“Is that so?” She questioned a slight tilt of her head, “I think you might find I’m a little bit more of a challenge than I appear.”
She gave a slight laugh, “Damn New York and it’s laws against murder and mayhem then?
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“Oooh,” he crooned, intrigued by the challenge she posed, “I don’t think I’ll be needing any luck if I was trying to kill you.” he scoffed, clearing the air with a swat of his hand. “But like I said, it was a harmless joke. It’s hardly acceptable behaviour here anyway.”
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Grimhilde rose a brow, “Excuse me? Are you talking to me?” Her tone was absolute, a cold purr almost. “Good luck with that...”
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“Honestly,” he started with a smirk, “If you tell anyone about what you just witnessed I will kill you. Slowly and painfully.” James was not joking. “Just kidding.” he added with a grin.
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“Ooo, such a pity, I’ve heard power struggles are quite the turn on.” *smirks*
What a pretty little lady we have here! *pinches her hip*
*raises a brow in question lips pursed* How desperate do you think I am? *narrows her eyes just slightly at the pinch* 
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“You have my attention for the next...oh minute. Make it good.”
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“Oh? But you see I’m quite observant. Perhaps you’re no giving me enough credit. But if you happen to see a good, strong, handsome man who’s willing to be a little submissive let me know.”
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What a pretty little lady we have here! *pinches her hip*
*raises a brow in question lips pursed* How desperate do you think I am? *narrows her eyes just slightly at the pinch* 
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Grimhilde smiled, “Pleasure” It wasn’t, but pleasantries normally got her what she wanted, “I’ll have to talk to a few, but I’ll see what I can do. But do tell me, more about this talent.” 
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The naive fairy took the woman’s hand, giving it a light shake. “Linnea Dawson,” she replied, plucking a surname off the top of her head. “Oh really! That would be absolutely flitterific!”
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And this is why I don’t converse with pigs. There are certainly other ways to prove your superiority.
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Grimhilde smirked, “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. Grimhilde Jourdian,” Grimhilde extended her hand, “And that sounds like a very useful talent,” She praised, “Perhaps I can help you after all.”
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Linnea grinned proudly, nodding lightly in confirmation of the question. “I’ve been doing it all my life. I’ve gotten quite good really. I rarely need to check my notes anymore before going to work.”
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“Darling, I don’t have to pull any move to get a free drink. But it’s nice to see someone knows how to get what they want”
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“I don’t drink cheap, you don’t have to tell me twice.”
“Fortunately for me, if you pull that move on a man in a nice enough suit he’s usually too embarrassed to object. Doesn’t want to seem cheap.”
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“Drink up. Something nice. I could buy a house with that watch of his.”
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What do you want most in the world and why?
Power. Beauty. They go hand in hand so easily. Why? Because those who have the power make the rules, hold the keys to the future. They make it in the world, they’re feared above it all. Never questioned.And those who are beautiful never get tossed aside like scraps to a dog, they had a permanent place in the wretched world.
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I dare you to give Sterling flowers and chocolates
That sounds oddly like I have to be nice. Maybe...
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“How generous of him.”
Westley yells drunkenly at Remnants, “Free shots for everyone! And this generous patron is paying for them all!!!” And he points to some poor random customer.
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Am I? Call it a personality perk.
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What a pretty little lady we have here! *pinches her hip*
*raises a brow in question lips pursed* How desperate do you think I am? *narrows her eyes just slightly at the pinch* 
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Shouldn’t that be a good thing? No competition makes you easier sport? Or do you get off on that type of thing? *gives a slight laugh* Are you asking? Because I prefer to play a little dirty.
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Ready for what?
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Im ready. 
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To say getting under the girls skin was an enjoyment of hers would be an understatement. If she was the little wretch that had ruined her happy ever after, and now Grimhilde had no doubt now, no questions, she needed to be dealt with. Immediately. But something wasn’t connecting like it should. She should have felt fury and loathing, but the face only drew a blank in her memories, that seemed so far from in her grasp. But Snow didn’t need to know that. “I don’t think you’re in any position to be commanding me around.” She stated quietly, not quite a threat 
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She could see it in her eyes. The goodness that made her sick, even now. Hope. A hope of a new dawn where Grimhilde was the mother she should have been. Utterly pathetic. “Oh, but don’t you?” She questioned a slight tilt her head, “I mean if you are in fact who you claim to be I would think harming be would be on top of that list.” Her smirk grew a little more dangerous, a little thinner. “And you’re going to stop me?” a slight laugh left the blonde’s lips. “Seems little SnowWhite got some courage. Adorable.“
Snow was so familiar with each expression Grimhilde made. She remembered endlessly looking up at that face, studying it every time she was near. Being able to predict the action that followed the expression was a survival tactic. Snow was slipping. She drew a breath and straightened her posture, pulling herself from the memories before they choked her. “I’m too old for these games, Grimhilde. Do not play them with me.” Another command. 
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Innocence didn’t look good on Grimhilde. Like an ill-fitting suit tugging at all the wrong edges, or a dress that made the skin look sallow. But still the smallest inch of Snow, something hidden in a dusty corner of her heart, wanted hope for Grimhilde’s goodness. “I don’t want to hurt you. But I will not let you hurt anyone else. Ever.” 
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