faisonjo1 · 3 years
If you know that anyone plays an active part in your ministry, business or career, learn to honour them, the doors of greatness will continually open for you.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
 It is a good thing to choose people who are good for you. There is nothing selfish about surrounding yourself with those that make you a better person. Re-examine your friendships and associations and reweigh them against the scales of value addition.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
THE ESAU SYNDROME – #PhanerooDevotion
Self-mastery requires that you gain control over your appetites. A lack of control over your appetites can greatly compromise your spiritual journey and the purposes God has for your life.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
As we extend grace to the world, we ought not to fan the flames of other people’s personal weaknesses but to give them the tools to overcome weakness and depend, not on us but on God alone.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
OF UNDERSTANDING – #PhanerooDevotion
Understanding is the retentive capacity of the human spirit. The spirit of a man does not memorise things, like some are prone to think. The mind memorises, the spirit understands.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
The man who knows his true state is the man who will make the purest prayer of the heart.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
It's easy to speak and encourage others when things are going well for you. However, how do you respond in your day of adversity? In the time when things are not going well and falling apart?
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
Child of God, how do you respond in your time of adversity?
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet [you] with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17 KJV)
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
You move mountains, You cause walls to fall, with Your power You perform miracles. There is nothing that's impossible. We're standing here only because You made a way.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
Lord, You made a way when our backs were against the wall and it looked as if it was over. You made a way, so I'm standing here only because You made a way.
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faisonjo1 · 3 years
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faisonjo1 · 4 years
When you know how to work with the appointed times of the Spirit, it means you’ll place burdens on the next days to produce and bring forth what you feel, what you see by the Spirit.
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faisonjo1 · 4 years
: In the life of faith, associations matter. Unite the Word you receive with faith by being around people that provoke you to believe more.
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faisonjo1 · 4 years
When you listen to the Word, don’t just hear words, syllables and sentences. Embrace the life in the Word. That is what kills cancers and dries tumours; it is what makes demons flee; it is what restores hope to the broken hearted.
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faisonjo1 · 4 years
As a man of God, you cannot demand submission when you are not submitted; you cannot demand accountability when you are not accountable; you cannot demand to be served when you do not serve another. #PhanerooDevotion #Phaneroo
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faisonjo1 · 4 years
When a man for example is a Prophet, and he sees in part and makes a mistake in the seeing but he is approved a Prophet. That one has erred in Prophecy. But if a man is in even in the first place not called to speak for God and he uses another Spirit to prophesy even though what he has spoken is accurate. He has erred from prophecy for the Spirit of Prophecy, the Bible says is the testimony of Jesus Christ.
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