fakeredsauce · 3 years
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— Mary Oliver, ‘north country’
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
How to not f*** up your goals!
As promised I have reviewed some research about how to set obtainable goals and actually reach them. January always gets me riled up both at work and personally to set goals to work on for the year. 
Since becoming a mom a couple years ago, I have really focused in on this path of “finding myself” in hopes it will help me to be the best mom I can possibly be for my son. I’m hoping to break generational repeats of f***ing people up. 
At the end of 2021 I set measurable goals, as mentioned in my last post, to work toward this year, at work. I’ve been brainstorming my personal goals but haven’t committed or manifested on any yet (more on manifesting in a later post!!). SO I wanted to set myself (and tumblr world) up for success this year in setting our personal goals for 2022. 
First off, according to some older research Schneiderman (1988), we should have very specific goals with timelines and measurable objectives that we can meet along the way that help us reach our ultimate goal. 
Secondly, it helps if we make a plan for obstacles we expect to hit while trying to reach the goal! We should label any consequences we expect from reaching the goal. Reminder: Consequences can be good and bad, the actual definition of consequences are just actions that happen after something occurs (double click on the heart if you are a behavior analyst and love that I just touched on this LOL). 
Before we can meet the above mentioned specificity of our goals; how do we pick and narrow down our goals??!! 
I found Michael Hyatt’s book, “Your Best Year Ever”, where he declares that there are 10 parts of life that make our lives whole. I will present those below. If you are looking for ideas for goals or where to start maybe selecting from one of these categories (or a few) to focus on for 2022??? That’s my game plan!! 
spiritual: your connection to god 
intellectual: your engagement with significant ideas
emotional: your psychological health 
physical: your bodily health
marital: your spouse of significant other
parental: your children if you have any
social: your friends and associates
vocational: your profession
avocational: our hobbies and pastime 
financial: your personal and family finances 
If you are STILL READING AND HERE WITH ME let’s set our goals!!!!! 
My Goals for 2022: 
1. Explore my writing (measurable objectives will include: write at least 3 posts monthly on my blog and read one book/masterpiece every 6 weeks (because reading=good writing). 
2. Work on my manifestations (measurable objectives will include: decide on which manifestations I will say to myself every night before I fall asleep and actually do it each night, tell myself what I am grateful for each morning.)
3. Professionally develop my leadership skills (measurable objectives will include: reading leadership resources, find a couple leaders to follow on social media, listen to a leadership podcast once per month during my commute). 
4. Work on my physical health (measurable objectives will include: do any form of activity that requires my body to move 3 times per week, try to eat at least one vegetable almost every day- hopefully this will help my son eat more veggies too!!). 
There you have it folks! Hopefully this post helped you out- if so, list your goals below we can keep each other pumped up and motivated to do this in 2022 !!!!
Hope you stick around!
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
the easiest way to manifest is literally just acting as if.
Who is this new version of you?
How do they dress?
What do they think about?
What do they enjoy doing in their spare time?
And the best part is, you can become this person now! You manifest what you are, not what you want. SO BE HER/HIM/THEM! What is there to lose?
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
Hi all! What are your goals for 2022???!!
My post for next weekend will be all about goals and how to make achievable goals for the new year! 🥳
Comment any goals you have been able to meet in the past or if you always struggle to meet goals that you set ??!! ✅✏️😌📝
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.
—Charles Schaefer
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
How did I not think of adding solar power to our gingerbread house this year !!!!!!????
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My solar powered gingerbread house, fully equipped with a home office and ready to decorate Christmas tree! The “gingerbread men” and decorative heart are homemade cookies! 🎄
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fakeredsauce · 3 years
The start of it all! 2022!
My first blog post. Let me scream it louder for the people in the back! MY FIRST BLOG POST! I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time and 2022 seems like the time to finally take the plunge! 
It hit me a few months ago when I sat down for my evaluation with my mentor/supervisor/badass boss that I had accomplished my dream job. I went back to school, furthered my education, and had been working at my dream job for a couple years, then she asked what are your new goals for this year? 
I blanked! What do I want to be now? Do I want to stay in the position I am in? Do I want to keep furthering my career in sexual abuse prevention? Or do I want to become a more administrative role? Do I want to do any of this at all still after having my son? These questions were eating at me. As I set some measurable goals for 2022 with her, it left me feeling lifeless. Like I had nothing to work towards!
Fast forward to this weekend, my husband and I were making what I call “weekend sauce”. Italian red sauce for the weekend with spaghetti, Italian sausage, and garlic bread (YUM). My husband watched me as I poured the jar of “prego” in the pan to heat up, and commented, “you going to add any garlic or anything?”. I immediately became defensive and started an argument about how if I wanted to add garlic I would’ve done so before adding the sauce to the pan. After thinking about this argument I started for no reason (LOL). I concluded that I had become defensive because FAKE RED SAUCE didn’t fit who I thought I was!!!!! 
My whole life I embraced my Italian heritage, my grandmother (who helped raise me), made sauce every week and we ate dinner by 3pm on Sundays (homemade sauce and meatballs). I moved up from the city to the Adirondacks and appreciated my Italian heritage and food experiences even more when I realized you can’t get a good sauce or pizza up here!!! 
Now look at me, heating a jar of “prego” for my family to eat. What would my grandmother say? I was ashamed and didn’t even know who I was anymore. I didn’t even know why I wasn’t making homemade sauce, or why I wasn’t embracing my heritage anymore? Do I care about sharing that with my son? OF COURSE! At some point, I stopped figuring out who I was and just did whatever was easiest. 
If you have read this far you now know why I am in this, why I have committed to this blog! To find myself again! To set goals! To share my experiences with you all as I set them! I also HATE fake information or information that isn’t evidence based so as I make decisions about life and explore myself I promise to share information with you that is evidence-based!!! <3 I hope you stick around! 
Ashley, fake red sauce. 
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