fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
forgot to mention my new url here lol go follow @gothedward
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
ok im remaking and i SWEAR thisll be the last time.. ill try my best following back all mutuals my brains just going apeshit my blogs too disorganized
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
fuck wait AM i nonbinary?????
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
speaking of pics on here of schoolgirl’s legs as ~aesthetic~, the same thing happens to random kids with bruises on their legs or face. I don’t want to know where these pics come from, but it’s creepy as hell.
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
your current interests and personality depends singlehandedly on whether u were a neopets kid or a club penguin kid
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
the inherent homoeroticism of pinning your rival against a wall as an intimidation tactic
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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【NARUTO】ナルト単体Log No.1
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
Lilith Sign Traits
Aries: acting on impulse, gaslighting, violence, self-esteem issues, too much energy for themselves to handle, anger and wrath, recklessness, migraines, relief in physical activities
Taurus: lust, materialistic appetite, holding onto possessions, problems with food, hoarding, hard time letting things go, deceives others using their beauty, issues with the neck and throat area
Gemini: cunning manipulation, playing the victim, two people inside one body, mood swings, unpredictable actions, obliviousness, restless mind, anxiety, issues communicating or speaking
Cancer: clinging to others, insecurity, passive aggression, witnessing the mother to through pain, having issues with femininity, relying on the feelings of others, doesn’t love themselves for a long time
Leo: will do anything for attention, impulsively buys things just to show off, hangs out with people that make them look good, issues with their ego, demanding, over dramatic, aggressive, indulgent, lazy
Virgo: worries about health, hypochondriac, always feels there’s something wrong with them, issues with routines, work, and health, anxiety, does not serve themselves or realize their worth, critical, judgmental, cynical
Libra: manipulative, will risk their identity for social acceptance, has a pattern of toxic relationships, superficial, uses their charm and appeal to fool others, takes advantage of others, fake
Scorpio: controlling, obsessive over their belongings, sees lovers as possessions, dabbles into occult practices, extreme jealousy and wrath, sharp observation skills that help them take advantage of others, intimidating
Sagittarius: rebellious and wild, makes reckless actions, acts before they think of the consequences, rude opinions, has a superiority complex, over indulgence, childish, strong need for freedom and independence, always thinks someone is out to control them and lashes out because of it
Capricorn: workaholic, will do anything to succeed, crushes dreams of others to reach the top, cold-hearted and sullen, issues with the father figure, feels like the world is cruel unforgiving
Aquarius: god complex, erratic behavior, thinks their unusual self expression makes them better than everyone else, shits on others who follow trends, emotionally unresponsive, restlessness, dissociative, prone to escapism
Pisces: frequent delusional thinking, hallucinations, difficulty facing reality, feeling trapped and restricted, isolating themselves from society, frequent unexplained illnesses, needs music or other forms of escapism to feel secure, extremely sensitive and emotional
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
oh you think you understand symbolism because you’ve “read” “books”? tch. talk to me when you’ve watched naruto shippuden opening 8: DIVER by NICO touches the walls on repeat for 2 hours straight
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
u think being gay is hard? LMAO try being a naruto fan
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
i think the most in character edling interaction ive ever seen someone write was in this hs au fic i read where ed turned around in the middle of class to tell ling to shut the fuck up and ling texted lan fan “ASKFKSLLGZDHKDMGMSKDJGNNXM HE TALKED TO ME”
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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hi im back with @edling-week day four and YES this is the first think i thought of when i thought of edling and stars shut up
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fagnaruto-moved · 5 years
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