faeoflight · 5 years
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“You know, you’re not the first person to tell me that this week. Probably won’t be the last, either.”  Was it cocky if it was true? “To be fair, my dad is Eros. Gives me a bit of a boost.”
“Eros? As in God of Love? How did I never know that about you? That’s totally cheating!” Riordan laughed before playfully pushing her. “That’s funny though, We’re both demigods. Thor is my dad.”
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faeoflight · 5 years
ᴏᴘᴇɴ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ
It seemed he had returned just in time for a winter festival. He could use some cheering up after being sent on that useless excursion that interrupted his already late studies. He glanced around a few stalls as he walked through before settling on one with some rather delicious looking foods from some place he had yet to visit. “ I will literally take one of everything, ” he said to the vendor. Probably there would be someone who wouldn’t mind helping him consume all this, right ?
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The idea of the winter market really made Riordan feel like a kid. In it’s own way it made him think of the local markets back at home. Plus it was nice to see the various types of crafts and foods the inhabitants had to offer. He stopped at a booth with a lot of good looking snacks. “That’s a lot. Ye plannin’ on eatin’ that all yerself?” Riordan casually teased with the rather attractive stranger at the booth with him.
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faeoflight · 5 years
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“Are you saying you don’t like being between my legs?” Calissa teased right back, a flirtatious grin on her cherry painted lips. “What can I say? I’m good at what I do.”
“Now I never said that, honey. It’s a great place to be.” He winked at her. “You really are. I’m a lil jealous, I wish I had people asking for me so often.”
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faeoflight · 6 years
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“Riordan! Perfect timing. I really need someone to help me stretch out for another backroom booking, and you always seem to do the best job of it.” A pause. “And before you give any excuses, I’m calling besties card on this one. Big client.”
“Am I really best at it or do ya just like seeing me between yer legs?” Riordan teased casually. “Ye always seem to have some big shot requesting your time.”
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faeoflight · 6 years
“No trouble at all, mate. Only decent pour of it ye’ll find in the city,” he assures, sending the younger lad a wide grin. Keeping that wide, easy smile as he pours the pint, shaking his hips a bit to the music playing. Most of the customers and even employees are also in costume, though Bran in no way made it mandatory. Clatter of dishes and voices from the back room, heavin’ conversation up front. “Hold yer whist,” Bran calls over to his newest hire, flirtin up a storm with a pack of girls, “an’ get back t’work.”
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Turns back to his fellow Jackeen, sliding the jar over to him. “Brings ye across the pond, boyo?” He asks, curious. Gotten a fair few of the Ponders now, what with John, this lad, and Bran himself. Was there a big convention he hadn’t been aware of as of yet?
Riordan gave a sigh of relief. "I hoped you'd say that. I can't say i've had a good one since getting to the States." His eyes can't help but catch the swivel in the bartenders hips. If there was thing this town had an abundance of, it was attractive men.
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"Fulfilling me mam's dying wish." Riordan said, smiling to himself as he looked at the glass. "Wanted me to find the God of Thunder himself, Thor." He took a long drink. "Anyway, how 'bout yerself?"
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faeoflight · 6 years
In total honesty, Jesse was impressed with the moves he was seeing. Watching the movement of those slender hips, the flowing hair… It definitely stirred some heat in his gut, causing a quick tightening. Reminds him of his first time with Tulip, how she had danced as they ran away from the foster family she’d been with. Running from their past, who they didn’t want to be. She’d danced a few other times for him, moving from clothed to naked, and it drew a similar heat from him.
The eyes on him had Jesse feeling as if he was the one on display, but he enjoyed it, Enjoyed being admired, singled out for Riordan’s attention. Especially with how many eyes were on the dancer, having his full attention stroked Jesse’s ego. He was watching as Riordan stepped off the stage, sent him a quick smirk before ordering two shots. Holds one out to him as he approaches.
“You’d be correct. Did say I was gonna come see you dance again, didn’t I? Always best to keep my promises.” He assures, taking the shot quickly. “Nice to watch the way you move, too. You move that way outside of dancing, too?”
Riordan smiles as he takes the shot, intentionally brushing his fingers against Jesse’s. “Ya know I’m not supposed to drink on the job, but for you I’ll risk it.” He says as he raises his glass to the preacher before downing the shot. 
“I do remember you saying that but wasn’t entirely sure you’d keep your word. Though as a man of god I hoped you would.” In his line of work, keeping an eye out for anyone who claimed they’d return would leave Riordan on a constant goose chase, but of course Jesse was special. From his first meeting with the man he knew he’d be through again, but he didn’t think it would really be to see him dance. 
“Oh honey, wouldn’t you like to know.” Jesse’s question added fuel to a fire that had been smouldering since the moment the Irishman spotted Jesse in the crowd. “Make an official request and I’d be willing to show you.” 
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faeoflight · 6 years
“That so? Might have to come back, see your routine when it isn’t an off night. Must distract half the people in the Klub.” Innocent enough comment, right? Sends another glance around for his vampire, but he must be downing some noxious concoction in the back, because he isn’t back yet.
He catches the boy looking at his throat, knows his… style, as it is, stands out here. This he can be truthful in, though. Genuine smile crosses his face, however small it is, as he answers. “Cassidy,” he gestures to the vacant bar, sending a mostly playful glare towards the back room. “He’s my roommate, so when I can’t sleep and he’s here, so am I. Better than trying to write sermons until bashing my head against the wall.”
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“You definitely should come back, I’d like that. And I mean, I don’t know about That, but I like to think I have a decent amount of people who like seeing me.” Riordan smiled as he watched the man look around again. 
At the mention of the Irish bartender, his eyes lit up a bit. “Ah I love Cassidy! He’s a wild one, and then the obvious of course.” He smiled, referring to their country of origin. “I can’t begin to imagine what it’s be like to live with him. I’m sure you stay entertained.” The mention of writing sermons tipped him off that he was right about the clerical collar though. “I had a feeling you were a man of god. The capped collar was a little throwing though.” Riordan laughed as he reached over and flicked one of the silver caps.
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faeoflight · 6 years
Alt enjoyed their job. No, that was an understatement. They legitimately enjoyed building and creating worlds for their players, building stories (and inevitable derailments) and memories that would last for years to come. “No, unfortunately…“ They laughed at the joke regardless. “We are getting a couple of 5e Curse of Strahd campaigns that have some spots for that game in particular; it is spooky month, in case you want a horror based campaign. We do have some normal campaigns and one shots that should still have some spots open.”
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Riordan was glad that they laughed at his lame joke, it made him feel better about it. “I’ve wanted to play Curse of Strahd but I think I should just do a oneshot for now.” He sighed, trying to be realistic with himself. “Between the jetlag and adjusting to working at night, something a little easy would be better.”
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faeoflight · 6 years
“Fuck, man.” Isaac slumped next to Riordan with a dramatic groan. “I want this year to be over, just time travel to 2019 so I don’t have to deal with this last month of bullshit.”
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“But then you’ll have a whole year of bullshite to deal with.” Riordan laughed as he looked at his friend. “Just let things happen, lad. Who know’s maybe something good will happen in this last month.” 
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faeoflight · 6 years
{ @faeoflight } Feels wrong, going to Karma without Cassidy, in his street clothes no less. Doesn’t want anyone to recognize him there tonight, doesn’t want Cass to know he’s going – even though Cassidy knows, now, about his… About him. Still isn’t sure how to act, how to feel, and attraction to another man, acting on said attraction, it feels… Strange. New. Sends a quickening through his stomach, spreading into his chest, a mixture of fear and anticipation.
He’d told Riordan he’d be back to see his dancing again, and that’s what he planned to do.
Finds himself parked at the bar again, but he isn’t hiding this time, eyes locked onto the fluid movement of Riordan’s body. Still as impressive as the first time, and that simmer of heat flares to life easily, now that Jesse is letting it. Appreciative, as their eyes meet, as he sips his drink, elbow resting on the bar.
Of course, the man’s working right now, so it’s understandable if he can’t come over as quickly. Jesse is content to watch, even if he came with… other plans, as well. He’s single now, for the first time in many years of his life; no better time to explore this newer side of himself. Figure out if his preferences with women – or, Tulip – are the same as with men.
Can’t resist a teasing wink, raising his glass just a bit to the dancer, before taking another sip.
Tonight was a good night. For once Riordan felt well rested and because of it felt his performance was something worth seeing. Of course, to most, he always performed well, but tonight the Irish Mutant felt it himself. 
As he took a quick look over the crowd, he couldn’t help but form a wide grin as he spotted Jesse’s intense gaze on him. Knowing he was being watched by someone worth the extra effort, Riordan turned up the heat in his movements. Anytime he could, he made sure to keep his eyes on Jesse’s. That teasing wink was a little too much for Riordan to handle. 
As he stepped off stage, Riordan couldn’t even be bothered to change as he usually did after performing. He had one thing on his mind and that one thing was a certain Texan preacher named Jesse Custer. 
“Now, if im not mistaken, Cassidy is off for the night. So is it fair to assume that you came here just to see me?” 
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faeoflight · 6 years
[ @faeoflight ]
It’s a fairly quiet day at the store Alt has been working at for a while now, and they are a little grateful for it. The chance to catch up on campaigns and building playlists were a nice reprieve, though the silence was broken when they heard the sound of the door opening. “Hey.” They asked their new customer as they put their pencil down, “How can I help you? I’d be happy to break down any sales or any table top game you’ve got a question about, or if you’re interested in joining any games we’ve got running this weekend.”
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Most of the campaigns Riordan had been playing since he left home had been based online since he never spent long in a specific place. Though now that he had settled into Paragon for the long run, finding a group to play with was his next task on the list of minor things he had to do. When he entered the shop he was surprised with the enthusiasm with which he was greeted.  “You’re not a telepath are you? That’s the whole reason i’m here, finding a DND campaign to join.” He smiled, trying to make a joke but instantly felt lame about it. 
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faeoflight · 6 years
Something strange twisted him up inside, red hot and sickly, almost like… embarrasment? Jesse was all too familiar with ‘Catholic guilt’, but this went much deeper, made his shirt feel too tight, his collar feeling like a white-hot brand around his neck. The urge to keep his gaze down, deep rooted fear at being caught staring too long, and where the fuck was Cassidy? Having his friend back to pull him out of his thoughts would help, but he’ll settle for his drink until then.
Or maybe not…
Glances up at the unfamiliar voice, though the accent is almost too familiar, sets him at ease even as his nerves jump into his mouth. “Don’t see why not,” he finally manages, taking another sip of his drink. Can’t think of anything to say, so he clears his throat, carefully. “Good performance, I caught a bit of it.” He compliments, and somehow his voice is neutral.
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Somewhere in Hell, his Daddy is screaming bloody murder at him.
Riordan can tell the man is nervous, he’s used to dealing with men like this. They come under the guise of being there for the female performers but give all of their attention to the male ones, though he seemed more interested in his drink than dancer of any particular gender. “Did you? I’m flattered, thank you.” Riordan said with an exaggerated gratitude. “I can do better though, it’s a bit of an off night for me.” It wasn’t a lie. The poor Irish lad was still acclimating to his sporadic hours and desire to still dedicate time to his various hobbies. 
As Riordan eyed the man, trying to see what he could pull to use for conversation, he couldn’t help but notice the clerical collar around his neck, along with the silver caps of his shirt. “So tell me honey, what brings you to a place like this?” He asks, curious, but treading carefully. 
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faeoflight · 6 years
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“They all keep asking if I’m supposed to be some girl named Karen,” she informed him, clearly annoyed by the repeated question. “Thanks, angel. You’re looking pretty good yourself. Though when don’t we both look hashtag amaze-balls?”
“I can’t say I’m familiar with a character named Karen, but I haven’t seen many american movies so idk.” He shrugged. “Funny you say angel, since i’m literally a demon right now. But I agree, we look great.” 
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faeoflight · 6 years
“Well welcome to America! I am to from here either actually, but everyone here has been nice. We have parties like this on Asgard, but people dress differently. What does that word mean … slutty? I have not heard that one before.”
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Riordan smiled. “Thanks. And slutty it’s like to dress in a suggestive way? Usually showing off a lot of skin.” He laughed at the irony of having to explain this, given his profession and how he was dressed at the moment. “Wait wait wait, did you say you’re from Asgard? Like ‘realm of the gods’ Asgard?”
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faeoflight · 6 years
All be told, Halloween is much bigger in the states than it is in Ireland. Add that to the fact that Bran’s Mum was old Irish superstitious, and you get the result that Bran didn’t much celebrate Halloween. But, being in an American college town – where the old world holiday seems only to be for drinking and collecting candy – he’s on board with dressing up, selling fun themed mixed drinks and shots. The fangs he has in his mouth are professional grade, because if you’re gonna be wearing something all night, you need it to be sturdy.
He’s only scheduled himself until 11pm for that night, but it’s getting busier, so if Lu and/or John doesn’t come to grab him, he may end up staying. He’s serving up the Persephone’s Pomegranate when a new patron approaches, and Bran flashes them a hint of fang in his smile, sticky fake blood spread around his mouth. “Happy Halloween, what can we get for ye?” He asks, setting the mixed drink down in front of the original orderer, before turning his full attention to the newest person.
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Riordan was glad that he had some time off for the night to explore what the town had to offer on this, the night of Halloween. He had already checked out a few other parties, finding that to be the center of the holiday here in America. It was strange, and through it all he could almost hear his mother making snide comments about it in his ear. Given the timing it probably was her that he was hearing, but he tried his best to ignore it. 
He stopped in at another local bar, looking to see what else he could take in from the holiday. The bartender here certainly gave Cassidy a run for his money, looks wise; though that could be credited to the costume he was wearing. Riordan had to come visit on a normal day. “A pint of Guinness, if that isn’t much trouble?” He usually never assumed that American bars had it on tap despite it’s popularity, but given the accent he instantly picked up on, Riordan had a good feeling. 
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faeoflight · 6 years
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Riordan as a Incubus.  “I was gonna be a teifling but it occured to me that no one would know what that was.” 
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faeoflight · 6 years
@faeoflight !
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Thor doesn’t understand the concept of Halloween. Although he has been enjoying seeing his children and grandson dress up. He wasn’t in costume personally, just his traditional Asgardian garb. He walks into the room approaching the first person he sees that seems friendly. “So … this is what they call a party for Halloween? What are you meat to do?”
"Honestly I couldn’t tell you.” Riordan said shyly. “I’ve only been in America for a few years, but it seems to me that it’s mostly an excuse to dress slutty and party? Which I have no problem with it’s just strange.” He shrugged. 
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