edilio escobar protection squad
750 posts
Name's Maddox, they/them pronouns. Here is where I post all Gone-related things.
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fallout--alley--youth--zone · 9 months ago
Nada Al-Muzaini is a Palestinian university student whose mother was killed in the bombings. She's taking care of her chronically ill father & her younger siblings, one of whom is only a year old. Please, if you can, donate to her gofundme.
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Israel is actively bombing Rafah. Time is running out.
Nada's gofundme - https://gofund.me/bf9b5575
Nada's Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@nada_sakher?_t=8mDW8PBu05e&_r=1
A tiktok explaining Nada's situation (pls boost this!!) - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4xy5Tg/
Ola Mohammed is a Palestinian mother of three children. She managed to escape to Egypt but recently gave birth and so has medical bills and very little money. Her daughter has asthma and requires medical care as well.
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Ola's gofundme - https://gofund.me/ecdf5649
Ola's Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ola.mohammed87?_t=8mDWKpgtII2&_r=1
A message from Ola herself (boost this too!!)
- Reblog this post
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- Make posts on every social media account you have
- Put their gofundme links in your bio
- Follow their Tiktok accounts & boost every video they make
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you know something that REALLY bothers me about the series ? the way brianna gets infantilised. by the author, by the characters, sometimes even by the fandom. she was only two years younger than the main gang, who were fifteen. if you were reading w no context you’d think by the way everyone treats her that brianna was like eight but she was thirteen by the end of the series. she’s canonically the same age as taylor. why is it that sam views brianna almost like a small child he needs to take care of but sees a potential romantic partner in taylor ? why is that taylor can command a certain amount of respect from people for her age and yet brianna gets treated like a toddler ? it’s never made any sense to me, and i doubt it ever will.
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you know something that REALLY bothers me about the series ? the way brianna gets infantilised. by the author, by the characters, sometimes even by the fandom. she was only two years younger than the main gang, who were fifteen. if you were reading w no context you’d think by the way everyone treats her that brianna was like eight but she was thirteen by the end of the series. she’s canonically the same age as taylor. why is it that sam views brianna almost like a small child he needs to take care of but sees a potential romantic partner in taylor ? why is that taylor can command a certain amount of respect from people for her age and yet brianna gets treated like a toddler ? it’s never made any sense to me, and i doubt it ever will.
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"A Pearl" by Mitski is soooo post-FAYZ Sastrid
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Astrid Ellison is my Roman Empire
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Problematic Representation in GONE by Michael Grant
Hello FAYZ Fandom!
I’m Jay. My friend and I are revisiting the Gone series on Booktube, as it was my favorite during my teen years.
I’ve come to realize that Gone was VERY problematic, and I want to discuss the those problematic portrayals in a future video. In my early research, here are some resources that I’ve found:
“On Diversity” a blog post written by Michael Grant (w/ some *interesting* takes on representation in his books)
“Aw, They Hate Me” … another blog post by MG after his first was … um, not well received.
“Review: The Gone series by Michael Grant” – which discusses problematic Austism rep with Little Pete’s character
“American Indians in Children’s Literature.” – discussing problematic Native American representation w/ Lana’s character.
If you know of any blog posts, articles, or online conversations w/in the Gone fandom that talk about those valid criticisms, please send them my way! I want to learn as much as I can while making this video. I also want to just dive into conversations with the Gone fandom: How do we feel about Michael Grant’s problematic representation? How does it affect our enjoyment of the Gone series? Do we feel like he has improved in future books (ex: the Monster Trilogy, which I haven’t read)? Hope to hear ppl’s thoughts! 
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Hey does anyone know when/where Diana was confirmed to be Latine? Same for Lana.
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Post #1
My name is sinder. Maybe that’s not the name I had when I was a baby. But it’s the name I had since I started to wear the black.
im writing this with not much hope that anyone will read it. internet out. Phones out. tv out. Nothing. Big electronic silence.
Still have power. Im typing this on my laptop. The wifi link still shows up. But there’s nothing not for two days. Nothing.
Scared kids. There’s plenty of those. We got a lot of scared kids. Me ? yah im scared. Oh my goth. I keep missing keys because I jump every time I hear a sound. I moved to the couch because I won’t sit with my back to the door. Not anymore.
Its stoopid of me even writing this. I used to have this blog. I got so I needed to write stuff down. Just so the crazies in my head wouldn’t get too intense. & now im doing this why? Because maybe some day all this goes back to normal and then ill show this to my friends and they’ll be all wow, you were really scared huh?
Or else maybe it doesn’t ever go back to normal. & maybe anyway I don’t make it. but maybe someone finds this in the future and figures out what happened. Maybe kids in school in the future will be reading this thinking what was up with that stooped babybat sinder?
So im typing this. Then I’ll scan it in too in case words screws up which wd not be a gigantic (!) its like someone just hacked the universe here in PB so im saving everything like 10 different ways.
This maybe all anyone ever hears from me again. It would suck if I lost it.
What happened? Everyone just poofed out of existence. Basically that’s it. I mean everyone whos older than 14. My mom is gone. My dad is gone too which is not the worst thing ever. but my mom I mean we fought and all but I never wanted her to die or whatever sometimes id say something like I wish you were dead but that was just me being an RW2 (Rhymes with Witch).
Mental huh? Im still keeping it clean in case my dad walks in and sees it and freaks, how lame am i? even now with him gone im scared of Him. I still hate him. I do. Im glad hes gone That’s the truth.
Bitter much sinder? Um yah. So what?
Are they all dead? No one knows. No one knows what happened to them all.
Anyway everyone just poofs out of existence. I was in the vices office getting yelled at. Again that would be a big (!) right ;) and suddenly  vice vicky is gone!! & I sit there staring at the air like a moron. & she’s still gone.
So I go out of the office & kids are all falling out, acting weird and crazy and yelling that there are no teachers anywhere. And then its like whoa there’s no phones or anything either. No worldwide anything.
Maybe you think cool that would be lovely-lovely. Maybe except it was all of a sudden & no one knows so its not exactly a party. I find jezzie and shes freaking out too just like me just like everyone and shes crying and black streaks all down her cheeks looking all panda and im suddenly realising so am i.
It would have been funny except that it wasn’t. it was lunatic because for a while all of us even the jocks & the surfers & the cheerleaders all the normals and conformists were scared together & so were we me and jezzie and trent (they like each other) &
Something going on in the street. brb
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I want to make a gone video essay so bad... if there's any book series i could talk abt for 5 hours
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Nobody understands the bond between a girl and the mediocre book she read when she was 13 years old.
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I was gonna make this post and then completely forgot. Anyways Drake & Penny should've been a buddy cop duo send tweet
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warning for anti-diana thoughts ahead (very controversial i know)
please don’t read if you are a diana fan like. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings i swear 😭
i will concede that this is very much YMMV but i’m still appalled by diana deciding to stick by caine the unrepentant pro-murder pro-torture dictator, who’s canonically tortured his classmates by putting their hands in cement blocks and depriving them of food/water for multiple days, bc, like, she has low self esteem 🤪
maybe bc it just strikes me as dumb writing. there’s lots of reasons that diana would stick with coates, but they’re not as flattering as making her a victim of circumstance and would require her ditching the detached sass and snark for actual vulnerability. but we can’t have that bc snark/meanness is her whole shtick and without it she’s not as palatable.
like she’s never pathetic, which is essential for redemption. mg enjoys her too much to make her truly pathetic/repulsive even when she’s at her lowest. she’s always like, guarded and self-referential in her loathing. but it doesn’t feel like actual self loathing to me, it feels like a superficial flagellation. I know she’s meant to hate herself deep down but that’s not inherently redemptive!
#i always saw it as like. diana is a character that relies on men whether she knows/wants to or not.#men are easier to manipulate and be around (internalized misogyny & manipulation as a survival mechanism)#and she has low self-esteem in a passive way until the FAYZ. 'oh yeah im a horrible person. whatever :eye_roll:'#the only reason she was spared the night that caine cemented everyone else is bc he liked her. that's it.#and i think her clinging to him is just survival. but also a deeper psychological thing where she NEEDS him.#something something. a woman who's been abused her whole life will think that's what love is.#but also. there's this little self-deprecating line at the end of gone that speaks volumes abt her character.#'the bad girl always goes with the bad guy'#diana tells herself that she only sticks with Caine bc it's smart. bc he's the strongest one in the fayz. bc (eventually) she's In Too Deep#and no one else would take her. and that’s true! but really -- deep DEEP down -- it's bc she hates herself. she thinks she & Caine#'deserve' each other#tl;dr: at first diana was with caine bc it was the 'smart' move. but sometime after the Thanksgiving battle she realized she needed to Make#a Decision. she chose Caine bc it was easier and after that figured even if she could turn back no one else would want her.#Caine was her only friend.#so w every atrocity that caine committed he dug her grave deeper. 'i cant leave NOW' she thought. 'ive seen too much. done too much.'
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hi! have you joined the gone discord that popped up recently?
Just did!
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I started a discord for any Gone Series (MIchael Grant) fans out there. It’s just begun so inactive right out, but people joining should help! We welcome anyone from die-hard fans, to people who’ve only read the first book but plan to read more, including those who read/will read the Monster triology.
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this may genuinely be the best thing ive ever created for this fandom.
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I really wish we'd seen more of Dekka's vulnerability, especially post-Plague.
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I really like the idea of Orc going by his middle name after the FAYZ (in an AU where he lived, obviously). Because Orc isn't him anymore, but neither is Charles, really.
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