I have moved to a new blog. There’s nothing new here.
People that still want to rp with me my new URL is @yourenotreadyforus
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People that still want to rp with me my new URL is @yourenotreadyforus
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I discovered my Patronus is a Manx Cat on J.K Rowling’s Pottermore. Find out yours now: https://my.pottermore.com/patronus
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Guess who's painting glass stones instead of doing drafts. It's so fun. I can't help it. I think it'd be cute in some jewelry but I don't have the pieces for that yet.
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Reasons Role Players Abandon Their Blogs:
They get ignored, feel unwanted or easily replaceable.      – Insecurities have a way with getting the best of us. In a community where muns are dropped because real life restricts their time online, or someone else replies more quickly, it’s easy to feel like you don’t matter… Especially if you’re one of the blogs being dropped as though you’re nothing more than a reply generator. 
They feel like you’re only writing with them for their muse / that they’re part of a collection.      – Admit it, we all have our favorite face claims / characters that we want interactions with, but there’s a difference between loving a face claim or character, and collecting them like pokemon. No, kids… You really don’t have to catch them all. In fact, a lot of people get turned off and feel like they mean less to you because you have so many of the same muse writing with you, and definitely if all of your threads / interactions become too similar. 
They feel like you only want their muse for smut purposes.       – Who doesn’t love a good smut thread? Some people write only smut, and that’s fine, but there are some that don’t take their partner’s feelings into consideration. If you want to write smut, or do nothing but shippy things, that’s great. You do you and have fun. But some people don’t like when they’ve been hounded for smut over and over. Please be respectful of this fact.
“I’ll follow you/write with you everywhere!” except for that blog…      – We’ve all heard this from people that offer praise from time to time. I’ll write with every muse you’ve got! (until you slap a self promo on the dash for that female muse, that other-fandom muse or an oc you’ve poured your heart into… Then when you get excited about said muse, they lie to you with “I didn’t know that was you!” as though they’d missed the 30 self reblogs of that promo you made for your new muse. 
Too many ‘tell me you like me’ memes reblogged, but not sent in.      – As much as we all hate feeling like nothing more than a meme archive, these are the worst memes to get swiped from your blog, only to receive nothing in your inbox. It wouldn’t kill you to send in the symbol or a little bit of something to make someone feel good. You’re following them for a reason, aren’t you? Tell them that!
They get ignored out of character simply because they aren’t sending constant replies, memes, etc.      – People seem to think that, if you aren’t keeping their muse entertained, you aren’t worth talking to as a person. You see them on the dash talking about having no one, about needing attention, and you think ‘then… what am I to them?’ Just because your partner isn’t clinging to your muse and making you their top priority doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them out of character, that you can’t plot with the other muses they have so you’re interacting, no matter which blog either of you are on. There are people behind these blogs. Living, breathing people that - if they liked you on one blog, they should like you on another. Stop treating them like only your favorite muse of theirs matters – not the writer behind it. 
… They lost muse
Sometimes it pays off to send a little random love and positivity to people. You never know when someone could be seconds away from never signing on again. Tell your partners what a great job they’re doing, that you appreciate them as a mun and as an rp partner, and that you value their attention and interactions. It only takes a few seconds to share a few nice words and let someone know that they mean something. 
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To my writing partners
This thankfully hasn’t really come up yet but I wanted to throw up a quick reminder to all of you that there is never any need to feel embarrassed, foolish, or “silly” for reacting strongly to a certain subject. 
If we are roleplaying something dark/sensitive/nsfw, which I may do because I like to cover a lot of subjects in my writing, please, please remember that you can back out at any time. Even if we are in the middle of writing the scene. Even if we’ve planned the scene way in advance. Maybe you thought you could handle a violent scene, but then when the moment actually came, it just really got to you. That’s ok. We’ll stop.
Your comfort is always more important to me than the story. 
We can time-skip the scene. We can do a different thread entirely, if that’s what you feel like you need. Communication is key to any relationship, and that includes between RP partners. 
On that note, if you read my roleplays and I haven’t tagged something that triggers you, please just send me a message. Even if it’s on anon. I’ll gladly make a new tag for it. 
Stay safe and have fun, buddies.
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Loving yourself is not (necessarily):
Thinking you’re gorgeous
Not wanting to change anything about your body, personality, or life
Loving yourself is:
Knowing you have inherent worth regardless of your physical appearance or life circumstance
Knowing you deserve good things
Wanting to take care of yourself because you deserve good things
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the worst!!! thing!!! is having certain names POISONED for you……every time you hear That Name your gut twists and you feel sick and unsettled or angry
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[angry whisper] do u even know how fricking cute u are
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I mean I've basically been doing the same thing. I just love Jake so much. The amount of drafts I have is ridiculous but I honestly can't help it I'm exausted most of the week. For my part I'll be less exausted on Sunday. So there will probably be a shit ton of replies then.
Where I Have Been
Ok. I feel like this is gonna get hella fast so I might as well tell everyone.
I have had the flu all month.
All. Fucking. Month. least we think its the flu. Could be a zombie plague brewing but I digress. Also. I have a confession.
I have been basically spending all my time with @fallenxnotxbroken and I really feel shitty for it but… let a mother fucker live for a minute.
I just… would rather be with him then anyone else on this fucking rock. I know that sounds lame and like a cop out but it’s honestly the truth. I lose time when we are plotting, or talking or role playing and frankly … now  I know people who know me will be shocked at this but… I fucking like it.
I like having someone I can talk to about anything and they have my back. Where I can flirt with anyone I just… It’s kinda slowed. I have a few people I am dating as well, and a few I wanna do bad things with but man… I love him.
Yea yea I caught it bad. but I am overjoyed that he actually loves me back. I keep waiting on the other shoe to fall. Most people hurt me, so I have grown used to it. But I just… feel he won’t.
I’m still here though, and I am still role playing but I just get caught the fuck up with him. 
I guess my compass just found true North.
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That's your nickname forever now. If you're Lucifer I'm gonna jump straight into hell. It'll be hot but not from the fire.
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So my lovely fiance renamed me on Telegram. @fallenxnotxbroken
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Why you gotta drag me like this bae. 
But on the other hand.
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to make up for that time when he withheld the m&ms .
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Black Panther #6
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Cause I know you like it. Feel free to nickname me whatever you want too.
So my lovely fiance renamed me on Telegram. @fallenxnotxbroken
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Why you gotta drag me like this bae. 
But on the other hand.
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Psh. Woman those are my default expressions.
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Originally posted by mrslinwood
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Okay, a house was good. No fluorescent lights. No security checks. Yeah, he'd be okay there. "Danke,I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble."
Change You Never Asked For
Everything seems to have slowed down. Despite the fact that Kurt is bleeding heavily from his side he doesn’t seem to be panicking. He must be in a bit of shock. Whatever attacked him has long since fled thankfully. Though Kurt’s not sure exactly what it was. He presses a hand to the wound while the other searches his pockets for his cell phone. @scarredbymonsters
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I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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