fadingmessenger · 6 years
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ “What’s that? How kinky. Are you desperate to partake in a Pureblood’s blood too, despite being an angel~?”
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“That’s not what I meant!” Michael hid his embarrassment by trying to brush it off.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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“If you allow me to bite you first then maybe I might consider letting you take a nibble.”
@fadingmessenger heeft gereageerd op je bericht: Michael folds his arms across his chest. “As if…
Michael points at. “As if I’d enjoy being nibbled on.”
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "You won’t know until you try, will you now~?”
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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Such a small dainty mirror and its sole purpose is to show the reflection of its owner. He has never been fond of mirrors, considering the constant reminder of his curse body that can never age. One slip to the ground and it would shatter into pieces. Then it would be sweep away into nothingness. The art ponders on it briefly, but decides not to. Something about it is odd.. As if it is calling out to him.  Humpty Dumpty warily grasps the handle and holds it up to his pretty face. It is not him that he sees, but of another. A man that is similar to him in facial features, however, his hair is white and both his eyes are red (unlike his). He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and taps on the glass to see if it is a trick of some sorts.  
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What sort of mirror was this? The man or woman on the side looked just as confused as himself. It seems they both didn't expect the mirror to show another person in the reflection. "I wonder who made this mirror." Michael lifted the mirror up, taking the almost elegant features of the other in. Who were they?
The only thing he could think of where this came from was the world where the gods used to reside. The angels who were searching for valuables must have found it and locked it with heaven's treasures. 
He stood from his chair, keeping the mirror at an angle so the other wouldn't notice the white wings in the background. No one was to know what he is, especially if it's someone on the other side of a mirror. Who knows what they could be.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
@jokeranonymous | Cont. from here
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No nickname this time, it seems. “Surprised that I showed up? I’m planning on staying for a while. If you don’t mind me being around.” 
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He smiled, happy with what Joker said. “Next time I’ll try not to come unannounced.”
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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The handheld mirror looked beautifully crafted, it was still in good condition being over a few hundred years old. The angel ran his finger over the small dips and carved edges. "I need to keep you away from the others. I'm sure one of them would try to steal you away." He leaned back in his chair and looked at his reflection when suddenly it started to swirl, the image changing before his eyes.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
💕 [I GOT TO]
Send 💕 for a random/sudden kiss from my muse.
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Michael tried to stay calm as his heart started beating faster in his chest as he stepped towards Plum. He wondered if Plum could hear how fast his heart was beating he was sure he could. His wings wrapped around him and Michael placed his a hand on his cheek. “I really hate when people touch me but, if it’s you. I’m fine with it.” He leaned in and kissed the other side of his cheek. 
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
Send 💕 for a random/sudden kiss from my muse.
Send 💕 for a random/sudden kiss from my muse.
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“You’ve been good so I’ll reward you.” Michael kissed the top of her head. 
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
Send 💕 for a random/sudden kiss from my muse.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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The 54th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to someone saying 'I love you'
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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“ Vile things stick together? “ she almost scoffed at his words as she shook her head, did he know nothing? she thought before taking a couple steps forward herself as she looked at him with a cocked head her tone growing sharper as she spoke. “ you do realize I am only a -half- breed right? and there for we are hunted, killed or tortured by all sides right? “ The hanyou quickly spoke as she crossed her arms trying to come off as more angry to hide the desire to cry from the angels words. “Did you angels ever stop to maybe think that maybe we didn’t -want- to be born this way? to be born half monsters, did you ever stop to think that maybe -some- of us wish we could be one or the other every day practically -begging- the gods for mercy from the pain, and judgement, that we suffer because of our parents choices?. No. from where I am standing for nearly 100 years now I can count on one hand just how many of -your- kind that didn’t judge us as vile creatures upon meeting them,”
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Despite her best efforts the tears streamed down her cheeks as her frustration started to turn into anger, and with that, the air around them  seemed to become more and more chilled as her crystal started to naturally respond to her emotions, causing Alina to grip the pendant housing her crystal through the layers desperatly trying to calm it down without being noticed as her voice faded out in emotion while speaking. “ We never asked to be born, let alone be born half breeds, we- we never asked for this treatment from birth to our graves… we - never asked for it…”
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He hit a nerve, he could tell in the sudden shift of the air and the way she stared at him. "So you're unwanted by both parties? I can see why. Someone who can't keep their emotions in check is not worth keeping." The word 'Gods', he wanted to roll his eyes and teach her a lesson from even saying that to him. There was only one true God.
"If you didn't want to be born that way, why not end the suffering and go die? The world would be better if the half-breeds were to die." Michael didn't have the need to hold back his words. She was pissing him off by speaking to him so casually. Most angels thought of themselves as higher beings and looked down at the other creatures.
Tears. He had to stop himself from laughing at the display of weakness she was showing. "If you didn't ask for it, why show your face to the world? You're quite the lucky half-breed because I'm not in the mood to kill." He waved his hand.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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Her speed slowed as he hopped down and she lowered her hand the second he was on the floor of the roof with her. Honestly she wanted to just sink down onto the floor and just try and get her racing heart to calm down. Her form admittedly had started to grow a little wobbly as she was an anxious mess over this entire situation.  “I suppose it is possible.” She exhaled and placed her hand over her heart. He was down. She was relieved. Of course if she wasn’t careful he could very well climb back over the ledge again and she didn’t intend on leaving him alone until she was certain he was alright. Dez really tried to to express how much of a bleeding heart she was, but when dramatic situations like this happened she couldn’t help but lay it out on the line. “But my concern right now is with you.. Not others.” She didn’t like the way he looked back towards the ledge. It was just as she thought, he could still jump. “Is it not? You cannot.. You cannot feel this any longer if you jump.. The warm air.. The sun shining down.. All of it would cease to be for you..”  What should she do? What should she say? What would the right answer be to just talk him down? 
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“You shouldn’t concern yourself with others. What if I turned out to be a bad person? Wouldn’t it be better if I just died?” 
With the way she was acting, it made him want to tease her more. Michael held his hand out towards her and smiled slightly. “You can help me by taking my hand.” The perfect plan for him to teach her a lesson was to come. He’ll enjoy the moment that concerned face turns into shock.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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--------------------------------- The one who resembles God ---------------------------------
         Independent Archangel Michael from Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
                      Non-selective || Multiship || OC / Crossover friendly
                                             Rules || About || Verses
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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He wasn’t wrong. Most people were so engrossed in their lives that they didn’t look around and take in the world around them. There was so much beauty, light, and darkness in the world around them that were more often than not ignored by others.  The second he wobbled her hand shot out instinctively as she made her way closer. “Please! Be careful!” Adrenaline was shooting through her hand her pupils were dilated from fear. “I want to help you because I looked up. This seems as if it is a dark moment for you and I do not want you to be alone!”  Her body was shaking as she tried to get close enough. She wasn’t very strong but that didn’t mean she would’t try to pull him away from the ledge if she had to by force. She didn’t want him to be alone. She didn’t want him to suffer. “If you need someone to talk to.. Let me be there. I will listen..” 
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He was excited, the way she was acting made this worth every second. As her hand shot out, he stepped forward and jumped down from the ledge onto the floor of the roof. "You're nice. A bit too nice, someone can take advantage of that."
The world would take the kind people and throw hardships at them, ripping the kindness from their hearts and make them bitter. Michael always saw it. He may be the one to blame as well,  he was the one who ordered the other angels around and didn't make changes.
"The breeze, it feels nice." He turned away from her and looked at the edge, wondering if he should jump then show her his wings. It would be the surprise of a lifetime.
Would it be worth it though? Showing himself to the woman and making angels known.
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fadingmessenger · 6 years
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the 20th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to the words ‘I hate you.’
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