “nice guy”, but that’s a rant for another moment.
15) I wonder how many red lights Logan ran in order to get to The Camelot before Veronica and Ben.
16) Ugh and I love so much how protective he is of Veronica in this scene.
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“Dream on, Jump Street. I’m not leaving you alone with her.“
 17) This line is so cheesy, though.
“Veronica, your school needs your help. Your government needs your help.”
18) And the most epic and perfect kiss in the history of TV…
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I dare you to watch this scene and not rewind over and over again. I double dare ya! I mean, even Rob has admitted to watching this scene on a loop (and crying about how perfect it is!) 
I love this scene so much. I love that Veronica kisses him first. I love that he looks puzzled but immediately drawn to her. I love that Veronica tries to shrug it off because that’s how she is. She can pretend her way out of anything, but the girl’s got issues when it comes to owning up to how she really feels. So of course she tries to laugh it off and walk away. And I love how Logan doesn’t let her get away with it, because that’s who he is. He’s the one person who sees right through her. I love how Veronica lets him pull her into his embrace because the shrugging it off was all pretense and bravado. I love how the kiss starts sweet and hesitant and then it’s passionate and sweet again. I love how they don’t really know what to do with their hands. I love how his lower lip quivers a bit when they finally break it off. I love how they search each other’s eyes trying to make sense of what just happened, trying to read what they are feeling. I love how Logan looks so self-conscious after the spell is broken, and doesn’t know if it’s okay for him to keep on touching her hips, which is so un-Logan and at the same time it makes perfect sense because he knows this is not just another kiss. This is a life-changing moment for both of them, and the silence is further proof of this. They are literally speechless. I love how he follows her with his eyes when Veronica runs off, and I love how she stops before getting into the car and she shivers a little. I love how they stare at each other. I love the perfect song for this perfect moment. And I love how there is no voiceover, no wise-ass remark, just silence, afterwards. Because this is the first time Veronica has been rendered speechless.
*watches the kiss 10 more times*
*reluctantly continues watching the rest of the episode*
19) And this is what Norris keeps under his bed…
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20) I am Mac.
VERONICA: Mac, if you were planning the Apocalypse on a Friday, would you ask someone out on a date for that weekend? MAC: Me? That’s the only way I’d ask someone out.
21) And again… no voiceover.
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22) And of course, the one teacher who tried to do things right in Neptune High gets the boot. 
23) A question for science: how many times do you replay the balcony scene when you rewatch this episode? 
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eynismarian · 6 years
Do you ship contessina and cosimo? I really do but I wish cosimo realised how much contessina does for him
I ship them so hard and I can’t believe I got only 8 episodes to watch with these two.
Whoever reads this and loves Cosimo, please keep reading. I’m not insulting him and you might be interested in what I’ve written.
God Cosimo. Where do I even begin with him? I hate him and I love him, I’m so bipolar when it comes to him, maybe because I love Richard and I don’t want to despise so much a character he plays, but tbh I ship him with Contessina, so I know that deep down I love him. I just don’t understand him, especially in these week’s episodes, his behavior was hard to watch and to comprehend. 
His character is so…grey. He’s not a bad person, but he’s not a saint. I think the writers have made pretty clear there’s no good and bad in this story, Cosimo himself does pretty bad actions to achieve the greater good. Every House, from De’Medici to Albizzi, acts for its own reasons, for its own ends and it’s quite difficult to get who’s on the good side, because there’s no good or bad side in the story. Who didn’t feel a little bit of sympathy for Rinaldo at the end?
Most of us felt like Cosimo became a sort of enemy because of he did in Venice, for cheating on Contessina, for bringing his lover to Florence without giving a damn about Contessina’s feelings. I got so mad when he truly thought he didn’t have to give any explanation to Contessina, even Lorenzo was thinking about what Cosimo would tell her! Everyone felt so uncomfortable in that situation, only Cosimo couldn’t see and you know why? because anger still blinded him. 
He was back from the exile after a year and he was still infuriated with her. Cosimo, who of all people is able of great forgiveness and sympathy, cannot find the strength to “forgive” his wife for saving him or, as he puts it, for sending him into exile. Why can he forgive everyone and not her? I think the only explanation is that Contessina is his most trusted person by his side and being “betrayed” by the person you trust the most in life, it’s like a stab in your heart and consequently this person becomes the most difficult to forgive. In this act, I’ve finally found what Contessina really means to Cosimo, Everyone can clearly see he truly, deeply loves her, despite his huge lack of communication.  
Though back then it was normal to let the lovers live under the same roof, I’m not condoning his behavior, certainly I don’t excuse him for being ungrateful for everything that Contessina ever did in her life for the sake of the family, even sending him into exile was a way to preserve the family, yet he doesn’t realize it.
At the end, he forgives her and holds her hand. It’s not a tiny gesture to overlook, because it’s not through words, but through gestures that we understand what Cosimo feels and that pictures how he desperately needs Contessina in his life, more than anyone else.
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