fancycollectordaze · 4 years
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fancycollectordaze · 4 years
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fancycollectordaze · 4 years
Do we really need someone to be happy?
Do we really need someone to be happy? No, We can be happy by ourselves.  You must love yourself if you wanna be happy.
Let’s face it, we all want to be happy.
If you didn’t want to be happy you wouldn’t be reading this.
You talk about how you want to be happy, but you don’t ever seem to do anything about it.
If you want to be happy you don’t need to add more things to our life — you need to give some up.
Here is a list of things that you need to give up to create more happiness in your life.
Give Up On Your Past
“Just because someone screwed up your past, it doesn’t mean you should give them permission to screw up your future.” — Zig Ziglar
Give Up On Living Other People’s Dreams
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain
Give Up On Your Fears
“Where fear is, happiness is not.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“Aversion to happiness, also called cherophobia or fear of happiness, is an attitude towards happiness in which individuals may deliberately avoid experiences that invoke positive emotions or happiness.”
So, fear becomes a problem if it is keeping you from being happy.
To overcome the cherophobia, you need to start by taking small steps to reduce your fear.
Let yourself feel happy when you have accomplished a difficult task.
Learn to enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset.
Enjoy being present with your friends and family.
Once you start being happy with the little things in life, you will see that you have nothing to fear, and you will allow yourself more happiness.
Give Up On Your Negative Self-talk
“Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one you feed it more will rule over the other.” ― Oscar Bimpong
Negative self-talk leads to poor self-confidence, low self-esteem, and a bad attitude.
“Never give a negative thought an inch or it will take a mile.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
Give Up On Seeking The Approval Of Others
An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it. People are naturally drawn like magnets to those who know who they are and cannot be shaken!
If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing [no one], sometimes not even yourself.
Instead, focus on what makes you happy.
The second that you decide to be yourself, and to stop trying to please others, you will find that the right people will be drawn to you.
Give Up Comparing Yourself To Others
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
There will always be someone smarter, better looking, and more successful than you.
You can never win.
So quit comparing yourself to others.
It will not make you happy.
Instead, focus on you.
Your strengths…
The things that make you an awesome individual.
The day you stop comparing yourself to others is the day that you will become much happier.
Give Up Negative People
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” ― Joel Osteen
If you spend your time with negative and unhappy people you will become negative and unhappy.
If you spend your time with positive and happy people, you have a higher probability of becoming positive and happy.
Happy people know that who they surround themselves with can mean the difference between a happy life and a miserable one.
Stop wasting your time with negative and unhappy people.
Get rid of them.
It may be difficult in the beginning, but you will be happy that you did.
Last but not the least-
Happiness is a choice.
You are in control of your happiness.
Every day you get to choose to be happy or not.
Quit making excuses.
Quit blaming others.
Quit blaming your circumstances.
It’s time to take responsibility for your own happiness.
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fancycollectordaze · 4 years
Prepare for the best Ready for the worst
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