fairmciden1 · 7 years
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{sweet && strong}
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
As it turned out the redhead was as stubborn as herself. Katya hated her temper, once she let it get the best of her it was almost impossible to stop. “A suggestion, meant to warn you.”
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"Warn me of what?"
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
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“You and Ric both,” she replied with a laugh. It wasn’t a far fetched idea, back home she spent a fair bit of her free time baking. “I just need a name and a shop. I’ve got most of Granny’s recipes memorized by now, so I can just get those down in a notebook.”
The sound of her friend’s laughter brings forth a chuckle from Marian. “I’m sure the rest of town will be there constantly too.” Scarlet’s baking was amazing. “Perhaps you could name it after her? Since they are her recipes?” 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“I was asking if you had any idea where Scarlet was.”
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"I haven't seen her, no." Her head shakes. Despite Scarlet being one of the few friends she has in town, one of the few female friends she has in general, Marian’s gone a few days without seeing her. “Why? Are you looking for her?”
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
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“I was asking what you thought of me opening up a bakery?”
"I think it's a great idea." While Marian would likely always support Scarlet in whatever it is she chooses to do, she's positive that this a grand idea. “You’ll have a consistent costumer in me at least.” 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“Are we really having this conversation?” She laughed in disbelief, the premise on the conversation was ridiculous. It would’ve been over by now if Katya didn’t insist of having the last word. “Walk away while you still can.”
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"We're not having much of any conversation." This is hardly an argument in Marian's eyes, and it is certainly far from any proper exchange. “Is that meant to intimidate me?”  Though she’s not immune to fear, she refuses to be scared off by a young woman with an attitude problem. 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“Yet you’re still here, wasting my time.”
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"One might suggest you're wasting your own time," she shoots back, some fire behind her voice. 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“i’m begging you please, don’t take that sinner from me.”
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
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Katherine Mcnamara for Cliche Magazine
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
The wolf rolled her eyes at the promise; not so bad here? The only good thing thus far was Ric and Katya - and she supposed Convel.
“Not like this no. But you may remember a scrawny, starving wolf. I wish to thank you for that.” After meeting the chained dog not even a week before crawling into the camp at the scent of the cooking meat, she had been far to proud to beg for scraps, but the red haired maiden had helped her anyway. Even now, her body was still not in her ideal condition, but she was no longer starving or alone.
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Anyone else would likely question how a wolf was standing as a woman. But knowing Ulric, knowing what he is, she’s learned not to question such things. "I remember," Marian responds with a nod. At the time, someone had scolded her for helping the poor creature out. Wolves are dangerous after all. But she didn’t regret her actions then. And seeing the woman afore her, she certainly doesn’t regret them now. “And I am glad to that see you survived.” From what Marian remembers, it didn’t look like she would. 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“That can’t be right,” Will replied with a shake of his head, he doubted that Marian could have been blamed for everything, she was far too busy to clear up their own messes to start one of her own, besides she was far too kind to be on anyone’s bad side. “I wouldn’t worry, I’m sure he’ll find something to keep him busy, that if he doesn’t turn up here himself,” the thought made him cringe uncomfortably, no matter what else this place might have been, it was at least a break from that snake in man’s clothing. Will had seen the suffering the other man had caused first hand and he wasn’t about to forget it anytime soon.
“Oh sure you don’t,” Will replied with a wink to the other. He was hardly blind to whatever was going on between the two of them. There was a reason why the lads had a habit of calling them Mum and Dad behind their backs. “and little John is actually part Giant,”
“Amen,” Will replied genuinely. The lot of them were lucky really despite how difficult things could get for them, they still had plenty of people they could turn to between the Friar and the other Nottingham citizens, it was clear that the people had Robin’s side. “It was the least me and little John could do, you know that,” he shrugged. Will owed who he was now to both Marian and Robin, before them he had been nothing, he hadn’t even had a family before them. “Whichever you think will be more amusing” he replied already beaming knowing that he was already far too invested in the story.
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Whether or not she was to blame - she's not - Marian still can't help but feel some guilt, can’t help but to feel slightly responsible, for getting Will stuck here. "It feels true." Even worse, this isn’t a mess she can clean up. “Is it wrong that I hope he does?” she asks, absentmindedly twisting a strand of her hair. Though Marian has absolutely no desire to see that man again (and from the looks of things, neither does Will), the Sheriff would be powerless here. He couldn’t hurt them; His cruelty couldn’t reach the people of this town, or the people of their home. And Marian thinks that the potential discomfort of seeing him on a near daily basis has to be a better option than allowing innocent people to suffer at his hands. 
“I don’t!” While it’s true that she’s always looked at Robin as if he were the sun, the moon, and all the stars in the sky, Marian finds it hard to believe he could ever feel the same way about her. Besides, there were always more important things to worry about than affections. “Are you telling me he’s not?” She jokes. How one man could possibly be so tall is still beyond her. 
“Amen.” It was a comfort to know that there was at least one man of the church on their side. That there was anyone on their side was a comfort. “You are a good man, Will Scarlett. Even if the law doesn’t agree. You’re all good men.” Her words are soft, but the sincerity in them is unmatched. Marian has always believed that of them. How could anyone willing to risk their lives for the good of the people not be considered a good person? “Well, mostly I’ve been trying to stick to the routine. Which isn’t as easy, I’ll admit. But the people here, they still need help. Mostly finding the people they care about.” She explains. “I was living with a friend of mine. But she found her husband, so I thought it best to find somewhere else to stay. There’s an extra room, if you’d like to stay there for awhile.” Marian sees no point in forcing her friend to find somewhere else to stay when she has a perfectly good spare room. “Oh!” Her face lights up. “There was a fair in town about a fortnight ago. Maybe two. Which was rather exciting. Although nothing like the fairs back home.” 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
LeFou glanced about to be sure they weren’t being listened to.  “I mean… I saw something out on a walk the other day. I haven’t seen anything like it in a long time… and it felt certainly out of place here.”
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“A man covered in blood,” he told her quietly. “In the forest.”
Men covered in blood in the forest might shock some. But then, Marian has unfortunately grown used to even more gruesome sights than that. And if she's right, she knows exactly who this stranger is referring to. “I think I might know who you’re talking about,” she admits. “He’s not a bad man, I promise.” At the very least, Ulric’s always been kind enough to her. 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“I was saying that there are some questionable people residing in this town. Just when you think you’ve started to know a place…”
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"Questionable people?" she asks. Having spent so much time amongst wanted men -helping them, taking care of them - Marian’s idea of what’s considered questionable behavior has been muddied. “How do you mean?”  
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“It doesn’t, repeating myself would be a waste of my precious time.”
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That hopeful smile fades, her lips pulling into a tight line instead. She’s not entirely sure she cares for the attitude the other is displaying. But then, given her transgression, Marian can’t say she blames her. “No of course. You’re right.” 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
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“Of course I was!” He was a little hurt to know she hadn’t been listening but girls were so.. weird. Wendy hadn’t listened to him much, either, at first. 
It had never been her intention to ignore the other’s words. But having gotten little rest the night before, her focus isn’t as sharp as it normally is. "Oh. Please forgive me.” Marian offers the boy an apologetic smile alongside her response.  
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“I was just asking which way to go to get to town?”
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“Oh of course!” Marian offers the girl a smile as she rises from her seated position. “It’s that direction,” she answers, pointing towards town. “I’d be happy to take you if you’d like.” 
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fairmciden1 · 7 years
“I was. It’s unfortunate that you weren’t listening.”
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A pang of guilt hits Marian's stomach. She should have been paying attention, instead of getting caught up in her thoughts again. Her eyes cheat downwards. “I don’t suppose it makes a difference that I’m listening now?” she asks, an almost hopeful smile playing at her lips. 
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