faeriefarm · 6 years
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My first ten tarot card designs, created using various mixed media materials and techniques (illustration, watercolor, linocut printing, etc.)
Follow instagram.com/pigmentology for frequent updates.
Will post the next 10 as soon as I get them done!
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faeriefarm · 6 years
The Major Arcana As Nosy Witch Questions.
The Fool: Do you practice witchcraft openly or in secret?
The Magician: Do you practice white magic, black magic, both or neither?
The High Priestess: How did you first discover your path?
The Empress: Favorite time to practice your craft?
The Emperor: Favorite place to practice your craft?
The Hierophant: Best advice you've ever received from a witch?
The Lovers: Which sign or signs(zodiac or elements) are you most attracted to?
The Chariot: Favorite witchcraft tools to use?
Strength: Do you cast spells?
The Hermit: Are you a solitary witch or are you part of a coven?
Wheel of Fortune: Do you practice palmistry?
Justice: Do you work with plants and herbs?
The Hanged Man: Which area of witchcraft are you least familiar with?
Death: Do you believe in, or have experience with past lives?
Temperance: Which area of witchcraft are you most comfortable?
The Devil: Who is your closest witch friend?
The Tower: Have you ever cursed someone?
The Star: Which areas of witchcraft would you like to be better acquainted?
The Moons : Favorite thing to do during a full moon?
The Sun: Do you read tarot cards?
The Final Judgement: Do you work with spirits?
The World: What type of witch are you?
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Color symbolism in Tarot
Tumblr keeps compressing this image to make the text look awful, so feel free to download the original here. Please credit back to me if you share outside of tumblr!
(Text description below)
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Color Symbolism in Tarot
Red: vitality, strength, power, determination, passion, desire
Brown: stability, wholesomeness, earthiness
Orange: enthusiasm, encouragement, success
Gold: prestige, illumination, prosperity, consciousness
Yellow: joy, intellect, enlightenment (dull = sickness, jealousy)
Green: growth, harmony, freshness, fertility, hope, inexperience
Teal: inner nature, spiritual grounding, emotional balance
Blue: trust, loyalty, truth, knowledge, spirituality, serenity
Purple: wisdom, luxury, nobility, dignity, creativity
White: light, the unconscious, new beginning, wholeness
Black: the unknown, inner fears, unexpressed potential
Grey: neutrality, impartiality, apathy, indifference
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Can you do divination with dice?
Heck YES you can!
Storm’s Mini Dice Divination Masterpost
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D20 DivinationD20 Dice MagicDice DivinationDIY Dice Bag Pattern
Now go be the big roller you were born to be~
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faeriefarm · 6 years
The Goddess Smiled
The goddess smiled comforting the child as if affirming yes, I do understand With eyes of fire she then gently inquired shall we walk, please take my hand You know me, yet I see you’ve forgotten I’m more than your blue planet earth We tarry oft in your awakened dreams I am the true mother of your birth I’ve counted and wiped dry every tear when you believed you wept alone I’m the light guiding your hesitant steps each time you face another unknown Dear child you’ve done surprisingly well  mostly walking this journey peacefully Never forget, this world cannot harm you if led by lovingkindness and equanimity  To memories fading, soon you’ll awaken  perhaps even afraid that I will be gone  Yet fret not child, for assuredly I am love  and love will await you each new dawn
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Yoga witchcraft tips🕉
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🌙before you start, spray your yoga mat with essential oils (orange, lavender, grapefruit and mint are great)
☀️put your favorite crystals around your mat, especially any crystals that are good for relaxation or balance
🌙listen to soothing nature sounds (like ocean waves, forest, campfire, thunder, etc.) to help you focus and ground
☀️make yoga spells by combining certain positions with intent (sun salutations and tree pose for confidence and happiness, cobra and warrior for warding and banishment, etc.)
🌙do some tea, infused water, or smoothie magic before you start. This works great in combination with the yoga spells since you can match intent (and strengthen the spell)
☀️you could also make whatever you drink (or eat) before yoga correspond with energy (cinnamon, ginger, strawberry, French lavender, apple, rosemary, and citrus fruits are great energy boosters)
🌙do some yoga with your plant babies! Place your plant near your mat, as you breathe and stretch your plant will absorb the energy. It also will help you ground and meditate. (Just make sure you don’t accidently knock them over)
☀️light some incense or a candle (it can correspond with your yoga spell, cleanse the air, or just relax you)
🌙do some divination! (E.g. a tarot reading in child’s pose, pendulum in lotus position, etc.)
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faeriefarm · 6 years
cleansing & protection spray
i thrift a lot of my clothing, and want to make sure that the clothes i bring home are cleansed, so i made a cleansing and protection spray. 
it’s pretty simple and very effective, i always feel better after i spray it. it’s also nice to spray along the doors of my house without my parents finding it to suspicious. 
what you’ll need 
- empty spray bottle
- a bowl/something to crush your ingredients with and in (i used a small bowl and a rock. improvise, adapt, and overcome baby)
- marker with a color that you correspond with the element your align most with or some sort color correspondence you wish to include
- water (i used full moon water) enough to fill your bottle
- rosemary for protection
- parsley for protection & purification
- orange peel for love (optional)
- sigil (i have one made for this but feel free to make your own)
step one - add the herbs crush n grind them all together, and be sure to see that the orange peel juice is coming out. (i’m sure there was a better way to phrase that but i can’t think of one) 
step two - this step is whatever works for you. take the herb mash minus the orange peel and put it in the spray bottle and pour the water into it. if you are in the broom closet and don’t think a random spray bottle with herbs in it is gonna pass, put the herbs and water in a water bottle/cup to infuse overnight, then transfer it to a spray bottle.
step three - sigil time! 
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this is the sigil i used, for purified and cleansed. feel free to use this one or make your own! 
to add the sigil to the bottle i drew it on a piece of tape then taped it to the bottle of the bottle. to make it last for a long time, add another piece of clear tape on top of it - this way it’s discreet and if need be, you can take it off easily. 
draw the sigil in a color that corresponds with the element you feel most aligned with, or a color correspondence you wish to add to this. 
to charge this, hold the bottle and visualize your energy flowing into the bottle, and say 
“Whenever I spray this, the area sprayed is cleansed and purified.” 
now, use your handy dandy spray to cleanse clothing, bad spaces, anything! just don’t spray your face as it’ll probably break you out.
happy witching ~
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Simple Spells
Some simple spells for my fellow lazy witches.
🌙 custodiat animam - “Protect Mind” ~To protect against psychological attacks
🌙 Beati mundo Tenebrae Responsories - “Clean of darkness” ~ A simple cleansing spell
🌙beatus somnum - “Blessed Sleep” ~ For a good night’s sleep
🌙visus posterum - “future sight” ~ for good decision making or insight
🌙calidum et tutum - “Warm and safe” ~ To make a place comfortable or to enchant a blanket to be nicer
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Rosemary Sugar Scrub for Cleansing and Healing
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Ingredients: • sugar: for a gentle cleanse • olive oil • rosemary leaves: cleansing and protection • optional: 3 drops rosemary essential oil (3 for body, mind and soul) • honey: healing • squeeze of lemon juice: happiness
Instructions: Cut the rosemary leaves into small pieces. Mix the sugar, rosemary leaves and rosemary essential oil. Stir counterclockwise, thinking about what you want to be cleansed of. Add in olive oil, honey and lemon juice. Stir clockwise, thinking about how this scrub will heal you and bring happiness back into your life Take a shower as usual, then gently rub the scrub on your body thinking about all the things you are cleansing yourself from right now. After that, rinse the scrub off, thinking about how you are rinsing your troubles away. After rinsing, the oil still leaves your body smooth. Think of this in a way that the oil leaves you healed.
Important! Make sure to clean the shower’s floor of any oil afterwards so the next person who takes a shower doesn’t slip and fall!
Blessed Be! )O( 
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faeriefarm · 6 years
“Bubbly Friend” Protection and Cleansing Jar Spell
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This spell is made to protect, as well as cleanse negative energy and promote happiness. 
Apple Seeds (protection, healing, and purification)
Cinnamon (protection, healing)
Clove (protection)
Rosemary (protection, purification)
Sea Salt (protection, purification)
Lavender (protection, purification, and happiness)
Anise Seed (protection, purification, and happiness)
Drawing of an Axolotl {optional}
Clean out the jar, to make sure that there is no random energy left in it.
Make a layer of sea salt at the bottom of the jar, and gently push the apple seeds into the salt until only half of the seed is visible. 
Cover the salt and apple seeds in rosemary and lavender.
Next, add in the cloves and the cinnamon, and top it all off with the anise seeds.
{Optional} Hold the drawing of the axolotl, and visualize it radiating warmth and happiness. Add it to the jar, and then close/seal the jar. 
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Simple Space Calming Spell
A simple spell to cleanse a space and calm the energies in it.
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You Will Need:
🌙 Moon Water 🌙 Salt 🌙 Lemon Slice
🌙 In a small bowl or jar mix your moon water and salt until the salt has fully dissolved
🌙 Take your lemon slice and squeeze it into the moon water and stir it clockwise
🌙 Walk about the space you wish to cleanse and with your fingers lightly flick the water about, focus on your desire to cleanse and calm the space
🌙 Once you are satisfied leave the jar/bowl out all night to finish up the cleansing. Pour it down the sink come morning.
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faeriefarm · 6 years
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My babies are ready for the new moon ♡♡
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faeriefarm · 6 years
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Save The Date : 2019.
Full Moon Dates.
🌕 Full moon : Jan 21
🌕 Full moon : Feb 19
🌕 Full moon : Mar 20
🌕 Full moon : Apr 19
🌕 Full moon : May 18
🌕 Full moon : Jun 17
🌕 Full moon : Jul 16
🌕 Full moon : Aug 15
🌕 Full moon : Sep 14
🌕 Full moon : Oct 13
🌕 Full moon : Nov 12
🌕 Full moon : Dec 12
Sabbat Festivals.
🕯 Imbolc - Candlemas : Feb 1
🌸 Ostara - Vernal Equinox : Mar 20
🔥 Beltane - Mid Spring : May 1
☀️ Litha - Summer Solstice : Jun 24
🌾 Lammas - Harvest Festival : Aug 1
🍁 Mabon - Autumnal Equinox : Sep 21
🎃 Samhain - All Hallows’ Eve : Oct 31
❄️ Yule - Winter Solstice : Dec 21
Celestial Signs.
♑️ Capricorn : Dec 22 - Jan 19
♒️ Aquarius : Jan 20 - Feb 18
♓️ Pisces : Feb 19 - Mar 20
♈️ Aries : Mar 21 - Apr 19
♉️ Taurus : Apr 20 - May 20
♊️ Gemini : May 21 - Jun 20
♋️ Cancer : Jun 21 - Jul 22
♌️ Leo : Jul 23 - Aug 22
♍️ Virgo : Aug 23 - Sep 22
♎️ Libra : Sep 23 - Oct 22
♏️ Scorpio : Oct 23 - Nov 21
♐️ Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Venus in Leo and Venus in the 5th
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faeriefarm · 6 years
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simple sleep sachet 💜
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faeriefarm · 6 years
Some Uses of Colors [Herbs]
White - Protection, Peace, Purification, Chastity, Happiness, Halting Gossip, Spirituality
Green - Healing, Money, Prosperity, Luck, Fertility, Beauty, Empowerment, Youth
Brown - Healing Animals, The Home
Pink - Emotional Love, Fidelity, Friendships
Red - Lust, Strength, Courage, Power, Sexual Potency
Yellow - Divination, Psychic Powers, Mental Powers, Wisdom, Visions
Purple - Power, Exorcism, Healing
Blue - Healing, Sleep, Peace
Orange - Legal Matters, Success
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