f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
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Fic Rec List - Festive Favourites
you might also enjoy: @f1hallmarkfest - for more festive treats🎄🎁
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
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don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
Wishing all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. Thank you for all of your support in 2023 ❤️🎄
Briony, Alison, Esra, Mandy, Caroleen, Clara, Leaf, Katie & Tia 🎅🤶❤️
nsfw: Glitter and Be Gay by @phebess | E | 14.7k
Lando is an out and proud primary school art teacher, and Carlos is the hot dad who has caught his eye. This is such a sweet and tender story of self-discovery and identity. As always, Phebes' humour is on point - I laughed out loud several times!
'Lando is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and waiting outside the school for the bus to take them all to the Christmas Village - he's been before, and it's cute. There's little food stalls, a big man dressed as Santa, tons of fake snow, and even a reindeer petting zoo. A small childish part of him is excited, even if he's going with the company of a bunch of five year olds.'
Lonely This Christmas by @seafoampearlygirl | NR | 19.5k
Mark is stuck at home for Christmas with nobody but the dogs and nothing but what's in the freezer during the worst snowstorm in 40 years. Fernando won't hear of it. He turns up on Mark's doorstep with a metric tonne of food and a plan for seduction. Mark is completely clueless. This fic combines all the best elements of Christmas fic and cosy, snowed in snugglefic. Fernando is written here as he seems IRL - larger than life with emotions to match. Mark is quietly pining and completely unaware that he is being wooed.
'He made Fernando's bed up with soft sheets that he knew were the warmest he owned. He added some heavy throws, because Fernando was Spanish and used to warmer weather. If Mark had had mints in the house, he'd have put one on the pillow. Fernando had brought dinner, dessert, wines, snacks, a frankly terrifying amount of cured meats and cheeses, a very stuffed overnight bag that suggested a longer stay, his laptop, hot water bottles and candles (“in case of power problems”), DVDs (no Christmas movies except Die Hard, Mark was glad to note), and some groceries. The last, even though it wasn't festive, really blew Mark away. A Christmas surprise was magical, but someone had to really care to bring you milk and bread and teabags. He'd even remembered Mark had a fireplace, and had brought firewood, firelighters and coal from the car. If Mark had a spare kidney, he'd have put it on Fernando's pillow, never mind a stupid mint.'
slip a sable under the tree by @strawberry-daiquiris | M | 5k George and Alex are roommates, and George takes a Christmas job as a Christmasgram. This story is everything - the humour, the pining, the festive vibes. I loved it!!
George can feel his cheeks turning as red as his Santa hat, sweat trickling down his back under the polyester, and he’ll need to wipe that off before he gets his top off.
home among the gumtrees by @albertparks | T | 10.3k
A love letter to Australian Christmas; Max and Daniel spend the holidays together. This story is stunning, and encapsulates Australian Christmas perfectly. It's so immersive and sweet.
'They walk, and walk, and walk through the yellowing grass. The sky is an endless mirage of blues, pink, and purples, the stars beginning to peak out as the sun lowers its harsh gaze. It's beautiful here, there's nowhere quite like Perth in the middle of summer. LA is fun, Monaco is relaxing, but nowhere will home quite like here.'
People You Know by @estemick | M | 6.4k Esteban invites Pierre to spend Christmas with him after Pierre's flight is cancelled. Set during Christmas 2022, after Pierre's move to Alpine has been announced. Esteban inviting Pierre home with him is something of an olive branch, which Pierre warily accepts. They take a zigzag path toward reconnecting with one another. Their awkward, yet heartfelt conversations show the gradual unfurling of their old friendship, and a little more besides. This fic is gentle and soft, and it's cosy atmosphere of a Christmas for two, curled up safe and warm while a snowstorm rages outside, makes it a perfect festive read.
Esteban had been alone in motorsport for years, and now he’s best friends with Mick Schumacher of all people, the son of his childhood hero. How does something like that even happen? After another stretch of not-quite-comfortable silence, Pierre decides to ask. It’s not like he can make this any more awkward. “You and Mick seem close.” Esteban keeps his focus on the snowy road in front of them, but Pierre can see a vein bulging in his temple before he sighs and responds. “We are.” “How did that happen?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve just never been great at making friends.�� As soon as the words have left Pierre’s mouth, he realises how cruel they are. Esteban is silent for so long that Pierre isn’t certain that he’s going to respond at all. “I didn’t need to. I had you.” “You were friends with other people.” They had been close with Charles and Anthoine for almost as long as they had known each other. Esteban had been shy, but it’s not like he was alone . At least, he had always been present by Pierre’s side. "You took them with you. When you left.”
you set my heart on fire by @boxboxbrioche | M | 14.7k
Charles returns home to the small town he grew up in for Christmas. His career as a photographer has kept him away for several years. After being volunteered to help with a charity calendar, he reconnects with his childhood friend, Pierre, who is now a firefighter.Why I liked it: This fic has a lovely Hallmark movie vibe, leaning into the trope of career-motivated protagonist coming home and realising what is important in life. The Leclerc family vibes are exquisite, Charles's mum and brothers just the right mix of teasing and loving. Pierre, of course, is as knee-weakeningly attractive to Charles as he always is.
Pierre gave him a thumbs up, still grinning. Charles watched with wide eyes as Pierre did the one thing that no one else had - headed straight for the fire pole. “You’re not really going to–” Before Charles could finish that sentence, Pierre had grabbed the pole with two hands and was hanging off of it, feet planted firmly on the floor, his head tilted back. He looked - ridiculous, was the first word that came to Charles’ mind, closely followed by (to his horror) hot. There was something about the way he held himself; the curve of his body, the angle of his chin, that had Charles wondering if he’d done this before. Pierre glanced at him, grinning. “Well? Are you not going to take the shot?"
All's Well That End's Well (To End Up With You) series by @welightitup, @boxboxbrioche and @redyellowstupid | T | 15.7k
Due to both of their hectic calendars, Pierre and Charles have a tradition of celebrating their birthdays late - in July for Pierre's, and in December for Charles'. This series is all about celebration, long-time friendship and a delicious slow-burn friends-to-lovers. I love the way these authors capture Pierre and Charles' dynamic - their friendship shines through in a way that feels so beautifully real and true to them. These fics even come with a bonus piece of art in the third part of the series! All in all, the series is just incredibly heartwarming, nostalgic and beautifully written, and will leave you with the biggest smile on your face, just like a true Hallmark holiday rom-com. (Because after all, what's more Hallmark-y than realising you've been in love with your childhood best friend all along?)
The air is sprinkled with the scent of cinnamon and chocolate as they make their way through the market stalls lining the centre of Rouen. Despite the late evening hour, it is teeming with more people Charles remembers there ever being. There’s an empty cup that had contained mulled wine in one hand, the other clutching onto Pierre’s sleeve as he trails behind him to make sure they don’t get separated.
Lights from the market and the fair at the far end twinkle like coloured fairy lights strung across the entirety of the area. There is a contagious merry mood, everyone sharing smiles and nods and the odd “joyeux Noël”, no matter who they are, and bitter bite of the weather - now in the single digits - is soothed by the heat radiating off the bustling crowds and the food stalls.
nsfw: wishing for a blue christmas by @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 29.4k
This is a non-drivers AU and soulmates AU. Pierre and Charles have a meet-cute moment when their luggage gets mixed up on a flight. Pierre is on holiday alone after his long term girlfriend left him after finding her soulmate. Charles's family immediately adopts him. What I liked about it: This fic is a lovely feelgood Christmas read. The Leclerc family scenes are wonderful, I'm not sure if I liked matchmaker Pascale, annoying brat younger brother Arthur or kind older brother Lorenzo more but between the three of them Charles's dignity doesn't stand a chance. Pierre and Charles are made for each other, obviously, but the tension arises from the fact that Pierre already has a soulmark and has SOMEone out there already. Hmm.
“I got you something else,” Pierre tells him. “Sit up so you can see.” Charles glares at him but allows himself to be pulled up to a sitting position and then he sets the bag into Charles’ lap and Charles immediately sticks his hand down into the bag to pull out…a - He throws his head back to laugh, reaching for the gift he got Pierre and setting it on his lap. Pierre only has time to look momentarily confused before he is pulling out an identical keychain that Charles is also holding. Charles had purchased it because it looks vaguely like his soulmark and Pierre never has to use it, but it had made Charles smile and apparently Pierre as well. “This is perfect,” Pierre says, and Charles is about to be the one to lean over and kiss him, but he hears Arthur shout from the main room and they both freeze, wide eyed. “You can escape now.” Charles whispers. “Save yourself.”
As long as I get to keep you by @babysharl | T | 34k
When Charles and Max find each other at Daniel's New Year's party, they find themselves in a little predicament–when the clock strikes midnight, it grants a wish to the one who winds it up. It turns out–he's wished for a dream to come true: to be surrounded by love. Oh my goodness, this is one of my all time FAVORITE magical realism fics! The magic of the clock, wish fulfillment, it's amazing and so well-written. Literally, every moment of the fic took me somewhere new, and I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly!!!
It were moments like these that highlighted just how much of a different reality this was. They weren't supposed to take naps in real life, it fucked up their sleep schedules. He and Max, even though closer, were never this close until probably last night, where Charles had a vague recollection of falling asleep on Max. The general softness of the moment, their breaths slow and gentle, Max's eyes lazily moving from their nephew to Charles again, fondness mushing up the edges of the piercing blue. None of this was reality for Charles. He felt so at peace, though, that he chose to ignore the obvious. He chose to ignore the phone call, and that this wasn't his to have, that this wasn't the Max he wanted in his bed despite how similar he was, that this was just a dream he would wake up from. He wondered if he and Max could ever have something resembling this. He doubted it. Not with their lives.
the season of eyes meeting over the noise by @nobrakesdown | T | 9.1k
Toto and Christian are a pair of mildly antagonistic music teachers fighting over space in a concert venue for their respective classes. Gradually, they find themselves like one another more than they expected. This fic captures the snarky back and forth thise two have irl, and also the hint of affability you see in some of their interactions. A lot of the snark in the fic seems like it's for habit or show, and the gradual bloom of affection is not a surprise considering the groundwork's been done. This is a sweet little holiday story, perfect to curl up with.
He’s still holding his own coffee cup as they walk out of the shop, with Daniel waving after them as they go. The cold hits them as they go through the door, and Toto sees Christian shove his hands into his pockets again. He acts without really thinking, putting his cup down on a low wall that runs along the sidewalk. He slips off one glove, and then the other. Placing them carefully together, he holds them out to Christian, who stares at him. Toto huffs, his breath hanging in the cold air. “I’m not the one who didn’t bring appropriate clothing. Go on, take them.” “But that’s a terrible solution,” Christian says. “Now your hands will get cold.” “They won’t,” Toto says, not getting pulled into this. “I still have a warm cup to carry back with me.” Christian shakes his head, but when Toto holds the gloves closer to him he takes them. He turns them over in his hands before, apparently approvingly, putting them on. Toto finds himself watching, but he forces his mind away from thinking that his gloves look good on Christian. That would be ridiculous to think, because they’re just gloves.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 8
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On the eighth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
mistletoe wishes by @gaslybottoms / 14CookiesGone Oscar/Lando | [G] | 5.5k
Oscar glances up and he sees the offender. The small sprig of green and white that Lando has been trying to avoid all evening, that they’re now standing directly underneath. They have two options. They can laugh it off and ignore it, despite the fact they’ve been playing at being doting boyfriends all evening. Or - OR Lando asks Oscar to be his fake date to his office Christmas party. It turns out to be a little more than fake.
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snowy day by @nobrakesdown / nobrakesdown Alex/George | [G] | Fiber Art
A walk in the woods.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 8
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On the eighth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
mistletoe wishes by @gaslybottoms / 14CookiesGone Oscar/Lando | [G] | 5.5k
Oscar glances up and he sees the offender. The small sprig of green and white that Lando has been trying to avoid all evening, that they’re now standing directly underneath. They have two options. They can laugh it off and ignore it, despite the fact they’ve been playing at being doting boyfriends all evening. Or - OR Lando asks Oscar to be his fake date to his office Christmas party. It turns out to be a little more than fake.
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snowy day by @nobrakesdown / nobrakesdown Alex/George | [G] | Fiber Art
A walk in the woods.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 8
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On the eighth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
mistletoe wishes by @gaslybottoms / 14CookiesGone Oscar/Lando | [G] | 5.5k
Oscar glances up and he sees the offender. The small sprig of green and white that Lando has been trying to avoid all evening, that they’re now standing directly underneath. They have two options. They can laugh it off and ignore it, despite the fact they’ve been playing at being doting boyfriends all evening. Or - OR Lando asks Oscar to be his fake date to his office Christmas party. It turns out to be a little more than fake.
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snowy day by @nobrakesdown / nobrakesdown Alex/George | [G] | Fiber Art
A walk in the woods.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 8
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On the eighth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
mistletoe wishes by @gaslybottoms / 14CookiesGone Oscar/Lando | [G] | 5.5k
Oscar glances up and he sees the offender. The small sprig of green and white that Lando has been trying to avoid all evening, that they’re now standing directly underneath. They have two options. They can laugh it off and ignore it, despite the fact they’ve been playing at being doting boyfriends all evening. Or - OR Lando asks Oscar to be his fake date to his office Christmas party. It turns out to be a little more than fake.
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snowy day by @nobrakesdown / nobrakesdown Alex/George | [G] | Fiber Art
A walk in the woods.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 8
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On the eighth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
mistletoe wishes by @gaslybottoms / 14CookiesGone Oscar/Lando | [G] | 5.5k
Oscar glances up and he sees the offender. The small sprig of green and white that Lando has been trying to avoid all evening, that they’re now standing directly underneath. They have two options. They can laugh it off and ignore it, despite the fact they’ve been playing at being doting boyfriends all evening. Or - OR Lando asks Oscar to be his fake date to his office Christmas party. It turns out to be a little more than fake.
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snowy day by @nobrakesdown / nobrakesdown Alex/George | [G] | Fiber Art
A walk in the woods.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
You Set My Heart On Fire now complete at 14.7k!
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
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you set my heart on fire | charles/pierre | M | 15k firefighter Pierre, photographer Charles, childhood friends reunited, and a naked charity Christmas calendar for @f1hallmarkfest
Charles, a successful fashion photographer, returns to his childhood home for the holidays for the first time in a while. His altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
"Your mother tells me you have photographed people all over the world," Sebastian said; posed as a question, but with a knowing smirk. “Yes, that is my job. I photograph all kinds of people - mostly fashion, some events. Mostly people, though. Lots of different people.” Sebastian nodded thoughtfully, pausing for a moment before asking: "Any half naked men?"
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 7
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On the seventh day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion / glasscushion
Lando/Max F | [E] | 7.7k
Of course he’s happy Lando’s there, filling up the hidden meter in the back of his mind, a slightly swollen jigsaw piece shoved into place, the last in the puzzle. But he’d resigned himself to going without. Sworn off it for the holidays. Only to be faced with a brimming glassful, potent and heady. He’ll take it when it’s offered though, he’s never known how to turn it down.
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You Set My Heart On Fire by @boxboxbrioche / dm3rv
Pierre/Charles | [M] | 7.7k (1/2)
There he was. Pierre. Pierre Gasly. Childhood best friend Pierre. The childhood best friend Pierre that Charles hadn’t seen in - he wasn’t even entirely sure. It had certainly been a while. The years had done him good, too. Where before he’d been lean and fit, years of football practice keeping him slim and athletic, now he was built. Taller, somehow, with insanely well-defined muscles and golden skin that seemed to shine, even under the fading evening light. or: Charles, a successful fashion photographer, visits his childhood home for the holidays, where his altruistic mother convinces him to help the local community by taking the photos for the Annual Sexy Fireman Charity Calendar. His good deed reunites him with his childhood best friend.
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 6
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On the sixth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
a christmas reel by @pipiteer / pipwrites
Pierre/Charles | [T] | 5.7k
When his girlfriend had first told him she wasn’t coming with him anymore to Nicolas’s wedding, Pierre had been confused, worried even that something urgent had happened—a death in the family, perhaps. It had only been when she had failed to answer, unusually hesitant, that it had become clear to him that there was nothing wrong—except them. It’s not just this, she had said, unusually somber, and Pierre had understood. So Pierre had come home the night before with just a single suitcase and a long garment bag holding his best suit.
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You Make Me Happy by @pitstopwontstop / Lavender455
Daniel/George | [T] | 9.1k
“George, slow down man! You’re gonna get us in a ditch!” “I thought you brought me here so that I could enjoy being free to do anything.” “Driving like a mad man was not part of the plan.” Suddenly, the car starts slowing down and George barely has time to park it to the side of the road before smoke starts coming off the bonnet. “Blimey, what did I do?”
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 6
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On the sixth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
a christmas reel by @pipiteer / pipwrites
Pierre/Charles | [T] | 5.7k
When his girlfriend had first told him she wasn’t coming with him anymore to Nicolas’s wedding, Pierre had been confused, worried even that something urgent had happened—a death in the family, perhaps. It had only been when she had failed to answer, unusually hesitant, that it had become clear to him that there was nothing wrong—except them. It’s not just this, she had said, unusually somber, and Pierre had understood. So Pierre had come home the night before with just a single suitcase and a long garment bag holding his best suit.
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You Make Me Happy by @pitstopwontstop / Lavender455
Daniel/George | [T] | 9.1k
“George, slow down man! You’re gonna get us in a ditch!” “I thought you brought me here so that I could enjoy being free to do anything.” “Driving like a mad man was not part of the plan.” Suddenly, the car starts slowing down and George barely has time to park it to the side of the road before smoke starts coming off the bonnet. “Blimey, what did I do?”
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 6
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On the sixth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
a christmas reel by @pipiteer / pipwrites
Pierre/Charles | [T] | 5.7k
When his girlfriend had first told him she wasn’t coming with him anymore to Nicolas’s wedding, Pierre had been confused, worried even that something urgent had happened—a death in the family, perhaps. It had only been when she had failed to answer, unusually hesitant, that it had become clear to him that there was nothing wrong—except them. It’s not just this, she had said, unusually somber, and Pierre had understood. So Pierre had come home the night before with just a single suitcase and a long garment bag holding his best suit.
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You Make Me Happy by @pitstopwontstop / Lavender455
Daniel/George | [T] | 9.1k
“George, slow down man! You’re gonna get us in a ditch!” “I thought you brought me here so that I could enjoy being free to do anything.” “Driving like a mad man was not part of the plan.” Suddenly, the car starts slowing down and George barely has time to park it to the side of the road before smoke starts coming off the bonnet. “Blimey, what did I do?”
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f1hallmarkfest · 9 months
F1 Hallmark Fest: Day 6
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On the sixth day of Hallmark, my true love gave to me...
a christmas reel by @pipiteer / pipwrites
Pierre/Charles | [T] | 5.7k
When his girlfriend had first told him she wasn’t coming with him anymore to Nicolas’s wedding, Pierre had been confused, worried even that something urgent had happened—a death in the family, perhaps. It had only been when she had failed to answer, unusually hesitant, that it had become clear to him that there was nothing wrong—except them. It’s not just this, she had said, unusually somber, and Pierre had understood. So Pierre had come home the night before with just a single suitcase and a long garment bag holding his best suit.
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You Make Me Happy by @pitstopwontstop / Lavender455
Daniel/George | [T] | 9.1k
“George, slow down man! You’re gonna get us in a ditch!” “I thought you brought me here so that I could enjoy being free to do anything.” “Driving like a mad man was not part of the plan.” Suddenly, the car starts slowing down and George barely has time to park it to the side of the road before smoke starts coming off the bonnet. “Blimey, what did I do?”
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