falynbova-blog · 4 years
Quick note: Super excited for dis and I think it's gonna be great lol also they're in their 4th year :)
Summary: So Professor McGonagall has a daughter Madelaine Mcgonagall and she's best friends with the Golden Trio and all them. She then also ends up falling for Draco and they secretly date. K thanks mates.
Madelaine was beyond thrilled to be going to hogwarts. It's not that she hasn't seen her friends because she hung out with them all summer. She was just ready to goof off with her mates and be back at hogwarts. As long as her mum didn't scold her.
As much as Madelaine loved hogwarts it did have it's down sides. For example her mother "Professer Mcgonagall" embarrassing her every chance she got. To go ass far as giving her pads in front of the entire class!
Madelaine rolled her eyes and huffed at the memory. She then continued pushing her cart along side the other weasleys. They kind of had arrangement with Mr. and Ms. Weasley that she spent a week with them before school and then went to 9 3/4 with them. Her and Ron didn't mind considering she and Ron had been best friends since they were six.
"I can't wait to see hermione and everyone ron sighed. "Madelaine looked at him weirdly." We saw Hermione and Harrytwo days ago" she said confused. Ron turned crimson stuttered out "right". Madelaine wiggled her eyes suggestively and made a hm sound. Ron was now bright red and tried his best to ignore her. He just rolled his eyes and ran through the brick wall and Madelaine followed quickly behind him.
She smiled at sight of the train. She then squeeled at the sight of her friend Nevil Longbottom. Madelaine had a way with people that no one understood. People seemed to gravitate towards her and she made people instantly happy. Surprisingly she wasn't a hufflepuff but a Gryffindor. She sprinted and catapulted herself into Nevils arms. He lifted her tiny frame easily considering she was only 5'1 and petite. He grinned. "Hey mate!" She said excited. "Hey mads." He said with a chuckle.
Then Ron caught up. "Ron looked it's Nevil!" Said Madelaine. He smiled. "Hey mate" said Ron. They then did that weird guy hug thing. The there chatted till his grandma called him. "See you on the train he" he yelled. "See ya" she replied.
Madelaine soon spotted Harry and ran over Ron following. The three greeted each other Madelaine giving big hugs. Hermione spotted them and made there way over Madelaine and Hermione shrieking and hugging. Ron rolled his eyes. "You two saw each other two days ago" he said. Madelaine just shrugged. "Haters gonna hate" she giggled.
She hugged goodbye to Mr. and Ms. Weasley and then she, ron,harry,and Hermione looking for an empty compartment. They passed Malfoys and crabbe and goyle started cat calling Madelaine and blaise laughing his ass off while Draco just smirked. She blushed and then flipped then off while yelling fuck off you bloody perverts. Both harry and Ron where fuming ready to throw punches.
Madelaine quickly interrupted with a empty compartment. "Assholes" grumbled ron. "Hey it's fine" said Madelaine. " I can handle it"she reassured. " You shouldn't have to' stated harry.
" Guys chill it's over now okay" said Madelaine. The sweats trolly came and they ordered. Madelaine had been sucking on this red long Lolly pop and harry let out a groan of uncomfortableness. "what" she said confused. "Can you just chose a different snack" mumbled ron. "What why?" Said Madelaine "This is my favorite" she frowned confused. " I know why" said Hermione slightly disgusted."why then!" She said annoyed. "You don't wanna know!" They all said at the same time. She frowned and then gave the pop one last lick on the tip ;) and then moved on to a chocolate frog before falling asleep in Hermione.
Okay that was chapter one hope y'all liked it.
There wasn't much romance but this was kind of so you could get to know the character :)
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