fan-randomness-mess · 5 hours
I feel like between the Feanorians, the Gondolindrim, and the Iathrim, Elrond must've been like, one of the best guarded people in Middle-Earth. There's always some 8000+ year old elf (who probably committed multiple crimes in the First Age, and who would have faded several centuries ago except for sheer stubbornness) looming over his shoulder. Are they armed? Probably. Are they willing to shank someone for threatening Elrond? Absolutely.
He's told them, multiple times, that Rivendell is a peaceful realm, and that them standing around menacingly and making vaguely threatening gestures is kind of messing with the vibes. They always smile, and nod, and then go back to exactly what they were doing before.
(Emotionally, most of them still see Elrond as the determined, plucky War-of-Wrath era teenager he hasn't been for millennia now, so while they respect him and care about him, they don't always actually listen to him)
(Elrod sics Bilbo on them)
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 days
See one of my favorite Rivendell headcanons is that even though it's a wonderful, peaceful sanctuary, pretty much everyone there could be incredibly dangerous if they wanted to be. Like, let's think about who lives in that valley.
Elrond Peredhel, resident healer and eldritch crime against nature, self-explanatory
Glorfindel, slayer of balrogs, self-explanatory
Erestor, probably Feanorian, definitely dangerous
Old Feanorian diehards, all of whom are probably looking for an excuse to commit morally justified violence
Old Gondolindrim/Iathrim, who, despite what they might tell you, are exactly as dangerous as the Feanorians
Garthaglir the Library Orc, who absolutely remembers how to use the giant battleaxe he keeps behind his desk
A strange, shadowy figure roaming the valley who I'm *sure* isn't Maglor Feanorian, but who is nonetheless a terrifying singer
Elladan and Elrohir, who have spent the last several centuries becoming nightmare fuel for Sauron's forces
Arwen, eldritch, bites
Bilbo Baggins, not to be underestimated, can defeat a grown man with nothing more than his scathingly polite commentary
Dunedain visitors, vaguely feral, highly trained
Aragorn, very feral, highly trained
Lindir, not actually dangerous, but if you upset him you are going to have problems with everyone else on this list
I actually really like the idea that a lot of the people who live in Rivendell are inherently kind of dangerous, because it means that they're actively choosing peace and kindness for themselves and I love that.
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fan-randomness-mess · 8 months
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Are you disappointed that I’m not a murderer? I mean, a little.
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fan-randomness-mess · 8 months
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what is she?
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fan-randomness-mess · 10 months
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
And I have sooooo much analysis to write surrounding this concept and how the played it out.
So I know they keep calling Loki the god of mischief but the whole arc of the show is all about him being the god of chaos.
Like the show in S1 starts out with him talking about his attempts at ruling as a desperate attempt at control (because his life feels chaotic and out of control). His little smile when everyone is screaming and running around isn’t because he enjoys hurting people, it’s because of the chaos. A little chaos is fun, it’s his thing - but Loki is surrounded by it constantly and he knows it can be damaging. Chaos is neither purely good nor purely bad. Everything Loki does is whatever causes the maximum amount of chaos at any given time. Of course there are tons of Loki variants and they can’t agree on anything. Of course Loki is gender-fluid and bisexual. Of course Loki gets drunk and starts a bar fight during the apocalypse. (Calling Loki hedonistic in the same episode that he comes out as bi always irked me - in addition to the biphobia, I think the real reason he messed up the plan is because that was the most chaotic thing Loki could do in that moment.) This principle of maximum chaos continues throughout the series - Loki and Sylvie’s romance causing a nexus event, all of the wacky variants at the end of the universe, Loki time slipping out of control so even the order of time is thrown into chaos. Even visually in the way the scenes are shot, you can watch the chaos literally following Loki around - it’s especially clear in the TVA where everything is otherwise so ordered.
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Loki’s role as the god of chaos is also why he is the one to protect free will and save all the timelines. What’s more chaotic than an infinitely branching multiverse? It’s such a beautiful character arc, but it’s also why Loki turns out to be so fucking powerful. Chaos is central to physics - it is a fundamental part of what makes the universe run. Thunder and lightning are loud and flashy but without chaos the universe literally can’t exist in its current form. When Loki figures out the crucial role of chaos in the multiverse he is able to become the god he needs to be and be the ultimate complex hero we all deserve.
*Chef’s kiss*
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
Loki may come back, but...
Yeah, so.... With God of stories Loki on the throne, we open the door to endless multiverses, infinite Loki variants to visit and play with. So yeah, there's a good chance we see Loki again, but it's quite likely it won't be THIS variant of Loki.
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
Marvel give me my “Loki Will Return” screen right now and nobody gets hurt
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
The difference between He-Who-Remains who kept his power in his hands as something to toy with, and Loki who crowns himself with the burden of it.
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.”
Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad (via discworldquotes)
Since this is going around again.
Which Discworld characters are popularly portrayed as black, given that this quote implies black people exist on the Discworld? Do people think of black Discworld characters when they use this quote?
Which Discworld characters are popularly portrayed as any kind of PoC at all?
And of the few who are pretty much confirmed to be PoC (who are not necessarily black), how many are routinely whitewashed in fandom?
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fan-randomness-mess · 11 months
I swear people need to write more fics about David Krumholtz's characters. There's a decent amount of Bernard fics, but Charlie Eppes??? I haven't seen Numb3rs yet, but just from what I've seen of him from the show he's like an amazing character and I love him already. But like no one writes about him! I need someone to write something about him or I'm gonna explode
(Either that or I'll write something, but probably not)
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Dude, can I move in with you??!!!
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Gonna get myself a fun little surprise I guess
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@kurtssingh thank you! They're wonderful! (And join otter-wan in the star wars plushie madness)
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Now I would appreciate a fic where Anakin Skywalker just kills Palpatine on accident. I was watching revenge of the sith and through the whole sequence of Obi-wan and Anakin saving Palpatine from the ship I was thinking: “Anakin is waving his damn sabre EVERYWHERE it’s a miracle he hasn’t hit something on accident” and then bam: idea.
In Anakin’s defence there’s a LOT going on so like it’s not his FAULT that he wasn’t looking where he was slicing and the next thing he knows Palpatine’s head is no longer on his shoulders but rolling down some flight of stairs and Anakin just sort of,, pees himself a little.
“Oh. Shit.”
A whole mile away Mace Windu is sitting in his quarters and suddenly the migraine in the back of his head disappears and he’s like “whoa.” And then jokingly is like “who had to be sacrificed for that damn ache to finally go away.” Turns out!
Obi-wan, through a holo-call, (with Anakin skywalker furiously sobbing and heaving through snot and coughs in the background): hey so, we should look into getting Skywalker some ADHD medication.
The Jedi council: why? What has happened?
Obi-Wan: just a little loss of focus, it happens to the best of us.
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“its a metaphor for capitalism”
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Started watching the Marineford arc.
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