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just thinking about the moon and stuff.
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cashiers don’t actually care what you buy you could buy a fork a toaster and a bath plug and i wouldnt notice all i’m thinking abt is “in five min it will be one hour until two hours before i can go home”
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ESPN: “The Body Issue” Amanda Bingson, Paige Selenski, Natalie Coughlin, Leticia Bufoni, Ali Krieger, Aly Raisman,
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I’ve seen the shortened version of Cab Calloway’s St James Infirmary Blues from the Betty Boop Snow White 1933 cartoon on Tumblr a few times, thought you’d all like the full version.
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🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱
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Am I the only one whose internet addiction started with my parents not letting me fucking go anywhere
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when you worry about your future:
I let go of worries that drain my energy.
I make smart, calculated plans for my future.
I attract wealth and abundance.
I am in complete charge of planning for my future.
I trust in my own ability to provide well for myself .
when you can’t get your loved ones to support your dreams:
I follow my dreams no matter what.
I show compassion in helping my loved ones understand my dreams.
I answer questions about my dreams without getting defensive.
my loved ones love me even without fully grappling with my dreams.
I accept everyone as they are and continue on with pursing my dream.
when you come face to face with a problem:
I am safe and sound. all is well
everything works out for my highest good.
there is a great reason this is unfolding before me now.
I have the smarts and the ability to get through this.
all my problems have a solution.
when you want to do more with your life but feel stuck:
I attempt all- not some - possible ways to get unstuck.
I seek a new way of thinking about this situation.
the answer is right before me, even if I am not seeing it yet.
I believe in my ability to unlock the way and set myself free.
when you can’t stop comparing yourself to others:
I have no right to compare myself to anyone for I do not know their full story.
I compare myself only to my highest self.
I choose to see the light that I am to this world.
I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances.
I see myself as a gift to my people, my community, and to the world.
when you feel you are not good enough no matter how hard you try:
I am more than good enough and I get better everyday.
I give up the habit to criticize myself.
I adopt the mindset to praise myself.
I see the perfection in all my flaws and all my genius.
I fully approve of who I am, even as I get better.
I am a good person.
when you want to give up:
I cannot give up until I have tried every conceivable way.
I press on because I believe in my path.
It is always too early to give up on my goals.
I must know what awaits me at the end of this rope so I do not give up.
when you recognize how powerful, gifted, talented, and brilliant you really are:
the past has no power over me anymore.
I embrace the rhythm and the flowing of my own heart.
all that I need comes to me at the right time and place in this life.
I am deeply fulfilled with who I am.
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The difference between a bisexual person and a pansexual person is that a bi person identifies as bi and a pan person identifies as pan and you don't get to fucking tell them that their understanding of their own sexuality is wrong
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