fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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The main cast for Fallout: The Pony Vaults.
Side characters and other non main cast to come later.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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Finally we have Winter! That last of the main cast for Fallout: The Pony Vaults.
He is the younger brother of Moon Dust and is never far from her. He is part bat pony unlike his sister. They had the same dad but different moms.
After his wing is injured beyond repair, every doctor he sees tells him he'll never be able to fly again. Neither he or his sister have the caps to pay for a mod so he accepts that he'll grounded for good.
When Gears rescues the pair he asks to take a lot, only to tell Winter what he already knew. Gears takes them to his base and offers to replace the wing with a modded one free of charge.
While he only requires the pair to stay with him until the operation wound heals they end up never leaving.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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Meet Moon Dust!
She's Gear's best friend and an overall joy to all that meet her. She comes from vault 65 or otherwise known as New Hope City the largest Vault settlement in Equestria.
Moon Dust and her brother Winter often traveled the Wasteland to other settlements wanting to see what was out there. The pair have connections in most small settlements and a few bigger ones.
After a bad accident leaves Winter without use of one of his wings they make the long track home. They come into trouble along the way and are rescued by Gear's and brought back to his base. There Gear's takes a look at Winters wing and tells him he'll never be able to fly again with it.
He offers to remove the damaged wing and replace it with a modded wing he has in the base. He requests the pair stay with him until the wing is fully healed and shows no signs of rejection.
Moon Dust and Winter never end up leaving. Gears clears out a space for Moon Dust to set up her Medical workshop and she becomes his go to healer when modding himself along with other ponies.
She forms a strong bond with Blue even giving him that name after finding out Gears never named him.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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Next character is Chaos Strike
Son of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Discord he is the last surviving Royal. He is the only one of Twilight’s children to be immortal (unless killed) like his parents. He runs a settlement in the ruins of Ponyville called Castle City.
He becomes a good friend of Gears after an encounter during a rescue mission where both were in the same place to rescue two different pony’s.
He is a character that appears in both my Fallout AU and my Next Gen AU
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
BB - Years before the Bombs(100BB is 100 years before the Bombs dropped)
AB - Years After the Bombs (100AB is 100 years after the Bombs dropped)
Before the Fallout:
Everything starts when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her niece Princess Flurry Heart the go missing in 15BB. Their families searched everywhere for them, but they were never found.
In 05BB Princess Twilight's husband Prince Discord finally accepts she's gone and curls around the statue of her in the middle of the castles courtyard. He enters a deep sleep and becomes stone, not being able to live without his love. He leaves their children Sunrise, Lightning Prism and Chaos Strike to take over ruling Equestria
Since the disappearance of the the princess, tensions grew between Equestria and other countries Princess Candace and Prince Sunrise tried their best to keep the peace. In 02BB an all out war broke out and 2 years later the first bomb dropped. By Christmas that year the entire world was radiated.
Chaos Strike is the only royal child to survive the bombs dropping.
Anyone who was to close to where the bombs dropped but survived turned into Ghouls. Most of the population died. Only small handful of pony's survive the bombs on the surface and weren't turned.
In 45BB a company called Pony Vault started to create Vaults around the world. They claimed in the case of a war with nukes pony's who bought a space in these vaults would be safe. There were rumors that there were multiple countries with nukes. So pony's willingly paid to be part of these vaults.
About 75 % of these vaults were actually there to conduct experiments on it's habits with only 15% being controlled vaults where no experiments took place. There is an unknown number of vaults.
Pony Vaults are responsible for both the disappearances of the princess and the war.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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This 32CA or Blue as he's later called.
Part of my Mlp Fallout Au.
Originally made as a helper bot before the war, he served a small family in Canterlot city until the bombs dropped. The family didn't survive the bombs and Blue was broken down. He stayed in the house he for 170 years when Gears finds him.
Gears decides to take him back to their base to restore. During the final stages Gears attempts to use their magic to make coding his AI easier. But their magic is unstable and unreliable which leads to Gears accidentally giving the bot life and not AI.
Blue is now capable of feelings and emotions and thinking for himself. This ruins Gears original plan to sell him once restored because they believe it would be inhuman. Instead they let him stay with them helping around the base.
Blue has no combat skills because he was never meant for fighting, so he is not equipped with any weapons or knowledge of fighting. He remembers everything about his old 'life' and just wants to continue being a helper bot.
Later when Moon Dust and Winter join up with Gears, Moon Dust gives him the name Blue.
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fallouttheponyvaults · 5 months
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I felt like making my own MLP Fallout Au. I have never read nor do I know anything about Fallout Equestria other than it exists. That being said this is Gears also commonly called V200.
Gears was born in Vault 200 150 years after a nuclear war. Vault 200 was an experiment vault that is raided when Gears is 15 and he manages to get out. He spent his early years being experimented on resulting in his metal wings. The overseers wanted to find a way to create new alicorns. Once he gets out he spends his time surviving the wasteland and building new improvements for his wings and other body mods. He made his claws and hoof blades himself. He loves creating new weapons and other body mods that he sells to nearby settlements.
Gears can be found in his workshop, an old library in a small abandoned town near the ruins of Canterlot.
If you like my art you can find more on my instagram Renniguess.
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