fadedcoffee-blog · 2 years
the back story of a toxic relationship
you were not there when i needed you. you were not there when i was at my lowest. you were not there when i was in pain. you were not there to face my traumas. you were not there to listen to my daily updates. you were not there.
i was there when you needed me. i was there when you had nothing. i was there supporting your dreams. i was there to listen to your complaints about life. i was there when you had no one and needed some one to be with. i was there to face your past issues even though it hurts me. i was there.
gaslighting, manipulating, torturing and pointing fingers at me when you were at fault. weekly arguments which destroyed my mental health. yet i apologised on things that are your fault.
its okay, my love. i still love you.
#thoughts #toxicrelationship
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
i see a pure happiness in you. i see a warm future in you. i see a real hope in you. i see the real me in you.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
things i have learned; 1) you cannot control your feelings and emotions, but you can control your actions and choices. 2) you are no one’s puppet. therefore, you are the one who is obligated to choose the situation you want it to be and no one can decide them for you. 3) do not let others make choices for you just because it benefits them, not you. 4) always put and prioritise your feeling first before others because in the end of the day, it is only you. not them. 5) it is okay to be selfish once in a while. give yourself a break. 6) last but not least, remember your goals, your values, your worth and your principles.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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Oxford, UK / 2018
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
little self care things ♡
open this if you don’t feel good today 💌
eat small fruit snacks
buy yourself a treat occasionally
make a cake in a mug
chew flavored sugar-free gum
put lemon in your water
listen to your favorite music
or just wear earphones to block things out
listen to white noise/ambient sounds
put on some sweet-scented lotion
spray a bit of your favorite perfume
make your favorite coffee or tea
look in the mirror and tell yourself you look good today
clean the clutter in your room + throw things away
close all the unused tabs
clean the dishes + do your laundry
delete unused apps
make your bed
fold your clothes tidily
organize your books and papers
turn down the brightness of your phone/computer at night
smile and be more polite at strangers
open up the curtains, let the light in
go outside often
hug people you love
cuddle your pet
read while lying in your bed
hug a soft toy
wash your face/use face wipes
dry shampoo if you’re too tired to shower
brush your teeth
exfoliate + moisturize your skin
change into clean clothes
brush your hair
put on some lip balm
do your favorite exercises
take a nap
take deep breaths with your stomach
take a warm shower
stand up and stretch your legs
put on some music and go for a walk outside
get at least 7 hours of sleep
drink lots of water
always make some time to do what you love
create art, writing and music for yourself, not anyone else
don’t feel embarrassed about your hobbies
be patient with yourself, progress takes time! don’t give up
hobby ideas: cooking, reading, drawing, painting, a sport, a new language, learn a musical instrument, collect things, photography, join a class or a club
put yourself first
spend less time around people who make you feel bad
write your thoughts in a journal
stand up for yourself
stop judging people
don’t dwell in the past
concentrate on what’s happening now
don’t try for people who don’t care
stop caring about what’s not important
be a friend to yourself, rather than a bully
learn to love your body
see the bigger picture
change self-destructive habits
appreciate the good
let things go
ask for help
make lists
focus on priorities
stop putting everything off
turn off your phone if you need to
take breaks
do one thing at a time
believe in yourself!
laugh a lot
get a plant and name it
buy flowers for yourself
be ok with being alone
go out with your friends
watch a movie
I hope you feel better soon. You deserve so much. Things will get better soon so keep going. ☁️ I love you
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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7August2019 •
greeting wednesday!
it is my finals week and honestly, i am confident to do them! you know that feeling when you actually understand what you are studying? yes! that is what i am feeling right now. i really hope i able to ace the papers. anyhow, regarding my sleeping schedule, i really need to work on them. i have been sleeping super late and wake up super late as well. oh wells.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
“accept your own apologies, love ends with forgiveness. sometimes, home is a body and a voice, photographs are proof and i am conquering my insecurities. loneliness is an honest mirror, they will demand your love, you are not obligated to give it. an expensive drink is just a cheap therapy. time is not the enemy, my patience is. my heart deserves to smile after all it has survived.”
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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14July2019 •
hi sunday!
i am currently studying media relations for my introduction to corporate communication class. i have midterms tomorrow! i just started learning today and i am disappointed at myself for procrastinating. there are too many things to absorb information about this subject and there is so little time for me to do it. i hope i can ace them tomorrow. hey, a little update, i dyed my hair greenish ash two days ago at the salon and i am so happy with the results! the only thing that i am not happy about is, hell, the maintenance is awfully expensive.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
Do you know that moment, when you jump off a dock into a deep vast lake, and you accidently fall further under the water then you expected, so you swim up, and up, and up, wondering when you’ll reach the top, only to run out of breathe right when your hand touches the surface. I guess that’s what depression is like, trying to swim up before you inevitably run out of breathe, wanting help so bad, but no one can hear your screams. And when someone realizes you havent come back up, it’s already to late.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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11June2019 •
hey, tuesday!
it has been quite some time since i am on this social media platform. i have been quite busy lately! anyway, i am currently doing my group assignment for a subject called introduction to corp. communication. i am so stressed out right now because i have only a week to complete it. this assignment must at least has 3-6 members in each group but unfortunately, my group has only the two of us! can you imagine the stress and worry i am having now? i really hope i can complete it as soon as possible.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
“I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings - even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn’t guarantee that others will be good people. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.”
— I Love Quotes
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
perceptions is everything
when we are depressed, anxious or grieving, we have a tendency to forget that things will get better. when all you can see is darkness, you forget that the other side of the darkness is light. one person might see the rejection as an opportunity to learn and grow and another person might see the rejection as proof that they are a failure. everyone fails sometimes. what counts is how you react to the failure or rejection. when we are depressed, anxious or grieving, we cannot understand how we will move past our intense emotions. we cannot understand how other people can be so happy when we are suffering so. each feeling that we have gives us information. grief teaches us to appreciate the ones that we love. depression lets us know that something is out of balance. anxiety tells us that we do not feel safe. we can use these emotions to become introspective and more aware of who we are.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
this hits me.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
little steps
today, honour your little steps and successes that you have, no matter how small or simple you think they are. every steps towards your dreams and fantasy have their meaningful things hiding behind them. those baby steps are the beginning of the hurricane of good things that will strike you.
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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fadedcoffee-blog · 5 years
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