fairies-with-tails · 4 months
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fairies-with-tails · 2 years
I'm still watching and thinking "how can they be so beautiful?"
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fairies-with-tails · 3 years
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A while ago @zippi44​ put this image up on Tumblr with an invitation to colour it.
It’s a wet and miserable Saturday morning here in Sydney, so this was the perfect time to play with it. I’ve coloured Mashima’s manga panels before, but never another Fairy Tail fan artist’s work, and definitely never anyone like Zippi, who I have to admit, is kinda goals. So, although I’m a little nervous about putting this up on here, I kinda like how it came out, so here ya go!
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fairies-with-tails · 3 years
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greige and nasha
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fairies-with-tails · 3 years
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fairies-with-tails · 3 years
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🌌Night Dance🌌
Digital art (IbisPaint X)
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fairies-with-tails · 3 years
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
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Natsu giving Lucy a bunny stuffed animal as a present!!! 💝
Grafitit from Hiro Mashima’s Twitter!
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
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Gruvia art from Hiro Mashima on Twitter!
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
Probably my favorite gruvia panel ever
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
gruvia drabble:
author's note: bruh see how the STUPIDEST shit inspires me. i havent written anything to completion in MONTHS and i see one stupid panel of gray blushing saying to juvia "dont hang on me in public" and here my clown ass is. 6 words did this to me. enjoy. merry fuckin christmas.
"Gray-sama! Welcome home!" Juvia swooned, flinging herself onto a shirtless Gray.
Being this was the first Gray was seeing of Juvia since returning from his mission, he was startled, but not surprised.
"Don't hang on me in public!" He bursted with an undeniable blush on his face.
Juvia hummed and looked up, still grappling Gray, not phased by his response. "Juvia just missed you so much, darling!" She giggled and snuggled back into his chest.
Gray's cheeks burned brighter as he still couldn't decide what to do with his arms, or the rest of his body for that matter. His eyes wandered, and he saw a handful of people staring at them as Juvia made a scene. He noticed Cana and Mira chuckling to themselves, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Facing emotions altogether was tricky for him, and PDA was a whole other beast that he most certainly did not want to confront. Still flustered, he finally placed his hands on her shoulders and pried her off of him.
"Ok, ok, I get it!" He exclaimed, looking down into Juvia's big puppy-dog eyes. "Jeez, could you let me breathe?" He huffed.
"Juvia can't help it!" She was still practically squealing. "Juvia was so worried and had no idea when you'd be coming back!"
Gray let out a snort under his breath as his lip curled up. "You worry about me over the dumbest stuff." He put his hands in his pockets.
"It's not dumb!" Juvia clenched both fists, holding them in front of her, presenting her insistence to Gray. "You could've gotten hurt!"
"Well I didn't, alright?" Gray kept up his calming smirk. As much as Juvia's clinginess rubbed him the wrong way sometimes, it was still cute to see her so worried about him.
Juvia finally matched him, giving a soft grin. "Yes, Gray-sama."
"Alright, I'm gonna' head home and get some rest, though. I'm pretty beat." He began to part ways with Juvia.
"Can Juvia come with?" She called out as he stepped a few feet ahead of her. His heart jumped a bit when he heard her ask.
Gray shrugged. "I might fall asleep, but I guess so." He clenched his clammy palms, keeping them secure in his pocket.
On their way to Gray's apartment, the two discussed all about Gray's mission and all the knew friends he had made. Juvia told her side of the story too, and how she and the guild had to do their part as well.
The pair walked through his front door. Gray instantly tossed his bag to the ground. "That all sounds pretty intense. No wonder you're so tired then--"
Juvia was quickly cut off by the embrace of Gray, wrapping his big arms around her small frame. Her eyes stayed wide open as Gray held tighter, burying Juvia's face in his hold.
"I missed you, too." Gray's voice was almost a whisper, and it was hoarse. His chin rested promptly atop her head, and Juvia had to squat a little so he could do so.
She quickly sunk into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist. She squeezed even tighter than he did, finally giving the proper hug she meant to at the guild.
"Juvia is glad you are back." Her voice was muffled in his chest, but he heard every word.
"I'm glad to be back." He shifted his head, so his face now rested in her shoulder, and he buried his face in her blue waves, taking in their familiar scent.
"Do you still want to get some rest, dear?" Juvia lulled, tracing circles on his back with her fingers.
"Yeah." Gray parted from the hug. "You in the mood for a nap?"
Juvia looked up with a content smile. "Of course."
Gray smiled back and quickly kissed the top of her head. "Just what I like to hear."
Juvia giggled as Gray promptly marched into his bedroom, and she trailed behind. The couple shared a nice "welcome back" nap, with Juvia clinging to Gray for dear life as he remained sprawled out, and unbothered by her body clinging to his, and Juvia was free to hang all over Gray in the comfort of his home, just as he intended.
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fairies-with-tails · 4 years
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at long last i had time to draw something…!!! merry christmas!! 
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fairies-with-tails · 5 years
Lost and Found
Can’t remember if I put this here, but was based on this tweet I had seen where the girl forgot her bf’s phone was dead, he goes to the bathroom, she decides to walk around the store. 20 min later she hears her name being called to a register over the intercom, she walks over and he’s sitting on the bench pouting that she left him. And damn if that ain’t Nalu lol
“Shouldn’t take too long, just have to grab a few things,” Lucy said, looking over the list in her hands. She had been planning a surprise party for Levy all week and had to grab a few last things for the gift she had in mind.
“Sure thing, Luce.”
They had ended up in the stationary section, because Lucy can’t help herself every time they come here.
“Hey, Luce, gonna stop by the bathroom.”
“Yeah, sure,” Lucy murmured, albeit slightly distracted by nice new leather journals her fingers were lingering over.
She threw the journals in her cart before her brain could tell her no, and made her way over to the next section.
Lucy was browsing through some clothes when suddenly a voice came over the intercom.
“Lucy Heartfilia, your child is at register 10.”
Her brows drew in confusion, it had to be her right?
She made her way over to the said register, and there he was. Natsu was sitting on a bench along the wall behind the registers, hands in his pockets with a cute pout on his lips.
“Natsu? What are doing over here? You could have called me?”
“Luce, I told you my phone died in the car before we got here,” he grumbled, pout deepening, “came out of the bathroom and you left me. Wasn’t gonna go lookin’ around the whole store.”
Lucy tried her best to contain her laughter, but he just looked too adorable sitting there she couldn’t help herself when a few giggles broke through.
“Aw, I’m sorry, Natsu,” she grinned, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, “I did forget about your phone, and was a little distracted.”
Natsu huffed, burying his face into her stomach and pulling her closer around her waist.
Lucy pulled back slightly, holding his face between her soft palms, “How about I make it up you you hm?” Brushing some hair back from his face, “Pick up some spicy chicken on the way home?”
“Mmm, you always know the way to my heart, Luce,” Natsu hummed with a toothy grin, turning to place a kiss into her palm.
Natsu stood, slinging an arm around her shoulder.
“Alright, let’s get outta here before you leave me again,” Natsu teased, hugging Lucy to his side
“Oh shut up,” Lucy giggled, lightly hitting his chest.
“But first…” Natsu pulled her in and gave her a quick sweet kiss.
Lucy smiled into the kiss, “Come on you big goof,” she grinned, smoothing a hand along his back.
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fairies-with-tails · 5 years
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Eden’s Zero - Ch.06
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fairies-with-tails · 5 years
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El dibujo no es mio, creditos al autor original (si alguien sabe quien es el autor original, agradeceria que me lo dijeran)
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fairies-with-tails · 5 years
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