faggotttgender · 3 months
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vial of stars
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faggotttgender · 5 months
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HRT Magic ✨
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faggotttgender · 5 months
Hey! wondering if you/any followers have advice for binding as safely as possible when you’re forced to bind for longer periods of time than 8 hours. This week, I have 2 days I have to bind 11 hours (with 2 hour break), one for 14 hours (no break) and one for 15 hours (with 90 minute break) and the rest I have a full 8 hours. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
if possible, use transtape. (an alternative is KT tape, found in pharmacies) i know it doesn’t work as well but it can make it easier to hide your chest with layers. (for me, it brings me to like an a cup and i wear layers). if you have to wear a binder, i’d say take a few days off after binding like that. remember to stretch while and after wearing your binder.
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this stretch really helps me.
if your back or chest starts hurting, take it off immediately if you can. listen to your body.
after the first long binder day, make sure there is no bruising before wearing it again the next day.
hope this helps!
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faggotttgender · 5 months
I am a beautiful, sexual girl, wearing the corpse of your son. Your revulsion and disgust fuels my power. Despair.
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faggotttgender · 5 months
i have been trying for like. months to explain how the relationship between butch lesbians and trans men is not something akin to polar opposites and this is all i got. like it's not like this:
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it's a venn diagram with a massive overlap in the middle. i'm not saying EVERY butch is a trans guy and EVERY trans guy is a butch dyke , i'm just saying it looks more like this:
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these are not "mutually exclusive" terms- they do not mean the same thing, but we can be the same people, an very often are. there is a long history of butches who identify as FTM, trans men, drag kings, genderqueer, genderfluid, transmasculine, male, polygender, and two-spirit lesbians, and so much more. the relationship between lesbianism and queer masculinity is inseparable and the only people telling you that butches and trans men need to violently separate from one another and be at each other's throats are terfs. even if we do not share identities, we share our struggle together as heavily misunderstood and unseen masculine queers.
we stand up for each other when our identities get confused by strangers, and we get misgendered. we stand up for each other when terfs and terfpilled people tell us that transmasculine people and men can't be lesbians, when people say "butches just want to be men", when people say "butches aren't real women", when people call each of us bull dykes and trannies, when people mock the way FTMs walk and talk and look, and when people tell trans men they're "just butch dykes in denial". we stand up for each other and understand each others struggles.
whenever a butch lesbian asserts they're a woman no matter how masc they are, whenever a trans man asserts that they are a man and not a butch, whenever a butch struggles to be seen as both a man and a lesbian, and whenever a trans man returns to the lesbian community while embracing their manhood, we are part of the same community, we share the same struggles, and we owe it to each other to stay strong.
we are not enemies. we are bedfellows, lovers, family, spouses, partners, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, siblings, friends, each others support networks, even if we don't share identities perfectly. whether you are butch and a woman, butch and a man, butch and something else entirely, a male, ftm, genderfluid, polygender, genderqueer, transmasculine, nonbinary, two-spirit or whatever else you may be lesbian, you are part of our family and your experience is worth being heard.
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faggotttgender · 6 months
whoah bro your boobs are looking so masculine today
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faggotttgender · 6 months
I’m not exaggerating when I say this post changed my life. Seeing this as a terrified self hating 17 year old was like finding a fresh water lake in the middle of the Sahara.
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faggotttgender · 6 months
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Self Made Man 🌙
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faggotttgender · 6 months
that quote like “god gave us transness for the same reason he made grapes but not wine; yeast but no loaves — so we may partake in the divine act of creation”
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faggotttgender · 6 months
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"I cannot tell you the complete, fundamental shift that I have felt in the year since having surgery. I knew that I wanted top surgery for a decade; it's the longest I've ever thought about doing anything. The place where I went, I had that clinic's website open on my laptop for five years. It was this impossible mountain: I want that, but I'm never gonna get it. No one's gonna let me, blah, blah, blah. To have that be in the past now... I stand differently, I walk differently, I carry myself differently. It feels different in my body than it ever has. I have just never been happier. I've never been more centered. I've never felt more stable and present and alive. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. It’s taught me a lot. The recovery process taught me about rest, accepting help, and caring for my body as something connected to me rather than separate from me, that I’m in opposition to: This is mine and I want to take care of it. I feel good in it and good about it. Part of cis people's fear around gender-affirming surgery is the fear of surgery at all — 'Oh, my God, but that's painful and scary!' My reaction to that is, 'No, no, you misunderstood. It was painful before. Your worry has kicked in at the wrong time. The right time to be concerned was about the pain I was in before this. I'm great now.' Everybody else's concern for me has been on a delay. There's no need to be concerned anymore. That's so freeing."
@lgbtqcreators creator meme: [7/8] lgbtq+ celebs — LIV HEWSON
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faggotttgender · 6 months
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patron saint of pansies
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faggotttgender · 6 months
pro tip for my trans tape wearers: if you're like me and you take it off way too fast sometimes because you didnt shower before applying so it was itchy and you finally got tired of it but was very impatient in the removal and now your skin is all fucked up, SLATHER VASELINE ON THAT SHIT!!!
basically i removed it wayyy too fast so my skin is red and irritated and dry. usually when this happens, it takes about a week to heal. right now it's day 2 and the dead skin is already peeling off and the itchiness is GONEZO
so invest in baby oil and vaseline thank u for coming to my ted talk
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faggotttgender · 6 months
Another post about TransTape
I decided to stop reblogging the same thread because it was getting really long and just make a new post. Here’s the original. (I should mention that I identify as a trans man now!)
I’ve been using TransTape for about 2.5 months now. Every time I apply it, I do it slightly better. I’ve understretched it (final result: hm, looks like tape on a breast), overstretched it (final result: it’s slowly tearing my skin open over a period of days, awesome (don’t worry, it wasn’t that bad, I’m mostly just being dramatic. Also while it was on there it looked awesome, super flat. Beauty is pain)), and every type of doing it wrong in between. I was reading this blog by a trans man and he mentioned that he used TransTape for years and continuously found better and better methods, and I think that’s going to end up true for me too. However, I’ve gotten good enough at the moment that this has become my primary binding method. This is how my application looks nowadays:
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As compared to me in a sports bra and a binder, respectively:
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Pretty good, right? And all the same benefits I’ve talked about before: extremely comfortable, no rib squeezing, can leave it on for multiple days, can sleep in it, having bare shoulders/back. It doesn’t really itch noticeably anymore. And the application in that pic isn’t overstretched, it’s perfectly comfortable. It’s my favorite application so far.
Some more notes I’ve ended up with:
- When you’re applying the tape, don’t think of it as “I’m using the tape to pull my chest into place”, think of it as “I’m using my hand to pull my chest into place and then using the tape to secure it”. Still stretch the tape while you’re using it to secure your chest, but take your tensionless anchor parts on both ends very seriously. Made a huge difference for me, way less overstretching and way better results.
- Recently I’ve stopped doing the alternate methods discussed in my previous post and gone back to the original way they show in the videos. I think pulling your chest to the side is more impactful than pulling it up in the overall look of it, and whatever you do first will have a greater impact. The biggest reason I didn’t want to go horizontal first was that my vertical piece would pull on my skin and make a wrinkle of it that folded over my horizontal piece and that was super uncomfortable, but turns out that’s just a symptom of overstretching/not taking the anchor part seriously enough and making sure it’s attached with no tension to both your skin and a small part of the previous tape.
- I tried the medium size instead of the large. I think if I was going for optimal results it (or even small size) would be best, because I can use three total pieces of tape and get another bite at the apple of pulling my chest to where I want it. However, I’m more going for comfort/not a giant hassle putting it on, so I prefer my two pieces of large tape at the moment.
Random thoughts:
- I love that I can take my shirt off if it’s hot or during sexy time and feel like a shirtless guy, not a person with a mildly uncomfortable article of clothing still on. This is enhanced by the fact that the nude color is a pretty good match for my skin.
- I have an appointment about HRT in Aug, so I’m really hoping it’ll cause my chest to deflate a bit and then my binding will be even more rad!
Feel free to message me with any questions about my experience :)
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faggotttgender · 6 months
Trans Tape Process (12/20/23)
(These are literally just notes for myself; not advice)
1. 5 sections- stand up. lean forward at a 90°. Tape as much breast tissue as you can to the side of your rib cage, angled slightly down towards hips
2. 4 sections-stand straight. parallel diagonal, from under to outer side, avoiding armpit
3. 4 sections- stand straight. parallel diagonal, from under to below collarbone
4. Anchor 1/2 strips, 4 sections-outer ribcage, angled to cover edges of full strips
5. 4 sections-lay down. vertical, parallel to sternum, pull tissue up towards collarbone to take weight off back
Per side: 17 sections + 1/2 size 4 sections Approx. 105 centimeters per side (~3.5 ft)
JUST LARGE (anchor smaller width)
17 sections
Approx. 85 centimeters per side (~2.8 ft)
Tape Sizes:
TL: 1 piece, 5 sections
BL: 3 pieces, 4 sections
TS: 1 piece, 4 sections (1/2 size)
Per Roll:
16.5 feet (~500 centimeters, 100 sections)
20 x 5 section pieces (1 roll)
25 x 4 section pieces (4 rolls, 2 sizes)
Up to 20 applications
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faggotttgender · 6 months
Using transtape!! (looong post)
NEW! I made a pdf of all that but like even a bit better? Anyway, useful to have if you're without internet! This is the link to download (through ko-fi, it's in "pay what you want" mode).
Transtape is great compared to binders because you can keep it on for a while (mine usually lasts 5 days), you can wash and go in water with it, it doesn't constrict your chest and you don't heat up/sweat as much. However, some guides I've seen are really weird or false but also there are different risks with it if you're not careful. So, do follow the guides given by your brand of transtape, but also,
Several points I find important when using transtape.
1) Important point before putting on transtape: cut a small piece and slap it wherever on your body. Near your chest can be better since that's where you'll put it on later.
Doing so and leaving it for around 8 hours will let you know if you have an allergic reaction to the adhesive. If you do have one, look for another brand or don't use trans tape.
2) Remember: nature didn't make human's chest flat.
The moment you have some muscles or some fat, you won't be able to be 100% flat. We often see very white and skinny dudes showing off how flat they are, but they're not the majority of men. Most men will have fat and muscles and therefore won't be flat like a cutting board.
Keep that in mind and don't try to reach unreachable goals, you will hurt yourself otherwise (psychologically and physically).
3) Get yourself in a good mood.
My best applies of tape were made when I was in a good and cheerful mood. It doesn't need to be a huge one, but it needs to be enough so you get less frustrated if ever it doesn't go as well as you would've like. Putting on some of my fav music is my way to go.
Remember that you're beautiful and fantastic and that the main goal is to feel better, not look better (because you already look great).
4) Nipples!
You can buy some nipple guards or make them yourself out of transtape.
I do not recommend toilet paper (this fucker get so itchy when dried).
I usually fold a small stripe of tape, but I think gauze might work too.
The stickiness can rip off some of your skin if you're not vigilant during removal, and your nipples are where most of the sensitivity of your boobs is. Ripping skin off your nipple is going to hurt like hell on top of making them really sore and dry while the tape is on. So please, nipple guard!!
5) Length: don't go too far.
The point of transtape is to provide an alternative to binding. The big problem with the binder is that by binding the chest, your constrict everything that's inside. You don't need that with tape.
Tape is supposed to start from the internal side of the boob and stop under your arm. Do not go on the back. It will get difficult to remove, difficult to care for and hurt your skin more than necessary.
Also, since you're flattening your chest, it means that you don't need as much length as you calculate. In other words, check the length that you need (from a bit less than the middle of your chest to a bit before the beginning of your back) and remove a bit. (I need 4,5 big marks unstretched but use 4 for the bottom stripe and 3,5 for the top one once applied).
6) Stretching the tape.
When applying the tape, the beginning isn't stretched, and same for the end. Stretching those parts too will make the tape to pull itself back in place too much and you will have more of those sticky part (especially towards the end part, the one near your back).
Stretching in between is fine (and actually necessary).
7) Regular amount of tape is 4 stripes MAX.
Very small chest can go off with 1. Usually it takes 2. Bigger chest might need 3. If really it doesn't fit, you can go to 4, but more stripes means more surface.
The stripes don't stick as well on each other than on the skin, so putting too much will not only lead to hurting more skin, but also, and mostly, it will just be useless.
8) Rounded corners.
Remember when you got hurt and the plaster went away in less than a day ? Yeah, trans tape does that too.
Round your corners before applying the tape. Like that, the force is spread around the entire corner and it won't go away as quickly. I find them necessary.
9) Rub the tape.
Once applied, the tape can go away if you remove it right away (but won't stick again as well, so you can do it only once). In order for the tape to stick well, rub it on your skin. It will heat up the adhesive and make it stick to your skin (and the other tapes) better.
10) Don't raise your arms!
I see a lot of people raising their arms so high when putting on tape and booooo! Bad!
Raising your arms will stretch your skin. Applying tape on stretched skin will make it fold afterwards and allow water to come in when you shower/bathe/etc.
You do need to raise them a bit to put them one, but do your best to not go too high.
11) In order to remove transtape, you need oil, but not any oil.
People around will tell you that any oil is fine, but the truth is: any oil that is liquid at ambient temperature is fine. No coco oil (I tried and it was bad). So yes, you could use the olive oil in your kitchen (at the moment it hasn't gone bad).
My personal favourite (so far) is jojoba oil. Almond oil is fine too.
There is also mention of baby oil a lot.
If you don't use any of the three here, do think about getting some hydrating cream or something to put on your skin after.
12) The removal needs to take time.
You need to soak the tape in oil and you need to massage your chest while doing so. This will help the oil into getting deeper, but also help preventing chest cancer.
Once soaked, remove the tape slowly, if it pulls a bit, rub in more oil. Going slowly will prevent irritations but also damages, like ripping off some of your skin (which then means that you can't apply mkre tape until it's healed).
It will take a good while so prepare for it and dance on your fav songs to pass the time.
13) Hydrate your skin! Transtape is sticky and removing it might irritate your skin: think about hydrating your skin after removal.
This point is very important if: you're using transtape often, removed it too fast and/or tend to have dry/irritated skin.
14) Give your chest some rest.
After removing the tape, you boobs (and especially nipples in my case) are irritated and sensitive. Let them rest for around 48h at least before putting on tape again.
Other stuff
1) Gauze: if putting on tape makes your boob touch the skin just under, think about cutting a thin and long stripe of gauze to tuck it in the fold. This will help absorb the sweat and prevent too much irritation.
2) Applying technique: this one is yours to have fun with! Youtube has a good bunch of videos, especially by the original transtape creators/shop. Browse a lot, try a lot: each body is different so one way might not work but others might.
3) Rubbing the tape before applying: people at THE transtape do it but it's not necessary. Rubbing the tape will heat it up and allow the sticky part of it to stick better once of the skin. Doing it beforehand makes it so you don't have to do it as much afterwards.
4) Due to a guide I've seen: no, your nipples won't get ripped off, that's impossible. Your skin can, though. So please, remove it carefully and with lots of oil.
5) Itchiness: it can get itchy right after putting on tape (and throughout the use of it) because it stretches then comes back. If it itches too much, put some ice on it (please, not direct skin to skin contact).
6) Ugly ass black sticky deposit. Those fuckers are so annoying, but with some oil and cleaning they go away.
Why I prefer tape to binders
1) Texture: my sweat doesn't get stuck as much
2) Time frame: since it can be one for around 5 days max (it's less if you do sport and stuff) the problem of "I can't go out tonight, I'm out of time" is no more! You don't have to lay attention to the amount of time you have it on and run out of it.
3) Breathing: it doesn't constrict the chest, so it's easier to breath and allows me so much more activities (not that I do much in the first place).
4) Excuses: my mother was so more ok with tape than with binders because for her it's "like an adhesive sport bra". So yeah, you can frame it as such to your parents, because it indeed exists. (She also was fine with me binding my chest because you need to massage your boobs to remove it and massaging your boobs help prevent chest cancer).
5) Cleaning: none. There is no cleaning. There is no "oh right, no dryer allowed" and trying to find a place to dry it without your parents noticing.
6) No shoulder strap. Having shoulder stap makes me think that everyone that notices them will lead them to understand that I have a bra or whatever and see me as a woman. But there's none with tape, so my anxiety has lessened.
Some stuff I don't like with tape
1) Sweat: this bitch makes the tape unstick and it's soo annoying.
2) Itchiness/soreness: it's mostly on my nipples, but it's fucking annoying once you removed it.
3) Cool down period: you need to let your skin rest for a little while before applying, which means having to go with bras or binders during that time.
4) The boob impact. This is what I call the feeling I get once I have to remove the tape and can feel and remember that "damn, right, I have boobs and they're that big". I have it less with binders because you have to remove it after 8 hours, so I have a small one every day instead of a big one once a week.
5) Price: a roll is like 15-23€ depending on the colour and the size. I have no idea how long a roll lasts me, but it's max 3 months, which means 60-92€ per year (compared to 40€ for a binder).
6) Stickiness: when the tape moves a bit and after it's removed, my skin is sticky. And I hate sticky. It's easily resolved, but still.
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faggotttgender · 6 months
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I'm somewhere between a B and A cup, so I'm on the smaller side of chests. I've tried different methods of taping and all it did was make them not jiggle when I walked- like a tape bra.
This method, however focuses on the pec shape rather than flattening perfectly.
I came up with it after wasting half a roll of trans tape on other methods, but this one really helped me!
All bodies are different so don't be afraid to experiment with different styles!
Make sure ur musty ass is clean when you put the tape on or you'll be taping over dirt and sweat which is going to give yourself an infection.
Here's a tutorial I found on larger chests and bodies!>>> https://youtu.be/USNvHelRBoU
When making the anchor (the part that sticks to your skin before you pull the rest of it) make sure it's flat and attached well using heat and friction.
(Round the fucking corners of the tape! It gives more traction! )
The first strip is 3 segments and starts near the bottom of the breast where the skin folds over, and pulls up towards the armpit diagonally.
Be sure to pull up first. If you pull down, it may damage the tissue and make top surgery impossible.
The second piece pulls downwards diagonally from the top towards the bottom of the ribs at the back (near your floating ribs). Make sure it doesn't wrap all the way to your shoulder blades.
(That way you can reach It to take it off properly)
It's important not to do this backwards because you shouldn't pull down! It should look like pecs, but remember, cutting board flat is unrealistic and dangerous!
The skin will itch in the middle so feel free to use anti itch cream to alleviate.
Remember > the tissue may be more dense like mine which makes this using transtape frustrating.
Again, feel free to alter it if it doesn't work.
If you have sensory issues, be aware of your boundaries! You can feel the tape on you but don't be afraid to say that it doesn't feel right.
Adjust it or try a different binder. Fytist is the best for sensory friendly binding.
With tape, you'll be able to feel your shirt on your chest and back when using transtape too, so that's something to get used to.
Wear a heavy jacket or sit against something to make that odd sensation go away.
I'm disabled, and I have issues with my oxygen levels so breathing properly is a must. Binders can make it hard to breathe and cause joint pain which is a bitch of a time for me. In the summer, especially, since they get hot.
Binders work for me, luckily, but this method of tape allows for clear breathing.
No squeezing sensation and free range of movement.
It minimizes pain, and allows me to breathe freely as I would with nothing on. If you have breathing problems and can use tape, I highly suggest this.
You can sleep in this stuff and use it for 4 ish days. If it hurts or pulls, or even blisters, take it off! It's better to have a bad day than to live with a mistake forever. Bind safely!
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This is for those of you who feel like they're not "flat enough ". Markipier is a cis man and I personally love that he never hides that his chest is somewhat fuller. He has pecs and wears tighter shirts, and this is literally the norm for men. This is the shape you should be going for, not cutting board flat. Most men aren't flat anyways.
When in dysphoria, remember markipier!
Lastly, if you can get cutting board flat, be sure to check if your method is safe and that you're not pulling down. If it's safe, congrats! But I will find you and I will delete your minecraft worlds if you bully others about their chest.
Stay safe out there, queers!
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faggotttgender · 6 months
so im using transtape for the first time ever and my initial thoughts are-
-thank GOD i read every detail abt it bc YES if you over stretch the tape, IT WILL RIP YOUR SKIN. also patch test first. i didn't but its on the instructions and you should. don't be me. -doesn't quite feel as flat as a binder but i think its actually gives more of a natural pec look -its uncomfortable (at first) in its own way just like a binder is uncomfortable in its own way too -it took me 5 tries to figure out how to place it right and for a roll thats not very big, it did feel like a bit of a waste -once i got it right; GENDER EUPHORIA!!
but overall i think i'd just get a large roll of KT tape bc it does the same thing and you get more for your buck idk
-wash your chest sides of your back before applying it to remove oils and deodorant which will stop it from sticking -rub the tape with your hand after sticking to activate the adhesive -to take it off, take a hot shower or use an oil like baby oil or coconut oil or else you might literally rip chunkS of your skin off srry
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