familytais-blog · 8 years
Today's World of Remnant in a nutshell
Qrow: *Yoda voice* War does not make one Great.
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familytais-blog · 8 years
Looks at the calendar.
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“Crap, I think I missed Qrow’s birthday. Oh well... I’ll give him a day late present. It’s getting late, so I’ll do it when I wake up..”
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familytais-blog · 8 years
@softsummerrose reblogged your post “❝ how am i supposed to feel? ❞”
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“Summer! ...Summer, no.” 
Now it was done. It... it was strange. Taiyang felt no one was at fault for this. Putting himself in Summer’s shoes? This probably just made her feel like (no pun intended) the silver medal (okay, pun a little intended). But he couldn’t just not love Raven. He didn’t control it.
“Every time you need to ‘take a walk’ it’s because you’re sad. Please... we can talk this out.” 
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familytais-blog · 8 years
xingzhe-sun replied to your post “My URL”
she's much hotter ;)
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“Hey if you’re trying to make me mad? ‘s not workin’. Yang can handle herself. Haha- if... if you want to play roulette with how she’ll react to you talking about this? That’s up to you. Maybe you’ll get a hug and a kiss. Maybe you’ll get a smack in the face. Literally roulette.” 
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familytais-blog · 8 years
      Qrow could only chuckle in response to his friend’s quip, Tai had his flaws, and he might not have been him, but he certainly had enough wits on him yet. It was an age old concern of theirs—Tai’s mainly; the drinking. Suffice to say, Qrow’s really dipped into the pond o’ alcoholism these recent years, to the point that it sometimes baffles the mind that he’s able to maintain his lot in life. That is, of course, not without a few cases and simply misfortunate incidents.
      Yeah, misfortunate alright.
      Anyways, Qrow can only continue to follow Tai into the house. As usual, this place is damned nice and toasty. Just like him to care so much for the house, and of course his family that lived inside it: which, as of present, extended to only Tai, the firstborn Yang, and their dog Zwei. Though she should be here, Qrow was well aware ( and Tai too ) that Ruby’s gone shadowing trails all the way to Haven Academy. Eager little pipsqueak… She’s got some good friends with her, but he can only hurry after and hope that she—they’ll stay safe on their journey. Try as they might.
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     “ So, beef stew’s what’s on the menu? ”
      The silence that had been is broken by Qrow finally speaking, albeit rhetorically. The smell of the stew, fresh and hot, was impossible to mistake—not especially as he stood at the kitchen’s entryway with Tai. Thumb tucking into one of his pants pockets, Qrow tries to push aside the itch he’s feeling in that throat of his. Real bothersome itch, brought about by the cold of all things.
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“And some sides. I also went out of the way to make some drinks for all of us, so if you pull that flask out, it will be the first time you’ve legitimately insulted me and it hurt.”
Taiyang felt like he just needed one more jab at Qrow for good measure. After all, he was feeding him, so it was evident he didn’t hate him. He was still allowed to visit and see the girls after all.
He called Yang downstairs, half-expecting her not to come down. He may very well just have to bring her plate up there... again... For now he’d do it, though. She had good reason to feel sorry for herself, as much as Tai didn’t want to admit it. He remembered himself being in a similar state when Raven left him... and when Summer died.
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familytais-blog · 8 years
❝ how am i supposed to feel? ❞
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“Summer please don’t- Listen. I don’t need to stop lovingRaven to start loving you. You both brought wonderful thingsinto this world with me! Emotions… aren’t a thing I can just turnoff, hon.”
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familytais-blog · 8 years
'jealous' sentence meme
❝ i don't like the way he's/she's looking at you. ❞
❝ i'm starting to think you want him/her, too. ❞
❝ am i crazy? ❞
❝ have i lost ya'? ❞
❝ even thought i know you love me, can't help it. ❞
❝ i turn my chin music up, and i'm puffing my chest. ❞
❝ i'm getting red in the face. ❞
❝ you can call me obsessed. ❞
❝ it's not your fault that they hover. ❞
❝ i mean no disrespect. ❞
❝ it's my right to be hellish. ❞
❝ i still get jealous. ❞
❝ 'cause you're too fucking beautiful. ❞
❝ everybody wants a taste. ❞
❝ everybody wants your sex. ❞
❝ that's why i still get jealous. ❞
❝ i wish you didn't have to post it all. ❞
❝ i wish you'd save a little bit for me. ❞
❝ protective or possessive, yeah. ❞
❝ call it passive or aggressive. ❞
❝ i'm the type to never sweat no chick/guy. ❞
❝ ain't nobody but you got me stressin' this way, you know. ❞
❝ now the struggle's always real. ❞
❝ girls/boys be steppin' in my face. ❞
❝ you're the only one invited. ❞
❝ how am i supposed to feel? ❞
❝ you're the only one invited. ❞
❝ i said there's no one else for you. ❞
❝ 'cause you know i get excited when you get jealous, too. ❞
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familytais-blog · 8 years
Send me a URL and My Muse will talk about and say some positive things about that Muse.
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“Some people say ‘good intentions carve the path to Hell’. But,Sun? Your good attitude and pure actions sure must help yousleep at night. You’re a good kid.”
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familytais-blog · 8 years
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Oops. Nearly. Smirk subsiding she crossed her arms in front of her face to block the incoming fists. 
“Where d’you think I got it from?”
Fighting technique wasn’t all she’d picked up from him, after all.
But the round-house kick cut her taunting short, too late to duck, throwing her off balance skidding backwards in the dirt. Damn. She should have seen that one coming. But her mind was elsewhere; with a grumble of annoyance Yang narrowed her eyes and launched into a flurry of punches, no less predictable than before. 
Tai dodged and weaved left and right. Sure, she had power behind her swings, but this wasn’t a street fight. Just because she could knock the heads of some dumb street-cronies didn’t mean she was ready to rid Remnant of evil.
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Tai grabbed one of her arms during a punch (albeit, sliding back and making a visible line in the dirt due to Yang’s sheer force, then grabbing the next punch and twisting both arms, flipping her to the ground. In the condescending way she hated, he put both hands on his hips and looked down to her once more.
“You asleep down there? If this is how you’re gonna knock out the bad guys, you really will be taking a nap in that dirt.”
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familytais-blog · 8 years
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After entering, Sun politely settled himself into a chair. 
    Of course, the monkey faunus wasn’t exactly suited to sit like a human on a chair–                                                                  his tail didn’t exactly make it comfortable. Sun Wukong squatted on top of the chair, 
  “ Bananas are fine ! ” His toned softened as he continued,                                                                                                          " So – is she… alright? “ Sun’s hand extended to scratch his hair as he stared at Tai,                                                            eyes felt the man’s pain. Yang’s recovery must be extremely rough on her father,                                                               and he can only hope Tai’s not severely affected by it.
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“Heh, she... she’ll be fine. She’s tough, but she’s not used to losing this badly, y’know? It’ll take some adjusting definitely.”
The worst part was, he couldn’t even relate to her. Then again, maybe he could? After all, they’ve both arguable lost a part of themselves once before. A part of themselves they’ll never, ever get back.
But Taiyang figured some positivism was in order. After all, she has that new arm and will be wiser for the experience. Pain was a cruel but efficient teacher in the world of combat.
“Heads up!”
And with that, Tai tossed the banana to Sun.
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familytais-blog · 8 years
Send me a URL and My Muse will talk about and say some positive things about that Muse.
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familytais-blog · 8 years
I should PROBABLY get on those drafts.
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familytais-blog · 8 years
' hey dad !! need any help in the garden today ? '
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“Do I need help? No. Can you help? Go ahead if you’rein the mood. I need to pull some weeds.”
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familytais-blog · 8 years
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Have faith, other me. If it worked on Raven, it’ll work on anyone.
We’ll put on the music, dance in front of her evil lair, and have a rose in our mouth. She’ll either die laughing or fall in love. It CAN’T go wrong. For us, anyway...
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Are you joking? Our cute innocence is the perfect contrast to her blatant evilness. It’s the perfect crime… I mean match.
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This is true, but you have to remember, our cute charm doesn’t work on everyone – who knows if that woman would like it — but we have to work our way up to her. Just can’t go straight to her. 
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familytais-blog · 8 years
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Are you joking? Our cute innocence is the perfect contrast to her blatant evilness. It’s the perfect crime... I mean match.
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We are not powerful enough to take on Salem alone, brother. We must do what we do best: seduce and marry her so she either leaves Remnant forever or dies of random chance.
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I don’t know if she is into a dork like yourself, but we can try are hardest or be killed trying. 
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familytais-blog · 8 years
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We are not powerful enough to take on Salem alone, brother. We must do what we do best: seduce and marry her so she either leaves Remnant forever or dies of random chance.
vecchiafiamma replied to your post: I just got followed by, like, three Cinders and I…
bless twin.
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And with my twin here doubling the luck I’d keep months, days, and weeks away too tbh
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I’m almost hurt.  but it might be true 
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familytais-blog · 8 years
vecchiafiamma replied to your post: I just got followed by, like, three Cinders and I...
bless twin.
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And with my twin here doubling the luck I’d keep months, days, and weeks away too tbh
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