eyyawe · 2 years
Chapter Six
Smiling softly, she turned her head away from him instinctively. He approached the pot to where his face was extremely close to her.
"I don't think I've seen anything like it. The rare times I have seen a fae, even they couldn't control powers like that. Why didn't you use it before to escape?" He asked.
She peaked her head out of the flora, looking into his eyes. "I'm sick." She said it plainly. There wasn't anything else to it.
"Oh, so it's temporary? That has to be pretty bad timing, then." He laughed.
"No, no,  it's always going to be like that. It happened when I had my run-in with a god. I didn't know how to use my powers anyways."  Her hair had gotten impressively longer, and her skin had completely healed. That was the magic of water with the nymphs. Aconite found it strange that she was conforming to him. This was always such a personal subject she never usually talked about, except with Tara. Even then, she couldn't explain it all to Tara. By some weird spell, she always feared Apophis would return to take her. That he could hear her every word, and her power "illness" was a secret.
"A god? Wow, I thought nymphs were supposed to stay far away from them. I mean- what you did to them and what they did to you. Isn't that a good reason to stay away?"
"I didn't do anything." She hissed. "That was a long time ago. Thousands of years ago." She released that she was barking at this giant being- in her eyes and quickly stopped.
"Guess you are right. But there are still cases of the nymphs doing it. I-"
"P-Please, sir, I don't want to talk about this."
He sighed. "Apologies." He rocked back and forth. Everything he had been taught about nymphs was awful. In his bedtime tales, they were ruthless beings who killed the mighty gods who didn't deserve it. Not like Whiro Colossus, the god of chaos and destruction, it was gods and goddesses who brought light to the world, in some cases, literally. Some sillier tales of lesser importance described nymphs as tiny thieves who stole gifts from children and chalked the moth-bitten holes in clothing down to them robbing the fabric. Whether these were real or not, the damage had already been done.
Aconite crawled out of the pot and let her long hair drape behind her. For a long second, she stared into his pools of green. His eyes reminded her of the mossy ponds and the green grass. They were beautiful to her. After an awkward second of staring, she shook her head and turned around. "I-If you don't mind. Could I see the window?"
    Tilting his head, he nodded. "Of course, do you not believe me?" She didn't respond. Instead, she lowered herself down the counter using some drawers that had been left open. "Wait, wait! I can take you there!" He ran around the side and watched her climbing. He reached out his hand to grab her.
    "No, no. Please. I have got this." She barked.
    Florian didn't complain. Besides, if she would be a temporary guest here for quite some time, she would have to get used to it. He stepped back, allowing her to continue. Whether he knew it or not, he made so much noise to Aconite. The slightest step caused the floorboards to wine under the weight, and the slightest tapping sounded like a drum. Aconite thought about it, adding to her view of him.
    "So oblivious." She thought to herself. She had finally managed to make it onto the floor. His figure stood like a mountain in front of her. She walked around his legs and over to the wall where the window was. Maybe there was no way up without his help. He crouched down beside her, smiling,
    "Need some help there?" He teased.
    "No..." She trailed, huffing.
    "Then how will you get up? Or would you prefer to watch the window from here?" He placed his hand beside her. "You chariot, m'lady." Aconite glanced at his hand. She saw it as some evil trick. He hadn't asked her this before; it was unwillingly. Apart of her saw the excitement in it. Defying fear. Taking risks. All of it excited her. She looked at him. Had she not noticed what he had even looked like before? He had auburn hair and a freckled face with round glasses on his nose. To her, he didn't look hostile at all. His face was inviting and soft compared to the harshness she had seen before. She even considered him handsome. The way he talked was charming too. He made little jokes but didn't overstep his boundaries.
    "Hmm?" He sounded. Aconite carefully crawled onto his hand. It was soft and warm, like a lovely bed. Her feet felt like a butterfly's on his palm, delicate and light. She worriedly grabbed onto his thumb for support. It was almost as long as her.
    "Be careful, please you-"
    Florian interjected, "I know. I hurt you. I won't do that ever again. I promise." He gently raised her to the windowsill, tipping it to let her off. She graciously accepted and walked to the glass, shocked by the sight of a raging winter storm.     "But spring was supposed to be coming soon!" She cried. "Oh, my gods-"
    "I'm sorry. I know you think this is awful, and you have every right to believe that, but I will try to make you as comfortable as possible."         A rush of cold air hit Aconite from the window, and she shivered. She sat next to the wall, hugging her knees, and began sobbing. Guilt rushed over her. Tara was probably worried about where she was and had sent people to look for her. She just wanted to return to her home with Tara and the village. The tears started to consume her, and she couldn't stop them until suddenly, she felt a warm embrace. Florian's hands gently cupped around her, providing warmth, but they didn't touch her.
    "The heat doesn't reach right there. You looked cold." He didn't comment on her crying. He figured his "scariness" could make it worse. "I could set you by the fire unless you want to look outside some more." His voice was gentle and soothing. Aconite turned to him.
"Could you? Please?" She wiped the tears from her eyes. He set his hand down again, and she climbed on, taking in the warmth.  He stepped carefully toward the fireplace where he had placed her near. "I'm going to read. Let me know if you need anything." His steps were softer now. Still loud, but like he had taken some care into thinking about it. He sat down and began reading a hard-covered book.
After some time, he fell inevitably asleep. The winter cold had made Florian's home cozy and perfect for sleeping, although it wasn't even near nighttime. It was that the events of yesterday had caused him to become tired. Aconite didn't sleep; instead, she nervously watched the fire embers, thinking about everything she had done. Behind her, something fell to the floor. It was Florian's glasses. They had slipped from his bridge as he read and, consequently, on the floor. She would have left him but seeing how clumsy he was, she didn't think it was a good idea. She walked over to the glasses and began to move them. His legs were positioned so she could drag them onto his lap, so at least there they would be near his hands on a blanket. It took her a while to get to his lap, but eventually, she did it.  Warmth radiated from his body onto her, and she decided to stay; she couldn't watch the embers forever. His chest moved up and down steadily, and his breathing was slow like faint waves. It comforted her, and she needed someone right now. It wasn't just this situation that put her in such a distraught state of mind. She sat down and rested her head. She tried to match her breathing to his, lowering her anxiety. Eventually, her eyes heavied, and she fell into a deep slumber.
Outside, the storm raged on, covering the land in mass amounts of snow. It had brought them together as a curse, but maybe it would be a blessing...
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eyyawe · 2 years
So far, this has been my favorite chapter to write!
While Florian had left, she approached a pot full of water. It had just been drinking water boiled for later use, so it was clean. She climbed over the side and into the lukewarm water. It was deep enough that she couldn't touch it and would have to dive down to touch the bottom.  Lucky for her, this pot was conveniently made of material other than iron. She sank to the bottom like a stone and let the water do its job.
Nymphs had a strong connection with water. It provided life and special abilities when they entered. She closed her eyes, and intricate marks along her body began to glow a golden shine. Her burn marks slowly began to heal, and she began having pleasant childhood visions. It was a warm summer day, and she sprinted through the tall rye with her other friends.  They swung starch to starch like lemurs in a tropical forest. Their bright skin tones mimic flowers of purple, yellow, and pink. Later in the day, they swam in a pond under the lilypads, able to hold their breath for hours at a time. They wrapped up their day by enjoying the starry summer sky and eating their unique cuisine.
Aconite missed those days. She missed when the world was fresh, and humanoids were scary bedtime stories that her childhood friends would tell her. Now it all felt so dull because the world- to her- was all that evil. Her parents were both victims of hunters, leaving her alone. That is when she became the town scout and vowed that nothing like that ever happen again. But, despite all this bad, she still held onto the tiny glimpse of hope that humanoids still had some good in them. She couldn't hate them because, despite what happened, her people had committed terrible sins prior. Granted, these sins took place thousands of years ago.
A ripple hit the water, causing her to exit her sweet nostalgia and enter some dark memory. She was a teenager and had heard of a God roaming the border. She was warned to stray far away, but her curiosity caught up. She left her abode near midnight to see. She arrived at a meadow, and that's where she saw him.
He was abnormally tall, like all gods, but he was closer to a humanoid size, which was rare. Usually they were towering figures, hitting the sixty to eighty feet range, but here he was only around eight feet tall. He had pitch-black skin and a polished geode for a head. The stars reflected against his head, and Aconite looked in awe. She had to get a closer look. She crept to the edge of the tall grass and admired him. She knew him from legends. This was Apophis. Unlike most gods, Apophis didn't have a title like 'God of Rain.' It was a complete mystery. He was described as an unpredictable monster who stole souls from the innocent.
He collapsed onto his knees, holding his hand out to reveal he was bleeding. A crying noise escaped him, and he rocked back and forth.
"Why?! Why?! I ask you!" He looked up. "Please tell me!" Aconite tilted her head. Something struck her like how an animal mother cannot ignore the cries of an infant. She approached him from the tall grass, but of course, he didn't see her. His head was buried in his hands, and his tears leaked. Her body screamed for her to turn around, this went against everything she had been taught, but she had to keep going. She walked around the front of him and touched his finger. He raised his head and looked at her in shock.
"A nymph?! Oh dear, it's not safe for you. For us, I-" Apophis began to move back.
"A-Are you okay? You're bleeding. I want to make sure." Aconite interrupted.
"Yes, I- I just had some trouble. You wouldn't understand. I don't mean to be rude, of course. Thank you." While he had no facial expressions, his words carried great emotion. "Now, please, you have to leave here. It's not safe." He moved his hand back.
"C-Can you tell me why? You just look really, really hurt." She frowned.
"Your blood. It will hurt me. And I will hurt you just- just because of your species. I don't want to. I can't control it. It's a curse. From a really, really long time ago." He stood up. "I do appreciate your concern. I don't think I have had any mortal be so pleasant to me."
She strained her neck, looking up at him, anxiously watching his steps. He bowed and walked towards the woods.
"Wait! Please! I have to ask you something!" She yelled out. He didn't hear her and kept walking. She ran to catch up with him, sprinting next to his footfalls. "My parents! I want-" Crunch. Her leg had been caught under his shoe. She yelped out, and he immediately turned towards her, scooping her up in his hands.
Apophis panicked. "Oh, my heavens! Are you okay? I am so, so sorry. I am such an idiot. I didn't think you would follow me-" Tears streamed from his cheeks, although he had no tear ducts. Aconite was panicking and regretting every decision she had made to help him. She knew it was an accident, but she could have died. It would have been her fault, too, so out of fear, she took it out on him. "Don't worry. Please. You're going to be okay. I can help you." He brought her up to his face to see better. She looked into the geode and saw the outlines of galaxies in his complexity of a face.
But then, something odd happened. Ravens began to speak her name.
"Aconite. Aconite." They called out. Apophis looked around frantically and suddenly went quiet. He formed a grip around her, squeezing her.
"Stop, stop!" She yelled at him, but something had changed in him. Legends said once a god knew a nymph's name, they would have an uncontrollable hunger, but no one ever believed them because no one ever gave out their given name. That was something scary for a good reason. For regular mortals, it would provide them with the power to control them, and there were countless examples of a nymph being forced to give their name.
Apophis' face split, revealing a large circle of thousands of teeth. She was being brought closer and closer.
"Please! Please! No! I am sorry! Please!" She sobbed violently, praying that he would stop. And suddenly, he did.
He threw her into the grass and stepped back. He didn't say anything and ran off. The sounds of his thundering steps echoed in the distance.
Something pulled her out of her nostalgia, a splashing noise. She resurfaced to find Florian leaning against the counter, watching her in awe. The previously empty pot was now filled with tiny lily pads and vines. Little flowers dotted the top and onto the vines that climbed out of the pot.
"How did you..." Florian spoke, looking over the pot.
"I-Oh, I am so sorry. I made a mess." Her face flushed, embarrassed.
"No, no- don't apologize. It's beautiful." He smiled.
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eyyawe · 2 years
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Pre save the bloom book kickstarter!
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eyyawe · 2 years
I’m going to try to upload every night because it helps me sleep :)
Chapter 4
The crackle of the fireplace gently woke her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the teapot.
"I'm still here." She thought to herself. Her delicate fingers ran along the harsh feeling of furnished clay, and she shook her head and chuckled a little.
    "A teapot, hmm." There was still an herbal smell and a slight stain mark that only she could notice. She took in the herbal aroma with all her might. It reminded her of home. Of cooking with the elders on cool autumn nights and collecting them as a child. It made her homesick even though she had only been gone a day. It wasn't the length that bothered her; it was the fact that she might never get home. A loud thump caused her to jolt under her covers.
    "Ow damnit-" Florian cursed as he hit his stomach against the counter. He looked over at the teapot, peaking his head around. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier again. I was so foolish."
There was no response. Aconite hid and laid as flat as possible to make it seem like she had disappeared.
"Are you there?" He gently reached in to grab her and felt her presence. She gasped when his fingers hit the blankets, causing him to curl his hand back. "Sorry! So sorry! You don't have to come out if you don't want to."
Florian pulled up a chair and crossed his arms, resting his head on them. "Simon is gone now. He's with his parents so you won't have to worry about him anymore. It's just us." He nervously chewed on the corner of his mouth. "I'm going to make breakfast. I'll make you something." He turned his back to the teapot and began retrieving the ingredients. Once it was safe, from what she could see, she climbed out and onto the counter. She watched him work for a little while before looking over the edge, realizing it was too far a drop for her to make it.
"Woah woah! Don't do that!" He held his hand out in front of her; she jumped back.  "You could hurt yourself!" She rolled her eyes and looked up at him.
"Your attitude has changed significantly," Aconite grumbled.
"Well- yes. Yours has to. You went from high and mighty saving to extremely annoyed." He stirred the pot he was cooking in. "Which you have every right to be. I still don't understand, though. Why did you save me? Wouldn't it be either to let me die and escape?"
    She looked up at him. "I couldn't let you die. You may have treated me terribly at first, but deep down, I felt like-" She met his gaze, quivering slightly. It felt uncomfortable to have something so big watch over you. "I felt like you're a good man. I don't know. I'm not one to let innocent creatures die, and although you weren't innocent at the moment, it felt like you needed to live. I don't know how to explain it."
Florian placed a plate of food down, separating the two. He nodded. "You don't have to explain all at one time. I'm just grateful to be alive, thanks to you." He smiled and cut the food down into smaller bits for her. "I don't know exactly what you eat, but I figured I would make something for you. Country ham and some fruit? I've heard that fae are vegetarians, but I wasn't sure about you." Aconite stood up and walked over to one edge of the plate. It was rare that she had meat. If she did, it was usually stolen anyways.
"Sorry, I don't have anything small for you to eat, so I figured I would let you eat on one side of the plate and share."
He pushed the food towards her. "There. Sorry, you have to eat with your hands."
"It's alright." She took a bite of the ham. Its salty flavor instantly delighted her mouth, and she closed her eyes to take it. She hadn't tasted meat in so long that she almost forgot what it tasted like. She began to indulge in only eating meat and not fruit. She swallowed as if all meat would suddenly disappear.
"So I'm taking it you're not a vegetarian." He smiled.
The two had finished breakfast, and Aconite wondered when he would take her back like he said he would. She was scared to ask, but after she received a warm meal, she decided it would be fine.
"Sir, I-I hate to ask, but when will you take me home?" There was still a lot of uneasiness in her voice when she spoke to him.
"Well, I thought about it." He looked over to the boarded-up windows. "I think you should stay here for at least a few weeks."
"Weeks?!" She thought to herself, gasping. "W-What?! But you said-"
"You don't know how long you have been out, have you? Addy, you've been out for days. I honestly was scared you would never wake up. I've never seen someone sleep for so long."
Aconite gasped. "No, that can't be! You said 'earlier' like you meant yesterday!"
"Sorry I-"
She interrupted. "T-Take me back."
"Look." He sighed. "I can't, even if you were fine. A huge winter storm has hit, and another round is hitting later on. I promise to bring you back, but you're not in good health to return right now and not to mention the obvious deadly winter storm outside."
"B-But...I need to get home! Please, sir! I'll do anything."
"And you will, but for right now. You'll stay here. I promise I'll keep you safe and warm." He stood up. "I'll leave you alone for a little. I have to bathe. You can think about it here." He walked off.
Aconite felt like her whole world was crashing down. One night was bearable, but weeks?! That was something she couldn't do. She would have to figure out a way to escape.
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eyyawe · 2 years
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♡ GT July 2023 Prompt List ♡
Big thanks to @pocket-ozwynn for helping with the prompts!
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eyyawe · 2 years
Heya, if anyone knows how to format this (like add underlines, add the little next and previous thing, etc) that would help a lot! Thanks!
Chapter 3
    It was later into the evening now. Aconite couldn't tell what time it was or how many hours had passed because she just sat blankly in her glass tomb. It felt like days to her. It was now apparent to her that she was placed under a glass. She barely had enough room to lie down, so she rested against the smooth, cold drink. The man slept on a nearby pallet, but something was off about him. He just kept coughing and coughing. His hacks kept her awake, and even though he was her captor, she was still worried.
    The hacks escalated to wheezing and Aconite could certainly tell something was wrong. His pale skin was now yellow, with his eyes and cheekbones sunken into his skull. Aconite watched anxiously. How much longer could she let this go on? Every loud wheeze made her stomach drop, and she tried to ignore but she just couldn't.
    While she had attempted escape multiple times before, she put off using her powers. There was only so much she could use before she became ill again. None of the other nymphs had this problem, but for some terrible reason, she was just born like it. She looked up at the bottom of the cup and the counter's ledge.
"I can do this." She murmured.
    She slipped her fingers under a small opening under the glass, and suddenly vines began to sprout simlestaniously from the ground. They lifted the cup and shattered it against the floor. She was free. She scaled down the counter and sprinted towards the pallet, carefully climbing onto the feathery surface. She approached the man's face.
    He was asleep and looked like he was in some terrible nightmare. Sweat dripped from his sallow face, and his breathing was speedy and painful. Aconite hesitantly approached his face. His staggered breath sent a heat wave over her figure, chilling her spine. She placed a hand on his forehead and began to hum a beautiful tune. As soon as she had started, his hand rushed towards his forehead to where she was. She was slammed against it, and she yelped out, immediately stopping her procedure. A loud crunch was heard from her petite body, and the man woke up.
    He tried to speak, but the only thing that came out was frantic breaths. He was choking. He held her tightly and sprung up into an upright position. He erratically brought his hand to his neck and dropped Aconite. She grabbed the nearest thing she could hold, his shirt collar. His face began to turn blue as he frantically moved around. Aconite looked down into the skin tone abyss below her and decided she had to do it.
She let go and slid against his bare chest, humming along the way, trying to keep her composure. The spell only worked if she was calm. She pinched his skin, crying, hoping that this worked and she wouldn't be killed either way if he didn't or did survive. By some miracle, she was able to perform the procedure even though her poise was completely gone. His skin began to glow at her touch, and the choking finally subsided.
    The man gasped for air, trying to slow his breath. He reached into his shirt, feeling around for Aconite, who successfully dodged his grabs and escaped the fabric. She hid under a blanket, cowering and hoping he wouldn't suddenly move to find her.
    "You- you saved me!" He exclaimed, feeling his throat.
    Aconite stayed put; he shifted his leg, bumping her with his foot. Upon the touch, she disappeared more profoundly into the blankets as he lifted them to search for her.
    "Why did you- why? I- I owe you my life. I'm so sorry for my treatment earlier. I promise I won't try to capture you again."
    Aconite considered, then stayed put, but she hadn't hidden very well, and he grabbed her. Aconite sobbed as she faced this monstrous beast before her.
    "I'm not going to hurt you. I would never- I wasn't going to earlier, and I wasn't planning on doing it this morning."
    His fleshly digits touched her exposed skin, causing her to cringe. She looked into his gaping mouth as he talked, looking at it with horror.
    "My family doesn't have the greatest track record with nymphs, but- god, I am so sorry for being so stupid. That was an ignorant thing to do. Sorry. Sorry."
    Aconite spoke up, "The water." Her voice was mousy.
    "I didn't hear you."
    "The water had a defense where if an adult touches it- they get very ill. It's a sprite's curse." She shook. "Please, sir, don't do anything to me! I want to go home, please." She begged.
    "I'm..." He trailed off. "I said I wasn't going to. I'm very sorry for treating you harshly." He crossed his legs and admired her. He was in awe at this nymph. She was unique with lavender skin and deep purple hair; her voice was beautiful even though she wasn't singing. In his eyes, she was a jewel. He brought her closer to his face to inspect her. He noted her arm was bent unnaturally.
    "Your arm. Did I hurt you?" He poked her with his other finger. Aconite moved to the end of his digits.
    "No! It's fine! It!s fine!" She shook her head. Carefully, he placed his index finger and thumb around her arm, and she looked up at him with terror.
"It's dislocated; I'll have to put it back into place. Okay?" He spoke to her softly. She nodded as her arm was forced back into position. She yelped as the pain rushed through her body.
"Sorry! Sorry! I know it hurts." He frowned, taking note of her trembling.
I feel like such an ass, he thought to himself. Aconite wiped her eyes, sniffling, and then looked up at him.
"I can go. Please, I didn't mean any harm. I didn't. That boy was sitting by the side of the creek, shivering cold. I could help! And I did for a while, then he woke up and snatched me. Please, sir, I didn't mean any harm." She pleaded with him. Her watery eyes locked onto his gaze.
"I believe you." Those words gave her intense relief.
"But I you can't go yet. It's too far for you and dangerous. You don't know where you are. I'll take you back in the morning." Aconite sighed. It wasn't the immediate freedom she hoped for, but it was something.
"For now, it is very, very late at night. I don't have anything for you to sleep in normally, so how about I make something for you."
Aconite nodded; she wondered why how his behavior had changed so suddenly from previously. The man prepared a teapot for her. The bottom was covered with a soft fabric cut from his old shirts. He carefully tipped Aconite, who, once she was immediately in, went to the farthest point away from him.
"I forgot to give you my name, er. I'm sorry. You can call me Florian." He offered a smile. Aconite nodded, and Florian awkwardly backed away.
"It's Addy."
"Call me Addy."
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eyyawe · 2 years
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Snowy paths
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eyyawe · 2 years
Hey! I know I don't have many followers and stuff but this story is kinda for me and I wanted to share it. I've been really stressed out lately and writing is a good way to express my feelings. Thank you all who have interacted tho, it's very very nice. But yeah! This is a story I've been writIng about some of my ocs I've used in rp and this story is published on Wattpad. I would be happy to answer any questions and etc.
Inside her leathery prison, Aconite awoke startled by what was happening. She looked up at the tiny cracks of light that peaked through the opening. Desperately, she stood up and tried to reach her escape, but it was useless. The junk in the pouch caused her to get toppled over, and the boy's movements were so rickety it was like standing on a wave-battered vessel.
Eventually, she gave up. She sank to the bottom and silently wept, stifling any loud noises from her mouth. She thought of all the awful things that had happened to her fellow nymphs. Their blood was used for god-slaying weapons, forcing them to say their name so they could do whatever the humans wanted, heads for trophies. Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud creak of a door opening. Simon placed the bag on a hook above the stove, unannounced to the man. Their voices carried on some obscure conversation, and after thirty minutes, all went silent. This was the perfect opportunity for Aconite to escape. She jumped just high enough for her fingers to reach the opening. Then, she hoisted herself up,  finally reaching her head out.
From her view, she could see the entire house, and it seemed so inconceivably monstrous that it had to be some horrible nightmare. The coast was clear. She crawled out of the bag, placing her feet on the button that closed it. She looked down and noted the humongous soup pot ready to be cooked. Carefully, she reached over towards the hook; if she managed to grab it, she could escape to a nearby shelf. Her reach wasn't quite far enough, and she hobbled over to jump to it. In one swift motion, she completely missed.
Aconite's mind raced as she fell from such an immense height. She prayed to whatever deity could hear her- or even one that cared- that this wouldn't be her end. Her body hit the water harshly, and panic quickly followed. While nymphs had a strong connection with water allowing them to hold their breath for a long time and other properties, this was dangerous.
The vegetables and herbs bumped against her body as she frantically swam toward the end. Her fingers dug into the side, immediately burning her.
She thought to herself as she winced, pulling back immediately. That's when the sound started.
It sounded like thunder but more consistent. The sound shook Aconite to her core as she knew what followed after this. A terrible monster who'd gobble her up in one bite, an ugly beast who'd use her precious blood for their selfish gain. While she had decided to help the boy, she had no interest in the man. With nowhere left to go, she ducked into the water, trying to stay hidden by the plants m floating on the top. His footsteps got closer, and the pot began to move. He was preparing supper! A wooden spoon stuck into the pool and began to stir. Aconite frantically tried to avoid it but was swept into its whirl. The spices began infiltrating her mouth and eyes, causing a burning sensation. She could not take it anymore. Her head appeared above the water, and she gasped for air. The stirring suddenly stopped, and the man yelled, falling backward onto his bum.
"What the hell?!" He screamed. Recklessly, Aconite tried to crawl out of the side. It was her only option. Either she had to face this beast and reveal her powers, which would anger him, or she could do her best to escape. As she crawled against the side, her skin began to blister. Every touch felt like fire being placed against her delicate lavender skin, but she had to keep going. She had almost done it when she noticed the looming hand from behind. Tears streamed down her face as the world moved in slow motion. There was nothing she could do.
His hand pried her off the side. His rough leathery palms held her in a harsh grip.
"A nymph?! Good gods!" He squinted his eyes closed. Aconite stared into the pools of green. It was a horrific sight, like the one of the leviathan's gaze emerging from the dark ocean's abyss, but also a gorgeous one. Her body shook with fear as her life came crumbling down into pieces.
"How did you get here?" His voice became sterner, but all Aconite could do was look up at him with watery eyes.
"I won't let you hurt my family or me." His grip tightened, and she squeaked, trying to squirm out of his hand. Aconite finally gained the courage to speak.
"Please, no! It was a simple mistake! Swear! I wouldn't-" Aconite yelled.
The man interrupted, "Oh? Of course, it was! Because your kind is only known for one thing, death. Your species struck the most benevolent gods for power." He scoffed.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I-" Suddenly, the hand swept her into a glass container. Aconite cried, begging him to stop.
"Please! I found your boy resting by the creek! I only wanted to help! I swear! I swear!" She cried. "No! No!"
His fist slammed against the counter, causing her to cover her head instinctively.
"Enough. I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning."  He walked away, leaving her to sob in her wet clothes. She was captured again.
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eyyawe · 2 years
Something I've been kinda working on, I have no idea where to put it so yaaayy
Feel free to leave tips and constructive criticism! I would love to know how to format this and yadada
Evermore part one
The Stream
Aconite woke to the sun rays peaking through her window and a pleasant aroma whisking through her bedroom. Gently setting her feet on the floor, she stretched and slipped a robe over herself. The hanging vines in the room dropped against the wooden walls adding a homey charm. Winter's cold months brought hardship and coziness to her quaint tiny home. She prepared a hardy breakfast but was interrupted by Tara.
    "Addy, dear, can you please prepare some supper? It's quite hard for me, you know." Tara spoke. Of course, Tara didn't call Aconite by her real name. All nymphs knew that. Names were sacred for a good reason.
    "Of course, Tara. You're always welcome to supper. I always make extra for that reason."
Tara was an elder with light blue skin, unlike Aconite's lavender. She was an important figure in the village, and many people treated her with the utmost respect.
    "You're such a nice woman." Tara smiled, sitting down at a small table. "I'm worried for us."
    "Why do you say?" Aconite turned towards Tara, tilting her head.
    "They say them humans come closer and closer to here every day. It's no wonder people have gone missing! They've all snatched them up! Eaten 'em'! Stolen their blood for weapons again! Used them as silly doll toys!" Tara exclaimed.
    "Tara, enough." She tightened her fists. Her tail violently hit the ground.
    "I'm sorry. You know, it's got me worried and all. We've been through so much. Every day we lose people. We don't even know how many are suffering as you and I did," She paused abruptly, swallowing a lump in her throat. "Nymphs used to be a powerful species! We used to walk along with the humans! Live in castles! Engage in warfare! We used to be the most respected species in the land! Now, look at us! The tiny people who live in the forests whose blood and name will fare you well! I curse the god who did this to us!"
    "That was hundreds of years ago. Do you think there is anything we can do about it now?" She barked back.
    "Yes! We can fight, of course!"
    "Us? That would be silly!" She shook her head and placed a meal in front of Tara.
    "What's really bothering you?" Aconite inquired.
    "A boy. He's been out by the stream, nearly scared the hell out of some young children. Thankfully they were not spotted, of course. I thought he would go away, but he's stayed. No idea why. He's even stayed at night. Slept all alone. It almost makes me feel bad for them."
"I will go investigate it by noon, okay? Would that let you rest easy?"
    "Why, yes! But please be careful. I can't lose you! Alright?" Tara commanded.
    "I won't. It's just right there. There would be no use in engaging. Maybe I can just run him off. Humans are easy to fool, but-"
    "But curious! He'll catch one glance of your tail and snatch you!" She interrupted.
    "Good Olympus, please. For such a wise elder, you're a very stubborn one." She sneered. Aconite sat down, tucking her long, dark amethyst hair behind her pointed ears. Tara muttered nonsense while eating, which annoyed Aconite, but she couldn't stay irritated for long. She had a point. Even a child was dangerous to them. They needed to be very careful with everything that had to do with humans or, frankly, anyone bigger than them. They only periodically interacted with fae, but it got too risky.
"I'll be back. I promise." She stepped outside the house and onto a branch.
Once she had reached the bank, she noticed a young boy, no older than seven, asleep in a pile of snow. Aconite peered out of the grass beside him, seeing his odd position. 
    "He must be cold..." She murmured.
Something in her had possessed her to help him. A poor young boy out here alone would not last long. She crept close to him and silently placed her hand on the small amount of fabric that showed through near his ankle. Her hand glowed and began to warm the young boy; he suddenly jerked up, almost stepping on Aconite in the process. He yawned and then looked at her with a curious but devious look. Panic rushed over Aconite, and she ran towards the tree, but he was too fast. The boy scooped her up and shook her, poking and prodding her. She opened her mouth to sink her fangs into his hand but failed miserably, desperately trying to keep her eyes open. The violent swing of his hands made her heart race, and vile began to swell in the back of her throat. She thought this mistake was awful; she should've certainly listened to her elder.
    The boy swung his arms back and forth before he got bored with her and shoved her into a small pouch. By then, the movements had gotten to her, and she had utterly fainted. An older man, seemingly around the same age as Aconite, approached the young boy. He had been running for quite some time, as seen by the sweat rolling down his face.
    "Simon, are you mad? You could've been hurt! Gods, I have been looking everywhere for you!" He addressed the boy sternly.
    "I just wanted to come by this creek! It bothers me when you don't take me anywhere, and besides! I've been stuck with you for a week! I'm sorry-" Simon pouted. His lower lip quivered like a baby's.
    "Don't do it again. Ever. Do you understand me? There are dangerous things out here. This place is notorious for nymphs too...." He looked around. "Let's just head home, okay?"
    Simon nodded hesitantly and walked ahead of him with the attitude of a hurt puppy. The man pushed his frames against his face and carefully watched. The pair headed towards their bungalow, Simon's antics entirely unknown to the man. For now, the package was for Simon and Simon only.
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eyyawe · 2 years
Hey I’m looking for someone to rp with and I haven’t really been able to find anyone, I was wondering if anyone knew or was interested? I’ve rped a lot but never really g/t but I would love to try! I’m very very busy usually so I’m not looking for anything crazy just super causal and SFW. If anyone is interested,knows discord servers, etc please lemme know! Thank you :)
(Also I’m kinda new to tumblr so if I do something wrong sorry 😬)
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