familia-supraomnia · 5 years
Extremely Exhausted Starters
“You. Rest. Now.”
“You took five steps and need to sit down again?”
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.”
“I just need to sit-what do you mean I’m already laying down?”
“Your eyes aren’t focusing. Just close them for ten minutes.”
“Write one sentence on this piece of paper, and then I’ll let you up.”
“I just need a breather, that’s all. Maybe ten. No fifteen.”
“We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted.”
“When I said I needed five more minutes I meant it more like hours.”
“… no… I’m tired… let me sleep… I don’t want to get up.”
“We need to get out of the heat, you’re starting to look sick.”
“You can’t hide those shaking hands from me. You need to stop.”
“I’m just a little cold, I’m okay, really. Let me sit with a blanket or something.”
“Moving…? No I’m good thanks.”
“Gravity has a hold on me of which I have not the strength to break.”
“Was… was that actually there? That wasn’t there was it?”
“I’ve had no energy for three days.”
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.”
“Listen I can… I can get up. It’s fine.”
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
“I have energy for exactly one more person of favourable standing, and going the hell to bed. With or without that person, bed is happening.”
“You’ve struggled to move anything for the last hour.”
“This is what happens when you over exert yourself.”
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
“I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
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familia-supraomnia · 5 years
Have a Hug Nonverbal Starters
Send Give/Receive and a hug for one of my muses or for yours! Don’t specify to leave it up to the ask receiver.
A hug from the front.
A hug from behind.
A hug from the side.
A half shoulder hug.
A wrapping hug around the shoulders.
A hug around the waist.
A sleepy hug.
A hug around the head.
A hug into the chest.
A protective hug.
A comforting hug.
A touch starved hug that gets tighter.
A touch starved hug that gets gentler.
A squeezing hug.
A pulling down to rest hug.
A pulling into their lap hug.
A lifting and spinning hug.
A hug to bring them under their chin.
A hug to nestle them into their neck.
A hug to use them as a pillow.
A hug from behind to rest their head on the other’s.
A hug into their back.
A weak and exhausted hug.
A reunion hug.
A good-bye hug.
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familia-supraomnia · 5 years
Send “🗡” to ask my muse about one of their scars.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Scar”)
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
Send me “Skeptical?” + a subject for my muse to give their opinions about it.
- Ghosts - Vampires - Life after death - Aliens - Deities/Religion - Fortune telling - Magic - The occult - Wishes - Werewolves - Demons - Demonic possession - Fairies - Sea monsters - A robot takeover - Curses - Ouija boards - Bigfoot - The end of the world - Psychic powers (like telekinesis) - Alternate dimensions - Omens - Luck - Reincarnation - Mermaids - UFOs - Conspiracy theories - Mind control - Prophecies/predictions  - The sixth sense - Time travel - Necromancy/Resurrection - Heaven/Hell - Haunted houses - Superstitions 
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
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a north doodle that doesn’t really belong anywhere
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
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Rewatched RvB season 10 last weekend. I don’t know if its just me, but I always get the weird vibe that South was just as jealous of Theta getting her brother’s attention as she was of North having Theta in the first place. And this never really made sense to me since she hated being big brothered by North. 
Then I noticed this. Like, North obviously loves and trusts South, but he lets his concern over her safety override actually listening to her. Or Theta is just significantly better at communication than South. Either way, from South’s perspective it must seem like her brother trusts the computer program in his head more than her and that had to boil her blood.
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
Of course he does! They're simply very light. And he has a soul patch, too!
i love north but he has no fucking eyebrows
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
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Viking traveler’s amulet, based on the Lillbjärs picture stone. The back reads: “Unharmed Go Forth, Unharmed Return, Unharmed Back Home”, Frigga’s blessing to Odin, possibly from Vafþrúðnismál.
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ STEVEN UNIVERSE / SEASON ONE ( 01.01 – 01.10 ) always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
“This can’t be happening! This has to be a dream!”
“Don’t they have laws for this?”
“Ugh, kids these days!”
“We should probably find it before anyone gets hurt.”
“We’ll take care of protecting humanity.”
“I need to practice really hard so I can dance like a tree.”
“So I’m supposed to work really hard and not try at all at the same time?”
“It was funnier last time.”
“Sunset –– my favorite time of day.”
“The sun goes down, and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky.”
“He probably broke it, or lost it, or dropped it in the ocean by now.”
“I almost waffled your face!”
“It’s like a dad museum.”
“I like to think of myself as someone would golf.. eventually.”
“If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hot dogs.”
“Did you order a load of bread with a stamp on it?”
“It’s a novelty backpack shaped like a cheeseburger.”
“You’ve really got to take this seriously!”
“I just want everyone to know my plan also would have worked.”
“It’s not too late to save this piece of history.”
“You handled everything great under pressure.”
“That thing’s too good for me to eat alone.”
“It’s not healthy, but it’s in a stack, so I guess you could say it’s a balanced breakfast.”
“She organized everything, isn’t it awful?”
“You’re completely missing the point of this.”
“I guess I dreamed too big.”
“Have you seen my pants?”
“We used to go everywhere together.”
“I wear the pants in this relationship.”
“Just go make people eat fries.”
“Let’s go be kids!”
“This used to make me so happy, but now it’s just giving me whiplash.”
“I protect humanity from magic and monsters and stuff.”
“You work away your life, and what does it get you?”
“You’re a tough kid for putting up with it as long as you did.”
“As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he’d crack.”
“As greasy in death as he was in life.”
“I’m not sure what that is, but I like it.”
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
“Is that a thing you can do now?”
“It’ll be over sooner if you just give him what he wants.”
“[Name], I blame you for this.”
“I’m an adorable cat monster.”
“Always listen to me, and never listen to [name].”
“It’ll mess up my funky flow.”
“Quit being a jerk and help.”
“That’s what happens when you hang out at the beach and don’t swim and don’t have friends. You look at boats.”
“Tons of horrible accidents happen here every day.”
“Whatever it is, you probably shouldn’t touch it.”
“I carried you while you took a nap.”
“How could you possibly think that was a good idea?”
“I’m not going to say anything, but I expect you to know that that was wrong.”
“What a gross misuse of safety equipment and your tax dollars.”
“Am I the cruelest creature on the planet?”
“You can’t let anyone make you feel like garbage.”
“He’s awful because he hurt me specifically.”
“I can’t believe you’ve been sneaking off to this circus of violence.”
“This is how you’re supposed to act in the desert.”
“There’s nothing out here that can harm you.”
“Ohh, you just wanted attention.”
“Get your hands out of that thing’s mouth.”
“I feel like you really get me.”
“It’s probably some kid trying to sell me lava insurance.”
“You came all this way to see lil ole me?”
“All you gotta do is catch it in your mouth.”
“Sorry for using the same pun twice.”
“I had to eat a whole pizza by myself!”
“Did all of that mean nothing to you?”
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
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theta pl ease. you’ll make your father cry
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
I’m sick of stuff where it’s just South being annoyingly aggressive or a perpetual victim of her brother’s protectiveness and North being freakishly protective or a perpetual victim of her aggression, you think the twins who left a ship together piggy-back style and told each other they were watching each others’ backs as they were going awol never got along or had good memories
Dakota twins getting along growing up headcanons:
North defending South when she gets in trouble for being mad about something
South being the first one to start making friends of her own and still being there for her brother when he’s by himself more
Both of them making excuses for each other when some chore or homework assignment isn’t done yet
South rolling her eyes when someone asks if they have twin telepathy and North going “Absolutely, right now she’s thinking about *insert obviously stupid thing here*”
Having the same taste in movies and watching them together all the time
North having to take piano lessons and South laughing at him until their parents tell her hers start next week
North letting her have the first piece of birthday cake if he gets to blow out the candles 
Trading lunch boxes because they were presents and their grandma KNOWS South is the one who likes superheroes and North is the one who likes Disney princesses but guess which ones they got
Them ending up on the same team in their co-ed gym class and dominating everything
South going to almost all his games and insisting it’s just so she can check out the cheerleaders even though she shows up to his wrestling matches too
North going to almost all of her games and swim meets and embarrassing the crap out of her by cheering as loud as any parent
One of them going to the other and saying they don’t think they’re exactly straight only to be met with “me too”
Talking to each other about it and figuring out what they think they are together
Complaining about the same relatives at family reunions with North making excuses for them, to try and stay positive, and South only complaining more 
South appreciating that he’s trying to make things feel less sucky and North appreciating that she’s being an outlet for both of them
Both of them understanding that’s just how their system works
Shared driving lessons
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
If someone asks about the scariest freelancers, well, North never really comes to mind. South, maybe, with her hair-trigger temper and sharp tongue, or Tex and her unholy combat skills, or Florida, who’s just plain creepy. But North, for all that he’s a mean sniper and an intense sparring opponent, usually gets ranked with Wash and CT when it comes to threat level. He’s North, after all - quiet, steadfast, unassuming North.
There’s four of them in the locker room that day, just out of a sparring match - York, North, Wash, and Wyoming. York and Wash were partnered up, which meant North and Wyoming had to work together, and therefore handicapped from the start.
(If York didn’t know better, he’d think the Director and the Counselor weren’t doing this on purpose.)
Keep reading
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
i know we joke a lot about that time north shot a guy in half from his dick to his neck for absolutely no reason other than it looked cool but also consider the use of the dome shield at long shore. this is something he’s fucking thought about before. he has planned this move out in advance. he is probably excited as shit to finally have encountered a situation in which this tactic might actually be doable. ol team dad northy, designated AI babysitter and freelancer curfew enforcer, has probably got a 300-page playbook of horrific and showy ways to kill people. he probably grades them by style points. he probably mutters mortal kombat one-liners to himself while executing them. who placed this man in charge of the psyche of a nine year old? he’s terrifying
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
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“…nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those who have died the glorious death.” – viking prayer for the dead
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
The reason behind North’s intense dislike of snakes is as follows:
Growing up a second-generation Icelandic immigrant, North and his sister South were raised on the old Norse mythology and Icelandic legends.
Pretty much every myth or legend in Norse and Icelandic history equates snakes with evil.
Prime Example: Jörmungandr, the Great Beast, the Midgard Serpent whose body encircles the entire world from beneath the ocean and is destined to play a large part in Ragnarock.
Imagine being a tiny little kid, just barely old enough to have started forming those lasting memories, hearing about this giant fricking snake that’s going to devour the world.
Yeah. You’re gonna be scared of snakes after that.
Unless you’re South. In which case she loves the things.
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
Sometimes, I kind of have to wonder…
Am I, like, the only person who headcanons North as completely Asexual and Aromantic? Like…he doesn’t give a frick. I can only see him as someone whose only emotional attachment to people is either on the sibling level or the parental level. Is it just me? I feel like everyone else is on the Nork/Norkington/North-whoever train and I’m just sitting over here on my little lever-cart going “hi im here.”
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familia-supraomnia · 6 years
If I like it enough, it may become muse-canon.
Send me a tattoo you think my muse would have
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