fairyfaee · 2 years
Busted a nut in an artificial gem pussy and now my son is my probably my alien wife
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fairyfaee · 2 years
What if I didn’t exist 😍
Well too bad bitch😏
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fairyfaee · 2 years
@ skullstrange_art on Instagram
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fairyfaee · 2 years
I will never be like anyone else on this planet because I was never supposed to be like anyone else. We shouldn’t try to be something we are not. Don’t be someone. For someone else- be you for you
If u ever wanna compare urself to someone to be better
Who were you yesterday? The day before? A year ago? Who have u been since then? What’s holding u back? What’s something u want to tell yourself? Or something you want to say to anyone.
If you were actually honest, What is it do you really want? What shouldn’t you be tolerating? What should you pay attention too?
I’m just asking, but your the one to answer ur own questions
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fairyfaee · 2 years
B4 I call the (galactic universe) cops 😏
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fairyfaee · 2 years
I’m sick of this shit, Ima talk this like
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fairyfaee · 2 years
🫐🫐🫐 🍊 🍊
🫐 🍊🍊🍊🍊
🫐🫐🫐 🍊 🍊
🐉 🐉
🐉 🐉
🅲 H̶ E̸͚̦͓̔̈́ Ÿ́͝͠ Eͤ N⃨ Ɲ Ǝ
🇭​​​​​🅞 T͎̟͔
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fairyfaee · 2 years
The darkness that comes with me
And the darkness that comes with you
The light that lives in us
As our hearts beat with life, every moment I have with you will forever be in my mind
Even when my mind is no more
Never shall it be lost
For it lives in me just as it lives in you
Even if it isn’t seen, or heard
Never shall it be forgotten. Or wasted.
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fairyfaee · 2 years
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fairyfaee · 2 years
Life can be hard that’s a fucking fact, u can be so depressed and be doing awful and no one will know
But often in my own misery, I find the self care I need and want. The love I have for myself and the love others have for me just as I love them; I care for my body for it is my gift to be in this world.
Sometimes you just have to change things for urself. No one can do that for you, but there will always be someone cheering u on and supporting u, as u know u can do the same for them. We should problem solve together and just resolve our issues within ourselves so we can with each other
I seek change in this world of mine;
I encourage change inside us all. Because the healing starts with us. And the pain ends with us. We are the future of our society, the future of what our world could be 🌎 , and what we can do for our animals.. our children… our bodies. Our earth. Our minds. Our souls. We are alive forever for always❤️‍🔥
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fairyfaee · 2 years
Make sure you show your family members/friends/pets/partners love cUz im sure they love u too, and showing love is often needed without asking and it’s very healing for you and others.
Protect ur energy of course👁
As well self care❤️
Love u, ❤️‍🩹if anyone reads this 🌹🌷🌸🌺ur very important
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fairyfaee · 2 years
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fairyfaee · 2 years
Yes ma’am 🥂
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fairyfaee · 2 years
I’m a whole mood
I got this feeling that I’m a bad bitch, no one will understand me or see me the way I do. The way I’ve experienced myself on such a deep level and this isn’t even the end yet, the things I know is not for everyone. 🧠🫀✨👁 but I’m always willing to let people know what it is I’ve learned.
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fairyfaee · 2 years
Everyone’s perception of me is false and an illusion,
I feel like I understand people, like a lot.. but of course I know I can never be them and understand them on that deep of a level unless I was there with them. I feel like humans are so intimate and seek love from others, but they should also seek love from the inside, our bodies are a reflections of itself, thoughts, emotions, energy, mindset, self expression, individuality, I often imagine like we’re all two ppl but they make up one of each other and always reflect each other
One could say no
One could say yes
Or maybe
We as alive vessels just seek affection and love, like when a baby is born and it is held with love and care and stability, as we get older and pushed out into the little world of ours, often we form a negative perception mixed with a positive perception, like we just seek to be understood because we want to understand ourselves and when we feel understood and seen it means a lot to us, so when you understand yourself.. or at least seek to understand your own truth. U really do fall in love with urself in a way, but in a more nurturing way,
I remember, when I’d be having a really hard time I’d just lay there and wish to be held by my mom. Because of how caring and loving she made me feel, love, care and affection is often very healing. I remember as a child she’d massage my head til I fell asleep, I always wanted to cuddle my mom as a kid, and as I got older I often felt very alone and wished for a healing hug, but later on it’s like I just taught myself to nurture myself, like a flower blooming in reverse, Then blooming again. Like falling into yourself to try and understand yourself, and the more you understand. The more you wonder.. the louder your inner voice gets, she speaks like a loud drum and I cannot ignore it any longer, I’ve found my strength, yeah Ik I’m a mess sometimes, but that’s part of healing. That’s part of being. A human. Experiencing your own darkness and your own light, hearing yourself. So you can hear others, maybe if we just listened to listen. We can understand each other, we all sought to be healed. But only because your soul seeks to be healed by itself. So it can heal with others, Drop the mask and be authentic, for the only thing holding you back is yourself, often it can be other things.. so we just need to release those old things and heal from that, so we can transform in the present, we’re all capable of healing and changing for the better, because it helps you as a soul being. We are alive for a reason,
When you wake up, and you feel stagnant and low. Maybe because your soul and body is trying to tell you, to see yourself in your own reflection. Because there’s always gonna be that voice inside you, that seeks to be heard..
“Can you hear me?” It says
Of course but… your often.. so quiet.?
You never give me a chance
What? Really?
Speak louder
I need you to know… something..
I love you.. I wish to be heard.. for.. I always wonder about the inside of myself, I often always think and think but I feel clouded by myself. Like I can’t hear anyone else but me. Like I can’t reach the top of the stair case, because it just keeps going.. where is the door? I always ask..? But, they always reply with
You feel lost, don’t you?
Yes. What can I do though?
What do you say?
When you.. really listen?…
I am ready to grow. And heal. As a divine being, for I am here to be alive and experience my life to the fullest, and live to my fullest potential, a loving soulful relationship with myself, a beautiful balance inside me, with my earth and beings. The vibrations move my body, I move to the beat of her heart beat as long as my blood runs, I will make sure I work my fucking ass off. And sometimes I should just stop listening to the negative part of myself, the beings I grew up with always have had such negativity with them that passed down to me.. I’ve had to heal through their pain, and my own. Through the baggage, but the past will never define us. Only the present defines us, and who decide for ourselves to be.
What is it you must do? What does your voice say? Don’t you hear yourself? Don’t you see yourself? Don’t you realize? Who you are? And what your capable of? What potential you have as a divine being. For it us to be alive; never forget the power and knowledge that come with our bodies, the connection we have with each other, and our planet. The very structure of the universe that exists inside us all. A powerful loving feeling, never turn away from your true calling. Your body will constantly remind you, how much it wants to move and express its true self.. often we must break from our own prison as well.
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fairyfaee · 2 years
I be bored and this pic is a mood
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fairyfaee · 2 years
Til the sun rises
The moon drops
Stars fade
Im still
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