falseyellowblack · 8 months
.... --- .-.. -.. / --- -. / - .. --. .... - / - --- / - .... .. ... / - .. -- . --..-- / - .... .. ... / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . / .----. -.-. .- ..- ... . / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / . .-. .- ... . -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .-- . .-. . / -... --- .-. -. / .. -. ... .. -.. . / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .... . .- -..
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
ibnz hyl nvpun tpzzpun
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
7 shift.
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
- audio transcript.
H: yknow, beatrice wasnt like that when she was a lil kid. she was quiet, lonely. not the bubbly girl i see now.
sorry, thats not true. a few months before the..... fire.... she became real happy. i remember she told me about someone she met in the woods by her home. she called them her new friend. i never saw them myself, my own family made sure i never went near those woods, since on the otherside was that industrial plant, with those humans that hate bugs.
once, when my family n i was visiting the tingers, i looked outside n beatrice was talking to the woods. i think i saw yellow eyes.
but after the fire .... she was different. my family took her in, she stayed in my room. it might have been the shock, but the way she acted.... it was like she didnt know how to be her? if you know wha i mean? i saw her starin in the mirror alot, as if studying herself. i wish that fire never happened. i miss the old her. she changed after all that.
- end transcript.
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
Tumblr media
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
three were found.
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falseyellowblack · 8 months
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