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@rajas-gemini​ @anti-socialboss-blog​ @halfahipster​ @unpopulatte​ @mymsew​ @mashnncake-blog​ @5secondsoftexting​ @aestheticallyharries​ @watch-itt-spaceman​ @music-asylum99​ @southsideangel​ @lovefivesecondsof1d​ @nonfoulens​ @sophiegrape​
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@rajas-gemini​ @anti-socialboss-blog​ @halfahipster​ @unpopulatte​ @mymsew​ @mashnncake-blog​ @5secondsoftexting​ @aestheticallyharries​ @watch-itt-spaceman​ @music-asylum99​ @southsideangel​ @lovefivesecondsof1d​ @nonfoulens​ @sophiegrape​
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@rajas-gemini​ @anti-socialboss-blog​ @halfahipster​ @unpopulatte​ @mymsew​ @mashnncake-blog​ @5secondsoftexting​ @aestheticallyharries​ @watch-itt-spaceman​ @music-asylum99​ @southsideangel​ @lovefivesecondsof1d​ @nonfoulens​ @sophiegrape​
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@rajas-gemini​ @anti-socialboss-blog​ @halfahipster​ @unpopulatte​ @mymsew​ @mashnncake-blog​ @5secondsoftexting​ @aestheticallyharries​ @watch-itt-spaceman​ @music-asylum99​ @southsideangel​ @lovefivesecondsof1d​ @nonfoulens​ @sophiegrape​
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it’s physically impossible to fit words into a venn diagram
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I’m one of these people
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Today, I fucked up... by taking some kids to the beach
Ok it wasn’t today. It was about a decade ago. But it lives to this day as the grandest fuck-up of my life.  I was one of the older kids in my church youth group, which was going on a road trip to the California coast. I was the only one in the group who had been in the area before, a few years previously on a vacation with my family.  Now, on my family vacation, we did what any family would do when visiting the California coast: we went to the beach, despite it being a slightly chilly, cloudy day – we only had a few days in the area, had to make the most of it of course. And what a beach! It was lovely, a little bay secluded down among some rocky cliffs, accessible only by a fairly steep goat-trail down from the sand dunes by the road. We were the only people there, which we attributed, probably correctly, to the less-than-ideal beach weather. There was no trash to be seen, no sign of human visits to the place besides the trail and some footprints in the bit that didn’t get hit by tides. We had a great time.  So of course, when the church youth group voted to spend a day at the beach, I mentioned that I knew where a really nice one was. I described it briefly, and everyone agreed, that was our beach of choice. So we headed that way. Down the trail, and now there’s all these prepubescent kids and young teenagers running around splashing in the water, goofing off and generally being kids at the beach.  And then one girl, the youngest one, about 11 years old, spots something, well… less than ideal for our purposes, about the beach. An older man, enjoying the sun, without a stitch of clothing on, and a lady in similar dress beside him. The girl’s jaw drops and she starts squeaking, eyes wide with shock, until the adult she had been talking to turns to see what’s the matter… and then promptly shepherds us all OFF THE BEACH.  TL;DR I accidentally took my entire church youth group to a nude beach.
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This honestly made me tear up. Imagining how great he must have felt that his planned worked and choosing that risk paid off. I also feel like him and the model have such good chemistry, they’re always so kind and loving to one another.
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Makiyah-Jae, 8, was forced to change her shirt that read “Black Girls Rock” after the principal at Popps Ferry Elementary found it problematic in early December.
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Last week my computer graphics professor (he is white) gave us an assignment. The project was to find an organization and make a poster for it. When I told him I my organization of choice was #blacklivesmatter he thought it was a great idea. Fast forward to today and now all of sudden it is a another story. Today he wanted to see what the class came up with so far. When it came time for him to view mine I could tell there were some issues. The awkward silence is what made me realize that my poster offended him. He told me that instead of using these I should make a new one, and that a lady with a blank face (no eyes/mouth) and afro with the words “black lives matter” would work better. He also told me how people (more specifically his parents) would be offended by this poster because of the American flag is on it, and that it could offend people who served this country like his dad. And then he told me that the bullseye looked like a target logo. So I kindly told him that those will be the two posters that I will be turning in and that I am not changing anything. When I told him that he basically said that if I don’t change it he will give me a low grade on it. Let this be a reminder, I DO NOT CARE IF MY ARTWORK OFFENDS ANYONE. I will always stand for what I create 110% , especially when it comes to the truth about black people, MY PEOPLE
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the absolute strangest part of Straight Culture™ is the widespread idea that men and women can’t be friends and it’s so offensive to me?? like this idea that a man can’t possibly enjoy a woman’s company unless they’re Banging and Romancing is not only grossly heteronormative, it’s also quite frankly misogynist and i for one am extremely tired
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i really hate it when people use the zodiac to justify certain actions like i don’t care if you’re a virgo cindy you’re being a bitch
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“you have already seen that band so you don’t need to go to their concert again” no u don’t understand
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Australians: m8 Pirates: m80
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