fallopian-toob · 6 years
mountain dew sounds like something a gentle witch would feed to her pet field mice to bless them but in reality its like drinking battery acid
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
someone: oh you’re bi! but if you had to choose would you choose boy or girl?
me: um don’t be ignorant that’s not how bisexuality works tf
me, internally, without hesitation: girls
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
tumblr should have a feature where if you use words like “gaslighting” “dissociation” and “intrusive thoughts” in a post you have to take a quiz before you post it that proves that you actually know what they mean
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
In shitty but unsurprising news, men leaving their wives who have been diagnosed with cancer is 5x more common than women leaving their husbands who have been diagnosed with cancer.
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
When my cat wants to play but I’m on my terf blog
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
Just saw this post on my dash and because the person who made it blocked me. I’ll answer here.  Their post: “Literally never gonna forgot the trans man that gave a speech at a women’s college about how he doesn’t yet have male privilege while he was the student body president. So you know a man so happened to rise politically to president had nothing to do with gender.” In American, 4 trans people have been elected into office. 4/4 of them were trans women or non-binary DMAB people.  In the rest of the world, 19 trans people have been elected. 19/19 of them were DMAB.  Trans women elected to office: 23 Trans men: 0 No trans men have been elected. None. 
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
I love butch femme culture
I love dressing to the nines with my wife and stopping traffic downtown because people are open mouth starring at us. 
I love it when the waiter puts my gin cocktail in front of my femme wife and then puts her neat bourbon in front of me. I wink at the waiter and switch the drinks. 
I love being the only (young) couple who knows how to waltz at weddings. We put on a show. 
I love how she looks in a pencil skirt. She loves my tie collection. 
I love how she kisses me on the forehead while I’m fixing things around the house.
I love it when a man asks me a question about car mechanics and I refer the question to her, my car high femme. 
I love that she puts a happy note in my lunch every day. 
I love how she has my measurements memorized so she can buy me nice shirts when she goes thrifting. 
I love how she still gets excited when I buy her flowers. 
I love when she bakes brownies and she always sets aside two for me, her sugar butch. 
I love how she inspires straight women to ask for more and expect more from their husbands/boyfriends. 
I love being a chivalrous butch and worshiping her as my queen. 
I love subverting gender norms/expectations. Anyone who knows us knows she is the boss. 
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
i identify as aja, but only from the valentina rant
Queen Larps, my eyes just laid on a very cursed image and I had to share. I’m half terrified, half amused.
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idk what Nico Tortellini’s mental state is like but if Alok and Aja don’t engage in a 1v1 fecal throwdown I’ll be shocked
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
What is so nuts about identity politics is that the words you use to identify yourself don’t have to have anything to do with who and what you actually are. Case in point women who “identify” as lesbians who also are comfortable having sex with male genitalia. Instead of thinking “I am okay with both vaginas and penises in my sex life I must actually be bisexual, not lesbian;” they think “I’m a lesbian who likes penises as well as vaginas, therefore lesbians can also like penis.”
Identity politics is all about wanting to assume some attribute you think is cool and then just saying you are the thing you are not but wish you were. After that if anyone questions you do mental gymnastics so that stating a fact is an act of hate against the group you wish you were part of but are not but now pretend to be and sheesh why isnt that enough?
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
Terf with a vulva as her icon and a url with the words d*ke or pussy in it: Trans “women” are just men fetishizing womyn and lesbians! They’re the real vagina fetishists!
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
“you dont HAVE to interact with their dick!! there are other positions :)” damn how dare a lesbian actively want pussy lmao. how dare she
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
i know men who have payed for sex and it is genuinely such a bizarre concept. 😞
Genuinely hope every single man who has ever even considered seeking out a prostituted woman drops dead
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
why is “lesbian icon” such a hard concept for y’all to grasp it is exactly the same thing as gay men stanning ariana grande or lady gaga……… like let lesbians have something without getting offended and trying to ruin it lol
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
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Exposed misogynist.
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
i'm @pinemaiden and i feel honoured in this chili's tonight
some terf witches to block
feel free to add more terf/transphobic witches to this !
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
people in leftbook groups when a tw is outed as a rapist or pedophile 
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fallopian-toob · 6 years
‘lesbophobic’ is actually a funny term because if you mean that as in “i hate gays and gay rights and hope lgbt+ people all die” then no, i’m really not
but if you mean ‘lesbophobic’ as in “i am instilled with deep fear at the sight of the word ‘lesbian’ after years of witnessing verbal and emotional abuse heaped on all my fellow queers by self-identified lesbians—some who fit the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist label and some who didn’t fit it, but were simply unknowing yes-men to the culture and ideals TERFs sowed in the lesbian community” then yeah
i guess i am
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