fairydustparker · 5 months
my grandma used to recite the saying "is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?" and every time my answer would be that i would have rather not loved at all.
she would smile then, and say "then you did not love". i didn't understand what she meant. of course i had loved. i had a broken heart, didn't i? i had the scar to prove it, the inability to eat. i had loved and wished i hadn't. i loved, i thought.
and then i met you, and i fell in love and then i lost you and now i understand because i would feel this pain over and over again just to love you for five extra minutes. i would fix my heart and hand it back to you without hesitation. "look! it's all better now! you can try again" i would tell you, i would cry it out hysterically while waving my taped heart in the air. i would love you a million times knowing i would lose you and i would not care as long as i got to do it. i have loved. i have loved so completely.
mae // what a bittersweet thing to understand.
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fairydustparker · 5 months
"I would kill for you. I would die for you" would you take a break for me? Would you sit down and rest? For a day, a week, a year? Would you let others take care of your needs for me? Would you let yourself be held for me? By me?
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fairydustparker · 7 months
self care is putting yourself to bed on a regular schedule because it’s the base treatment for mood disorders
there’s no twist or anything it’s just really really good for u to sleep at consistent times
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fairydustparker · 7 months
Being on tumblr feels like living in a house full of women. Every other social media feels like being out in public.
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fairydustparker · 8 months
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fairydustparker · 2 years
chris pine keeps giving person who did all the work in a group project and is watching the rest of the members stumble through the presentation energy throughout dwd promo
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fairydustparker · 2 years
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loved the stream <3
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fairydustparker · 2 years
omgg what ab dad!peter getting a call from his 4 yr old daughter’s school and she’s crying bc she had a bad day and asking for him to pick her up and he does & they just like hang for the rest of the day 🥺🥺
our spot
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warnings: teeny tiny angsty moments but the fluff cancels them out
a/n: let me offer the sincerest of apologies for taking forever on this omg i’ve been madly in love with dad!peter lately so i wanted to spend a little time with him and make sure i got him right :,) i hope you enjoy nevertheless xo
peter is perched atop the roof of a multistory building, one that’s tall enough to survey the area he’s currently patrolling. there’s a warm breeze blowing, and the sun shines brightly above him.
he loves it up here. this spot is his go-to hangout, has been ever since he started sticking to walls. it’s the perfect place because even though he’s alone, he isn’t lonely. he’s right at the center of it all.
a smile playing on his lips, peter reaches to take off his mask and take in the fresh air.
“incoming call from willow,” karen announces.
peter’s smile widens into a full grin as a picture of yours and his daughter pops up.
you’d recently given her one of those ladybug phones with both your numbers programmed into it, only it’s a spider-man phone instead.
it’s not as subtle as you would’ve preferred. that was what you got for letting peter design it, though.
willow is only supposed to call if there’s an emergency, but she tends not to follow the rules you lay out for her.
she is her father’s daughter.
“answer, kar,” peter approves, crouching down on the ledge of the roof.
a mere second later, willow is babbling into the microphone.
“daddy? are you there?”
she’s quiet. that’s out of the norm for her.
peter chalks it up to her sneaking her phone during school. she’s in recess, at the moment.
“hi, wills,” he grins to himself. “what’s up, honey? your day’s going good?”
the line falls silent, so silent that peter can hear willow’s heart thumping fast in her chest. it’s accompanied by faint sniffling and children shouting to one another in the background.
his fatherly and spiderly instincts tell him something is wrong.
“willow?” peter speaks calmly, despite his concern that’s quickly growing. “hey… hey, it’s me,” he coos, tears flowing down her cheeks.
“talk to me, wills. what’s going on?”
peter fears the worst, as he always does. he’s protective over each of his loved ones. none so much as willow, however. she’s his little girl. he does everything in his power and beyond to keep her safe and happy, which in turn has made him a bit of a helicopter parent.
the teasing peter endures from you and willow herself is worth it if it means your bundle of joy stays out of harm’s way.
although, he’s not so sure she is.
peter hops to his feet, his stance strong as each individual hair on his arms rises.
is she hurt? is she sick? is she at the very least okay?
“i- i-“ willow stammers out, peter’s own heart racing. “please talk to me, willow. you gotta talk to me,” he coaxes her, reloading his web cartridges in case he has to use them. “help me help you.”
willow’s breathing is ragged, more like she’s gasping for air.
peter is about to haul himself off the rooftop to get to her until she finally spits it out.
“i wanna go home,” willow whimpers, much to his relief that that’s it.
his eyes fluttering closed, he gulps back the pool of saliva that gathered in his mouth.
“you wanna go home,” peter repeats. the tension simultaneously leaves his body. “how come, wills? you feeling alright?” he checks with her, beginning to list off possible ailments. “got any ouchies? a tummy ache? itchy throat?”
“i don’t feel like talking about it,” willow firmly informs him.
you and peter had recently taught her about setting boundaries, including with the two of you. so, he has to respect her decision.
“i understand,” peter concedes. “i’ll swing over after you finish up recess, okay?“
“no!” willow instantly counters, peter’s brows knitting together. recess is usually her favorite part of the day. “come now. i wanna go home, now,” she reiterates, words sounding desperate.
“ok, honey. you go on inside, and i’m gonna meet you there,” peter concludes with a frown.
“thank you, daddy. i love you,” willow whispers. his fingers curl back towards his webshooters. “i love you, wills. see you in a few… karen, end call,” peter murmurs, outstretching his arm to shoot a web.
he leaps down from the rooftop so he can swing from building to building. he’ll contact willow’s school after you, figuring he should fill you in on everything beforehand.
“call y/n,” peter requests from karen, lips forming a line while he listens to the dial tone.
you pick up with your voice hushed and phone clutched tightly to your ear.
“what is it, pete? i’m in a meeting,” you remind your husband.
you’re a full-time working woman and a full-time mother, which peter admires the hell out of.
“crap, i forgot,” peter chuckles. “how’s that going, by the way?” a small smile graces your features. “not too bad, ‘til you interrupted it,” you chastise. peter internally cringes. “sorry, babe. there’s just… i gotta tell you something.”
“i hate to rush you off, but i’ve got a room full of people waiting on me,” you laugh out, waving at your employees from outside of the room. “let’s get right to it. on a scale from one to ten, what level of emergency are we talking?”
“it’s not an emergency for once,” peter retorts, then corrects himself. “not per se.” that piques your curiosity. “what do you mean?”
he swooshes his way down an avenue and flings another web from his wrist.
“it’s, um, it’s willow. she wanted me to pick her up early, so i’m on my way to the school,” he explains. “i thought i’d give you a heads up. sorry again about your meeting.”
“no, it’s okay. it’s willow,” you echo him. “she comes before a damn nine-to-five, pete.”
peter lets out a laugh, glad you’re both on the same page. you two really are the dream team.
“well, thanks for telling me. what happened exactly?” you wonder with a sympathetic shake of your head. peter shrugs his shoulders, at a loss. “that’s what i’ve been trying to find out. she wasn’t up to talking about it.”
“don’t push her. she’ll share when she’s ready to, yeah?” you offer your sentiment. “yeah, but patience isn’t really my thing,” peter grumbles, nearing willow’s school.
although she’s only just started her first year of elementary, he has the route there memorized.
“i’m aware, peter. it isn’t willow’s either, so you won’t be kept in suspense too long,” you reassure him, lightheartedly rolling your eyes.
your coworker points to his watch, signaling for you to wrap it up.
“i have to go,” you sigh. “good luck, and let me know how she’s doing soon.”
“i will,” peter agrees. “good luck to you, too. love you, y/n/n.” you beam to yourself. “love you more, bye!”
he’d fight you on that, had you not already hung up.
peter quickly rings willow’s school, then ducks behind a parked bus on the side of the street to change. he shimmies out of his spider-man suit and into a non-suspecting business suit.
he shakes out the navy blue blazer and uses his fingers to comb his messy curls, followed by him jogging up the stairs to the school.
he’s perked up a bit as he waltzes through the double doors, trekking down the hall to the main office.
chatting with you made him feel so much better. you just have a sort of soothing effect on him.
peter finally steps inside the main office, where willow is slumped over in a cushioned chair. she springs up immediately upon noticing his presence, rushing over to him with tear stained cheeks and her backpack flopping on her shoulders.
he crouches to the floor so he’s at her level and envelopes his daughter in a much needed hug. willow tucks her face into the crook of his neck, her tiny hands clutching at the material of his blazer. her sobs sound throughout the room.
“aw, wills,” peter exhales, bringing her to his chest. “my love.”
it’s crushing him that willow is hurting, and he can’t do anything about it because he’s not sure why.
he kisses the top of her head and lets his lips linger on her scalp. one of the office aids sends him a sad smile.
“home,” willow whines against his neck. “i wanna go home.”
peter lifts her into his arms carefully, hers winding around him on instinct.
“we are, lovey. let’s just get you signed out, alright?” he receives a timid nod from willow in response, carrying her over to the front desk.
the same aid slides him a clipboard with an attendance sheet that peter scribbles his signature on. he mutters his thanks to the woman before turning to leave, willow remaining nestled into him.
she only peeks out of his neck once the two of them have left the school. her eyes are puffy, lips pouted. peter rubs circles on her upper back as they descend down the stairs.
he wishes there was something he could do to cheer her up, anything at all.
what would he do to cheer himself up?
that’s when it hits him.
“mind if we take a detour on the way home? it’ll be quick,” peter prompts willow, earning a groan from her. “that’s what you always say,” she sasses. he snickers at that.
she’s slowly but surely returning to herself.
“i mean it, little miss. i think you’ll like it, too. what do you say?” peter questions again. he’s stopped on the sidewalk to hold for willow’s answer. “i say… okay,” she gives in, giggling as peter tickles her sides lightly.
the pair of them venture off to the mystery location, willow eventually choosing to walk beside peter with her hand in his. a few blocks and way too many flights of stairs later, they arrive.
peter would have swung her here, but he doubted you’d have approved of that.
“daddy,” willow tugs peter’s hand, peering up at him. “where are we?”
he gives her a short tour of the area, leading her towards the edge of the rooftop.
it’s the same one he was on earlier.
“this is my spot,” peter elaborates, his thumb smoothing over each of willow’s knuckles. “i come up here whenever i’m sad, or overwhelmed…” he raises an eyebrow at her. “big word. you know what it means?”
willow nods proudly, which doesn’t surprise him. the brains run in the family.
“sometimes, i come up here just ‘cuz,” peter continues. “it’s nice, huh? good place to clear your mind. the view’s not bad either.”
willow creeps onto her tiptoes to see the city below them.
“it’s pretty,” she points out at the horizon. grinning, peter follows her finger. “very.”
he lowers himself to the ground, patting the spot next to him for willow to sit. she does so with caution, scooting in close to peter. her teeth chatter as a gust of wind suddenly brushes over the two of them, peter amused by her reaction.
“cold?” he smirks. willow shivers, shooting him a look. “duh.”
peter slips out of his blazer, willow ditching her backpack before he drapes it over her shoulders. it practically swallows her whole, which is absolutely adorable to peter.
his arm wraps comfortably around her middle, willow settling into him.
“you get sad, too?” she pipes up after a moment. peter stares at the blue sky rather reflectively. “everyone does, my love. it’s okay.”
peter’s gaze shifts to willow, who’s gnawing at the inside of her cheek.
“why are you sad, wills?” he asks softly, willow hiding her hands in the sleeves of his blazer. “because,” she simply replies. peter nudges her side. “because why?”
he remembers what you said about not pushing her, but she’s so close. it’s on the tip of her tongue. with a little encouragement, he can get it out of her.
willow cowers away from him, almost deflating.
“i have no friends,” she confesses. “that’s why i was crying. i have no friends.”
peter moves over to her and sets a gentle hand on her back. he doesn’t say anything yet, letting her guide the conversation again.
“school is no fun when you don’t have any friends,” willow declares, in a matter-of-fact fashion. “there’s no one to push me on the swing or chase me in tag. i feel all alone.”
the transition from pre-k to kindergarten hasn’t been easy for willow. new school, new people. it’s an adjustment she’s struggled to make. peter wasn’t aware this was part of it, though.
he’s been there himself, having faced it firsthand for a good portion of his life. how could he not have, being branded as penis parker the second he stepped foot into midtown?
“being alone doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” peter challenges, adding, “but, you’re right. it’s not fun either.”
willow snuggles into his blazer impossibly more, laying on his dress shirt clad shoulder.
“i didn’t have too many friends when i was your age,” peter recounts, willow’s eyes widening. “really? why not?”
he chuckles at her question, pressing a quick kiss to the side of her head.
“beats me. but, really. i was on my own until i met uncle ned and aunt mj,” peter smiles fondly at the mentioning of two of his oldest friends. “and mommy,” willow jumps in. he squeezes her side affirmatively. “and mommy.”
neither peter nor willow would be who they are without you to thank. you’ve saved peter from himself so many times, today being one of them.
willow kicks her feet that are dangling freely over the ledge of the roof.
“have you ever brought mommy up here?” she inquires, watching her feet swing.
peter is just now realizing he hasn’t ever shown anyone this particular rooftop. it’s only been his.
“actually, no,” he admits and rests the side of his head against willow’s. “nobody except you, wills.”
he backs away enough to glance over at her.
“tell you what.”
peter ruffles her locks loosely, willow leaning into his touch and looking up at him.
“let’s make this our spot, somewhere we can come when we wanna get away from it all,” he proposes. “together.” a smile pulls at the corners of willow’s lips. “deal.”
peter clears stray strands of hair out of willow’s face with his fingers, pinching each of her cheeks playfully. she scrunches her nose up.
“you’ll find your people someday, hm? trust the process,” he hums, willow hooking both her arms around his. “you’re already my person, daddy,” she murmurs.
his heart bursts for what must be the trillionth time. the love he has for willow, for you, for your little family is infinite and incomparable to anything peter has felt before.
he welcomes her embrace around him, cherishes being in her grasp.
“you’re my person too, wills.”
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fairydustparker · 2 years
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fairydustparker · 3 years
wicked games [1]
Summary: Sometimes unforeseen plans have a good ending. Sometimes. 
Pairing: CEO!Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 2,282 [oops]
Warnings: Language
A/N: Here’s the first chapter of my CEO series, my friends! This one’s dedicated to @purelyparker and @stvharrington because I’ve been making them suffer with me for the past two or so days - I love you both so much :’)
series masterlist
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fairydustparker · 3 years
Juliet in Bed Sheets (Tom Holland)
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A/N: absolutely have no idea what this is 🤣🤣 pulled it right out of my ass hence why it might be shit asdfghjkl. i genuinely got this random idea a couple hours ago and wrote it quickly just to try and put an end to my writer’s block. so i really did just went with this with no care whatsoever which feels nice to not be too overly critical with every line and just letting it be. probably not my best work but i did enjoy writing it it though so that’s always good <33 anyways, hope you enjoy it too!! <33 p.s. the picture is technically a curtain but asdfghjkl let’s just pretend it’s a bed sheet.
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》 PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader 》 TROPE/GENRE: established relationship; fluff; crack-ish 》 SUMMARY: Where you randomly perform your own Love Story music video around the house featuring your own Romeo, Tom. 》 WARNINGS: tons of dialogue and actions, tons of lyrics, unplanned, typos, randomness, shitty writing probably, oh and jake g. appears at the end for jokes haha. 》 WORD COUNT: 2.7k+ (it’s shorter! it’s a miracleeeee!)
⊱ note: bold + italic is the lyrics. also you can listen to the song as background music BUT keep in mind it’s not synced up so it may get a little confusing ahah so it’s not really needed.
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
“Darling, have you seen my laptop—” Tom stopped in his tracks the second he laid his eyes on you in the middle of the living room. You had a wide smile on your face, a mischievous one that is. But what confused Tom the most was what looked like a bed sheet tied around your waist, fabric sprawled behind you as if it was a train to a dress. Except you weren’t wearing a dress, you were in simple, cotton shorts and his hoodie. “What are you up to?” he asked cautiously.
You didn’t say anything and simply clicked something on your phone before tossing the device on the couch. Music suddenly filled up the whole space, one Tom immediately recognised.
“Oh no,” he groaned. “Not this song again.”
Keep reading
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fairydustparker · 3 years
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tomholland2013: This movie is gonna blow your minds. Trust me !
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fairydustparker · 3 years
Current WIPs!
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fairydustparker · 3 years
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hast thou listened to distractable??
if thou hast not, thou best runneth for thine life.
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fairydustparker · 3 years
cute boy at the subway - peter parker
peter parker x gn!reader
summary: you meet a cute guy at the subway, and he ignores you. that is until...
warnings: fluff
word count: 885
a/n: again, this is so fucking short but im in love with it, ok enjoy <33 not my gif !!
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The subways weren't safe, but they were the only way you could go to school. You were a ... seemingly bad driver if you were being honest, hence you obviously didn't get a car. Your mom would be using her own car to go to work so the subways were your only way.
The safer the better it was, so you kept everything in your backpack, zipped tightly as you put the pads of your thumbs under the straps. You had been doing since the one time your phone got stolen once.
Bumping into hundreds of people wasn't exactly something you loved, but it's your only choice.
You waited for the next train, balancing on the balls of your feet, checking your watch every now and then. The train arrived with a small screech as it rubbed against railway tracks.
You stepped in as soon as the door opened with a quiet whoosh, a few people following behind you. It was pretty crowded but you realised you could fit in.
You stepped forward as you held on the dirty yellow bar above your head with one hand while the other hung loosely to your side.
The train started with a jerk making you crash lightly onto the boy next you, as you squeezed your eyes at the impact and tightened your grip on the bar.
"Sorry," you said to the boy beside you. But it seemed like he payed no mind, merely looking around the train. He was pretty cute, you couldn't deny, brown curls settled on the top of his head but were covered with the hood of his jacket.
Only five minutes before you reached your destination stepping out before glancing one more time at the boy you bumped into.
This happened for the next two days, the boy with the hooded jacket completely ignored you when you tried to make conversation or just say hello. He just looked at you once or twice with a small smile.
That's when realisation hit you like bricks, he might be deaf or dumb. So you thought learning a little sign language wouldn't hurt.
So that night you sat with your computer on your lap looking up how you can talk ( not really but .. ) in ASL. After learning some things like, 'hi, how are you' and 'my name is dash and dash' you thought you could finally talk to the cute boy you'd been pining on for a few days at the subway.
So you waited for the train next morning, still debating if you should do this or not, if you'll embarrass yourself.
The same doors opened again as you stepped in, taking a look around before finding the same boy, wearing the same 'Midtown High' hoodie.
You went and stood next to him, holding onto the bar handles, steadying yourself on your feet. The train started with the small jerk once again as you held up your finger before tapping shyly on his shoulder.
He whipped his head towards you as you said, "Right, um.."
"Hello, how are you doing," you signed making his eyebrows furrow into a adorable frown.
That's when you felt that you said something wrong and embarrassed yourself.
Meanwhile the boy took off his earphones out of his ears and said, "I'm sorry...I don't speak, well not speak but- I don't know sign language.." he gestured a finger between you two.
"You're not ... I've been trying to talk to you for the past few days and you just ignore me, so I thought you're deaf..or dumb," you chuckled nervously.
"Oh my God ! I- I swear I had no idea," he sighed before lifting up his phone, that showed a small playlist where "Back in Black" was playing, "my music must be too loud, shit!"
"It's alright.. you like AC/DC," you asked smiling in delight, finally happy over making a conversation with the boy.
"Huh," he asked in confusion. "I'm listening to Led Zeppelin."
"Uh, that's not ... check who's singing again," you pointed to his phone, trying to keep your laughter in.
He pressed the power button before seeing AC/DC under the song's name. A red blush coated his cheeks, as you smiled at the sight and raised your eyebrows at him.
"I'm so clueless, I didn't even realise you were talking to me before and I didn't know this wasn't Led Zeppelin," he giggled, looking at his shoes.
"You're cool ... " you waited.
"Oh! I'm Peter Parker, PP. No, that's weird ! I'm just Peter Parker," he stumbled upon his words.
"Hello Just Peter Parker, I'm just Y/N Y/L/N," you grinned at him charmingly.
"What, what school do you go to?" Peter asked curiously.
"Oh, um, Ridgeview High, you?" you questioned back.
"Midtown, but I have a feeling you already knew that," he said as a lazy smirk settled on his face.
You sealed your lips and nodded.
"Cool, hey do you want to ..." he held up one of his earphones in front of you as you shifted slightly more towards him, taking it and placing it in your near.
"Thanks Just Peter Parker," you looked at him in the eyes, and god they were beautiful.
"No problem, Y/N," he smiled softly before ducking his head down, slightly nodding it to the music. Your name rolled off his tongue smoothly and you'd love to hear it again.
You finally managed to talk to the cute boy at the subway.
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fairydustparker · 3 years
Heyyy!! Can I request a Peter Parker imagine where they've been datia for quite some time and one day they argue before a mission and y/n gets hurt and it's all angst???? Thank you love <3333
warnings : angst, injuries, mentions of boobies lol, fluff ( ofc ), not proof-read haha..
word count : 1.1 K
a/n : this is such a great idea, thanks for requesting anon <3 i tried to make it as angsty as i could- ENJOY READING !
You waited impatiently in your room for Peter, fixing the makeshift pillow fort once more as you made yourself comfortable in it. You checked everything- popcorn, soda, extra blankets- you smiled.
Peter hadn't been able to make it to date nights for a few weeks, he apologised a lot and you gave in because no one could ignore those puppy eyes.
It had been almost an hour, and your boyfriend still hadn't shown up making you get worried, nervously biting your nails.
You swiped your thumb across the screen, calling Peter, as his face grinning face popped up. He answered a few rings later- "Heyyy, Y/N," Peter said in a quite voice.
"Peter, where are you," you asked furrowing your eyebrows.
"Uh, Ned and me, we're- we're doing a Star Wars Marathon," he said bashfully, knowing he was cancelling on your plans for the third time this week.
"Are you kidding me?" your shoulders slumped sadly, as soon as you heard his words. "I thought we were going to do that."
"Y-yeah, I know. Listen, I-"
You were angry now, not sad but angry, making your body tense up, "I haven't seen you the whole week, how many times are you going to cancel on our dates?!"
"I'm sorry! But I also, hadn't seen Ned for a pretty long time, Y/N," he said, slowly starting to defend himself. "He's been pretty busy."
"I know that you need time for your friends Peter and it's okay, but it doesn't mean that you'll just stop seeing me," you sighed slowly making Peter curse.
"I'll make it up to you, okay?" he asked you softly.
"There's no need, Peter. Enjoy your night." you fell back against the bed throwing, your phone on it.
The following day, you sat on a jet with few of the Avengers on your way to the next mission. Some research group was trying to launch illegal weapons and you had to gatecrash their lab before it ships off. It was pretty easy.
Peter sat beside you uncomfortably, shifting every now and then in his seat making you roll your eyes.
"I don't want to talk about it," you huffed, looking out the window to distract yourself. Peter clicked his tongue when you ignored him, knowing he screwed up.
The whole flight was silent except a few jokes between Sam and Steve were shared.
"We're here," Natasha said.
You got off the jet and parted ways, Sam, Bucky and Steve went to the left, trying to look for a more discreet way to enter the lab. While you, Peter and Nat went straight to the main door, as you held up your gun.
"You both are oddly quiet and I don't like it one bit," your friend muttered quietly but loud enough for you and Peter to share looks before he pulled his mask down.
You kicked the door slowly, revealing many of the people working there.
Peter climbed on the wall beside you slowly making his way to the weapons that were glowing green.
He thwipped a web towards one of them, before retracting it to his own suit clad hands. The bad guys hadn't noticed you yet, but now they certainly did, turning around towards you.
Some of them help up the weapons they were building, as you took cover behind some boxes which weren't going to last long- considering they were made of cardboard.
A guy kicked one of the box as you snapped your head towards him, eyes darkening.
You held up a fist, ready to throw a punch when he caught your wrist. You used this and twisted his arm, and kicking him in the knees making him fall to the floor with a groan.
You looked around for Peter, and he was slamming a guy into the wall right when you saw him. Natasha, meanwhile had managed to take some of the weapons and shoot them at the bad guys themselves.
Many of them were knocked out on the floor, now that Steve, Bucky and Sam had finally got into the lab.
You caught Peter struggling under a huge guy's grip, resulting you to run towards him to help.
But before you could, a sharp pain spread on your stomach as you held it in pain. You gasped in pain, gripping the table in front of you for support.
"What are these things?" you wondered out loud before whimpering, falling to the floor.
Peter slid on the floor beside you in a few seconds, "Hey, hey!" he slapped your cheek lightly so you won't close your eyes no matter how difficult it was.
"You're okay," Peter reassured, "keep your eyes open!"
"I," you gasped for breath once again, before holding up the hand that had been clutching your stomach. And even through blurred vision, you could see your blood along with oozing green liquid.
"Don't ..." Peter's voice was too muffled for you to understand as darkness engulfed your eyesight.
You could hear the steady beep of a machine when you slipped into consciousness once again. You struggled to open your eyes once you realised they were closed.
You finally fluttered them open only to be met with white walls and bright lights making you squeeze them shut and tilt your head to the side. You were met with a sleeping Peter On the couch, making you smile.
You tried sitting up and winced at the sharp pain near your abdomen.
Peter shot up at the sound, making his way to your side, "Hey ... don't move, okay?"
He reached up to hold your hand and laced his fingers through yours, you looked up at him with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry," he slowly said.
"No, no. Hey- why are you sorry? I'm okay, see?" you encouraged him, shaking his hand in yours.
"D-Dr. Cho said you lost a lot of blood, and that you-"
"Peter." You stopped him. "I'm okay."
He lips lifted up into a small smile as he nodded, making the curls on the top of his head bounce.
"You also hit your head really hard-"
"And you've been asleep for eleven hours and I was so scared-"
"Peter! Stop, I'm right here with you. You don't have to worry about anything," you squeezed his hand once again, making him let out a content sigh.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you," he muttered.
"Yes, you did. You were the first one to see if I was okay and I appreciate that. I appreciate that you're here with me now."
"I-I'm sorry about movie night, too," he said and you sucked in a sharp breath at his words.
"We'll talk about it later," you said as your eyes left his.
"No, I've been cancelling out for pretty long. I swear it won't happen again." Peter gave an apologetic smile.
"It's okay, maybe I'll invite MJ next time," you chuckled, and winced when you realised you were shot in the stomach.
"Easy there," Peter smiled at you before looking up at the ceiling, "By the way, that hospital gown is kind of showing your boobs and I'm trying so hard not to look," you smacked his arm before rolling your eyes.
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fairydustparker · 3 years
the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible
because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 
from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating
it’s fucked up. 
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