fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
can i please have a ship where there are these two IDIOTS and they dig each other a lot and do a lot of stupid coupley things except they refuse to admit they like each other and that they are pretty much already a couple without it being said and they carry on with the ‘we’re just friends haha’ thing like honey no you’re not just friends you’re just madly in love that’s what you are!!! and ofc there are like 402 different circumstances you can add to this and ugh please come talk to me about this rn
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
Zoe smirked as she got adjusted against Grace’s body. “Well, I mean, I definitely debated keeping my clothes off…but…you know how loud I can get, and I don’t exactly think my mom would be too okay with getting woken up by that.” She giggled, snuggling up against her, “She’s due another business trip sometime soon, though.” She let her hand slip past the hem of Grace’s shirt, rubbing soft circles into her skin with the tips of her fingers, “Then, you can have me all to yourself.” Zoe leaned in and kissed her on the cheek gently. She chuckled at her response, “Psh, no…maybe you’re warm because you’re hot as hell…and I know that was lame, so don’t start.” She was about to lay her head back down against her chest when Grace made a comment about her hair. Her brows knitted together for a moment and then raised, “Oh, is it getting your shirt wet? If it bothers you, I can just pull it up or something. I’m sorry.” she laughed nervously, glancing down at her girlfriend’s shirt and then back at her.
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“I do know how loud you can get. It’s probably my favorite thing about that. Or, more accurately, one of my favorites,” Grace smirked, kissing her forehead. “Is that so?” she asked, looking down at her. “I have you all to myself right now. My question is, did you have to wait for your mom to leave before you even got yourself off, or did you get around that then?” she teased. Grace shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Fine, I won’t say anything about how lame that was,” she replied. She shook her head and shrugged as the other expressed concern for her shirt. “It’s ok, I have a quick fix,” Grace told her with a smile before taking her shirt off and tossing it to the side. “No more wet shirt. Don’t fret about it.”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
&& fakegraceout
Zoe slipped out of her bathroom and quickly made her way down the hallway, pulling her towel tighter around her body before slipping back into her bedroom and closing the door. She hoped her mother didn’t hear her transition, especially after Zoe had supposedly been in bed for an hour now. As soon as she closed the door, she whirled back around to see the reason for her secretive behavior sprawled out across her bed. “Hi…” Zoe grinned, pulling her towel out from around her hair, shaking it loose. The brunette dropped the towel into her hamper before turning her back towards her girlfriend, dropping the towel that was around her body, smirking over her shoulder. She made sure her dark eyes locked with Grace’s as she put the towel in the hamper and then slipped on a pair of panties and a pajama set before crawling into the bed, scooting over to Grace. She let her body inch closer to hers before she was finally laying with her head on the space between the other girl’s shoulder and neck, draping her arm across her stomach. A shiver rolled down Zoe’s spine, “You’re so warm…” she sighed contently.
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Grace had been scrolling through her phone, checking out pictures that had been posted and the lame and occasionally humorous statuses as she laid in the middle of her girlfriend’s bed. Of course, Zoe’s mother did not exactly know she was there in her daughter’s bed, waiting on her to get out of the shower. “Hey, babe,” Grace grinned as the brunette walked into the room. “Damn, you rock the towel dress and hat look.” She chuckled, watching the other girl as she got dressed. “God damn, Zo, the clothes could have stayed off,” she pointed out, smirking playfully. Grace adjusted her body position in a way that worked out well for both parties, smiling at her. “I’m warm because my soul is fed by the flames of hell. And I’m only warm because I can’t handle how hot you are,” she teased, smiling slightly. “Your hair is still damp though.”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
Fluff Meme: Cuddles Edition
“Mm…you’re warm… ”
“You are ridiculously comfortable.”
“Awe! But I don’t want to get up.”
“Get back here and cuddle with me.”
“Nope! You’re my prisoner today.”
“I’m tired, come to bed and cuddle with me please?”
“Well I guess I could come over there and cuddle with you for a bit…”
“Well if it’ll make you feel better… ”
“A little cuddling won’t kill you, I promise.”
“It’ll be warmer if we cuddle together.”
“I’m sorry babe; I’m just not in the mood today, could we cuddle instead please?”
“I always sleep better when you’re here with me.”
“Why don’t we just relax and cuddle all day, hmm?”
“I’m really sore today, could we just take it easy and cuddle today please?”
“Somehow cuddling with you is even better than I expected it to be.”
“Can we cuddle for a bit please? I’m feeling kinda down.”
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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And what am I supposed to do if this gets out? What am I supposed to do when Zig dumps me after we’ve made plans for our futures together once we graduate in a couple of months and we all go our separate ways. This has nothing to do with the fact that you’re a girl. It has everything to do with the fact that I cheated on my boyfriend and I shouldn’t have. I’m kind of freaking out here, Grace.
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Like I’m going to go tell everyone, “Hey! I slept with Zig’s girlfriend!” right? That’s why you don’t solidify the future this early in advance. God forbid you actually find someone who could make you happier. You could have stopped it all. I asked you multiple times if you wanted to. But... If you’re really that worried, it was a one time thing. He’d be stupid to let a catch like you go...
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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Exactly…regardless, I’ve been with Zig for over a year, and prom is going to be coming up soon and I love him. End of story. I love Zig Novak.
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...Right. Of course. That’s why you slept with me after i told you I liked you. God forbid you go to prom with a girl and not a guy! God forbid someone be seen with me in such a place as my date! Keep telling yourself you love him, Zoe. Whatever buries the truth.
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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What do you think? Do you honestly want to won up and be like “Sorry BFF, I fucked your girlfriend! Oopsies!”
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...Okay, you have a point. Though I’d never say that. I don’t say “oopsies” and you know it.
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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Well, I was going to throw it away. Somehow, I think this little…conversation…has more to it than just a stupid granola bar on the ground.
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Whatever you say. Have you even told him yet?
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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“Well whatever it is Gracie, I’m still eating it.”
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“ Oh god, must you really call me Gracie? Of all things? Fine, Zig, eat your contaminated food. What Are you even eating? ”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
&& imogen ;
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“ you want me to do what ?? ”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
&& maya *
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“ do you ever just lie awake and   wonder what snakes would do if   they had arms, but no legs ?"  
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
&& fiona “
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“ w h o a !! sorry !!  i didn’t mean to run into you, i swear. i wasn’t  paying attention. "  
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
Person A of your OTP is a recovering drug addict and person B helps them through detox.
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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starter call !!  like this for a random starter from grace !!
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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Multi-Universe, Literate, Degrassi Floater RP Account
Hi, I’m Shelby, and I used to float as Tori Santamaria, but now I’m back with Degrassi’s latest drama queen!
I would like to ship Zoe with the following characters: (bolded are my OTPS)
Zig Novak
Winston Chu
Grace Cardinal
Miles Hollingsworth
Tiny Bell
Maya Matlin
Eli Goldsworthy
Drew Torres
Frankie Hollingsworth
Hunter Hollingsworth
Adam Torres
Campbell Saunders
I am open to any and all plot ideas, including the ones I have on my plots page, as well as more characters (OC and canon) than the ones I have listed!
Let’s partner up. c:
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
&& zig !
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“ why do you love ruining things for me ?? y’know what, i’m going to eat this food full of small living beings, && i’m gonna love every second of it !! ”
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“ because i’m a massive bitch,  obviously !! damn, you’re certainly  a badass, Novak. good for you ”
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fakegraceout-blog · 9 years
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“10 second rule Cardinal”
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" we both know that was more of a 60 second rule, Novak "
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