ezraischell · 1 month
Tags: angst, mentions of yingxing, reader is a short lived human, what lemon? i only have onion, dan feng is still pining for yingxing, ooc dan feng.
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“a moth to a flame.” —dan feng x fem!reader
Dan Feng's heart shattered into pieces as soon as death took Yingxing into its embrace. The wind howls through his empty soul; you know he has not moved on.
What hurts most is that he will never love you the way he loved his now deceased lover.
You make him feel some semblance of happiness again, yet the pain within him is still raw. Perhaps it's because just like Yingxing, you are also a short lived species.
"I love you, but..." he declares, his words followed by haunting silence. The tension has increased as you await his next answer.
"But you're not him."
You remained silent upon hearing his voice, his words acting as though they are that of a thousand swords, mercilessly impaling your heart through and through, and yet, you never uttered a single word and never have you broken out of your stoic character just to breakdown in front of him. No, you wouldn't do that, you couldn't.
"I understand." Was all that she could say. Despite that, she knew deep down that it definitely hurt more than what she had perceived for herself.
He knew that he had inflicted pain upon you with his words, but he couldn't bear to lie. Despite his love for you, his heart still ached for Yingxing. The void in his soul persisted, a constant reminder of his lost companion.
He reached out to gently stroke the side of your face, his touch tender and reassuring, despite the weight of his words.
"You deserve better than this," he murmured, his voice filled with a hint of regret. "You deserve someone who can love you fully, without any reservations."
You wanted to recoil from his touch but you didn't, you remained still under the influence of the remaining respect and attachment that you still bore for him.
His hand, no matter how much it seemed like that of a cold touch burning painfully against your skin, remained.
And yet again, he was right. You deserved better than a bare minimum treatment from him, you were simply too blind and incapable of recognizing it for yourself.
As Dan Feng observed your stoic demeanor in response to his touch, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration with himself. He wished for you to react, to express your feelings, to show that he meant something to you.
But instead, you remained quiet and still. It was as if you had built a wall around your heart, refusing to show any vulnerability.
"You know I can still love you in my own way, right?" he whispered quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of longing and softness.
No matter how much he tried, you wouldn't budge or give in. Why would you? You were built and molded by the cruel world into a being incapable of ever finding the key within yourself to free your emotions.
No matter how much he loved you, you will never be able to find it in yourself to reason with him nor his words. You were simply crafted that way by the world.
"I sometimes wonder why you have walked into my life of solitude, only to ruin its peace the longer you stay."
While you understood that he could not move on from his dead lover, It always left you wondering silently to yourself why he chose to give you hope, only to take it away and break it when he realized that he cannot love you the way you expected him to.
Frustrated by your lack of response and hurt by your cold demeanor, Dan Feng couldn't help but express his confusion. He was at a loss as to how to connect with you, how to reach you.
"If you're so upset with my presence, then why do you tolerate it?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of anger and despair. "Why do you allow me to be near you if it brings you nothing but pain? You have the power to push me away, yet you choose not to."
"Just like how a moth is drawn to flame, no matter how harmful it may be to them, I feel something similar akin to that.."
Despite your cold exterior, had always been drawn and attracted to his affection like a moth to a flame, always seeking the light in the dark and the warmth in the freezing world.
No matter how painful it may be, you knew what you wanted. If you truly love him, you wouldn't leave no matter how harmful he is to you.
Just like how harmful a flame is to a moth. However, you didn't need his pity, you never will. You do this out of your own will, even if he still cannot move on from his dead lover and sees you as a mere replacement.
He sighed heavily, his anger slowly fading away to give way to a deep sense of sadness. He took a moment to compose himself before replying.
"I wish I could love you the way you deserve," he said softly, his voice tinged with resignation. "But I'm afraid that a part of my heart will always belong to Yingxing. It's not fair to you, and I know that. But..."
He trailed off, his eyes downcast. He knew there was no justification for hurting you like this, and he hated himself for it.
"I am aware.. that's why, i would like to leave you and end our relationship. I wish to sever my ties with you, Yinyue-jun."
Perhaps it was out of the impulse influencing your feelings and causing you internal turmoil. But you knew better than to be selfless and disregard yourself, that would be very disrespectful to your own being.
You can't live without him, or so you thought, but then again, can you live with him while knowing he is hurting you? No, you could not. You knew better than that.
His expression grew grim as he heard your words. He knew this moment was coming, yet he still felt a pang of disappointment in his chest.
"If that is your decision, then I cannot stop you," he said quietly, his voice tinged with resignation. "But I want you to know that I truly cared for you, and I never wanted to hurt you."
He reached out a hand towards you, his eyes clouded with sadness. "Will you give me one last embrace before you go?"
"Unfortunately, i cannot."
With that being said, you walked away. You walked away, severing your ties with him and freeing yourself from the shackles of his love that you assumed for yourself.
"Farewell, Yinyue-jun."
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ezraischell · 1 month
Tags: elf!reader, reader is a quarter demon, angel x demon!au, sunday and reader's daily banters, sunday is crushing on reader
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“how rejection feels.” —sunday x fem!reader
On one of Sunday's, an angel serving under the god of harmony named xipe, routine patrols, he ventured into hell—a place that contrasted starkly with his soothing appearance. However, there is a reason as to why he would always venture in hell. It was to meet a certain quarter demon elf who would always confront him. He couldn't fathom how a demon like her would question or defy him.
“You do know who you're talking to, right?” His voice cut through the air, carrying an edge of disbelief.
Unlike other demons and angels, she saw through Sunday's facade, sensing the manipulation veiled behind his sweet words. His gentle countenance faltered for a fleeting moment before he masked it with a composed smile.
“Oh, [name], there's no need for such hostility.” the angel added. “I simply wish to maintain peace between our realms.”
“I may not be a pureblood demon but i know evil when i see one, Sunday.” The elf with a quarter blood of her demon bloodline, spoke as she narrowed her eyes at the angel, caution and wariness visible in her eyes.
The angel's lip curled in response to her accusation, revealing a hint of a mischievous smile. Instead of taking offense, his tone reflected amusement as he regarded her with an unblinking gaze.
“Evil?” He chuckled softly. “Do you even know what that word means?”
Sunday paused to gauge her reaction before continuing.
“You and I are very much alike, dear elf.” He emphasized the word 'elf' in an exaggerated fashion, letting it roll off his tongue like a slur against her heritage.
A soft frown adorned her expression upon hearing his emphasis of the word 'elf' as she scoffed at him and sneered. “Don't compare me to yourself, you damned fake angel with chicken wings.”
For a moment, an irritated expression passed across Sunday's face before he quickly regained his composure. The angel took a step closer, his body looming over her in a formidable and imposing position.
“Fake angel?” He repeated, laughing mockingly. “I assure you, my wings are more than real, elf.”
“Bitch please, if heaven is filled with angels such as yourself then heaven is doomed.” She retorted, taunting the male in front of her as a smug smirk crept up to her lips. She would definitely like this angel if he was much nicer but he just had to exist with that annoying personality of his.
Sunday couldn't help but let out a light chuckle at her response. Despite her snarky demeanor, the angel regarded her with a sense of pride, appreciating the fire and spunk she possessed.
“You've got a mouth on you, I'll give you that.” He leaned in closer until they were just a few inches apart.
“I'd be careful with your words if I were you.” Sunday smirked, letting out a low growl as a warning.
“You're so annoying, you should've been a demon instead since you're definitely not fit to be an angel.” She was just so done with this man. Her patience is already wearing thin, and they call this man righteous? She could only feign a laugh and scoff upon hearing such fallacy.
Sunday's demeanor seemed to soften, a bemused laugh escaping his lips.
“You know, a lesser angel would've struck you down where you stand for insulting them.” He smirked, finding her stubbornness endearing.
“Fortunately for you.” he continued, “I'm not as vindictive as most of my brethren.”
The angel paused, cocking his head to one side.
“You and I... are more alike than you think.”
“Ew.. Is this your way of flirting with me or something? Because if it is, i am revolted.”
She is definitely not fond of this angel. She believes this man is a demon because there's absolutely no way that an angel with this kind of personality would serve under the god of harmony.
This woman was so damn stubborn. Sunday couldn't help but chuckle, a slight grin appearing on his lips. He couldn't believe he was enjoying their back-and-forth banter so much. He took a step closer, deliberately invading her personal space.
“Revolted?” Sunday's tone was laced with sarcasm. “You know, there are easier ways to say you secretly have a thing for me.”
The elf let out an offended gasp, a disgusted expression breaking out of her facade.
The audacity.
The fucking audacity of this angel.
She had never felt as disgusted as she is right now. “Ew, what the fuck.”
Sunday wasn't sure if he was turned on or turned off by her blatant disgust. Either way, he couldn't deny her reaction was... entertaining.
The angel took another step forward, closing the gap between them so their faces were just inches apart (yes, inches).
“Admit it.” Sunday whispered, his breath ghosting over her lips, a smirk gracing his face. “You find me irresistible.”
“Yuck, who the fuck would be attracted to a chicken winged bastard like you.” While he is indeed handsome in her eyes, there was absolutely no way that she would actually be attracted to him.
She would rather marry a rat from a sewer drain.
“You know what's adorable about you? Your persistence when it comes to pretending to dislike me.” His tone was flirty, playful, and taunting all at once.
“And the fact that you're currently within kissing distance.” Sunday smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Just one more inch and our lips will touch.” he teased, his voice dripping with seductive menace.
The elf froze at his words, her face turning beet red as her lips quivered before she eventually took a step back and turned her back against him, immediately sprinting away from him.
“Damned pervert, you're no angel! I quit this fuckery!” She yelled out before completely disappearing in a far distance.
For an angel known for his ability to control his emotions, this time it was evident that the young man was caught off guard. The angel's eyes searched the area for the feisty elf, only to realize that she had fled.
The angel stared in disbelief, his lips curling up in a grimace.
So this is how it felt to get rejected...
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ezraischell · 1 month
Tags : terminally ill!reader, spoilers, angst, dunno what else to put.
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“dear death, goodnight.” — gallagher x fem!reader
She felt betrayed. So this was how betrayal felt. No wonder others would often state it to be a painful experience. At this point, She's just wondering if everyone on her side will always betray her like this good friend of hers did. Why? Because he was 'Death' The nightmare that The Family spoke silent of. He stands with a lopsided yet ominous smirk on his face right after the memetic entity lunges it's claw through her back..
The dream he was to her little heart no longer remained. Despite being a sickly person, she actually has a few cards up her sleeve. However, she never thought that she would be using it against the friend that she trusted the most. She was preparing it for when the time of her death comes but to think that she would use it so abruptly and sooner than she planned, she wasn't expecting it. “Die, Gallagher..” She muttered weakly as the claw of the memetic entity impaled her back while she shakily raised her hand, a glowing bow manifesting from her side before she snapped her fingers, causing the bow to shoot a massive arrow towards him. However, due to her blurry eyesight caused by the blood loss on her part, she failed to actually aim at him. The arrow manage to graze Gallagher's shoulder, causing him to grimace before his smirk reappeared. Oh, how desperate... His hand grabbed her shoulder as he swung her around to stare into her face before leaning down. Gallagher pressed his face against her cheek just enough to be close. His voice was soft, almost intimate, as he spoke to her. "Do you realize how pathetic this is? You're clinging to your useless last breath. That bow of yours won't even phase me. Why do you struggle..?" She could barely hear and comprehend his words anymore, already out of her mind as she was slowly dying. However, despite this, her only thought was to protect the family against her friend, gallagher, who is also the death that the family has been warned about. Thus, without much thought, she decided to use her final card against her friend who betrayed her and the family. “Must.. protect.. the family.. Can't fail..” There was a reason as to why she was ill and sickly in the first place. It was because she was constantly using her vitality whenever she uses her powers blessed and granted to her by the Aeon of the Hunt named Lan, especially since the very core of her power was her heart. Therefore, she raised her trembling hand towards her chest, sharp claws growing on her nails with the intention to rip her heart out. Gallagher's eyes widened as he watched his friend. She had so little time left already, but she still insisted on fulfilling her duty to The Family. He couldn't just keep staring. Gallagher pulled her towards him and wrapped his hands around hers, stopping her from ripping her own heart out. He lifted her up in order to lay both him and her down on the ground. His hands were still gripping her hands as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Using the last ounce of her strength, she pushed Gallagher off of her and immediately impaled her chest with her sharp claws as it sunk deep into her skin before pulling her heart out, it was bleeding but the color was unusual, the color of the blood that her heart bled was blue. It wasn't normal at all. It was the pinnacle and the very anchor of her power. "Wake up.. Avatar of Retribution.." She stuttered one final command as she crushed the heart in her hand and used the blood to draw a certain insignia with its blood, causing a giant cross to appear as it chained the memetic entity to itself and struck it endlessly with consecutive flashes of thunder. On the other hand, she was already dying, just a few more minutes and she'll finally lose her life. As much as she wanted to kill Gallagher, also known as death, she couldn't. She was way too attached to her friend despite his betrayal towards her and the family.
Gallagher watched as her heart bled and was used as some sort of medium for her so called final card. Her power is in her very blood and heart? He would have to admit, he's never been as fascinated as he currently is in his entire life.
Right after undergoing the attack of retribution, the memetic entity still managed to live and survive since due to her weakened condition, the final card had its limits and therefore, was also weakened. However, it didn't survive unscathed.
Gallagher leaned over to his dying friend, taking her in his arms gently, despite her bleeding heart. She was dying... and there was no coming back from that. Gallagher placed her head on his chest, caressing her hair as he spoke to her.
“How did you think this would play out, my dear friend?”
She could only offer a strained smile towards him as she sighed before closing her eyes, her breathing now shallow and slow as her body began to feel numb and limp.
“I.. I don't know.. mm.. I'm tired.. Gallagher..” She muttered weakly, her mind slowly blanking out on her as the smile on her lips soon dissipated into a thin line.
“Shh....” Gallagher said softly as his hands ran through her hair, his voice gentle but bittersweet. He was still aware that his friend was dying right in his arms.
“Rest now, my friend. You're very tired... go back to your dreams.”
Gallagher leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead, and brushed aside the loose hair off of her forehead before closing her eyes. “...Sleep..”
Despite her eyes being closed, it still managed to shed tears as her tears stained her face while her hand slowly slipped out of his grasp and fell limp to her side.
“I.. I love you, Gallagher..” She managed to croak out, albeit weakly as her voice wavered, finally losing her ability to speak as she uttered her final words.
She had always wanted her last words to be something cool back in the past and she was intending to practice it on Gallagher but she definitely did not expect to confess her feelings to him as her first last words.
“Goodnight..” Thus, after finally uttering these final words, she succumbed to her death. She finally confessed her feelings right before her death.
It was a bittersweet moment for Gallagher, who continued to run his hands through her hair. When he noticed her final tears falling off her face and the loose hand that slipped out of his grasp, he began to tear up.
Gallagher leaned down to kiss her. “I love you more.” He muttered before letting his lips rest on her forehead.
“...Goodnight, My little wolf..”
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