ezrakgulen · 2 years
kareem baksh​:
it did make kareem feel less self-conscious about their own selfishness when it came to everything that had been happening in town. if they could, they would’ve grabbed both their younger sister and their niece and would’ve gone somewhere else until some kind of answer was presented. “it just makes me feel like i’m being cheated on in a way.“ they began, walking around the kitchen island so they could stand beside their friend. “if people are asking for answers and none is being given, both by the police and our ancestors, then, does that mean they don’t have the answers either? or, if they have, they’re just not willing to share with us? either way, we’re fucked, then.” they sighed, one hand going to their hair to brush it away from their forehead. “boxing, eh? i’ve been running to the point of exhaustion and pain. you know how my knee isn’t the same.” and it’s cost them a brilliant career that now seemed like it had been a lifetime ago. “then i just pop some muscle relaxers and i’m out for the night, even if i keep having some weird dreams. what’s next? some nightmare on elm street type of crap where they kill us in our sleep?”
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“Exactly, we’re fucked. Because either they are hiding something or they aren’t doing a thing for us, which, honestly, I think it’s the latter.” Ezrak didn’t believe that the leadership of this town was willing to move a finger in order to provide safety to others. Whether they knew about the supernatural beings inhabiting Fenrirswood or were oblivious to it, in the end, lives were lost and they were left to deal with all of it on their own. “Every single day that I leave home, I’m afraid that I'll be back well and safe. At least, if I’m forced to be here and everything turns out to be even worse, I’ll tell my parents to leave with Kiraz.” And this time it wouldn’t be because he wasn’t ready nor in a position to commit to fatherhood, it was for the sake of his daughter’s safety that he would do such a thing. “You know me, there’s too much anger in this body, if I don’t take this out during training, I’d probably start some fights at a bar,” he shrugged. “Some sessions of physiotherapy wouldn’t help you?” He questioned, really concerned about his friend. And then, the mention of Elm Street caused Ezrak to laugh, a sound that hardly left his lips unless he was with someone he cared about. Kareem being one of those. “Unfortunately, that wouldn’t surprise me.” Taking a sip from his beer, he continued. “Weird dreams, huh? Nightmares of some sort? My nights are hardly good, but at least I have a terrible memory to remember any dreams or nightmare I may have.”
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
“I want to talk about what happened without mentioning how much it hurt. There has to be a way. To care for the wounds without reopening them. To name the pain without inviting it back into me.”
— Lora Mathis, If There’s A Way Out I’ll Take It (via thequotejournals)
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
It was easy to perceive how passionate the witch was about the subject. Politics and sociology. Ezrak wanted to be a teacher ever since he was young, and to be able to offer information to others and provoke his students to have critical thinking had been his goal for the moment he began his new class. To feel drawn by his discourse is inevitable, as his class is the only moment he adores the attention and gets it so effortlessly. Perhaps that was the reason why it took some time for him to notice someone watching his class that wasn’t enlisted in it, and yet, he didn’t mind the presence. Despite how challenging Dilara had been that fatidical day during her event.
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Grabbing his jacket, slow treads led him to her. “Calling me for drinks won’t get you a better grade, Yilmaz” He was still in a good mood, so why not offer an amusing response to her? “Consider yourself lucky, because I also could use a drink and I’m not driving either, so lead the way.” He opened the door, waiting for her to pass by it before he would follow. “Now that I think about it, did you really go through an entire class just to ask me out for drinks?”
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 ›› 𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐘𝐈𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐙
— setting: fenway university ; friday evening — availability: closed starter for ezrak gulen | ( @ezrakgulen )
life had an odd way of bringing people together, and dilara was no stranger to it—although, if anyone asked her, the brunette would say she didn’t believe in such things. she wanted to be as skeptic as her aunt claimed dilara’s mother to be. a secret not many knew about. she had seen it online that ezrak would be giving a lecture at fenway university and, she thought it would be worth catching at least the end of it to possibly pay him back for his patience excellent work at the event she’d hired his company for. the she-wolf sat at the back and she couldn’t help but being drawn to the man’s words, despite her lack of knowledge on the subject.
once the class was over and everyone was out of the lecturing room, dilara got up from her seat and approached him. “fancy a drink, professor? i’m not driving today, so i can finally buy you that drink i told you i would.” she too, needed a drink after those horrible nightmares that were plaguing her dreams lately.
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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alperen duymaz son yaz (ep 22)
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
Ezrak knew that frustration, he was wearing a similar one for years now. His first annoyance came in the shape of grief, a turmoil of feelings that drained his optimism. And then, well, his species and werewolves becoming targets didn’t make him exactly fond of whatever was happening in Fenriswood. The lack of action would feed that frustration, in the same sense that he understood what his friend meant in every single word uttered by them. “It really doesn’t make sense, does it? Every day that nothing is done about it, I want to pack everything, grab Kiraz and leave this place, not the opposite. So, yeah– we’re on the same page about it.” He sighed, taking a sip of his beer prior to continuing his trail of thought. “Besides, if the spirits know so much about everything, why haven’t they given us any clue on what to do next? Did no one think about asking them and expect some guidance in return? Nothing about this feels right.” Another sip. “You know what has been helping me lately? Boxing.”
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 ›› 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐌 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐒𝐇
— setting: kareem’s place ; mid-week - evening — availability: closed starter for ezrak gulen | ( @ezrakgulen )
kareem wiped their hands on the cloth they kept on their shoulder, as they placed the lasagna in the oven, then moved to the fridge and opening another beer both for themself and for ezrak. the duo clunk their bottles onto one another and kareem took a swig from theirs. “so yeah, i asked leyla, but we still know nothing about whatever the bloody hell is ‘appening with us, mate. and let me tell ya, it’s driving me mad.” they let out a sigh as they set their bottle down on the kitchen island and leaned onto it, facing ezrak on the other side of the island. “and it drives me even more mad that these people are basically begging their kids to come back to town, ya know? they should be begging them to stay away. people are being murdered, people are having weird dreams… and no one is doing anything.” pause. another swig from their beer. “if it were me, i’d get adanna and my niece out of‘ere. i’m sure you feel the same about kiraz, yeah?”
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
oh chung-ae​:
Location: The Little Duck Who: @ezrakgulen​
It wasn’t all together an unfamiliar occasion that The Little Duck would be rented out for some private party but that didn’t make it any less tedious. Food and drinks needed to be prepped and ready for the private Bachelor party that was planned, a special cocktail menu was curated to suit the theme along with small food items which could be ordered in addition to the catered food that was set up at a buffet table near the back of the room, on top of decorations that now involved metallic streamers and balloons with various scantly clad women that rose to the ceiling and stayed there with their thin strings hanging down. Chae never enjoyed hosting Bachelor parties. The customers always got too drunk, too rowdy, something always got broken or oddly sticky and he always had to keep an eye on the bathroom or the back alley to make sure nothing extra was happening. 
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He was sat in the small office in the back, loud music booming from the front of the pub that was filtering in through the back hall and office that was kept separate from those partying it up in the main pub and let out a long and audible groan as he stretched his arms long behind his back before rubbing the tension from his neck. “Ah, don’t you hate planning Bachelor parties?” Chae asked the other male who had been hired to plan said event, “If they break something out there I’m never agreeing to another Bachelor party again,” a mild threat that he likely wouldn’t keep since they did offer a lot of money. “Have you eaten? I can ask the cook to prepare an extra plate of food for you.” 
There was only one reason why Ezrak ended up in that situation: the couple that hired them knew both himself and Alara, and how much his wife used to love them. The gratitude towards the amount of strength they provided once Ezrak lost his loved one made him try his best to endure a bachelor party, making sure that everything was going well according to the plan before he’d head back home to the comfort of his bed and sheets. For now, his dark hues wandered across the room, watching as everyone was consuming as much alcohol as their system would allow them to, a happiness that he no longer was able to feel so vividly; a notion that only grew stronger as people were murdered and nothing had been done about it. After all, that was life: everyone is too focused on themselves and their well being instead of the loss of others. However, those thoughts were — thankfully — cut short as he heard someone talking to him. “Do you want to know a secret? I have planning parties.” A sly tone offered his words, but the grin could cause the other person to think he was mostly joking. “But bachelor’s are, definitely, the worst kind. When I got married I made sure that wouldn’t happen. Are you? Married, I mean...”
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Ezrak looked around. “I’d pay attention to James right there, he seems like he’ll break something in a matter of minutes. Either that, or he’ll run straight to the bathroom and remain there for the rest of the party.” Some people really couldn’t hold their liquor. “I didn’t, no. But I don’t want to disturb you or anything. I’m just waiting for the end of all this, you don’t have to worry about me, just some water might do the trick.”
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
topher romijn​:
Topher liked roaming the library, once, a while ago, they had spent a lot of time here, hiding away from the rain and from being alone. They loved the quiet, they loved that nobody questioned why they were there. And they loved that in some places they could eat some food. They were looking through some magazines at the back, watching a little kid walk into their small nook and sitting down there. Without words being spoken, Topher gave the girl the magazine they were reading, which was about pony’s, and moved on to the next. The girl turned it up-side-down, and Topher reached out to set it right again. He pointed at the picture of a knight on a horse. “That one is my favourite,” they said. “Do you like it?” They heard someone yelling in the background, and figured they should just keep the kid in the same place.
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Finally his eyes met Kiraz. It was the first moment of peace he had felt alongside the rush of adrenaline traversing his body that made him reach close to where Kiraz was. “Kiraz-- I told you that you should stay close to me, what were you thinking going out of your way like that?” Frustration was all over his words, to the point that he didn’t pay attention to what they were talking to with his daughter. And finally, he acknowledged the other person being part of the scenario. “I’m sorry. Kiraz is too... sociable and trying to make me die faster, apparently” still annoyed. “Still, thank you! Hope she wasn’t disturbing you.” Ezrak knew that if he allowed her to, Kiraz would engage in conversations with them until it was late and both himself and Kiraz needed to head back home for dinner. “I’m Ezrak, by the way.”
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
— location: grant park — date and time: saturday, 12pm-ish — availability: closed | @soulsalchemy​​
Last night wasn’t one of the easiest ones for him, the nightmares that haunted him overnight, memories merging with fears towards the image of his deceased wife. A few glasses of whiskey did the trick to help him fall asleep; after all, the idea of heading to the park with Sara and her son had been entirely his. Or, entirely Kiraz’s. A long shower, some nice breakfast and plenty of water did the trick to make him look better once they finally met each other. A small wave was offered by him, but it wasn’t necessary because Kiraz was already on her way to hug Hanbin. How much she resembled him when he was younger and that smile that was entirely Alara’s; he hoped life wouldn’t shatter his daughter the way it did him. 
Ezrak reached closer showing the spot he had saved for them. “How much time will it take them to forget about us and just focus on each other? I’ll give it solid two minutes.” He whispered close to Sara’s ear.
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
— location: duck pond library — date and time: thursday afternoon, 3pm — availability: closed | @topherromijn​
Kiraz made sure to tell her dad that she was big girl, that she was just going to grab a book and while doing so Ezrak would have plenty of view of where she was. It was a good plan, he didn’t see a reason why he should worry, because — indeed —, he had his eyes on her and wouldn’t look elsewhere. At least, until his phone started ringing. An important phone call from the university which took his attention away from him for a brief second and that was all it took for Ezrak to miss Kiraz. Fuck. Adrenaline reached his system and automatically he started screaming her name. “Kiraz! Kiraz!” Ignoring anyone asking him to keep his voice down.
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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INVISIBLE CITY - ( 2021 -   ) └ Episode 01 | Wish You Were Here
“Luna?” “Hi, dad.”
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
A small meeting was all it took before Ezrak could feel his body aching for some food. Dealing with extroverted and excited people over the morning was too much for his brain that would only want to be around others when coffee met his lips. And that was what he ordered, alongside some food. Part of himself wondered if it was for the best to simply leave the establishment and eat by WWAD Events, but once his eyes noticed a family figure, although Ezrak hasn’t been a people’s person for a long time. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to take some time outside of his office, and it was better to share a table with Leyla than trying to do such a thing with a stranger.
When he was about to ask her if he could join her, Leyla’s word reached him. “Well-- if they’re taking a long time, I could always complain. People are afraid of me and I don’t know why,” it was simply a tease, though there was some truth in his sentence. The expressions shared in his face were often the reason behind that. “The place is crowded, I just need to grab something to eat and drink and I promise I’ll be out of your way. I need to plan a birthday, other than that I might just head to the university later. What about you, Polat? Life’s been treating you well?”
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setting : moonshine who : leyla & open
sometimes a change of scenery was helpful. when leyla was stuck; creatively blocked, and she’d moved from home office, to polat games, and back a few times, she found that going to somewhere entirely different could help. it wasn’t a guarantee, but it had worked well in the past.
her stuff was splayed across a booth table, a cold glass of cola haphazardly placed on a coaster, overshadowed by her laptop and dozens of sketches, drawings and paintings of landscapes, detailed clothing, characters and ‘symbols’. a notepad with quickly scribbled words also sat amongst the mess. ( it was an organised mess, she knew what she had with her, honest ).
a shadow cast across the table and leyla put her pen down, a noise pushing past her lips which was often heard by a hungry person when food beckoned them. “goddess i’m starving, thank you,” she uttered before looking up. “oh,” she spoke in surprise. an unexpected smile found her lips. “sorry, i thought you were my food,” she admitted. “come sit, i’ll move my stuff over,” she insisted, moving papers and clearing space. “what’s up?” she asked.
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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“I was busy calming a racing heart. I was busy telling myself I am okay. Sometimes, this is my busy and I will not apologize for it.” - Brittin Oakman
— stats: here — connections: here
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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Hey, isn’t that EZRAK AZIZ GÜREN. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WITCH? What I do know for certain is that they’re 30, and they’re GOOD-NATURED and IMPULSIVE. They’re originally from BURSA, TURKEY, and have been in FENRIRSWOOD for 28 years living in FENWAY. I wonder if they still work at WWAD Events as an EVENT PLANNER and as a TEACHER. Best if they stay safe for now.
The worst part about falling in love is knowing time is your greatest enemy and, eventually, you’ll lose them. It’s usually hoped that it’ll only happen years to come. But Ezrak got to figure that out when he least expected; cruel hands of time would carve in him sadness in its most painful form.
However, before that experience would be part of his journey in life, Ezrak would mostly appreciate the beautiful moments in life. Unaware until he was old enough to understand the reasons why his parents left Bursa, most of his entire life happened inside the small town of Fenrirswood. While he was a child, Ezrak had nothing to complain about, an easy person to befriend, a curious being always ready to offer questions to whoever was willing to listen to him. Ezrak was a light in his family’s house, a remembrance that fleeing to protect each other had the best reason behind such action.
As he grew older, he would listen to stories that his parents were able to offer about the coven they used to be part of, and now the new one — Hel coven — that they joined. His father’s words offered gratitude to the life they had now, and a sense of betrayal about what happened in the past. The first notion that life wasn’t as entirely beautiful as the young boy assumed it was.
But his thought of life wouldn’t be tainted at that moment. While going through adolescence, Ezrak was mostly forming his personality, allowing himself to reach popularity easily and with that, meeting the woman that would become the love of his life. High school provided him the chance of meeting Alara, someone that he had never seen before and yet, once he did, his mind couldn’t travel elsewhere but to the image of her. And while it took some time to cause her to accept going on a date with him, eventually she accepted it. And getting to know each other was the assurance that they’d been made for each other.
Ezrak knew he had found the one. They balanced each other out, a strong girl that turned into an amazing woman. And when all the goodbyes, as the end of the weekend would approach, made it hard to be apart from her and wanting to share a home would suffice ending such distance, Ezrak proposed to her. A small marriage but one that fit them perfectly.
They were five years married, when Alara was pregnant with their first child. It took a couple of months for Ezrak to see his perspective of a strong person being shattered. Life is fragile and Alara wasn’t an exception to this rule. It was supposed to be an evening of celebrations, heading to the hospital and waiting for the moment everyone would meet Kiraz and their family would only grow bigger. But there were complications, and Ezrak was abruptly escorted outside of the room.
The next time his dark eyes landed on the doctor that brought Kiraz to life, it was only to hear the bad news, to lose the strength he had. Alara didn’t make it, only their daughter had survived that night; the young child that was too much of the spitting image of his wife for Ezrak to be able to create any sort of connection to his own daughter. And although, deep down, he felt like a coward. Ezrak claimed for his mother to take care of his child, at least for the first few months, which slowly turned into a year. And during Kiraz’ birthday, his mother finally told him that he was still the father’s baby and that the death of his wife didn’t mean that child wouldn’t need him. That, at least, Kiraz was still alive and she was a beautiful remembrance of the love of his life.
Ever since that moment, Ezrak took his daughter to his place and has been learning how to be a father. The best father his current mental state allowed him to be. When it comes to the absence of Alara, throughout the past four years, Ezrak doesn’t believe he will ever find love again, he doesn’t allow himself to believe in it. He tries to honor her by keeping her events’ company alive — Ezrak gives a few classes here and there at the university which was what he had graduated to become: a teacher.
Everyone can sense a difference in him, at least, in case they’ve known Ezrak his entire life. It’s easy to notice how he’s no longer the joyful young man he used to be, often quiet, hardly sharing his life with others. Mostly, Ezrak focuses on the fact that life goes on. That it’s pointless to assume that simply because someone is gone time will stop for grief. It never does and it never will.
Played by Vee. Portrayed by Alperez Duymaz.
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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episode 23
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ezrakgulen · 2 years
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