Monotheatre 2 | The Tale of the Bodyguard
tw: bullying
It is at that point you see Monomi appear on the television screens, and she seems to pull out a card from a deck just as she had done before.
She speaks aloud at this point, lilting tone carrying her through:
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There once was a valiant protector.
Justice has been born from the seeds of government officials, important people surely.
Important people do important things, things that can’t accept a child waltzing into their lives.
But he doesn’t mind.
He trusts them and lives in solitude. He learns to harden himself and how to stand on his own two feet.
He’s not entirely alone though.
Justice grows up with a friend, someone who propels him to action out of compassion.
There’s another force who rules over everyone with fear and power, a person who could truly ruin everyone’s life if he so wished it.
And his wish right now?
To bully and belittle the friend of Justice.
But they say justice is blind. Justice fears no one and risks expulsion for the sake of his friend.
Expulsion doesn’t come but rather a peace.
This peace was brought not only by his own courage but by those that once feared the bully too.
They rally together, calling to keep their light of honor, the one who finally did what none of them could do without shaking at the thought.
It’s as if his good deed had been the only trigger they needed to take a step to a warmer place.
Junior high graduation comes and with the season of cherry blossoms, of new beginnings comes a farewell.
“Goodbye,” they say, Justice and his friend, to one another. Off to different paths they go.
Still, that moment where Justice performed the role of a savior imprints itself into people’s minds even if the two involved parties are no longer together.
That event tells people that Justice is born to protect.
Small jobs trickle in, and trickling eventually becomes a rapid incoming flow.
He becomes a shield for not only his classmates but also for celebrities, for sparkling gems of society.
Defender of many, he manages to gain the trust of a manager for a beatboxing group. She calls him out to a mansion and look who’s there.
His friend, the very first person he had ever jumped to save.
He accepts Justice, lets him into his group and there are some ups and there are some downs.
Hats are stolen, fangirls are wild, bullets are shot.
But perhaps the most intense moment of all since this reunion had been finding out Justice’s blossoming feelings for the first boy he’s ever protected.
Their love becomes public, Justice becomes even more known.
Yet even with this new publicity, mysteries shroud him.
But mysteries inspire intrigue, and curiosity pulls in an academy. They give him a letter of future fortune based on all he’s done.
He thinks of saying no, of staying where he is sure people need him. He must protect this group. He must be their shield.
But they tell him not to lose this chance. That they can go without their shield for a while.
So he goes, he leaves them all behind…
This was the right thing to do, right?
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed…
True justice is the acceptance of responsibility, whether it be the actions of others or your own. Do not let dishonesty cloud your judgement.
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Monofile: Justice
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Victim: Harada Saito Location of Body: Food Court Cause of Death: Blunt Trauma Time of Death: 3:09AM
The victim is Harada Saito. The time of death was 3:09AM. The body is located in the food court, prone against the ground face-up. Various alterations on the body can be found amongst the stench of blood.
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Chapter 2 | Got Your Back
( tw: blood, bruising )
Monokuma’s announcement keeps replaying in your mind, and you think back on the noises that you heard coming from the food court a few seconds ago. Without wasting any time, you make your way, not wanting to keep anyone waiting.
You immediately spot a small crowd of people in the centre of the court, consisting of Atsuko, Takaku, Otoha, Kimiko and Mayurakazuemiko, looking down at the ground in front of them.
And even though it was clearly said in the announcement, you still had hope that there wasn’t a body, that this was all just some sick and twisted joke.
But, from just one look at what the group was staring at, all of your hopes were quickly dashed.
Keep reading
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“Sadly no. Honestly closing would be for the best but our captors are weird so I don’t think this place is shutting down anytime soon.”
He turns around to focus his attention on Harada again. It was like seeing a child being in a candy store for the first time. Okay it didn’t make a lot of sense now that he thought about it more but its not like Takeru heard what he said.
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“Uh okay where do you want to go? I don’t really care where we go.”
He’d be lying if he said that Takeru’s sudden turn didn’t startle him. As much as he’d like to.
(I don't know what to title this) (Harada) (Motive Reaction/Takeru)
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Now that they’re right next to each other Harada can’t help but notice how huge their height difference is. He eyes furrow as he looks at the fish hooks Takeru is holding.
He starts playing with the lighter in his hand. He needed some kind of an excuse to keep it.
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“While this place has a lot of things I don’t a lake or an ocean are a part of them. Unless there’s a sewer here. I doubt anyone here would want to fish in a sewer though.”
He stops playing with his lighter and takes out both of his hands. Cracking each of his knuckles.
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“I don’t know why I’m here either. I didn’t have anything else to do so my mind kind of just went blank with my legs taking me to my next destination.”
Harada stares awkwardly at the smaller male as he looks at the other tools the shop sells. Harada not knowing what to say.
(I don't know what to title this) (Harada) (Motive Reaction/Takeru)
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(I don't know what to title this) (Harada) (Motive Reaction/Takeru)
TW Swearing (Just to be sure)
Harada had just finished his breakfast when his e-handbook started to vibrate. Checking to see what was going on he opened the call. So a new motive huh? And this time your secret would be revealed publicly unless someone killed. Honestly he didn’t have anything to worry about. He can only think of one thing that his secret to be and it’s more embarrassing than dark. But he knew the same couldn’t be said for the others because a few minutes after the motive was revealed, Yvon’s secret was publicized.
Then Otoha’s.
Then Yoshiko’s.
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Honestly all of theirs were way worse than what his might be. Being an illegitimate child. Unknowingly helping their family charge their significant other with false charges and using it to their advantage when they found out. And even being forced to do illegal actives by their friend group.
“Wow I feel so sorry for you guys. Am I the only one who had a normal life?”
And with that he went to go somewhere else.
His mindless strolling took him to Tuna Elite Hunting. He didn’t know what drew him towards the fishing store. He has never even fished in his life. Hell, this shouldn’t even be in a train station. There are no bodies of water here, unless sewer fishing counts.
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“God this place makes no sense.”
But before he could even look around to see what the store offered he saw someone else looking around. Seeing the short, light brown hair immediately clued Harada in on who the person was. Trying to make an effort to be more social he goes up to the smaller teen.
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“Nice to see ya Takeru-san! What brings you to a place like this?”
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(Self care) (Harada) (Monomachine Reaction)
Before talking to more of his classmates Harada decided to take a small break. Realizing he has more monocoins he decided to spend his freetime at the monomachine. Making a beeline towards the monomachine he puts in both of his coins.
While he waits Harada thinks back to what he got previously.
A TI-84,
a Yu-Gi-Oh card called “Pot of Greed”,
Aki’s School Uniform
He cringes slightly. Praying that he won’t get something as weird as that. Finally the monomachine stopped, pulling Harada out of his thoughts. He goes up to see what he got. Praying once more for things that could actually be useful.
[Item No. 023] Lighter
Harada looks at the lighter in his hand. Well this was absolutely useless. Not only is he not old enough to smoke. But even if he was he doesn’t have any cigarettes with him. So Harada shoved the lighter into his jacket pocket. Making sure not to light his clothes on fire.
And with that he looks at the other thing he got.
[Item No. 121] Harada’s School Uniform
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What were the odds of this happening? He honestly didn’t know what to say. On one hand he was happy he didn’t get someone else’s uniform again. On the other, the fact that they have his school uniform makes him extremely uncomfortable.
He takes his uniform and heads out. Taking another look at what he got and leaves, looking for the last person on his apology list.
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(Sometimes, even lions cry) (Harada) (Execution Reaction)
Tw Emetophobia
A silence filled the trial room as Monokuma talked about how victorious they were. How they were able to find the true killer. But Harada didn’t care what he had to say. Instead thinking about what he had said to Atsuko, and ZenZen, and Ryuunosuke. He even thought about what he had done to Mayura. Wow he was a really huge jerk to a lot of people.
He got out of his stupor when the 30 minutes had finally passed. Briefly surprised when ZenZen was dragged out of the trial room. And when the screen turned on he…………………………
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“I-I’m so sorry.”
How could he even respond to that? ZenZen (Michiru?) was put into some kind of virtual simulation. Was chased by a virtual bear. And right when it seemed he had escaped his execution, was immediately electrocuted.
Harada clutched his chest tightly. Trying not to throw up like when he saw Hideyoshi’s body. Breathing monotonously he’s able to stop himself from vomiting. 
Looking back at the screen Harada shudders.
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“God I need to sleep.”
And with that he heads back to his room. Making sure to get some much needed rest.
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                                              CHAPTER ONE END.
                                        Remaining Students: 18/20.
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(Lots of apologies needed) (Harada) (Trial 1) (RE: ZenZen)
Harada kicks his podium, not extremely hard but hard enough that both of his podium-mates could hear it. Yet again lashing out at someone else doesn’t help him feel better. He just feels more miserable.
Opening his mouth to apologize Harada instead closes it back up. He’s going to talk to Mayura and Ryuu later so why not just tack on Atsuko as well. God he had a lot of people he needed to make amends with. Excluding Takaku.
Instead he listens to ZenZen has to say. Feeling more guilty with each passing sentence. 
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“I’m sorry ZenZen-san for my reckless comments I made towards you. There’s no justifiable reason for what I said and I can only ask for your forgiveness. There’s no way to sugarcoat this but I hope your last moments are quick and painless. If there’s one silver lining out of all of this it’s that you’ll be able to see your loved one again, whoever they may be.”
He looks away from the bear-headed student. Somehow even though his face is obscured Harada can still feel the sadness emanating from his helmet.
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“And if you see Hideyoshi, tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t save him." 
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(Y'all hear sumn?) (Harada) (Trial 1) (RE: Confession and Atsuko)
Tw Lots of Swearing
The revelation that ZenZen was the killer and not Misaki through Harada for a loop. He was extremely angry at the fact that he was wrong but was able to hide it. Instead he leans near Misaki and turns his head to face her.
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“Sorry about accusing you.”
After he finishes he turns back to his podiumn and stares at ZenZen. Chuckling at the internet moderators attempt at getting them to not vote for him.
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“Wow ZenZen-san for having a talent that deals with technology you sure are a complete idiot. Do you honestly expect any of us to not vote for you? Rest in fucking pieces.”
And with that Harada was content with letting everything play out. Knowing there was nothing else he needed to add.
That is until a certain barista addressed him.
Harada glared maliciously at Atsuko as she kept talking about him. His hands clenched tightly together as his knuckles started to turn white. But he took a deep breath before speaking up.
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“You know something Atsuko-san?”
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“Is everything you say such absolute shit or do you just always have a stick up your ass? Because during this entire trial all you’ve been doing is getting passive aggressive with everyone you have even a slight problem with. You think I’m conceited? Try looking at a damn mirror for once you absolute hypocrite.”
Don’t think I didn’t see you, slamming your hand on the half of the handbook that contained the ‘kill’ button. 
When those words finally registered in Harada’s brain his whole body froze. He couldn’t hide his anger anymore. But instead of being directed to ZenZen it now focused on Atsuko. He opened up his clenched his podium. His nails digging deep into it.
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“St-Stop smiling you piece of garbage. Yeah I pressed kill. I did it to save my fucking boyfriend. You don’t think I regret what I did? I may be a huge jerk to you but a person died in front of my eyes. Of course that scarred me. So shut up with your bullshit speech about how awful I am when you know nothing about what I’ve been through.“ 
Harada looks to his side. Trying not to go mental on her.
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“I hope you’re the next victim.”
So much for trying to be a better person.
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(My time has come) (Harada) (Trial 1) (RE: Aki/ATTN: Everyone)
As Mayura kept going on about how they shouldn’t be talking about murder and that they should get going to meet Hideyoshi Harada’s perlplexed expression morphed into one of concern. Although he was able to not show it visibly.
Could it be because of-
He snapped out of his thoughts. This is not the time to be thinking about this. Not when there are more important matters to focus on. The faster they are in finding out Hideyoshi’s killer the faster it’ll be when Harada can take a much needed nap
And so Harada made a mental note to have a talk with Mayura after this was over before listening in on what the others had to say. When Aki talked to her groupmates about the other piece of evidence they had found he couldn’t help but grin. 
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“Thanks for giving me the opportunity to reveal our group’s greatest find Aki-san.”
And with that he shuffles through his jacket pocket yet again. After a few seconds he makes an audible “ah ha!” and takes something out that only Yoshiko and Misaki can kind of see.
Lifting his hand in the air Harada looks at his classmates as he speaks, making to sure to boost his voice a little to so everyone could hear him. It seems his encounter with Ryuu did change him a little.
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  “What I have before you are three strands of hair which I found on one of the train seats, albeit there were more than just these three I have.”
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“Another thing to note about these hair strands is that they’re short in length and are of an orange hue, but when it’s in the light it looks a bit more yellow. No doubt these are from the killer"   
The bodyguards turns to his right. Looking directly at Misaki, his grin turning back into a frown.
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"Misaki-san you’re the only one here with orange hair so there’s no way it isn’t you. Sorry not sorry but consider my vote ensured.”
And with that he makes his decision.
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(What in tarnation?!) (Harada) (RE: Mayura's tomfoolery)
Tw Swearing
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What the fuck?
If Harada was dumbfounded by what Mayura had said earlier then he was utterly stupefied by what she said now. Does she really think that he’s lying? It took him a solid minute to think of what to say to all of That.
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“Umenoyakakutani-san you do realize Robochick, Aki-san, Takeru-san, Yoshiko-san, and No Name-san can vouch for me right? And I can just pass it around so everyone else can see for themselves.”
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(Mads and Lads of the court) (Harada) (Trial 1) (RE: ZenZen and Mayurakazuemiko)
Finally the trial was starting. Harada made his way to his podium. Nodding to both Misaki and Yoshiko. Although he looked as stoic as he always did Harada held a bit confidence in what he and his group had found. Not knowing what to say he decided to wait and see what the others had to offer.
Oh yeah he forgot that he hasn’t met half of his class yet. Giving them his name would probably be a good idea.
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“Name’s Harada Saito, I’m the Shsl Bodyguard. I take the occasional oddjob here and there but I’m mainly the head bodyguard for the boy group F∀LLING ST∀RS.”
Putting his right elbow on his podium Harada layed his head on his right hand. Trying not to get bored by what the others were talking about. He wished he could share his most important find but he’d just have to wait.
Listening to what Mayura had to say caused him to feel dumbfounded. Contemplating whether to tell her that Hideyoshi was actually dead or not after what had happened during their investigation. But what if she didn’t realize he was dead. Harada had to set her on the right path.
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“Uh Umenoyakakutani-san……………..he’s dead. I don’t think the blood’s just for show.”
He was hoping she wouldn’t get mad at him like before but he honestly doubts it. The fear of how Mayura would react subsided as ZenZen talked about what his group had found. Perking up, Harada takes something out of his jacket pocket. He then hangs it high so everyone could see it.
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“Hey bear dude-or whatever your name is! Is this what you are talking about?”
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“For all of you who can’t see it this is a towel me and Mayura found in one of the train luggage compartments. It has a red smear on it and was damp when we found it.”
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Chapter 1 | Hanged Man’s Stage
Regardless of your feelings on the matter, Monokuma speaks up at this point.
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“Take your places! If you need, I’ll go down the list and tell ya which one’s meant for whom and junk.”
Your two overseers bring themselves to the very rightward area of the room where tall seats for them have been reserved. They have their own stands, perhaps making them look the part of actually being judges in this bizarre location. Footsteps clack against the black-and-white checkerboard pattern flooring – a little bit like a chessboard in a way.
The only other thing of note right away is the chandelier hanging in the center of the room. It shines in a way too bright for this bleak situation.
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“You will all be given a few hours to discuss the case, and then at any point you may vote for who the killer is or change your vote. What everyone votes for is a secret, so you’ll only find out at the end of the trial who was voted for…
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“If a simple majority votes for the culprit, then they will receive punishment… however, getting it wrong will doom another one of your classmates. The killer will get away with murder, while one person who was voted for will be punished instead…”
When you look down to find a way to vote, you note that this is just a normal podium in front of you sans a place to rest your e-handbook, a perfect little area to insert it in without it falling out.
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“Upupu… looks like you guys were lookin’ for something, huh? Well, if you’re jumping to vote for someone right away, you can do that through a new tab on your handbooks. It should have an icon for every person here.”
For those who took out their e-handbooks to look, indeed a new feature had been unlocked since investigation’s end. Twenty circle icons, each one depicting a different student, was available to tap on. Tapping on one would highlight it as your choice of killer.
The late gambler, despite being departed from you all, and marked in grayscale, could also be voted for.
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“…I wish you all good luck.”
With that, the nineteen of you were left to your own devices, grouped together in that ring in a makeshift courtroom with primarily one objective: to find out the answer to one question…
Who killed Hideyoshi Kishi?
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Chapter 1 | Circle of Prosecution
When you arrive to your stop, a similar platform to the others greets you. However, it’s been decorate with a couple of plants in vases as well as some couches to lounge upon. It’s a bit of makeshift waiting area. Unlike the other two areas you have been to, however, there is no greater area to be looking around.
It is merely here and an elevator on one wall. Next to it is a card reader, and Monokuma and Monomi are already in the area waiting for you all.
Group C makes it there first, but a little while later Investigation Groups A and B file out and it is then that Monokuma takes out his keycard and has the reader scan it. With that, the seemingly unresponsive lift opens, revealing itself to be large enough to accomodate all twenty-one of its passengers.
Your chaperones lead you in, and whether it be curiosity or dread that compels you, you all get in. The button marked ‘0’ is pressed and you descend, deeper and farther down.
When you come to your second destination, a round room is what awaits you. The curved wall is clearly a digital screen that is currently projecting an area of opulence. Golden halls, expensive chandeliers, and red carpets surround you, though of course they’re all fake.
What isn’t fake is the circle of twenty podiums in the center of the room.
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Each one has a roman numeral carved into their front. The podium with the mark for twelve has a portrait of your most recently deceased classmate. It’s decorated to be similar to those at funerals but stands on a support of sorts to mimic his height. Over top of his face is a large, stylized ‘X’ in crimson…
A ghastly reminder of how your numbers have fallen. 
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Chapter 1 | All Things Come to a Close
It’s been around half an hour since the last message indicating that a team has found all their clues had been sent. It is then that the PA system comes to life and out from it rings a rather familiar voice, one of the male chaperone.
“Heeeello! Alright, that’s enough. I see some of you tryin’ to look for things even though I’m preeetty sure the boys sent a message to your handbooks sayin’ you’re done. Can’t say that determined, do-it-all spirit isn’t appealing though.”
A hearty laugh rings through.
“Sorry to keep you all waiting. Let’s just chop to it, alright? Group C, just head back on the train you came on and it’ll take you to the trial. Everyone else, we’re letting you take a ride on the train on track 17. Yes, that means Group A needs to shove it too and switch trains ‘less you want A-30N to get on your case. Kurusu-san, you have free reign to get ‘em to move too! Just uh… make sure they can still be fine later, yeah?”
“(…She DOES have features that lets her do that without… y’know… right?)”
You listen to Monokuma confusedly mutter to himself (maybe someone else?), his voice farther away than it previously was but after a few moments of hearing someone else say something back, something less easy to parse, he returns as loud and clear as he was before.
“I KNOW you lot heard me, so move it!”
The announcement cuts out there at last, and though there’s a bit of a mystery with how these things operate, you all find yourselves boarding a vehicle to get yourself to an unknown destination. Partially separated, partially reunited for some, this train ride feels longer than the usual ones and looks out the window only greets you to vague blurs of unrecognizable stops before everything eventually halts.
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