OOC: Morning everyone!!!!! :D
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M!As in the Language of Flowers/ List From A to Z
Asphodel: Muse is filled regret for the absence of another, especially those who have passed away. They are filled with memories of nostalgia and sorrow for things left unsaid or time not spent with this person. Lasts 3 hours.
Baby's Breath: Muse obsesses over domestic affairs including marriage and pregnancy, or building a family. This may also be based around the muse's current love interest or possible love interests. If your character is male, they act more affectionate toward their loved one. Lasts 3 hours.
Cardamine: Muse is reminded of the mistakes of his father (mother or other parental figure) and is forced to reconcile these hurts. This may lead the muse to seek out their parent and actively mend their relationship, or it could simply be demonstrated through acceptance in some other way. Lasts 3 hours.
Daisy: The muse is filled with innocence and childish energy. They are happier, take things at face value, less likely to hold grudges, and their outlook on the world becomes lighter during this time. Everything is processed with the optimism of a child. This will not make the muse any less intelligent, but more likely to accept things without hesitance. Lasts 8 hours.
Eglantine: Muse is inspired by the Muses. (Isn't that confusing?) The muse finds himself suddenly obsessed, or rather, deeply interested in the arts, particularly the classics, including Ballet, the Opera, and Poetry among others. Lasts 3 hours.
Forget-me-not: The Muse is convinced they have found their one true love. Unlike simple infatuation or passion-fueled attachment, they are convinced the character of the mun’s choosing is their fated lover. Lasts 3 hours. (Don’t surprise anybody with this, guys.)
Galega: The muse is less emotional, more rational, and emotionally withdrawn. He is less likely to express emotions of any kind, especially affection. The muse is more inclined to step away from emotional scenes and to analyze both present situations and earlier interactions. They may also reflect on past experiences and discard old, illogical beliefs/convictions. Lasts 5 hours.
Honeysuckle: The muse is more aware of consequences, and what to expect to follow his/her various decisions that he makes in the next several hours. He has a sudden understanding of his fate, mostly for the immediate future, but also to some extent, of the far future. This is achieved through vague premonition or obscure dreams. This lasts 8 hours.
Japonica: The muse is filled with a fiery energy of fae-like mischief. They are inclined to pull pranks and make jokes, which may be insensitive or accidentally destructive. They are more impulsive in their impish impropriety. Lasts 3 hours.
Kingcup: The muse is motivated to pursue power and material wealth. They become more shrewd and willing to take risks to promote themselves in the workplace, using manipulation and other means that they wouldn’t normally use. This can come with both positive and negative consequences. Lasts 3 hours.
Love In A Mist: Muse is filled with general confusion and perplexity. What would normally make sense to him, is generally harder to process, and it takes longer for him/her to understand anything experienced, whether seen, heard, or read. Lasts 5 hours.
Moonflower: Muse experiences emotional instability. This may be exhibited in social fears including abandonment and rejection, or fears of inferiority; of feeling inadequate or not measuring up. This could also be reflected in mood or mental instability if the mun is so inclined. Lasts between 3 to 8 hours, decided by the mun.
Narcissus: Muse is obsessed with himself, his own image, and those who share his appearance. This includes, but is not limited to other roleplayers of the same character and lookalikes of any type, whether RL or OC. Lasts as long as the anon decides.
Orchid: The muse is motivated by a sudden air of maturity. They feel they must cast off the mantle of childhood, replacing naivety and brashness of with experience and restraint. Lasts 5 hours.
Persimmon: The muse is awed by the earth and the spirit of nature. Their conflicts are forgotten, and they find themselves attuned to and drawn to their natural surroundings. Feelings of confinement and paranoia may afflict the muse if they are unable to escape their settings and commune with nature. Lasts 3 hours.
Queen Ann’s Lace: The muse is filled with spiritual purpose. They have become the spokesman for some real or imagined deity and are now charged with the duty of fulfilling this deity’s wishes. The deity can have a worthy cause, or they could be a malevolent force for evil. For the entirety of the M!A they may have conflicting feelings about their new responsibility, but they feel compelled to continue. Lasts 3 hours or longer. The anon can give suggestions for what god the muse pursues.
Rosa Mundi: Muse is feeling particularly vengeful, desiring the punishment of those who have wronged them, whether actual or merely perceived. The muse is willing to go the extra length to see that the transgressor is punished, whether it's above or outside of the law. Lasts 3 hours.
Sweet William: Muse is filled with courage and righteous motivation. They are moved by suffering, and driven to stand up for those who have been wronged. They are also more likely to demonstrate genteel respect to both men and women. Lasts 8 hours.
Tulip: Muse is inspired to make declarations of love to those they have previously kept such romantic feelings from. This may be seen in simple statements of "I love you," from partners who normally do not say it, to full-on confessions. Lasts 3 hours.
Uva Ursi – The Muse is compelled to lie about his inner motivations, even if they are innocent. They feel that they will be judged for their choices, and that they should resort to deception. They may be more likely to sneak out when leaving or answer questions with evasive responses. Any question is subject to this. Lasts 5 hours.
Viburnum: The muse is suddenly scared of neglect, and may become blue or saddened by the absence of others. They may feel neglected if friends do not respond or seem dismissive. Lasts 3 hours or as long as the mun sees fit.
Wolfsbane: The muse has developed a sudden hatred for his compatriots, becoming altogether cynical toward the intentions of others and the general nature of mankind. The muse may experience a sudden loss of morality, or inclination to stray from his former ethical boundaries. He is also more likely to be unmoved by the suffering of others. Lasts 3 hours.
Xique-Xique: The muse is filled with stubborn tenacity. They are able to face any problems that they have avoided due to unresolved fear. While they are not compelled to pursue these, they now have the will to stand up to adversity whether it is presented by others or the self. Lasts 5 hours.
Yew: The muse is feeling particularly guilty, whether due to contrition, true remorse, or fear of punishment and rejection. This lasts for 8 hours.
Zephyr: The muse is filled with expectations, whether expectations of greatness, expectations of good luck, or simply expectations for something happening. They have a good feeling that something great will happen in the near future, and may see a random occurrence as fulfillment of this expectation. Lasts for 8 hours or until something relevant meets this criteria.
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OOC: And there goes my mood again, I just lost the best idea I've ever had that had any chance of being written about my own characters and now I can't remember much other than they were all part of this Avian society and the names of the characters and what kind of birds they were BI I had this idea like 4 yrs ago and now its gone...... -sighs-
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creepypasta-the-fandom replied to your post: OOC: I just rubbed my nose on my blanket and its...
((Oh my god I’m supposed to be over worried not laughing at da W, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE XD))
OOC: I can't really I just can't I had to backspace cause I couldn't find the w on now and kept pressing e and q instead and then after I finally got the w right I kept putting the w everywhere when it didn't belong and help I'm crying again, but because I'm laughing so hard!!!!!!
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OOC: I just rubbed my nose on my blanket and its been runny cause I was kind crying and yeah now its kind of gross..... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW XD
P.S I couldn't find the w and now I can't stop finding it D:
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creepypasta-the-fandom replied to your post: creepypasta-the-fandom replied to your post: ...
((I hope too >x< I get overemotional when my furriends are sad, so I’m still worried :p - and I do dat a lot too, I’m happy I can say at least I know the feeling… *sweatdrop*))
OOC: Ah hun don't worry really, its just everything plus college and trying to find a job when no one wants to hire you and all this emotional crap involving friends and damn I wish I was back in highschool it was never this bad.
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Inbox me your headcanons/ships about me
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((I’m here for everything you may need, you know >-< *hate not being able to help*))
OOC: Its fine really. its just I've got this history of worrying myself until I make myself sick and to top it off there's a long running line of anxiety and depression in my family so really this should blow over completely in the morning. I hope D:
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Scratch that I may just be taking myself a long hiatus I fell really horrible and I've been getting kind of depressed over stuff that's got nothing to do with you guys and everything just kind of hurts. I've just been getting so frustrated that every time I need my friends they aren't speaking to me or are busy with boyfriends/girlfriends and I just can't talk about this with my parents because they want to solve it all, I just want for once to just bitch, complain, and cry and not have to smile and pretend everything's okay just because they said that to me.
I know its going to be fine and I'm going to be okay just let me cry and blurt out my insecure thoughts for once.....
Sorry I just kind of needed to bitch and I don't really have a OC blog. I may not actually take the Hiatus I just need to complain somewhere I guess.....
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Hey, it's me again, the art anon, or whatever. ): I'm sorry you're feeling down. I really hope that it wasn't my last message that offend you, honest! D: If it did, I am so, SO sorry. ASDFGHJ*insert insecurities* I hope you feel better, dear. ): I love you, sweetie.
OOC: Oh no no~ You didn't offend me I'm just a little down right now it been like this for a few nights so its fine~ And I did recieve it I just wasn't sure if I should answer cause I didn't know if you'd see it :D
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OOC: I think I'm going to leave, I'm not really... feeling okay right now, I may be back soon Idk....
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KA: But he's not even cute I mean look at him.
SE: T-T-There's not a thing between us! Except some kisses and a few awkward texts and hugs and........ Oh my god..... there is a thing.
Mun: Hehe~ Doesn't matter my skills would have made you beg for mercy -smacks self in face with frying pan- D: T^T
KA: Ohhhhhhhhh then that’s not him at all, I don’t find him cute in the least bit.
SE: Well duh, and I don’t care if you don’t think that’s cute he keeps making comments about Creepy and me and won’t knock it off!
Mun: Welp now we can relate and maybe I won’t threaten you with my frying pan skills! Whaaaa~
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KA: Ohhhhhhhhh then that's not him at all, I don't find him cute in the least bit.
SE: Well duh, and I don't care if you don't think that's cute he keeps making comments about Creepy and me and won't knock it off!
Mun: Welp now we can relate and maybe I won't threaten you with my frying pan skills! Whaaaa~
KA: I agree Creepymun, so therefore Merlin shouldn’t punch me that’s not very er…. Kawaii?
Arthur actually doesn’t even know what that means.
SE: I think I’m going to hit him anyways.
Mun: -pats Creepy’s back because she has no idea what to do with Merlin and Arthur too-
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KA: I agree Creepymun, so therefore Merlin shouldn't punch me that's not very er.... Kawaii?
Arthur actually doesn't even know what that means.
SE: I think I'm going to hit him anyways.
Mun: -pats Creepy's back because she has no idea what to do with Merlin and Arthur too-
Mun: shoooosh, Arthur, ur da hot one, he’s the kawaii little motherfucker there’s a difference UwU
CF: …*faceaplm; can’t handle own Mun anymore*
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Greek God Themed M!A's (I got bored.)
Aphrodite: My, My, what a pretty thing you are. You’re gorgeous, and people have a hard time resisting you. Unfortunatly all that beauty has a tendancy to go to a person’s head. For (anon chooses) you are irresistible to people who come acrost you, but with each complement given you get more and more full of yourself, and have more of a tendancy to use that irresistibility to get people to do what you want.
Hera: Wedding bells are ringing! You have the oddest compulsion to marry everyone you come across, or at least try. You’re motherly/fatherly instincts also come out and you want to have a family. Lasts for (anon chooses).
Zeus: Crash! Boom! For (anon chooses) The angrier you get the cloudier the sky’s…and you can control where the lightning would strike.
Hermes: You’re a sneaky little thing aren’t you? For (Anon chooses) You are compelled to steal everything you see, and won’t get caught. However, once it wears off, you might find that your sneakiness has disappeared and people are starting to figure out who it was…
Dionysus: Rum, Wine, Scotch, Vodka, give you a drink with alchohol and you WILL drink it! You’re muse is drunk for (Anon chooses) and will act as such. However Dionysus isn’t just the god of wine, he’s got a pretty good reputation as a god of fertility. Any relations you have during this time period as such will result in your partner getting pregnant, regardless of gender or species.
Hades: You aren’t bad, you just have a bad reputation. But for the next (anon chooses) You are able to see dead people, raise the dead, and control them as well. But be careful…Once it wears off you may find them turning on their handler if forced to do your dirty work.
Poseidon: Smell that sea air… For (anon chooses) you control all liquid water, and can understand sea creatures as well.
Apollo: Well aren’t you a star? For (Anon chooses) you are in the spotlight, a big star. You really do love the attention though, and may get a little snobby and self centered as a result. Also, you may only speak in haiku’s.
Artemis: It’s time for the hunt. For (Anon chooses) You are off hunting some wild creature with your trusty bow and arrow. But you must remember to stay chaste, as your maidenhood (Even if male or not virgin still) Is sacred to you. And if you give it up you will turn into an animal and become the huntED instead of the huntER.
Athena: Well aren’t you smart? For (anon chooses) you are a genius and can solve almost any problem thrown at you with brain power. But, it does come with one small side effect: All spiders are out to get you if you come across them, and you are TERRIFIED of them.
Ares: WHO SAYS VIOLENCE NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING?!? Well whoever it was should talk to your fist. You are for some reason angry at everyone you meet and want to start a fight. And when people come across you, they start to feel angry as well. Lasts for (anon chooses)
Demeter: You’ve got quite the green thumb don’t you? For (anon chooses) You control all plant life. However for all this new gardening ability you have, someone dear to you is missing and you’re asking everyone if they’ve seen them. If not found before your ability wears off, they may be stuck there for a while…
Hephaestus: Wow, you’re quite the handiman. You love building and inventing, and are really good at it to boot! If it wasn’t for that face… You are extremely ugly but great at making and fixing things for (Anon chooses)
Persephone: Taken from flower picking you’ve been taken by someone who wants to marry you. You might have a chance of escape if you can hold out, but if anything is eaten during this time you won’t be able to leave and will have to marry your captor. Lasts for (anon chooses)
Hecate: Magic runs through you’re veins, and you are able to cast whatever spell you may choose. But be careful, when this ability wears off people will know EXACTLY what you used your powers for. Lasts for (anon chooses)
Nemesis: You are out for revenge and will do whatever it takes to get it! But be careful, because your revenge may come at a high price… Lasts for (anon chooses)
Nike: You’re such a good luck charm! Whenever you’re around people seem to be experiencing more success than ever! And it makes people want you around all the time. Be careful though, this may result in people fighting over you. After all, everybody loves a winner. Lasts for (anon chooses)
Eros: Love is in the air, and you’re the one spreading it! For the next (anon chooses) You’re a matchmaker and you are compelled to make people fall in love with each other everywhere you can find. But when your power wears off, so does the magic, and they WILL remember who caused it.
Khione: Brrrrr…. It’s cold. You control snow and ice and can make things chilly. But be careful, because each time you use this ability you grow cold inside as well, being crueler and crueler. Lasts for (anon chooses)
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creepypasta-the-fandom replied to your post: ((you know what?)) (¬‿¬)(¬‿¬) ((one for each UwU))
((*fuck he’s hot’ face* JESUS TAKE DA WHEEL *fants*))
SE: He's not really that hot Creepymun he's just....... Arthur.
KA: And someone's jealous because I'm hotter than them~ Its okay Merlin not everyone thinks your just a clumsy plain person after all --
Merlin nearly clocks him over the back of the head.
SE: Say one word about Creepy and you'll be picking your teeth up off the ground.
Mun: -doesn't know how to control them anymore-
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