fallsbled · 4 years
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BLAIR CALVERT is TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD. People say they look like SAMMI HANRATTY, but they don’t see it. They were once known as MATILDA DIXON from DARKNESS FALLS, but now they’re just your average Villain. I’d watch out if I were you, I wouldn’t want to get on anyone’s bad side. You never know what might happen…
blair is unhinged. you’d think you’d seen enough of it in deacon falls to know what it looks like, but she is on a whole other level. 
the nightmares and the voices have eaten away at her and left her a mess. 
she knew that the monster those people once made her out to be wasn’t who she was, that they made her what she turned into, and that she was innocent. 
she was a bright young girl with a brilliant future ahead of her, but as she got older, the images that plagued her of death and destruction were enough to drive her mad. 
now she’s angry and bitter and doesn’t know when to stop. 
her anger often gets her into trouble. she goes off the deep end and finds herself in trouble real quick. 
often times, it’s when she finds out about parents who are abusing their children. because she was falsely accused of killing children, she takes on a much more protective role now, and will kill parents for being abusive if she finds out. 
she came from a relatively normal family; as normal as one can be in deacon falls.
she never got any help for the persistent nightmares and trauma relating to her past life, though. because, of course, nobody really knew where those things were stemming from or how to help her. so, she never got help. 
she’s kind of hard to talk to. she doesn’t open up very easily. in school, she was always labelled as shy, and stuck with the more social children in hopes that she would open up a little more. she never really did, though. 
she has a strange obsession with teeth. don’t talk about teeth in front of her, you’ll only regret it. just don’t. 
because of this, she works as a dental assistant at the only dentist’s office in town. don’t mind her, she’s just calculating when she might be able to steal teeth from people, and who’s getting teeth pulled when. yes, creepy. 
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fallsbled · 4 years
@horrcrs said: is there something about their personality they want to change? / bar soap or liquid? do they like loofahs? / what’s your muse’s favorite album of all time / favorite artist?
is there something about their personality they want to change? 
sailor would like to be less on all the time. she feels like she’s always performing, and for what? for who? 
bar soap or liquid? do they like loofahs?
sloane prefers a particular bar soap from lush. she’s not a fan of loofahs and prefers a regular ol’ wash cloth. she likes soft things. 
what’s your muse’s favorite album of all time / favorite artist?
acadia is big on the runaways, but more specifically, is a big fan of joan jett. 
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fallsbled · 4 years
@slxshndash​ said:  😪 Name one thing someone could say or do to make your muse cry. //sailor
danny not loving her back.  no, but, for real, i think losing kaylee would actually shatter her. that’s basically sailor’s other half and losing that connection and that relationship would break her heart. she’s felt a few of those shifts the last few weeks and it has made her feel so off. 
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fallsbled · 4 years
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@horrcrs said: 💛 
💛 sloanthony
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fallsbled · 4 years
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@horrcrs said: 👗//fashion sense moodboard 
👗 sloane abrams
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fallsbled · 4 years
horrific headcanons. moodboard meme. unusual headcanons. starters meme. 
accepting for all characters. 
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fallsbled · 4 years
misc. headcanon post — betty marshall 
what would completely break your character?
i think she’s created such a bubble around herself that being attacked would absolutely shatter her. she wants to think she’s safe so badly that anything that threatens that is just going to ruin whatever she’s built up in her mind. 
what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
she remembers being at the park with her mother and just having a good day. it feels insignificant in the way that the day itself was nothing special. but because she only got so much time with her mom, that itself is special. 
did they come from a religious family/culture?
her father was religious, but not in a going-to-church-every-sunday kind of way. it was more of a you’ll-believe-this-and-that’s-just-that kind of thing. so, she went along with it. if she was asked, she was a good christian girl. she wasn’t very religious, though. spiritual, but not religious. 
how does your muse show affection?
she’s very touchy. she always wants to be touching the person that she’s with. physical touch is definitely her love language. it’s the easiest way for her to show affection and her favorite way for her to receive it, too. 
does your muse have nightmares? if so, how often?
she doesn’t have them often, but every few months, she’ll have a flashback sort of nightmare that sorta reveals things about her past life. she doesn’t quite get what they mean, but she knows that they scare the shit out of her and feel like fresh wounds. 
what are their favorite activities for when it’s cold/snowy out?
she used to love going sledding with her mom, so that’s always a fun activity that she likes to do once it’s started to really snow and stick to the ground. she likes to do it to keep her mom’s memory alive. 
what is the longest your muse has gone without sleep?
about a day and a half while she was in college. trying to get work done for an exam, she just didn’t have enough time and couldn’t get to sleep until she had everything done, so she didn’t go to sleep until everything was done. 
what is their last Instagram picture of?
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fallsbled · 4 years
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fallsbled · 4 years
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VINCENT GRIMORE is 27 YEARS OLD. People say they look like BRANDON FLYNN, but they don’t see it. They were once known as BRAHMS from THE BOY, but now they’re just your average VILLAIN. I’d watch out if I were you, I wouldn’t want to get on anyone’s bad side. You never know what might happen…
grim is the dumbest motherfucker this side of falls state park. he’d deal in front of a cop with no fucks given. dumbass. utter dumbass. deserves a kiss, tho. 
his house is party central, not because he’s good at throwing parties, but because people think that there isn’t anyone living there. 
his house, a dilapidated victorian, sits on the edge of town and is where he does most of his deals. 
he just goes by ‘grim’, and doesn’t make too big a spectacle over the fact that he’s meeting up with people at the grimore estate, which is his home, that he owns. 
he went to school to be a pharmacy technician, but decided he’d just run his own, illegal pharmacy in town. it paid better as it was, and since he didn’t have to make any house payment owning his family’s estate outright, he didn’t really have to make practical choices. 
he’s pretty dependent on the people in his life, though he tries to make it seem like he’s not. he’s so codependent it isn’t even funny. he needs reassurance like he needs air. it’s a holdover from his past life, where he was always used to people taking care of him. 
now, he’s used to people taking care of him, and though he’s more needy when it comes to emotion, there are times when he’ll show up to his friends homes hoping they’ll feed him or let him crash. after all, his house is a bit of a wreck, and the party goers that end up there are only making it worse. 
we don’t acknowledge the sequel in this house. 
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fallsbled · 4 years
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DANIELLE CAMPBELL as olivia moon on tell me a story ( 2x01 )
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fallsbled · 4 years
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 ❝  i  heard  someone  found  a  body  in  the  wax  museum.  did  you  hear  about  that?  ❞  she  asks,  finger  twirling  a  strand  of  hair  as  she  speaks.  for  once,  she'd  been  paying  attention  to  the  town's  group  chat,  the  bulletin.  ❝  i  guess  i  shouldn't  be  shocked.  it's  par  for  the  course.  ❞ // OPEN ! 
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fallsbled · 4 years
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resurrection task 002: angel noel ↳ harley quinn
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fallsbled · 4 years
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resurrection task 002: buffy bramford, matching with @thiinktheo ↳ rapunzel
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fallsbled · 4 years
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resurrection task 002: sloane abrams – joint costume
elizabeth swan and will turner, matching with anthony @horrcrs
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fallsbled · 4 years
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resurrection task 002: kyndal eisley ↳ flapper
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fallsbled · 4 years
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@shannonkook: A penny for your thoughts" @rosechloe4 #ChloeRose
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fallsbled · 4 years
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scream s3e05 — blindspots
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